Love Needs No Reason

by Evowizard25

Dresses, Darlings~ Dresses!

You know, I love dressing up as much as the next mare. Okay, not ‘as’ much really. I do enjoy going to the spa and getting my mane done on occasion. Not so much as the next noble, but enough to look ‘dazzling’ as some would call me. I know my way around the perfume department and I can be a ‘star’ with make up. Yes, I know well enough how to be a ‘girly’ mare when I’m not fighting someone, usually Chrysalis.

Which reminds me of that time me and her had decided to take that little vacation in the Griffin Kingdom. As it turned out, we had walked into a griffin witch’s store. Chrysalis just couldn’t shut her mouth and went on about the griffin’s stitching. It was horrendous, but I wasn’t going to say anything. Needless to say, the witch wasn’t happy. I spent the better part of that afternoon fighting hordes of clothes. You’d think they’d go down easy, wouldn’t you. Nope, clothes are quite hardy. Perhaps it was the griffin fabric or the magic of the witch that kept them together long enough to give the two of us a challenge.

‘Ugh, I’m trailing off again.’ I hated doing that while on a ‘job’. Silly me. This wasn’t a job anymore. This was a bright success. I never thought I’d see the two get along so well so soon. I was practically shining with joy. Seriously, I was. I am half crystal pony. I glow when I’m happy. Shining likes to use me as a night light. The poor dear is kind of still scared of the dark. My snuggle wuggle needs me. Oh, I hope Chrysalis is taking care of him.

‘She better save the snuggles.’

The feeling of a large sweater smacking into my face reminded me of what I was doing and why I wasn’t one to really get into clothes. There was always one issue that always came up before a first date. What do I wear? Ah, the ever ponderous decision. Should it be modest or eye catching? Temperate or arctic? Oh I could go on and on. While I don’t personally believe it to be a rather ‘big’ point in the dating scheme, dresswear was still important. You had to catch the object of your affection’s attention.

The problem was how ponies and other races often got too fussy about what they were going to wear. Sometimes I can talk them down. Other times are, well, like now. Tearing the sweater off my face, I looked over at my current client/friend.

Discord growled and pulled out a mirror from his closet. Well, I think it’s his closet. The warp never seemed to make much sense. I’m just glad Discord’s house was ‘sane’ enough to deal with. Of course, everything looked upside down, but appliances were on the ‘floor’. The Fluttershy chandelier ticked like a clock as it loomed overhead.

He snapped his fingers and wore what appeared to be yellow and green jumpsuit with a golden helmet with two curved horns atop it. “Tacky.” He snapped his fingers again.

Now he wore a suit and cape I’ve seen vampires wear often. Well, the good ones anyways. He even had white skin to add to the effect. “Overdone.”

Next he wore dark purple armor with large spikes coming out of the shoulder pads. A long cape blew in some non-existent wind. His helmet had two small curved horns on the side and the symbol of chaos was strewn all across it. “Out of date!”

Discord snapped his fingers in frustration and the clothes were gone. He stomped around in anger, causing the house to shake. “What is the point of wearing clothes anyways, Candy?!! The ponies walk around in the nude all the time. Hay, I do it too. Nothing is left to the imagination.”

“It’s tradition in the sense that our society loves to ‘show off’, in a manner of speaking. While we may be a nudist species, we are still inclined to wear clothing on occasion because of that. Well and our ancestors had to wear something during the Harsh Winter. It’s mostly done for fun nowadays really. There’s no ‘logical’ reason to wear them.”

Discord paused. “You’re right,” he grinned. “Doing things with no real reason? Perhaps there is hope for you ponies after all.”

I rolled my eyes. “Oh woe is a society endorsed by one such as you.” I put a hoof to my forehead as I mocked a weary expression.

“Woe indeed,” Discord chuckled and then frowned. “Seriously though, why do ‘I’ of all being have to dress up? Maybe I should go all natural. That would certainly liven things up.”

“Discord,” I gave him a small glare. “This isn’t the time to joke around. Applejack agreed to go out with you. This is a momentous point in your relationship. You have to do this right.”

Discord sighed and pinched the bridge of his snout. “I know, I know. This is all just so new to me.” His tail tapped the floor as he lost himself in thought. His tail stopped and I could hear a little ‘ding’ sound. A little strip of paper rolled out of his ear and he took it. Grinning as he read it to himself, he looked at me. “I just had a marvelous idea. How about I invite Applejack to my place and-”

I smacked him with the sweater. “No. Just no. You’re nowhere near that level right now.”

“What, level two?” Discord quipped.

“No, you’re still on level one.” I smirked.

“That was all just Tutorial?” Discord groaned as I nodded.

