//------------------------------// // We're not So Scary When You See Us in the Daylight // Story: Freddy Fazbear and Friends Presents: ...Equestria? // by Shadowflame //------------------------------// This was the last place Chica thought she'd wake up in... but then again, that could be said for any place that wasn't Freddy Fazbear's Pizza. She had woken up in what seemed like a kitchen, but not the one in the pizzeria. The kitchen there was mostly metal surfaces and tools hung on the walls, with a giant stove taking up most of the floor space. But this place on the other hand, was made mostly from wood, with bright, pastel colors everywhere! There wasn't any sign of the cooking materials needed for pizza at all, and only a few stove ovens resided there... which was odd. What kind of a kitchen doesn't cook pizza? The plain ridiculous kind, that's what. Anyways, Chica then found herself as a baby chicken, and that's when she started to think this was just a dream... which, again, was odd. She hadn't had dreams for years... Then that Pinkie Pie pony walked in and Chica knew it had to be a dream. But unfortunately, Pinkie Pie had found someone else Chica knew, shouting "Hey Chicaaaa! I found your other friend! Ooh, she looks just like you!" And that's when she begrudgingly discovered this wasn't a dream. But hey, if it was any consolation, the cupcake Pinkie gave her was a dream in of itself. And the other chick on the table, munching on her own cupcake, apparently agreed. "Oh, this is amaaaaaaazing! I just want to eat all of it, but I couldn't possibly do that to my figure!" Chica deadpanned, nibbling on another piece of her cupcake, which easily made up half of her size, "Oh, shut it, Chique. You're not even humanoid anymore, remember?" The former toy animatronic huffed, folding her wings in front of her chest, "Well, excuuuuuse me, Chica. But even if we can enjoy food now, we don't exactly have any permanent casing to keep us in one shape anymore." Chica just cackled out loud, "But that's the best part! Little miss 'Oh, look how skinny and thin and sexy I am' finally gets to feel the pleasure of having waddle weight!" Chique gasped, "Hmph, well I never!" "Exactly my point," Chica smirked. Chique pouted slightly at that, "Well, at least everyone knew I was a chicken." A smirk came up to the chick's rosy-cheeked beak, "From what Bonnie has told me, back before we came along, quite a few people thought you were a duckling." Chica felt her face feathers grow red, "Hey, it's not my fault that people are just stupid that way! At least my beak doesn't fall off at every drop of the hat!" "At least my beak doesn't look like someone took a crowbar to it and inserted some geezer's dentures in my mouth!" "At least I didn't look like someone had a plastic surgery spree on my body." "You wish you could get plastic surgery!" "Bimbo!" "Glutton!" "Fatty!" Chique gasped in shock, "You take that back!" In an instant, both birds were butting heads at the center of the table. Chique gave Chica a death glare, "Why don't we see exactly why I was the better model?" "Bring it, you copycat! I'll snap that tiny waist of yours like a toothpick!" "WHAT IS THE MEANING OF THIS?!" Both sets of chicken eyes shrunk to pinpricks as they heard the pink pony's voice scream to the heavens. The slowly turned their heads to see Pinkie Pie giving them both a look of disappointment. She had been wanting to learn everything about the two of them, but of course, she had been doing work in the kitchen, so play and chatting came second. However, Chica hadn't thought Pinkie would be done baking that quickly. Pinkie frowned at the two little chickens, "I come back from the kitchen, excited that I've made two new friends, even more because you're talking animals, but what do I find when I get here? Both of my new friends are fighting and bickering with each other, and Granny Pie always says, when two friends are unhappy, Pinkie's unhappy..." She put a hoof to her chin as she glanced up at the ceiling, "Or was it, when friends fight, their Ice Cream goes runny?" "Huh?" Chica and Chique just stared at Pinkie in confusion. They hadn't seen talking ponies before, and to top it off, never before had they met someone quite like the pink pony. Were there more like her around here? Pinkie looked back to the two chicks on the table, "Well, there's nothing a little Pinkie Pie can't fix. I'm