//------------------------------// // 23. First Dance // Story: Sunny, Moonie, Twily // by Jetto //------------------------------// At first glance, the unicorn known as Marble Magnanimity was a mare of great success. Despite being near to her thirties, she didn't look a day older than twenty, still retaining perfect supermodel curves on her light gray body. Her dark, brown mane was styled in a messy bun, leaving just enough carefully placed 'random' strands (one of which was red) in front of her face, creating a window for her purple eyes, permanently hidden behind a pair of small, rectangular glasses. All of that combined with her affinity for modest, simple business suits (instead of garish, fashion dictated dresses like most other nobles were wearing) and a face that rarely betrayed emotions gave her a look of a typical, if hot, secretary. That guess couldn't be more wrong, as Mrs Magnanimity worked for nopony other than herself as the CEO of her family's corporation. It seemed like she had it all- looks, status, money and not a care in her life. Yet despite being seemingly untouchable and unfazed by the world around her, she lived under constant stress, mostly coming from her work. Some came from other jealous noble families that under all their smiles wished to see her go under (being better than most ponies was one of her few joys in life). And a little bit of it came from her lackluster love life, filled with disappointments, charlatans, divorces and the worst luck or taste in stallions. She managed to keep all those problems at bay and vent in more productive ways... most of the time. But then, there was one problem which she never had any good solutions for. "...but... but... you promised!" Marble massaged her head. She hated it more than anything in the world. It was the right thing to do, so she was forced to keep a straight face. It wasn't easy when a tiny little replica of herself, except with red and purple mane (instead of the brown and red of hers), kept looking at her with those pleading, teary puppy eyes. "Yes, I did. I promised I would take you to the carnival, IF you passed your exam with a perfect score." She levitated the test at her daughter's eyes, highlighting the red 89% with her aura. "And I always keep my promises." The filly started tearing up even more. "...but... but... it's my birthday!" The mare looked away, fixing her glasses. "The deal was a deal." "It's not fair!" "It is. Breaking my promise wouldn't be." The filly held back her tears, then exploded with tears. "I HATE YOU!" Then she turned and ran away. Her mother raised a hoof after her. "Moondancer, get back he--" she was stopped by an echoing door slam. She groaned, trying not to smack her head over the nearest wall. She noticed some of the maids watching the scene from a distance. "What are you looking at?" She yelled, making them roam around in panic. "I don't pay you for doing nothing! And if you don't want to get paid, then I can fire you right now!" "Ma'am, don't you think your reaction was bit too harsh?" An elder stallion behind her asked. She turned to see Mr. Push, her family's old butler. "My family business is none of theirs." "I meant young lady Moondancer. She tried very hard and she was very much looking forward to the carnival." She groaned and massaged her forehead. "This again..." "Promise or not, she's just a filly. I know what you're trying to achieve, but this is her 'only' ninth birthday. I refuse to believe that this is what you wish her memories of this day to be like." Hearing no reply, he smiled, glad that she wasn't as deaf to criticism as she sometimes appeared. "There will be plenty of time for life lessons, I'm sure. But let today be an exception. As your daughter, she deserves that much, does she not?" The mare thought for a moment, then let out an exasperated sigh. She turned towards her living room. "Bring me some tea, please. I need to... calm down first." "Certainly, ma'am." One cup of tea and a lot of contemplation later, she knocked on the door of her daughter's room. "Moondancer? I was thinking about earlier today and I... I changed my mind. I will take you to the carnival, but you have to promise me you will catch up on your studies later. Does that sound fair?" There was no answer, so she knocked again. "Moondancer?" Hearing nothing in response, she opened the door. Her daughter was nowhere in sight. As she entered the room, she almost stumbled on a gift wrapped object, with a card saying 'Happy Birthday Moondancer, from Mom', on the floor. Some of the wrappings were torn away, revealing part of a book cover: a picture of a dark olive pegasus and the title "...Sapphire Sto--". She levitated the present onto the table by the bookshelf, unwrapping it in the process, then went back to looking for her daughter. There were quite a few hiding places in her room: she could be under the bed, in the closet or in the bathroom. Her eyes widened and she gasped, as she saw an open window with a makeshift rope made out of bed sheets sticking out of it. First step of her plan, getting outside, was easy. Everything that came afterward was supposed to come to her when she got there. Or so she hoped. Instead, there she was, in a big, open park, not too far away from home. She had never actually been here, but she passed by it a lot when walking from home to school. She was never allowed to go out and play, always hearing the same excuses. 