//------------------------------// // Hostage Situation // Story: Quicksilver // by PredictableOffender //------------------------------// You head feels hazy and you can’t think straight. You roll onto your back and notice all your injuries are gone, you decide you have to find Discord so you can find out what you have to do next. When you rise to your feet you notice your vision is blurred again, although you can tell you are still in the town square. Your body feels refreshed and vitalized, maybe everything that just happened was a bad dream. However the state of the town square and the sword on your belt tell you the opposite.   You have no orders and no objective of your own so you have no idea on what to do next. You decide to return back to your home, you begin looking around for a car to hijack but there is nothing that isn’t destroyed. You realize that the only trace with of your scuffle with Twilight earlier are the pools and splatters of blood, that mostly belong to you. Maybe you imagined that whole fight and you just got up after the explosion at the liberty.  You notice some movement in your peripheral vision, a shape darts past a window in a nearby window. You draw Sombra. “Sombra is there anyone in that building?” you point Sombra in the direction of the building. “I can detect two magical signatures, average humans.” “Average humans can still use guns we better check them out.” “They seem to be afraid of us I wouldn't waste the effort on them.” “Discord’s mission looks like it is to take all this human magic for himself.” You begin to approach the building. “Have you forgotten your own objective?” “It’s probably better I do.” Sombra goes quiet. You Enter the building but after a search you find nothing in the building of note and Sombra refuses to respond to your requests for further guidance. You decide to not get mad Sombra because two dudes are barely worth the effort. You return to the town square to find Twilight laid down on a bench, she has a letter in her hands. You carefully approach her, she doesn't move so you move up to her and take the letter. There is nothing on the envelope so you open it only for it to blast you with confetti. Besides the prank there is a piece of paper in the in the envelope, you take it out to find a message written in red crayon. “Take her to elm street.” Okay this is a little creepy. You get to your job and pick up Twilight, you feel bandages on her stomach where you shot her. You get a good hold of her and begin walking towards you destination, Twilight doesn’t look like she is gonna wake up any time soon. At this you realize point she is absolutely beautiful, a little frumpy unlike Rarity. You suddenly get a piercing headache like someone had driven a metal spike through your head. You decide you should look where you are going instead of ogling the hostage. You start to feel Twilight’s arms wrap around you, she is holding onto you like you are anyone but Silver Weld/Creek. This reminds of you of your date nights with Rarity when she is traveling for work and you decide to tag along. She would always work herself to death and insist on accompanying her clients to the afterparty or the event itself. She would never have the energy to make back home by herself so you would have to carry her, only difference is that you don’t think Twilight is conscious. You keep catching something darting out of the corner of your eye every now and then, they are too insignificant to warrant further attention. For some reason just when you thought that they start to appear more often and for longer periods of time. You reach your destination before you can formulate a plan of any sort. You feel Twilight hold you tighter when you stop walking, she looks like she is scared of something. You stop to look around, you don’t see anyone around you but you feel eyes on you. Maybe you are just paranoid but you want to just do your job and get your paycheck without any complications. All of the sudden a huge cloud of pink dust appears in front of you, it floats around in a strange ball like formation. Before you can react it explodes in a pink mushroom cloud and the the dust begins falling down like snow. You quickly turn you head towards where the the explosion came from, the first thing you notice is Discord standing there like that gay circus ringmaster you used to take jobs from. You once had to steal animals from the zoo for that damn circus, you also worked as an enforcer for his other criminal activities. Behind Discord is a huge circus style cage with all of Twilights friends, you hear a familiar voice scream out from the background. You turn your head to see Caramel bursting out from behind cover, he doesn’t get far before Discord picks him up with magic and stuffs him in some bizarre pink fluff. The screaming and wiggling mass was thrown on the ground and covered in even more pink fluff. You watch on in apathy as Mac is pulled out of nowhere and given the same treatment. The two are collected into one wriggling mess of pink fluff and placed in front of the cage of concerned looking women. They all look at you in sync with either a look of rage, disappointment or fear. You see Rarity but she looks like she is crying in the corner and actively refusing to look at you, you feel a pain in your chest. Two of the girls approach Rarity, they look they are trying to talk to her but you still hear nothing. You decide to ignore the cage and all the distractions inside it. Discord snaps his fingers and Twilight wakes up, she makes eye contact with you but before she can say anything Discord begins to speak. “Twilight. Twilight. Oh dear it looks like it finally happened, you lost. I want you to say it.” Discord begins to dance. “Come on say it! You lost I won!” “....” your head hurts. “Fine! Maybe you will talk to my new friend?” A huge thunderstorm suddenly brews, the sun gets blotted out and the wind suddenly goes berserk. Lightning begins flashing in the background and a volley of thunder signals Tirek’s arrival. The musclebound minotaur appears in a lightning strike, he is freaky to say the least. Red skin, black fur, a damn beard and a giant pair of horns on his head. The ground shakes when he steps and you can tell from his breathing he is dangerous. “Excellent work Discord. Unfortunately you had to rely on this Human to complete your work.” Tirek blasts you off your feet with a magic force, you tried to evade it but you didn't move. With Twilight still in your arms you rise back to your feet. “Dispose of him.” Crap. To be perfectly honest you deserve this. How many people have you killed? How many lives destroyed livelihoods stolen. You deserve to die based solely on what you did today don’t you? You are pure evil. What a moment, you never felt remorse like this before. “Good idea Tirek, less power to share.” Discord places his hand on your shoulder before being blasted by a purple burst of magic and shot somewhere behind you. “I’m not gonna let you hurt anyone in Equestria!” Twilight shoots another shot at Tirek but he simply staggers backwards from the impact. Another thunderbolt strikes and Tirek lights a great fire around the his cage of prisoners, he uses a magical force to draw Discord to his side. “Oh Tirek my hero! Silver, my employee of the month please drop Twilight so we can get this over with quickly.” You feel an incredible force urging you to drop her but you resist with all your willpower. “Discord control your puppet!” Puppet. You are no puppet. “Silver I am only going to....” before Discord could finish he is struck to the ground by Tireks Mighty hand. “Discord. I can see your power can be put to better use in more competent hands.” You feel Twilight move in your arms and see her try to blast Tirek again. Tirek simply lets the blast hit him, he just shrugs it off and snaps his fingers. The fire around his cage intensifies. “Twilight...” Before he can finish another more power magical blast throws him off his feet and sends him flying backwards, he lands with a mighty thump. At that very moment you feel your mind become clearer than it ever was, you body feels healthy and you are ready for a brawl. You open your mouth to inform Twilight. “Fool! Continue to resist and I will kill your comrades!”  You make a gun with your fingers and point it at Tirek, you give Sombra the ok to start casting. “Silver stop!” you hear Twilight yell out, she begins coughing up blood after she screams. You feel pings of guilt every time you feel her convuse in your arms. She recovers and faces Tirek. “I will give up all my magic if you promise to let them all free.” Tirek smirks and the cage disappears, he even frees Caramel and Mac. You have seen crime bosses do things like this before, you draw Sombra just to be safe. You have barely any time to react before you feel someone jump on you and embrace you as hard as she can. You can even see her but you recognize her touch as Rarity, you turn to face her, you try your best not to look at her. You hand Twilight off to Applejack. She looks at with her stunning azure eyes, even of they are red and framed by running mascara. She buries her face in your chest and begins crying again, you softly wrap your arms around her in return. You make a decision not to say anything because it would ruin the moment. Before Rarity can calm down you notice Tirek behind the group with a massive ball of magical energy aimed right at you. Regretfully you shove Rarity aside and charge Tirek.