gonna do everything I can think of until the two of you are the best of friends!" Chica gave Pinkie a 'are you kidding me' look, but it was lost as the pony started to bounce in excitement, "Oh, oh, I know! The best way to get friends to make up is to distract them from their bickering, and what better way than for me to show you Ponyville!" "Uh, come again?" Chique asked. "Then what are we waiting for? We've got a whole town to see!" In one swift motion, Chica and Chique found themselves thrown onto Pinkie's back. The party pony reared up in her hind legs with a whiny, "Wheeeee! Let's go!" In an instant, Pinkie was off and out the door, two little chickens clinging to her mane as they bounced along for the ride. Chica let out a yelp with each time her tail feathers bopped the back of Pinkie's back again and again. Meanwhile, Chique just let out a long drawn out scream. "PIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIINKIIIIIIIIIIIIIIEEEEEEEEEEEE! WHEEEREE AAARE WEEEEE GOOOOOIIIIING?" "To see the town, silly!" Pinkie replied without missing a beat. Everything just blurred right past Chica and Chique's eyes. But apparently that didn't faze Pinkie, because she was naming off every location they passed as quickly as they were running by them. "Nowoverthereisthebowlingalley,andthere'sthequillsandsofasshop,thenthegagshop,thejokeshop,andmypersonalfavorite,thepartyshop!There'stheclocktower,thetownsquare,myfriendRarity'shouse,CarouselBoutique,andoverthere'sthearcadewhereRarity'slittlesister,SweetieBelleplaysvideogameswithherfriendButtonMash.Andoverthere'sTownHall,andthetownsquare.Oh,waitaminute,wewerejusthere.Whereshouldwegonext?" Pinkie suddenly gasped, instantly stopping in midgallop, as if she or the chickens on her back hadn't had any momentum at all on them, "Oh, I know! You're both talking animals! We should go see my friend, Fluttershy! She'd love you two!" "Wait, Pinkie!" But Chique's scream fell on deaf ears as Pinkie took off again through town. But having finally been able to get used to the wicked speed, Chica realized that the ride wasn't all that bad. Once she got her balance, a small smile formed on her beak. She could feel the wind rustling through her feathers, the cool breeze rushing back that sent an energizing chill down her back. Everything was rushing past them faster than she could ever run, and she loved it! Feeling the awesome buzz of adrenaline rush to her head, Chica bravely climbed up higher into Pinkie's poofy mane, until she was standing on the pink mare's head. Using her talons to cling to the poofy mane, Chica stood on her bent knees as she braced the force of the wind on her feathers. It was like standing in the middle of a tornado, but to the little chicken, it. Felt. Incredible! Chica did a fist pump to the air, "AAAAWWWWW YEEEEEEEAAAAAAHH! THIS! IS! AWESOME!" Meanwhile, Chique wished she could facepalm without losing her grip on the Pinkie-mobile, "Such a tomboy." However, her words didn't reach either of her current companions. From the top of Pinkie's head, Chica soon spotted a small cottage in the distance, which they were quickly approaching. "Is that Fluttershy's place?" Chica asked (screamed). "Yup!" Chica grinned as they approached the cottage at top speed... only for her smile to fade as they got even closer to it, without any signs of Pinkie slowing down. "Um, Pinkie? You might want to start slowing down now..." Pinkie just continued to run, smiling all the way. "Pinkie!?!" They soon reached the path to the front door, with Pinkie charging at top speed, right for the closed, wooden, solid, presumably locked door. Chica only had enough time to mutter under her breath, eyes wide, "Oh, f*** me." ______________________________________________________________ Bonbon was enjoying herself. After Fluttershy had finished feeding the other animals, she had been nice enough to offer Bonnie and her some carrots to eat. It had been because Bonnie's belly had started growling, to which he had responded by thinking something was wrong with his tiny bunny body. Bonbon honestly couldn't believe how the dimwit had managed to survive for so many years in the pizzeria. He was on the verge of a freak out until Bonbon had told him that it was a sign that he was hungry and required sustenance soon. How could that bunny be so dense when he used to go about serving pizza to people to prevent the very same condition from