'Too dangerous for a little filly' (then send one of our guards!). 'Only commoners go there' (at least they know how to have fun). 'Good fillies should stay home and study' (That's all I do!). And she was never allowed to talk back or argue, or else the punishment would be even more severe. But here she was, trying to enjoy what little freedom she still had. And she had no idea what to do with it. She sat under a big tree, trying to shake off her tears and look at what the others were doing. It was a very nice, sunny day, there were a lot of fillies and colts running around, playing anything from some ball games, tag and whatever that thing with feathered balls with rackets game was called. Some ponies, a filly about her age and an older colt were trying to fly a kite, laughing and smiling all the way. She wanted to try, but she couldn't just walk to them and ask. What if they didn't want her? What if there were some rules about playing in a park? What if she made a fool out of herself? It wouldn't matter anyway since, after the stunt she just pulled off, her mother was sure to ground her in her room forever! Then she would be home schooled until she was fifty, losing what little outside world she had in her private school for rich and snobby foals. She thought, and hoped, that maybe one of those foals would come by, say hi and let her join whatever they were doing. Tears started pouring from her once again. As if somepony would care... "Hello!" "MEEP!" She yelped, but didn't move from her place, too spooked to make any sudden movements. "Sorry, I didn't meant to scare you," the white coated colt twice her size scratched his blue mane, smiling "but I saw you crying. Are you hurt?" Moondancer swallowed. Her mouth opened and closed a few times without uttering a single word. Unable to answer properly, she shook her head. "Are you sure? You're not lost? Did you lose your parents?" That was too many questions. About three too many. With all the strength she could muster, she managed to make a single, relatively coherent response. "I'm... fine." The colt nodded. "Oh. Okay. Well then, I won't bother you anymore." He waved her goodbye and turned away to leave, walking away slowly. Moondancer sighed with relief, glad he was gone... for about two seconds. She couldn't keep her eyes off of him, though she couldn't tell why. She noticed his cutie mark: a shield, with a big purple star inside and three smaller blues stars above it. Even though he was still young, he was already tall and muscular, especially for a unicorn. He looked like a knight, straight from an old fairy tale, except without any armor. Suddenly, he turned back and their eyes met for a split second, before she turned away, blushing. She tried not to stare back, but she couldn't help but take a peek every few seconds or so. Eventually, the stallion turned back to her and sat down before her. "So hey, my sister and I were flying a kite. Would you like to join us?" Moondancer's eyes couldn't have gotten wider if they tried. But even after the question she longed for all this time, she still had doubts. I'm not supposed to talk to strangers! What if he foalnaps me? What if he's a bad pony? Mother warned me about big stallions that seem nice but want to hurt me. What if she was right? He's nice and handsome and kind and stuff. It's a trap! It must be a trap! Nopony would just care about somepony like me. I should run away! Apologize to mother and be a good filly! She swallowed and looked at the smiling stallion before her. There's no way this could be true! There's no way. But what if...? Her breathing got harder than ever before, heart beating faster and louder, as the blue maned stallion waited patiently. If he put her on some sort of spell, she couldn't resist it anymore. "O...okay." She answered weakly. The stallion nodded and extended his hoof, which she accepted as he helped her stand up. "Awesome. My name's Shining Armor." "M-Moondancer." "That's a beautiful name." Moondancer was pretty sure Princess Celestia did something to the sun today, because her face was burning. The pair went back to where he was playing with the sister he mentioned before. Even though they were the same age, the purple filly already had her cutie mark. She looked at the colt with an irritated