I laughed a little. Can’t really blame me for enjoying this. Soon enough, I’d be back in my old life in the Crystal Empire. I probably won’t be able to hang out with Discord any time soon. That was honestly a sad thought. “Don’t be so glum. If you play your cards right, you may get a little kiss~”

Discord grinned. “Oh-ho-ho. I’ll have you know I am the master when it comes to playing cards.” A deck of cards flew from hand to hand. “I practically invented the game.”

“Ah, but this is a new game entirely.” I pointed out. “You’re out of your element here, Discord.” I trotted over to the closet. There was nothing inside. Hay, it was barely big enough to hold that large body mirror he brought out. I closed the door and then reopened it. I grinned as a single suit lay on a ‘Discord’ shaped model. I have no idea how the house read my mind, but I’ll take what I can get. “And I think I’ve found something to help you with that.”

Discord hummed in thought as he stroked his beard. Little notes flew out of his nose in tandem with his strange hums. His tail snapped in a fashion similar to two fingers and the suit appeared on him in a flash.

It was a purple suit with diamond shaped white lines across it. As well, a top hat fit snuggly on his head and a cane in his hand. It was black with a purple gem at the top that held a blood red ‘chaos symbol’. Discord tapped the cane on the ground and the mirror up and walked over to him. He nodded as he took a look at himself. “You have taste, or I just happen to bring the best out of anything.”

“The former,” I whisked my mane back in triumph.

“But we need an educated second opinion,” Discord said, twirling his cane around a finger. “We need somepony who has insanely large amounts of experience with clothes. Somepony that can ‘spice’ up a party. Somepony who is the center of the show and adores it.” He snapped his fingers and teleported the two of us to……..

Fluttershy’s cottage?

“FLUTTERSHY!” Discord pulled out a microphone out of his hat and yelled. “HELP!”

Fluttershy flew downstairs. “What’s wrong?”

“I need a second opinion,” Discord spoke. He tapped the microphone and it became swiss cheese. He started munching on it. “Does this suit make me look fat?”

Fluttershy blinked a few times and glanced over at me. I shrugged. I honestly had no idea why he would go to Fluttershy about this. I don’t think she has any real experience with making clothes.

“Heavens no,” Fluttershy shook her head. “It looks perfect on you actually, though the sleeves are being pulled back too far and the stitching around the collar needs some work.” She flew up and eyed the top hat. “And a tophat is too much, Discord. I think a panama would fit you much better.”

My jaw dropped. This shy mare was a fashion expert? Were all Discord’s friends oddballs? Well, I was his friend so that was a given. I mean, what else would you use to describe a bloodthirsty love goddess who rules over a city state filled with shiny rock ponies, an adorkable husband horse, and frenemies with the Goddess of Change herself, Chrysalis.

Discord, having just finished off the last of the cheese, turned his hat upside down and smashed it down on his noggin. It flipped inside out and become one of those ‘panama’ hats I see down south all the time. He then took out an eyeball and pointed it at himself. “You’re right,” and then he shoved it back into its socket. “I do look much better with this and now.” He snapped his fingers and the suit fixed itself. “What ever would I do without you, Fluttershy?”

“You’d manage just fine,” Fluttershy patted him on the head softly like a mother would. “Now go out there and get your mare.”

Ah hated dressin’ up. Ah hated it more than most anythin’ else. All the stress, worry, and simple nuances that really ah could do without. Nope, ah had to suffer because goin’ to a dance ‘naked’ isn’t proper. ‘As if these ponies haven’t been shown a really, Apple dance. We don’t worry about that nonsense then.’

Another reason was how ah had to stand still fer so long. Rarity had to take all these measurements and adjustments to the dress. Ah felt like ah was on the verge of snappin’. “How much longer,” ah said behind clenched teeth.

“Darling,” Rarity was putting some stitches into the red dress. “You can’t rush perfection. It takes time to come to fruition. If I rush it like you ever so crave, it will turn out so gaudy. We can’t have that. Oh no! My good friend is going to blow her date away with her stunning new gown.”

Ah rolled my eyes. “It’s just a dance, Rarity. There ain’t no reason to go overboard.”

Rarity gasped. “Just a dance? Just a dance?!!! This is no ordinary dance. This is the Hearts and Hooves Day Dance. The place where true love shines and your soul mate sings to you as you dance the night away.” She sighed. “I’m just glad I was able to come back in time for it.”

Of course, the only reason she came back early was because of my ‘accident’. Ah sighed. “Yeah well, still not a big deal.”

“Hmm?” Rarity lifted an eyebrow as she finished a stitch. “There we go. Now, what is not so big a deal for you? Is it Discord? Darling, I can understand your reservations. I never would have imagined you two to be, well, a thing in any sense of the word.”

Ah snorted and grumbled. “Me neither, but it happened.”

“Do you regret saying yes?”

“No,” ah said quicker than ah thought ah would. Ah blushed in embarrassment.