happening to them. The irony wasn't lost on Bonbon, but she didn't find it very amusing. So there they were, still on the couch, munching on carrots from Fluttershy, with the butter-colored pegasus sitting across from the coffee table on her own sitting chair. Currently, while Bonnie was too busy snacking, Bonbon kept herself busy by chatting with their host. "So both of you are really from another world?" Fluttershy asked, practically glowing with enthusiasm, "Oh my, do all animals talk like you do?" Bonbon politely chuckled, "Yes, to your first question, but no to the second." She stopped to consider the other animatronics, and where they'd be in this new world, "But, we aren't the only ones who can talk. There are others like us, who I'm sure were brought to Equestria as well. In fact-" Bonbon cut herself short as her eyes widened towards something that she knew had not been there. "Is that an alligator?" Bonbon asked, pointing towards the little coffee table, where, sure enough, a green, baby alligator stood, staring blankly towards a wall, its tail twitching to the side occasionally. FLuttershy blinked in surprise, "Oh, that's Gummy... but if he's here..." She squeaked, "Oh, dear!" In a flash, Fluttershy flew from her seat to her front door, flinging it open in time to hear, "CLEAR THE WAY! FLYING CHICKEN INBOUND!" Not a moment later, a pink blur from outside suddenly stopped in the doorway, revealing to be another pink pony, much like Fluttershy, though this one lacked any wings. But as soon as the pink pony stopped in the doorway, a smaller, yellow blur shot like a bullet off of her head from the sudden momentum shift. In a ruffle of feathers, it flew through the doorway like a jet, before smacking into the couch right between Bonnie and Bonbon. Both bunnies jumped in surprise at the thump between them, quickly glancing to see what the heck had flown from the pink pony's head. Bonnie blinked in surprise when he saw who it was, "Chica?!" Chica bounced back up to her feet instantly, doing a double wing/fist pump to the air, "That. Was. AWESOME!" Another voice called out from behind the new pink pony, "No! That was, ugh a-absurd!" Everyone watched as another chick, about the same height and size as Chica, dropped from her hold on the pink one's tail, making her way into the cottage as well. Bonbon smiled in delight, "Hello, Chique!" Chique gasped with a grin, "Bonbon!" She ran and joined the other animals on the couch, quickly grabbing Bonbon in a tight hug, "Oh, I cannot tell you how relieving it is to see another friendly face." Bonbon smirked at her, "Weren't you just with Chica though?" Chique rolled her eyes, "That is exactly my point. That tomboy can hardly be considered friendly." "Right back at ya." Chica deadpanned. She glanced back towards Bonnie, a smile on her face, "I'm at least glad to see you have a face again!" Bonnie chuckled sheepishly, "Oi, yeah." He patted his little nose with a paw, "Definitely not planning on losing it again." "Ooh, does old 'Bonnie-wonnie' have his face back?" Chique cooed as she stepped closer to him. The rosy chick squealed in delight as her wings pulled at the purple bunny's cheeks, "Oh, you're so cute! Just look at your little fuzzy face! It's adorable!" Bonnie quickly wrenched himself from her grasp, "Oi! This is a 'hands off' display here, okay?!" Bonbon and Chica just laughed over from the side. Meanwhile, both Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy watched the scene unfold from beside the couch, surprised looks on their faces. "Oh, you all know each other?" Fluttershy asked. Bonbon nodded, "Yes. We all came from the same world." Instantly, the pink pony seemed to just appear right in front of Bonbon's face, "Hi! I'm Pinkie Pie! What's your name?" Bonbon was taken aback slightly by the sudden intrusion of her personal space, but she quickly recovered, "Oh, I'm Bonbon." She pointed to her companions, "And that's Bonnie. And I'm sure you've already met Chica and Chique." "Yupper-dee!" Pinkie sang in reply. "Oh yeah, and I didn't know you all were from another world. That's amazing!" All the while, there was never a slightest shift in her demeanor. Bonbon chuckled nervously at that, She's... certainly a lively one. However, Fluttershy still stared at Bonnie in confusion, "Um... Bonnie?" "Yeah?" The purple bunny replied. "Um, Chica and Chique said you had your face back... if I