glare. "Shiny, where have you been? I finished all the calculations; with the right angle and steady acceleration, we should get this kite to... uh, who is that?" Shining Armor gently pushed Moondancer towards his sister. The two fillies exchanged confused and/or scared looks. "Twily, this is Moondancer. Moondancer, this is Twilight Sparkle, my Little Sister Best Friends Forever. I'm sure you two can become the best of friends." He smiled and went back to prepare his kite, while both fillies stood where they were, unsure how to react to the 'other' filly. Meanwhile, back in Moondancer's home, a dozen or so hired muscles were assembled. They weren't the most skilled or qualified stallions she could get, but Mrs. Marble was desperate enough that she ended up hiring literally anypony she could on such short notice. "You all know what to do. Find my daughter and bring her back, unharmed and safe. I don't care how many bones you have to break, yours or somepony else's. And even Celestia won't help you if something happens to my Moondancer! Is that clear?" "YES, MA'AM!" "Umm, excuse me," Moondancer tapped Twilight's shoulder, as the former was holding the kite in the air "can it be my turn?" "You just had yours!" "Twily!" Shining berated his little sister. "Don't be like that. Let Moondancer play too." "But... but it's MY kite!" "What did I tell you about sharing?" Twilight muttered something, then levitated the handle to her new 'friend', who took it with a smile. Shining Armor was happy to see his little sister enjoying her time with somepony her age for once, when suddenly three stallions in suits approached them. "There she is! That's the one!" One of them pointed at Moondancer. The filly in question dropped the kite, letting it fly away with the wind, instinctively hiding behind Shining Armor's legs. The colt noticed the scared filly and his eyes narrowed as he stood tall in between the fillies and the stallions. "Beat it, kid! We're here for that filly!" Shining didn't respond to that, still glaring at the three. The stranger sighed and shook his head. "Look kid, she ran away from home and we're here to bring her back." Shining looked at the scared little filly clinging to his hooves. "Moondancer, is that true?" The only response he got from Moondancer was her eyes closing and lowering her head. "Do you recognize these ponies? Do they work for your parents?" This time the answer was a clear head shaking. Knowing all he needed to know, he turned to the trio. "She doesn't want to go anywhere. Now leave us alone, or else." The lead stallion, a tall, muscled earth pony, snorted. He walked towards Shining Armor and grabbed his shoulder with his giant hoof. "Kid, don't think I'll hold back just because you're just a--" SMASH! The other two of the strangers had only split seconds to jump away, barely avoiding getting crushed by their colleague, flying like a giant boulder in their direction. They gasped with horror, seeing him lying on the ground, holding up his bleeding nose in pain and shock, cursing incoherently. They swallowed, then slowly turned towards the white unicorn colt, now wiping blood from his hooves on the grass. "Twily, Moondancer, stand back." The two swallowed, walking a few steps away. Shining Armor's horn glowed and a small, purple dome surrounded the fillies. "Okay then..." he stretched his hooves and walked a few steps towards them "are you two getting away... or serious?" From the magical, purple dome, Moondancer observed Shining Armor, as he stood firm in her defense. Like a true hero. Her own Knight in Shining Armor. Her face was getting hot again. "This way, ma'am!" Mr. Push guided her employer. "I have reports that groups 1, 2, Alpha and Bravo found her." "Then why aren't they bringing her back!?" "There has been a... complication along the way." "What complication?" A few steps later, just behind the corner, she got her answer. Her eyes widened and her jaw dropped as she saw... the battlefield. The green grass of Canterlot's park was filled with bodies, dozens of them. Some were lying on the ground unconscious, while the less lucky ones were still awake, moaning from the pain of their broken noses, joints, a few non-lethal stabs; at least one pony was hanging from a tree branch thirty feet away. Only a single pony was still standing and he was the only one she didn't recognize. This one was a lot younger, still a colt He had a messed up coat, all covered in bruises and cuts, bleeding from several of them, his face sporting a fresh, bulging pink eye. But what scared her the most, were the gritted teeth and those eyes, nervously shifting in all possible directions, as if shouting 'Anypony else wants some?', looking for more victims. She wanted nothing more than to run for her life and never look back. But then she noticed a small, purple dome behind him. "Moondancer!" She