The Rainboom Thieves

by KingJoltik

The Change (Part 3 of 15)

The next day...

Poke. Poke. Poke.

“Hey are you okay?” said a voice as it poked the baby dragon sleeping in the hallway.

“Ugh...five more minutes.” said Spike as he waved his arms, still trying to stay asleep.

Poke. Poke. Poke.

“Wake can't just sleep in the hallway!” said the pony as it kept poking Spike.

“Grr...fine...I'm waking up...”

Spike slowly got up and looked around, constantly blinking. “Okay...I'm up! I'm up! I'm...where am I? What am I doing here?”

“I don't know, you were just asleep outside of Miss Trixie's apartment door.”

“Trixie's? Huh? Who are you?”

“I'm Rumble, who are you? Are you a real dragon?”

“Yeah...I'm Spike the dragon...”

“Why aren't you big?”

“I'm...uh...young.” said Spike as he rubbed his eyes. “That's not important right now...what's important wanna go back to sleep...”

“Hey! Wait a minute!” yelled Rumble as he saw Spike fall over in the hallway again. “Oh come on!”

Meanwhile in another part of Manehattan...

Poke. Poke. Poke.

“Wake up Applejack.”

Poke. Poke. Poke.

“Applejack! Wake up!” yelled Rarity as Applejack continued to be asleep on the chair in front of the monitor. Applejack then mumbled. “ many apples...”

“Another apple dream dear?” asked Rarity as she gave a look of pure sarcasm. “Can't you dream anything different?”



“Augh! What the apple?!”

“Wake up darling and go to your bed here, your shift is over!”

“Ugh...couldn't you have just poked me to wake up or...ah don't know...”

“I did go to bed. Thankfully I already checked the monitor and the duo are still asleep. I'm taking the next shift.”

“Okay...thanks pardner...” said Applejack as she slowly moved into another room and fell on a bed, instantly falling asleep.

Rarity then looked at the monitors with squinting eyes. There she thought, 'I still can't believe we're doing this...then again, this is the first time we've ever been truly caught...I must admit it's both worrying and exciting...'

Rarity then looked at Sunset Shimmer directly through the monitor. 'Sunset Shimmer...according to Twilight, you're a direct student of Princess Celestia...if that's the case...'


Rarity then stared at her stomach and then at the monitor again. 'Maybe I should make myself some breakfast first...or at least coffee...' Rarity then looked at the monitor one more time, ' least they haven't woken up yet...guess its as good time as any to make breakfast...'

Rarity slowly entered the kitchen, only to quickly whip up a giant breakfast, enough for three ponies. She piled several pancakes and prepared several cups of coffee. After taking a sip of coffee and eating a single pancake, she went back and looked at the monitor again. 'Ah...the duo are waking up...good...just in time for breakfast...'

Rarity then went to the desk and pulled out a disguise ring, there she put it on and thought, 'Let's see...why don't I just use the name Twilight was trying to use...what was it? Ah! Shimmering Paper! That name will do just fine...'

After levitating a few folding tables with magic, Rarity entered the room where both Sunset and Trixie were. “Good morning darlings! Its breakfast time!”

Sunset and Trixie both looked at each other as they watched Rarity place a pile of pancakes in front of them. Their mouth then began to water at the fresh smell the food gave. “ we supposed to eat this if we're tied up?”

“” said Rarity as she scratched her head in thought. “ about I just levitate it too you?”

“You mean feed us like foals?”

“Well...yes. I can't think of another way...or do you not want to eat?”

“'s just...”

“Trixie thinks its embarrassing.”


Rarity then let out a huff. “Well darling, if you don't accept my method...then you won't eat at all. What do you say to that?”

“Well...why are you feeding us stuff like this? Or even treating us like this? Last time I got captured by somepony, all they did was beat me.”

“Beat you?! How barbaric! We Rainbooms would never do such a thing!I know you two don't agree with what we do but that doesn't mean we're caveponies. I would never beat anypony unless they were to threaten my friends or family!”