may ask, what does that mean?" Three pairs of animal eyes shot unamused looks towards Chique, who clucked sheepishly. Bonbon sighed in annoyance. She wasn't sure if these ponies were familiar with the concept of electrical devices as advanced as robots, so she had hoped she could steer clear from having to explain it all. It certainly would save the extra time and possible confusion needed to explain. But seeing as that option was completely void, Bonbon proceeded to explain, "You see, Fluttershy, back in our world, we weren't actual animals. We were technological beings known as animatronics." "Anima-what?" Pinkie asked "We were robots, to put it bluntly." Bonnie replied. Pinkie and Fluttershy blinked in surprise for a moment, before the former of the two gasped loudly, "Oh my cupcakes with the coconut frosting! You're robots?!" Thus began the barrage of Pinkie, "Ooh, ooh, did you have lazer eyes? Or how about super strength? Did you fight crime or destroy cities like in the comic books? Spike showed me his collection of comics, but I had to admit all of it seemed UNREAL, but then again I didn't think talking animals from another world were real, so fudgabout it. Oh, were you guys-" Amid the Pinkie flurry of questions, Bonbon couldn't help but feel a bit surprised. That hadn't taken nearly as long to explain as she had thought. "- I mean, come on! Wouldn't it be cool if I had metal parts? If someone asked me if I could lend a hoof, I could literally lend them one! Isn't that hilarious? You know what else is hilarious? Chocolate-" Chica quickly put up her arms to calm the pink one, "Whoa, whoa, Pinkie, slow down! Even I can't keep up!" Chique agreed, "Yes, no one likes a constant blabbermouth." Once Pinkie was once again still, the rosy chick crossed her wings, "And also, I take offense that you would even bring up the notion that I was even a destructive robot." Bonbon rolled her eyes, "She didn't intend anything like that, Chique." The blue bunny cleared her throat, turning back to Fluttershy and Pinkie, "And to explain, no, we weren't very highly advanced in that regard. We were simple machines, as we were only meant to be entertainers for children." Both Pinkie and Fluttershy perked up at that, "Oh, you were performers?" Chique nodded, "Mm-hm, we were. In fact, I daresay, entertaining the little ones is one of the most fun things I've done in my life." Out of the corner of her eye, Bonbon saw both Chica and Bonnie wince a bit as Chique spoke, a look of longing on their faces. It had been years since they stood on that stage for the children, wandering around to be the life of the parties, and bringing smiles to the little one's faces. Bonbon couldn't help but feel sympathetic for the two of them. Being cast to the side as spare parts would have been devastating to anyone at the pizzeria... Shaking herself a bit, Bonbon brought herself back to the conversation at hand... er, paw. Chique had finished explaining what they did as animatronics in Freddy Fazbear's Pizza. Pinkie looked like someone had given her the chance to plan the Grand Galloping Gala 'Pinkie Pie Style', "Ooh, if you're returning to your world any time soon, can I come back with you? Nobody's seen a real party until they've seen a Pinkie Party!" "Er... sure thing, Pinkie." Chica hesitated, "But that's kind of the problem. We have no idea how we got here in the first place." "Sure you do." Pinkie just grinned, "Remember? I picked you and Chique up on my back, we ran through town on a quick tour, and then we came here to Fluttershy's house! Geez, you must have really hit that couch harder than I thought!" Bonnie snickered, "Haha, I like this pony." Chique smirked at him, "Well, let's see how well you can hang on during Pinkie's tour of Ponyville." Bonbon cleared her throat, bringing the focus back to the conversation, "What she means, Pinkie, is that we have no idea how we woke up here in Equestria, much less how we transformed into animals in the process." "Oh my..." Fluttershy quietly whispered, "So you don't know how to get home?" Bonnie shrugged, "Basically." "And I doubt any of our fellow animatronics know how either, wherever they are." Bonbon added. "Oh, you poor dears." Fluttershy cooed. Pinkie stood tall and strong on her hind legs, "I won't stand for this, even though I'm standing now! No Pizzario-" "Pizzeria." Chica corrected. Pinkie giggled, "Oh, right. No