yelled and was about to run at her, when the angry, feral unicorn got in her way. "Y-you..." She stepped back, but found enough courage to stand firm. "Give me back my daughter, you... you...!" "Daughter?" Shining Armor muttered, then looked back to the dome he was protecting, where a certain, red maned filly wished she could bury herself in the ground. She kicked the nearest unconscious pony, waking him and few others. "What the hell am I paying you lot for? It's just one colt!" Her henchmen, however, had different things to say. "H-he's a monster!" "I don't wanna die!" "One... punch..." "M-mommy!" "I'm not getting paid enough for this!" One said while running in the opposite direction, joined by some of the few others that still had enough strength in them to walk or crawl. "GET BACK HERE, YOU BUNCH OF COWARDS! ARGH!" She kicked another unconscious pony, to both vent and maybe wake him up in hopes he had more guts than others. Before she could do it again, her butler stopped her and pointed at the dome. "Ma'am, that other filly in the dome, I recognize her! It's Twilight Sparkle!" "I don't care who that little twerp is!" "Remember one year ago, when a little filly gave life to a dead dragon egg? On a test that wasn't supposed to be possible to pass?" Few seconds after the mention, her anger weakened slightly. "Wait, she's the..." She took a better look at the filly she ignored up till now. She fit all the descriptions- purple, streak in her mane, cutie mark with stars. If so, then the berserking unicorn was... "Leave my big brother alone! He didn't do anything bad!" As if on a cue, Twilight took this moment to yell. Marble Magnanimity smiled. The little filly out there was Celestia's personal pupil. Which meant that Moondancer was never in any danger. And this meant there was a chance for something big. Since her mercenaries knew what they were getting into (and weren't even worth their price), she was going to brush it aside as collateral damage (they were insured anyway). This could turn to her advantage after all. But first, she had to take care of the wild card. "Excuse me, mister big brother? My name is Marble Magnanimity and I am Moondancer's mother. It appears that there was a big misunderstanding. You see, she escaped from home after we had a... a fight over something minor. I sent these ponies to look for her, but it appears I chose poorly. Anyway, I came to apologize." "Huh?" Moondancer raised an eyebrow, so did Shiny and Twilight. "Moondancer, I'm sorry. I know I can be strict with you, but it's only for your own good. But even then, I went too far today. You're still my precious daughter and I should've shown you more kindness. So I promise, after all this is over, I will take you to the carnival." She smiled, then looked at the big brother. "And I know this won't be enough, but your two friends can come too. My treat. So, Moondancer, will you forgive your mother?" Moondancer on her end was about to burst into tears. Everything that went wrong today, all of it could've been avoided if she was a nice, obedient filly. "I'm sorry, momma! I won't escape home again! I'll be a good filly, I promise!" "And I won't keep you prisoner at home anymore, I promise!" While still holding tears, Moondancer would've gone straight into her mother’s hooves, if Shining Armor didn't walk to the dome and blocked her view. Her eyes widened with terror, as she now had a close-up on Shining Armor's wounds. He looked at her with a blank, empty stare. His smile was long gone. All of this was her fault too, so even after he lifted the barrier, she didn't try to run. She deserved all of it. "Is that... true?" He asked. Moondancer lowered her face and closed her eyes. "Yes. I'm so--" She stopped mid sentence, as she felt a hoof on her head. She expected a punishment of some sort. She wouldn't be mad if the nicest colt she ever met was angry at her and wanted to hurt her back. But she never expected a... gentle pat? She opened her eyes and slowly raised her head to look at him. The smile was back. It was very weak, but it was still shining brightly. "Good. I'm glad... you're not... in... dan...ger..." Then he slowly collapsed on the ground, unconscious. As she heard the two terrified fillies yelling in the distance, Marble Magnanimity fixed her glasses and turned to her trusted butler. "Call an ambulance for everypony. And if any Guards or Officials show up, tell them it was a big misunderstanding and send them to me for more explanations. Oh, and one more thing," she looked at the fillies, panicking over the older colt "call their parents, please. I would like to have a lengthy, 'friendly' conversation with them." If I play this right, Moondancer will get the friend she always wanted AND get closer to Celestia. Win-win. She allowed herself one more smug smile, before rushing to calm down the fillies.