//------------------------------// // Mindbreaking Up // Story: The Secret of Sheldon Clopper. // by theanonymousbrony //------------------------------// Afterwards, me and my parents had found ourselves at the train station, saying goodbye to Dr. Egghead and my grandparents. Before they got on the train, they each had one last thing to tell me. Dr. Egghead told me, "Remember Sheldon, you're only safe when you're not using your powers in public. So don't forget it." My grandpa told me, "I guess this is goodbye for now, Sheldon Clopper II. We'll be looking forward to our next visit." My grandma then gave me a pie and said, "Sheldon, if you happen to stop by Princess Twilight's castle, be sure to give her this pie and let her know that it's from me." With all that said, me and my parents just waved to them as the train was taking them back to Canterlot. After that little goodbye, my parents went back home while I was delivering grandma's pie to Twilight. As I was walking through the halls, I saw Spike sitting next to a table with a bored expression on his face. But that bored look had soon melted away when he saw me coming. "Hey Sheldon, what's with the pie?" I placed it on the table so that way I was able to take my chalk and write down, "My grandma made this for Twilight." I erased that sentence, "Is she around?" "Oh yeah, she and Flash Sentry are in her study." I then started to hear those same moans and grunts that I heard Tex and Applejack making before. So while those two were in the middle of "foalplay", me and Spike were standing next to the balcony, watching ponies as we ate some of my grandma's pie. After having his fill, Spike tried to bring up a topic, "So...how's your little relationship quest going along?" I then placed my plate away as I took my chalk and wrote on my board, "Not very good." I erased that statement. "It turns out your little flower petal theory was wrong." "Why do ya say that?" "Because the flower petal claimed that she loves me," I erased that sentence. "Yesterday, she made it clear that she wanted nothing to do with me." I erased that one as well. "I guess this is what I should expect from trusting my fate to a plant." "Hey now, you shouldn't let one little setback like that get in the way of being with your one true love. You just gotta...say, isn't that Apple Bloom?" At the mention of her name, I looked over the balcony and I saw her just walking around Ponyville. I soon began to have a sense of dread when I saw Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon approach her. "Hey Blank Flank!" Apple Bloom let out an annoyed sigh as she turned and said, "What is it this time?" Silver was the first to speak. "I like got a bone to pick with you." "Don't tell me, it has somethin' ta do with Sheldon, isn't it?" "You like bet it is, you colt stealing tramp!" "Now hold it right there. I have not been stealin' anypony's colt; if somethin' ain't workin' between you and Sheldon, then that's yer problem, not mine." "Well it's about to be your problem seeing as how he like can never look at me the same way he looks at you." "I told him ta stop wastin' his time over me..." "And clearly you didn't do too much of a good job on it," Diamond interrupted her. "So it looks like we're gonna have to teach you a lesson on staying away from somepony's boyfriend." That's when she pushed Apple Bloom into a pile of mud! As she was trying to wipe the mud out of her eyes, Silver went up to her and told her in a menacing whisper, "The next time you like ever see Sheldon, you better make sure that he's drowning in tears after you break his heart again!" Then Diamond added, "And if Silver and I keep noticing him taking glances at you, or showing any little bit of interest, we're going to keep 'teaching' you until you get it right!" that's when tears started to show on her face. "Aw, is the little Blank Flank gonna cry now?" "Why are you so upset," said Silver, "I thought farm girls like you love to be covered in filth?!" As I was watching those two laugh from a distance, my hate for them was way beyond measure at this point. I turned all my focus on Diamond Tiara, and with all the anger inside of me I could hear that beeping noise slowly get louder. And when the beeping got higher, her laughter soon got lower. What happened first was her placing her hoof on her head as if she was bitten by a bug. When the headache started to get worse, she then had both hooves on her head like she was trying to keep it from tipping over. But when the pain reached it's full maximum, that's when she was spasming on the ground as she let out an excruciating shriek that would've been heard by everypony in all of Equestria! "Diamond, like what's wrong?!" Silver showed her concern. Diamond then painfully said, "I don't...I don't know. All of a sudden I'm feeling this headache and...AHH!!!" as the pain started to get worse, she could hear my inner voice shouting, "Apologize to her!" she was just jerking her head around trying to find out where that voice came from. "Who said that?!" "Diamond, like what are you talking about?" "Didn't you hear that?! AHH!!!" "Apologize now!" As it seem that her brain was getting close to popping like a bubble, she turned to Apple Bloom and cried, "OK, I'm sorry! I'm sorry! Just please stop!" with that said, I made the beeping noise go down and took a quick breather before I went to confront them. While Diamond was slowly recovering from the bashing that her mind had to endure, I was getting closer and closer to them. When Silver Spoon noticed me, she tried to embrace me, but I quickly stopped her in time to write down my rage on my board. "Just who the hay do you two think you are treating her that way?!" "Well Sheldy, she like was trying to take you away from me." Said Silver. "Yeah Sheldon," Diamond added, "we were just looking out for our friend." "You two are not my friends," I erased that sentence. "You two are the most obnoxious, bratty, and despicable little imps that I ever had the misery of knowing!" Diamond was flabbergasted after reading this. "B-but we allowed you to be in our presence, we treated you to fine restaurants, we even befriended you when nopony else would!" "Yeah, we're like all you got." "That's not true. I've had plenty of friends other than you two," I erased that sentence and added. "And they're way better friends than you two will ever be!" "You mean those Blank Flanks?" said Silver. "But they're losers, they got nothing. We have rich dads and Cutie Marks!" Diamond then made her own statement, "And why is it that you're defending Apple Bloom? Haven't you