Pizzeria should be left without their entertainers! So I, Pinkamena Diane Pie, will find all of your friends, and make sure all you guys get back home safe and sound! And I know just the Princess to talk to!" In a split second, Pinkie was already at the front door of the cottage, ready to go. But her progress was impeded as Fluttershy called out to her, "Wait, Pinkie. Are you going to get Twilight for this?" "Uh-huh!" Pinkie replied, "Since she hopped through that magic mirror twice already, she's definitely the mare we need for these displaced robots!" Fluttershy, seeing the logic of reason, simply nodded. But before Pinkie could leave, Bonbon called out, "Wait, Pinkie!" Pinkie turned to see the blue bunny quickly hopping up to her. Bonbon wore a serious expression on her face, "I must thank you for your help, Pinkie..." She paused, "But... if you're going to be searching for our friends, you'll need to know who you're looking for. "There's Freddy, our leader, and his double, Fredrick. No doubt about it, but they'll probably be transformed into bears in this world. Then there's also Foxy and Mangle. They're both foxes; Foxy's red, but Mangle's white. And then there's Balloon Boy-" "Balloons?!" Pinkie squeed, "I love balloons." Bonbon nodded, "Pinkie focus. Yes, Balloon Boy, but I have no idea what he'll look like in this world. But you'll be able to recognize him, because he always wears a blue and red propeller beanie. "And lastly, most importantly, there's Golden Freddy and Marionette... Goldy is most likely some kind of yellow bear, even though that sounds strange." "You're a blue bunny!" Chica reminded her from afar. "Point taken." Bonbon deadpanned. She turned her gaze back towards Pinkie, but her face was... dark. It made Pinkie's constant smile falter slightly. "Marionette... He was a puppet man before, so I have no idea what he'll look like now. But if anything, look for a white face, with purple streaks streaming down his face... like tears." "Oh, oki-doki!" Pinkie chimed, "Three bears, one of them yellow, two foxes, Balloon Boy, and one puppet, coming up!" "Wait Pinkie!" Bonbon commanded, "Be careful out there. I must warn you, some of our friends can be... dangerous..." She shook her head, while Pinkie's expression turned to one of genuine worry. Bonbon continued, "Watch your back, your step, and your words when you go searching for all of them. They... no, all of us, tend to get angry when a certain topic is brought up... very angry." "Oh... okay." Pinkie replied, less enthusiastic. A worried expression crossing the pink pony's face, "What is it?" Bonbon whispered, just loud enough for the pink pony to hear, "There's one more person who could have followed us from the Pizzeria, but trust me when I say he is no friend of ours, or anyone for that matter." Her voice turned dark, scary even, "If you find him, or even hear him, run from there as fast as you can. It doesn't matter where you go, just make sure he doesn't follow you. But if you're around any children when you find him, get them away from him as quickly as possible, because he'll always go after them first." Pinkie just stared in stunned silence. Bonbon whispered, "That... that monster... all of us are angry with him," The blue bunny glanced back up at Pinkie, a pleading look on her face, "Whatever you do, if you find any more of us, don't mention the guy in purple. You don't want to be on the receiving end of their fury, but it will be even worse if He finds you first." Pinkie slowly nodded, jaw hanging open slightly. It was obvious that there was a lot about these new friends that she didn't know yet. She knew she would have to ask... later, if they were willing to talk... what had happened to these little guys? Quietly, Pinkie exited the cottage, leaving Fluttershy with them, before breaking into a gallop towards the crystal palace. Twilight would want to know about this, as soon as possible. But strangely, as she ran through Ponyville, the town that had been her peaceful home for years, the feeling of safety in it now felt slightly... disturbed. Slightly... mangled. ______________________________________________________________ A lost creature roamed through the dense vegetation of the Everfree Forest. But he wasn't frightened in the slightest by his surroundings. He kept a wary eye out for any signs of danger, while his other eye hid behind his signature eyepatch. "Hm..." The