//------------------------------// // Confession // Story: Reunion // by PonyStory //------------------------------// Mane 6 walked trough Ponyville and laughed at Pinkie's jokes. "Where have ya got all these jokes?" asked Applejack, almost dying from laughing. "Actually from my father, what is actually pretty awkward, 'cause he never joked. These were accidental sayings he made and I changed them into jokes." explained Pinkie. "Cool! My pa' and ma' used to joke too. Usual theme was apples." said with sad smile as she remembered her dead parents jokes. "My parents are joking theme is animals." said Fluttershy with shy voice. "Mine are books." Twilight said. "My parents don't joked much, but if they do, we're all dying in laughter." said Rarity happily. Only one who were quiet was Rainbow Dash, trying to force smile on her face. "Rainbow, do your parents joke too?" asked Twilight from Dash. Only answer they got from Dash was simple head shaking. Pinkie gasped and said: "That's horrible. You're time at home must be very boring." "I think I should tell you my real story." said Dash quietly. "Well...tell us then." said Applejack carefully. "I was delinquent in foal age. Stubborn, trouble-making and selfish. Not even a week after I was born my mom just left without any sign. Only thing she left was letter. That said: Hold that foal to yourself. I can't stand her anymore. She's the worst foal I've ever met. But I still love you. With love Firefly From there my father had to work and care for not even 2 weeks old foal. That was stressing for him. He could somehow do it until I was 9. I weren't any better than in the foal age. Maybe even worse. I always got into fights or somehow get teachers angry. So dad had to raise me, work and deal with that mom wasn't there. So about 3 months after I got 9, he left too. He left me some bits and letter like mom. In that was said: Dear Rainbow Dash You have to take care for yourself now. I just can't stand you anymore. I left you 100 bits. Now try to live by yourself. With love Dad And from there I have lived alone. My grandparents had died before I was born. Mom and dad didn't had any siblings. I didn't knew any other relatives to go. I didn't wanted to tell any friends. I did random works to earn more bits. And I lived like that until I came to Ponyville. So 6 years. And every time that comes to my mind, I just want jump down from cliff. And I don't know why, but I still keep things what are reminding me them, close to me, like picture of them, those letters, even few bits what dad gave me...I would do anything to see them again." Others who were listening carefully that whole time, where shocked. "I...I didn't knew your story is that sad. At first I thought that would be like "My mom died from giving birth and then dad was always depressed." story. But that's more sadder." said Twilight. Rainbow sighed and let few tears run down from her eyes. "If that would have been so as you thought, that wouldn't been so depressing. That was too brutal way to teach filly how to take care for herself. B-but t-t-that was a-all m-m-my f-fault." Finally Rainbow broke and started to cry grievously. Applejack pulled her into her hug. "It's not yer fault, Sugarcube." AJ tried without any results. "B-but they went away, because o-of me. I'm the r-reason of these events. It w-would have been b-better when I would never had born, then every thing would be g-g-great, my parents would have n-never leaved, I would never been a-alone and I wouldn't c-cry here right now." Now was Rainbow pretty much not herself. So AJ pushed her away from herself and said: "Take yourself together. That...wasn't...yer...fault. That was yer parents problem that they leaved ya. Ya just have to get over from it an' go on." That made Rainbow wipe away her tears and say: "You're right. I just have to forget that and go on with my life." Then they made a group hug what made Rainbow smile again. "I caught that your mom's name is Firefly, but I didn't caught your father's name." said purple alicorn princess. "Dad's name is Spectrum."