'Well, she doesn't seem too bad...' thought Sunset, 'So this Rainboom is also an unicorn just like Twilight Sparkle...hmm...perhaps she's the unicorn that the criminals say come in and seduced them when the Rainbooms are about to steal from them. She looks the part though she still looks like she just got up...'

“What's the matter Sunset Shimmer? Have something to say?”

“ I ask you one question?”

“Sure, go ahead darling.”

“Why are you a Rainboom?”

“Why are you asking that Sunset? She's a greed filled thief obviously!”

“Is that what you think all of us Rainbooms are Miss Lulamoon?” asked Rarity with a sassy look.

“Yes. Trixie does.”

Sunset gave a disgruntled look at Trixie. “Trixie...does she look like a regular thief?”

“Well no...”

“Can you let her answer my question?”

“...okay, Trixie will allow it.”

“Sorry about that, please continue.”

“That's fine Miss Shimmer. Don't worry about it darling. want to know why I joined the Rainbooms?”

“Yes. Hate to say it but you don't seem like a regular criminal mare. Usually most criminal ponies are”

“Disgusting looking.”

“Yeah. What Trixie said.”

“I understand darling. As for the reason why I joined the Rainbooms...this may sound silly but...I joined the Rainbooms to help me regain my motivation and inspiration for my dream.”

“Your dream?”

“Trixie has to ask, does it involve thieving?”

Rarity then slightly giggled, “Not at all Miss Lulamoon. My dream is to continue to...well...let's say when I first joined the Rainbooms, I lost all my motivation for my dream job.”

“Wait a lost motivation over your talent?”

“Yes.” said Rarity as she nodded. “Let's just say I run a type of shop where I make certain...things. However, I was in a horrible depression. Even though my parents could easily help me stay in business...I...I lost all motivation. I had no inspiration whatsoever.”

“So you joined for inspiration?”

“Yes. You see, the Rainbooms and our ideals are very different from regular thieves. First, we don't go for profit, at all.”

“Yeah...we already know this.”

“I know, now...second, we Rainbooms are specifically phantom thieves.”

“Phantom thieves? You mean you steal for the thrill of it?!”

“For some of us, yes. In fact, only one of the Rainbooms here are here for the actual money we obtain, though they no longer need the money.”

“Really? Only one? Why?”

“To help their family.”

“Family...” said Sunset as her face showed more and more sadness. Sunset couldn't stand what she as hearing, the thieves she was looking for seemed so different then what she was expecting. They seemed like she could relate to them and it scared her. Trixie on the other hand, didn't change face. She kept sitting there, filled with anger as Rarity helped her finish her breakfast.

“Can I ask you something now, Miss Shimmer?”

“Um...what do you want to ask?”

“ are Princess Celestia's apprentice, correct?”


“May I ask what kind of pony she is?”

“What do you mean?”

“I mean...well...perhaps I should explain why I'm asking this. You see...over two years ago, Twilight put us all together. We all had are reasons to join but...she asked us pretty much the same way.”

“How did she ask you?”

“Simple, she said she needed my help.”

“That's it?”

“Oh yes, back then despite what Twilight looks like right now...she was very humble about asking for help. Before we knew it, we became the Rainbooms with Twilight as our leader. There was nopony better fit for the job. Twilight is a master strategist, inventor, and overall genius. She could think up incredible plans and make sure we could do it no matter what. The most important part though, Twilight always asked us if we don't want to do the job and was never against us if we declined.”

“Wait a second, repeat that to Trixie. She would accept you rejecting her plan?! What kinda leader is that?!”

“It's not only that Miss Lulamoon, I think you'll be even more surprised by the first rule of the Rainbooms that Twilight established.”

“First rule?”

“Yes. The first rule of our group is that at any time, you are allowed to leave the Rainbooms. You are even allowed to go to the police if you want too.”

“WHAT?!” the two yelled.

“You can't be serious?!”

“Trixie agrees! No thieves would have an absurd rule like that!”

“But we do.” said Rarity with a straight face. “It's part of our ideals.”


“I hate to say it Trixie...but I think she's telling the truth...”