red fox grumbled to himself, "Aye, there be no doubt about this place. It just reeks of danger, always watchin' fer when yer not lookin'." The leaves and tree branches crunched beneath his paws as he traveled through the dense woodland. But as he kept his wits about him, he still couldn't figure out what had happened to him. The pizzeria was gone, not even the Kid's Cove was there. And worse still, he was in an unfamiliar, fleshy body. Sure, no one was able to see his exo-skeleton beneath his skin anymore, but he didn't even have his hook! He could feel everything, from the ground beneath his paws, to the tongue in his mouth, even to the slightest breeze across his ears. But with feeling, he knew he could feel pain, and that in of itself left him feeling exposed and vulnerable. "Aye, I wonder if whatever landlubbers did this to me took th' others." He grimaced, "This body isn't as metal as me other one... But it feels as if... I've had a body of this sort before." Instantly, his head stung, as if he had caught himself with his own hook. GAH! By Davy Jones' rotted beard! Foxy, don't be thinking that now. This be a dangerous place, and yer mopin' thoughts will only get yerself killed." Suddenly, the bushes beside him shook. In an instant, Foxy and jumped and faced the source of it, crouching low and growling, though partially at himself, "Grr, let me guard down fer one moment and somethin' finds me. Show yerself!" He barked, fangs bared to add intimidation to his side. All was still for a moment, which only made Foxy's fur stand on end as he kept his one eye on the bush for any signs of danger. Then suddenly, a white blur shot out of the bushes, heading straight towards the red fox. Foxy snarled as he was slammed head-on by his attacker, and both he and them rolled backwards in a tangle of limbs. The pirate acted fast as he stopped the momentum of the rolling, leaving his opponent beneath him on the ground, and swung his claws towards his attacker. But before he could, their hind legs kicked him in his belly, knocking the wind out of him and sending him sprawling backwards. He landed with his back against the ground, and before he could react, his opponent was on top of him, pinning him to the ground. Foxy let out an enraged growl as his eyes pierced towards the creature on top of him. All he saw was a white face, a muzzle and a black nose staring back at him. Two yellow eyes glared back at him, and a mouthful of fangs were visible as it growled back.... But then Foxy noticed something odd about this creature; It wore a pink bow around its neck, and the fur on its cheeks and neck were colored a rosy pink. Foxy instantly found all anger inside him evaporate in a single moment. His eyes widened in curiosity, "No, it can't be..." As he looked into her white face, he realized that she was a fox, just like him. And though she might have not looked like herself at the moment, he could recognize her instantly. "Vixen?" The white fox stopped growling for just a moment, more out of surprise. But that was only for a moment, as she growled back, "How do you know my name? Who are you and where have you brought me?" Foxy cleared his throat, "'Mangy', lass, it be me, Foxy." "Lies!" The former toy animatronic screamed, "My Foxy is not a quadruped. He is a biped. He wears a hook on his right arm, which you do not have. You do not look like him, so therefore, you are not him!" Foxy sighed. Vixen was always one to rely on visual sight. After all, that's how she operated before in the pizzeria, what with the visual recognition feature she had been built with. Foxy looked back up at the white fox pinning him to the ground, "Aye, I don't look like the pirate I was before, but I still remember our own memories together." Vixen blinked in surprise at this stranger, but Foxy continued, "I remember that night, after the damage ye endured in the kid's cove everyday became too much. The little whelps could not keep their grubby mitts off ya, and every night, ya had to be put back together. That was the night where they gave up entirely on ya." Foxy felt his voice rise slightly in anger, "And that night, you cried as if Davy Jones had stolen yer own ship from ya. I can't stand those spineless fools, but to see them cause ye sorrow, not bothering to put ye back whole, it tore at me cold, metal heart." Foxy paused for a moment to calm himself down, "That night, I 