//------------------------------// // Scorpion and the Frog // Story: Quicksilver // by PredictableOffender //------------------------------// You feel dizzy and your vision is blurry and you can’t make out much other than fuzzy colors and the sun. You stumble around a bit before propping yourself up on a wall, you shake you head and take a few deep breaths. It's going to take a while before you can recover to get a better look on where you are. As your vision returns you can tell you are in the Ponyville streets. You are in the main square, the shops are wrecked and there are signs of a fight with Discord, an assortment of childlike and improperly sized objects strewn about. You can see some impacts of magical blasts and explosives or something like that. You regain your balance and check if Sombra is in you belt and he is. “Thank you for waiting for me Silver. I like to interview new employees before we hire them.” Discord appears in his human form, an old man with wild hair. He summons a stately desk before him and sits at like a manager would. “Great.” The moment you answer a movie camera poofs into existence behind Discord. “Excellent. Firstly what do you want to gain at our fine company?” “A decent payday.” You decide to respond honestly. “Magnificent! Greed is an asset here. Now, secondly I hear you have a criminal record, is this true?” you sigh. “Yes. Burglary, breaking and entering, assault, selling stolen goods, assault with a deadly weapon, speeding, murder, grand theft auto and armed robbery. ” you mentally recount. “Oh and escaping jail and resisting arrest.” “Would you call yourself a good man Silver?” “No.” “Silver we only hire the very worst of men here. Before we can hire you full time we have to test you skills, you will be working with some very experienced co workers.” Discord check his watch. “I need you to subdue Princess Twilight Sparkle for me.” “Its as good as done.” Sombra lights up to confirm. “Ohhh Twilight you are just in time for the performance evaluation of our new employee!” You turn around to see Twilight Running into the town square, she is dressed in her usual librarian outfit but she is roughed up a little. “Discord! What have you done with my friends!” Twilight fires a magical bolt at Discord as a form of greeting, he dodges and floats up into the air and summons the camera to his hands. “Oh no you are not fighting me, he is the one you want to tussle with.” Discord points the camera at you and Twilight takes notice. “Silver what are you doing, His special power is controlling people!” You heed her words but you don’t care, if being manipulated means getting paid you are going to do it. You can always force payment out of him if you need to. “Action!” Discord snaps a clapperboard in front of his camera and tosses it aside. “Silver! Snap out of it!” You draw Sombra and your magic jammer and begin closing the distance between you and Twilight. You feel Sombra take control of your body when you are within meters of Twilight, you let him take control with no resistance. You feel a huge surge of power within your body as you launch your first strike, Twilight barely escapes your swing with her life but you quickly follow up with another attack which she barely avoids. She surrounds your body with a magical force field to capture you, this is the same spell the cops use so you easily counter it and unleash another attack on the princess. “Bravo Silver. Who knew he could attack a friend with such brutality.” You keep slashing at Twilight and keeping her reacting to you, you plan to wear her down then take her down with a non fatal slash. Twilight’s dodges become more planned and less panic as you go on, you swing wide and miss and in this second Twilight uses her magic to summon a sword of her own and swings at you. She hits and cleanly cuts open your free arm at the tricep, it must be very deep because you just lost a ton of movement in that arm. You back off. “Silver I am so sorry but I have to do this to get you back to normal.” “Fuck. You.” things are looking desperate. She must be a better swordsman than Sombra you try to regain control of your body but Sombra Resists and charges Twilght. “Twilight I shall cut you down here!” Sombra screams before lunging at her again. Your body begins attacking her like a wild animal, Twilight is easily blocking and countering. You are avoiding being hit by pure luck so you take partial control and in the next exchange of blades you knee Twilight in the stomach. Your body immediately follows up and nearly removes her head but Twilight counters with a powerful magical blast that sends you flying backwards. You hit the ground and can barely move, you forcefully regain control of your body. You see Twilight slowly but cautiously approaching you with her hand extend as if to help you. You grab the jammer and place in your bad hand. “Silver what happened to you?” she offers you her hand. “I was weak. I was ready to do anything to be with Rarity again.” you take her hand and she helps you to your feet. Your wounds are so bad you have to lean into her to stay on your feet. “It’s okay Silver we can work something out. We can talk to Rarity after this okay.” she embraces you like a mother would embrace her crying child. You refuse to embrace her back, you place your thumb on the activation button of the magical jammer. With you other hand you reach into your jacket and draw your weapon of choice, the firearm feels heavy in your hand but you flip the safety and prepare to fire. Accuracy doesn't matter too much at this range. “Silver I know Rarity still loves you, maybe we can pardon you like Discord was pardoned and we can get you a new life. This time fighting for good not profit.” A wide smile forms across your face and activate the jammer. You fire your gun but your hands are too weak to handle the recoil, the handgun frees itself from your hands and falls to the ground. You feel Twilight tense up and release you and she takes a few steps back, her body shaking. She puts a hand to her gunshot wound and inspects the blood. “Why? Why? Silver you said that... Do you have any idea what you just did!” Twilight's voice is trembling. She tries to use her magic to heal herself but the jammer is keeping her pacified. “Twilight I am a scorpion. It’s in my nature.” ~~~ “Now Rarity do you really want that monster in you house again?” Discord asks Rarity but she is too in shock on what she just saw to answer. The other Girls are also in shock and disbelief at what they just saw. “How can Silver....” Rarity gasps at the TV screen that she had just witnessed Silver shoot her best friend on. “Calm down Rares there is no way I am going to let Twilight die here can I?” Discord hugs Rarity and begins caressing her hair. “How about I go get Twilight and we can have a slumber party! We can talk about boys who broke our hearts or bond over treating bullet wounds!” Discord begins laughing uncontrollably among the group of speechless women. “Silver....” Rarity places her hand to the screen, tears running down her cheek.