“That's...that's crazy...Trixie has never encountered criminals who think like that...”

“Now...back to my original story Miss Shimmer...” said Rarity without skipping a beat. “For the longest time, Twilight stayed as our leader and we couldn't have a better leader than her. She was originally distant from us the months moved on, she became our greatest friend. She would do anything to help us out. was little after we did the Golden Gem of the Sun job...”

“When I first fought Twilight...”

“Yes...after that, the Equestrian military began to search for we decided to split up for a while. It was then that I believe Twilight began to change...”

“What do you mean?”

“Well...a few days later, everypony except Twilight had left Manehattan. Then, Twilight saw something that utterly shocked her. She saw a wanted poster for her but not as a Rainboom. Instead, the poster was her wanted by Princess Celestia and her parents.”

“Her parents as well?”

“Yes...then a day or so later, the poster changed and showed her wanted by Princess Cadance instead.”

“Her old foalsitter...”

“ that point, Twilight thought that perhaps it would be a good idea to meet Princess Cadance. Unlike her parents or Princess Celestia, Twilight only had good memories of her old foalsitter.”

“Let me guess...she went to see her and didn't get the answer she wanted?”

“Yes...Princess Cadance told Twilight that she was destined to inherit Harmony. As you know, Twilight refused, then she went to her hotel room and slept for the rest of the night. She got up the next day to leave Canterlot only to find out that the Canterlot trains had been ordered by Princess Celestia to be stopped until she was found. Not only that, Princess Celestia ordered Twilight's brother, Captain Shining Armor to give out the order!”

“Captain Armor is her brother?! For real?!”


“No way...and Princess Celestia actually did this? She...she ordered her brother to do that?!”

“Yes...she did. After that, Twilight tried to find a way out of Canterlot.”

“And it didn't work, did it?”


“If that's the case...then...they had their fight in Canterlot after that...”

“Yes. They did. After that...well...let's just say...” Rarity didn't want to say anything about her involvement in helping Twilight escape Canterlot.

Sunset then glared at Rarity, raising one of her eyebrows. “Don't treat me like an”

“Call me Shimmering Paper.”

“Okay...Shimmering Paper, don't treat me like...wait a minute! That's the alias Twilight was using!”

“Yes, I know. I'm using it now so you know it isn't my name.”

Sunset wanted to retort but she quickly realized that Rarity was thinking ahead of her right now. “Okay...that makes sense...”

“Don't praise her Sunset!”

“It's fine I take a good guess...Twilight eventually escaped Canterlot thanks to you all, am I correct?”


“Alright...what happened next?”

“Well...” said Rarity as she put both plates on one of the tables she brought in and folded the other. “After that...Twilight, well...I guess you could say she fell into a deep depression. We were skeptical at first when she told us that she was chosen to be the 'chosen unicorn of Harmony' but...we could tell it was real. It affected her greatly, so much so that she stopped studying for a while. We knew something was wrong since Twilight loved to study and read...and plan...instead she just moped around or tried to help us in our regular lives.”

“HA! Trixie refuses to believe filthy thieves like yourselves have 'regular lives'!”

Rarity then scoffed at Trixie's comment. “Miss Lulamoon...tell me, does your cutie mark apply to your job?”

Trixie just stared at Rarity.

“Well...does it?”


“I personally am surprised a pony like you is in the police force, especially since your mark is a wand with a moon.”

“Shut up...”



Rarity fell out of her seat like a rock. She slowly got up as she tried looking at Trixie's face, now filled to the brim with anger. Rarity then struggled to say any words. “”

“Trixie! Calm down!”

“Shut it Sunset! Trixie will not clam down!”

“If you keep yelling, we'll never get anywhere!”

Sunset and Trixie had a staredown, and soon Trixie began to calm down. “Okay...Trixie will calm down...”

Sunset then turned to Rarity. “I'm sorry about that, please continue.”

“Um...right...well...where were we?”

“Twilight was helping you with'regular lives'...right?”