'member stayin' with ya in th' cove. I helped ya back up to yer feet, and I consoled to yer sorrow. T'was the night I became fond of yer spirit, the way ye smiled, even as a Mangle. Aye, I became infatuated with ya, and I knew ye felt the same way. Vixen's face slowly grew more and more in surprise, blushing slightly as well. "Yer me beauty of a lass, me lovely, mangy Vixen." Vixen's eyes widened, her thoughts coming together slowly, "You... I recognize the voice, and your words... you're..." She gasped loudly, a wide grin splitting her face like a little girl in a candy store, "You are my Foxy!" Foxy yelped slightly as the white fox suddenly began bombarding his face with joyful licks from her lively tongue. Even though his muzzle was becoming drenched with her saliva, Foxy could not help but chuckle. In truth, the feeling was pleasurable, and having been able to find Vixen again and see her as happy as a pup, made his chest feel warm and tingly, just like as if he were sailing the seas for the rest of his days. Foxy laughed in good nature as Vixen's barrage of licking came to a halt. He craned his neck up to Vixen and licked her on the cheek, "Aye, that I am. I was worried 'bout ya, lass." Vixen smiled warmly, "Well, I'm fine, now that I'm back in my captain's company." She dropped from her paws onto the ground, snuggling up close to Foxy, "Mmm, even in these bodies, this is still enjoyable... you're so soft." Foxy chuckled a bit, deciding it'd be fine if they just lie together for a moment. The opportunity called for it after all, so what good captain would pass up enjoying a short while with his lass before moving on again? "Me lovely lass, Vixen... I'm so glad I found you, before those scum had you scrapped. If I couldn't see yer beautful self again, I would not have known what to do with me self." A moment of silence passed between them, but suddenly, quiet sobs escaped Mangle's muzzle. She buried her face in Foxy's fur, her eyes wetting with tears for the very first time; with tears of anger and frustration, "Oh, Foxy... I-I saw Him there." Foxy's eyes widened in surprise, "What? How can ye be sure? I thought you had caught him last morning." His brow furrowed, "After all, that was the reason those bloody fools were going to scrap ye today, damn them to Davy Jones' locker." Mangle shook her head, looking back up at Foxy with a glare, not directed at him of course, "It was definitely him, captain. I could never mistake that accursed voice. That monster was at the pizzeria last night... completely unharmed." Baring her fangs, with all the pain and frustration within her threatening to let itself loose in any form of venting, Mangle sobbed once again, letting her tears flow more as she buried them in the fur of Foxy's neck, "I hate him! I hate him so much! I want him to pay for everything he's done! Everything he did to... us... GAH!" The pair of foxes suddenly winced in pain as memories from the past tried to surge into their minds, but yet, something was holding them back, the images, the sensations in them, save for a cold, gruesome laugh and all the anger they felt towards the one it belonged to. But needless to say, it hurt too much to bear. Foxy grumbled under his breath as he shied his thoughts away from the memories, "Mangle, lass, keep yer mind steered away from there." After clearing his head, he looked back on the white fox with a look of concern, "I don't wish to see ye in such pain." Mangle only sobbed again, "But it agonizes me to no end! How long will he always escape everything he deserves? How can he get away with..." She trailed off, her own emotions beginning to simmer down as she reigned herself in. Foxy nodded, his brow furrowed, "Aye, it be true. That wolf in sheep's clothing has been lucky fer far too long." Begrudgingly leaving Vixen's warm embrace, he got back up to his paws. The former-Mangle did likewise, rubbing the tears out from her eyes. Foxy glanced around their surroundings, which seemed to be nothing be dense forest, "I have a feelin' that we weren't the only ones brought to this place." A low growl escaped his throat, "And a hunch tells me we will be seeing that scurvy dog soon enough. At least when we meet then, I will be able to wet me claws across his throat." He looked back towards Vixen, "Come along, lass. We must leave this forest soon." The white fox gave a small smile, "Aye, aye, Captain."