Rarity smirked. “Then you have nothing to fear. I myself had often wonder what it would be like to find someone so ‘exotic’ as him. Well, not him exactly. He is not my type and I don’t think we could make something work. Anyways, since you’ve given me an answer already, all I can tell you is to follow your heart.”

“Got that from one of yer novels?” Ah quirked an eyebrow.

“It’s a common enough phrase,” Rarity swatted a hoof before herself. “I just want you to be happy. We are the best of friends, are we not? Is that not what I’m supposed to do?”

Ah nodded. “That’s true.” Me and Rarity were amongst the closest of our little band. Ah loved the others well enough like family and didn’t play no favors, but me and Rarity went back the farthest. Both of us were born and raised in Ponyville, went to the same school, did a lot of things together. Well, not everything. It wasn’t until Twilight got here that we stopped being so ‘feisty’ with each other.

“Even if I don’t find your choice in males ‘satisfying’ to my tastes,” Rarity continued. “I will stick by your decision and bring the wrath of Celestia down the throat of whoever hurts you. That I promise.”

Ah chuckled. “Thanks fer the support.”

“No,” Rarity shook her head. “Thank you. It’s not often I get a model with your physique. Oh, I can already imagine my next line of dresses: Country Gal. Okay, the title may need a little work, but idea is sound.” She nodded as she looked the dress over. “And you’re finite fini.” She magicked over a mirror and showed me………

“Wow.” Ah never thought ah’d look so good in a frou-frou dress, but there ah was. The dress looked like a plainer version of that get-up Rarity wore the gala before. It had a black under shirt and frilly pink cuffs, but they weren't that distractin'. There was a gold and orange outline at the back edge of it and a dark red bow on the 'butt' of the dress. It had a few gems near the collar, light blue ones. The last bit was a little head band of blue jewels on my head. Yeah, it looked smoother and easier to breath in, but it took my breath away. ‘Hopefully, Discord’s too.’ Ah thought to myself, before shakin’ away that thought. That varmint should be breathless anyways if he knows what’s good fer him.

My mane was done a bit like Rarity’s, with a little curl at the end, but it felt like my own enough that ah could tolerate it. One of my eyes were covered by my mane, so it gave me a tad bit of that ‘mysterious’ vibe ah’d see on some of Rarity’s magazines she has lyin’ around. Borin’ things, if you ask me. Rather read important stuff, like the latest farmin’ techniques and apples.

Rarity was beamin’. “I knew you’d love it~” She had a little pep in her voice. “I might touch you up a little with make-up, but as of now, you’ll be the talk of the dance. Discord won’t be able to keep his eyes off of you.”

Ah blushed slightly. “Yeah, maybe even get him to shut up fer a while.” The two of us giggled.

“One can dream,” Rarity patted me on the shoulder. “Do have a good time, Applejack. I wish you luck.”

“Ah’m gonna need it,” ah frowned. Ah still couldn’t believe this was happenin’, but ah felt giddier than a jackrabbit in a carrot storm. ‘Course, ah also felt a tad bit sick too. ‘Discord’s my date...Discord’s my date?!!’ No, ah wouldn’t turn back now. Ah had to do this. Ah liked the varmint. No use in gettin’ cold hooves now.

“Applejack?” Ah looked to see her givin’ me a concerned gaze. “You’re worried about this date, aren’t you?”

“Yeah,” ah sighed. “Am ah rushin’ into this? Ah didn’t even like him a week ago.”

“Neither did Pinkie and Frederic,” Rarity smirked. “And they’re already, what is the saying, two peas in a nutshell?”

“Pod,” ah chuckled.

Rarity snorted in amusement. “Yes, that. So don’t you worry about this. He may be a trickster god of chaos, but he’s still a male. So go out there and show him what a true lady is like.”

“Yer right,” ah grinned. “Ah shouldn’t be frettin’ over this. Ah’m gonna do it. Ah’m gonna make him mine even if it kills him.”

Rarity blanched. “Maybe we shan’t go that far, dearie.”

Ah shrugged. “Farm work ain’t fer sissies and noodles. Have ya seen the varmint? He’s thinner than a little yearling tree. Can’t see how he doesn’t blow away in the wind. Ah’ll have to toughen him up if’n he wants to keep up with me.”

“Ah yes,” Rarity smirked. “You do that. I’m sure he would appreciate working ‘close’ to you from here on out. Maybe he’ll show you a few ‘tricks’ too. I mean, there are a lot of ways to toughen up a male.”

Ah blushed. “Sounds like yer talkin’ from experience.”

Rarity glared at me. “Of course not. I’m still a fair maiden. I give that honor to and only to my soul mate.” She pushed me. “Now come on. We have some makeup to try. I just received a shipment from Prance this morning and I’ve been dying to test them.”

Did ah mention ah hate makeup too?