forgotten that she practically crushed your heart into dust?" "I might've been upset when she said those things to me," I erased that sentence. "But at least I wasn't doing anything pathetic, like crying over a picture of her while stuffing my face in ice cream!" After mentioning this, Diamond had a shocked expression on her face as her inner voice was saying, "How does he know that?!" I turned to Silver Spoon and wrote to her, "You're right, she might not be the richest pony around here, but at least she doesn't do anything weird like keep a collection of colt flanks!" Silver was in a mix of shock and nervousness as she said, "Is that a crime? Like I don't think so!" "And since we're still having this conversation, I think now will be a good time to tell you that we're done." "Like what do you mean?!" "You and I are going to stop seeing each other," I erased that sentence. "Although, I never agreed to be your boyfriend to begin with. Which means that this relationship never existed to begin with." Silver was tearing up a little as she said, "Fine, don't be my boyfriend! I never thought you were like cute to begin with!" and then the two just stormed off (possibly going back to their lair where she can cry over me the same way Diamond did for Rumble). After that was all settled, I went over to Apple Bloom and helped her get up from the mud pile. "Are you all right?" "Yeah, it's nothin' too serious; it ain't the first time I've been covered in mud." She went to a fountain and washed all the mud off. After she cleaned herself, I quickly wrote on my board, "Would you like me to walk you home?" She stood there for a while as her inner voice was thinking, "Well, he did stood up fer me, and he is givin' a kind offer." and then the word that came out of her mouth was, "Sure." As I was walking away with her, I looked back and saw Spike giving me--what he refers to as--a thumbs up. Twilight was then standing beside him as she said, "Hey Spike, where did that pie come from?" "Sheldon delivered it for his grandma." "He was here? Well where is he now?" Spike pointed her to my direction. "Why is he walking with Apple Bloom?" "Oh, probably because he might have a bit of a crush on her; and I think he's doing well." As Spike went back inside, Twilight was watching me and Apple Bloom with a smile as she said to herself, "Young love." Back at the clubhouse, the crusaders were playing some kind of card game together. Sweetie Belle said, "Rumble, do you have any eights?" he then grudgingly gave her one of his cards. "Button, do you have any threes?" she got no response. "Button?" she looked over and saw that he was transfixed by his gizmo. The second she tapped him, he was immediately in his whiny state. "No, no! Sweetie Belle! I was so close!" Rumble then said, "Oh just forget about it and get your head in the game." "My head was in the game!" "The card game, not the videogame, dingus! How do you expect you and the others to get your Cutie Marks in poker if you don't play along?!" "You don't even care about gettin' your Cutie Mark. So why would you care?" Pecan pointed out. "Well these are my cards we're playing with, are they not? So I don't see why I shouldn't be allowed to play." "Don't you mean they're your brother's cards that you took without asking?" Sweetie Belle interjected. "Nopony asked you!" "Hey guys, check this out!" Scootaloo shouted. They all crowded each other near a window as they saw Apple Bloom and I walking by. When we came to the clubhouse, Apple Bloom said to me, "Thanks fer walkin' me home." "It's the least I could do." As we were just standing in silence, my feelings for her were starting to come back as I kept gazing at her. Before it could get anymore awkward, I quickly wrote down, "I guess I'll be going now." But as I turned, I was suddenly stopped. "Sheldon wait!" both our faces were suddenly close to each other. "Sheldon, I...I..." as she was trying to finish her sentence, I could hear her inner voice saying, "I might never hear the end of this." Then out of nowhere, she planted a small kiss right on my cheek and ran straight to the clubhouse. As I was walking away, I was feeling this warm sensation all over my body as I thought to myself. I guess the flower petal wasn't wrong after all. Anyway, the second Apple Bloom was inside she was greeted with a lot of playful smirks. "Why are y'all starin' at me like that?" "No reason," said Sweetie, "it's not like it's every day that you get to walk home with your special somepony." The second they started to snicker, Apple Bloom knew right away what they were talking about. "It ain't what y'all think!" "Don't deny it, Apple Bloom," said Scootaloo. "We saw you kiss him." "Well I had ta thank him somehow!" Sweetie then added, "When he was walking with you, were you two holding hooves?" "No we weren't! He was just bein' polite is all." "Why were you even walking with him to begin with?" Rumble asked. "Yeah, we thought you hated him." Button reminded her. "Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon were pickin' on me, and so he came and told them ta leave me alone." Rumble then asked another question, "Did he mention anything about breaking up with her?" "Well he must've written somethin' on his board that said so, seein' as how she was about ta cry." Rumble then shouted, "All right! That means you and Sheldon might have a chance after all!" "Now hold on, I appreciate what Sheldon did fer me, but that doesn't change anythin'. Besides, after the way I treated him yesterday, I'm sure that he only wants ta be friends at this point." "Oh please," said Rumble, "since when does a colt ever want to just be friends with a filly?" "I don't know," said Button. "Why don't you ask Pecan?" "Hey, I can be more than just friends with a girl!" Pecan claimed. Scootaloo put her hoof on his shoulder and said, "Yeah, they mean girls our age, Pecan." "Oh yeah, well I'm gonna prove it!" As everyone was following Pecan outside, Sweetie said to Apple Bloom, "Aren't you coming along?" "No, I think I'll just rest here fer awhile." The second she was alone, she started to contemplate to herself on what's happening. "There's no way he's still interested in me; I practically told him ta stop. Though then again, he wouldn't have come defend me like that if he wasn't interested in me. Oh, what is it that Spike does whenever he has a feeling that Rarity might like him?" when she looked at some flower that was in a vase, she suddenly remembered how the theory went. And so she took the flower and said as she plucked the petals off one by one, "He loves me...he loves me not..."