“Ah, next few...weeks as it were...Twilight was different...all she did was think about the prophecy Princess Celestia told her about and...despite all that happened...well...she stay depressed. No matter what we did, we couldn't change what was happening to her...we just...wanted our friend back...”

“Hold on...there's something wrong with this timeline...she has to get confidence eventually, she fought Princess Celestia again, didn't she?”

“Yes...after a few weeks...another member of our group came by and...I don't know what she said to Twilight turned on something. Something fierce...”

“What do you mean?”

“Twilight...suddenly had this...I don't know what you would call it...a bolt of inspiration or something. Before we knew it, she started to study and plan again but this time...well...”

“It was all about Harmony wasn't it?”


“I see...I can guess what happened after that since I saw what happened to Princess Celestia...”

“Now...will you answer my question?”

“You mean 'what kind of pony Princess Celestia is?'”

“Yes.” said Rarity, nodding.

“Don't tell her anything Sunset.”

Sunset sat there for a second, she wasn't sure what to say. She stared at Rarity who showed a small face of sadness after telling her tale. The face she saw in front of her slowly began to influence Sunset. “Well...I have a feeling you didn't tell me everything.”

“Well darling...I technically didn't, but I thought by now you would understand the situation.”

“I get that, it's just...why is Twilight wanting to quit the Rainbooms then?”

“ see, a few weeks ago Twilight went back to Canterlot.”

“Really?! What for?”

“To meet her family and make amends with them.”

“Her family? But it sounded like she hated them.”

“She did at one time but...due to what happened before in Canterlot...she decided to see them again. However, after her trip there...”

“She came back and she was even worse, wasn't she?”

“Yes. She apparently met Princess Luna...and then...well, you saw her eye. It's telling her something is coming.”

“Her eye...that's from when she inherited Harmony, isn't it?”


Sunset then gave a rather curious face while Trixie looked at Sunset with skepticism, still not understanding what was going on. Sunset then continued, “Tell me did she inherit Harmony? I've read up on the elements and based on what I've researched, you would need six ponies or one alicorn to activate the elements.”

“Well...she did it as one pony, I can tell you that. After that...well, I honestly don't know.”

A small lightbulb went on in Trixie's head. “Wait a second! Does that mean Trixie was right and there were only six Rainbooms?!” she exclaimed suddenly.

Rarity was surprised by her statement but quickly replied. “No...we have more members than that.”

'I'm telling the truth...' thought Rarity. 'Scootaloo is basically a member as well.'

Trixie then gave a huge depressive look since she could tell Rarity was telling the truth. “Ugh...Trixie can't believe it...”

“Anyways...will you answer my question now dear?”

“Well...” said Sunset as she slowly tried to slump down even though she was tied up. At that moment, her mind was finally made up, “I guess I'll tell you what I know...”


“It's fine Trixie! It's not like this will change anything anyways.”


“Please let her speak darling.”

Trixie then lowered her head. “...Fine...if that is Sunset's choice...”

Sunset took a deep breath. “First off, I've known Princess Celestia since I was just a little filly. I was an orphan that was chosen from the orphanage by per chance to be able to do the entrance magic exam at her school. There, I made a dragon egg hatch which in turn became my assistant, a baby dragon named Spike.”

“A dragon named Spike? I like the name but...”

“He's only a baby dragon though he thinks he's already an adult...” Sunset then rolled her eyes at her own comment. “That's not important, point is that I was accepted into her school! I also had no cutie mark at the time. It wasn't until a few weeks into school that everything began to change...”

The past...

Sunset walked in and sat in her classroom chair. The classroom was huge and designed to hold about fifty foals. Sunset watched the other students come in and soon the teacher came in. The teacher quickly yelled to tell the students to be quiet.

“Quiet everypony! we have a very special guest! Please show your best behavior for...Princess Celestia!”

Everypony in the room gasped and then bowed down as Celestia slowly entered the room. There, she stood before the entire class and said, “Greetings my little ponies, I am Princess of the Sun, Celestia. I am here to greet you all today for one reason. I wish to see the future of Equestria, and little ponies, are the future.”

Sunset sat in her seat, amazed at the very presence of Celestia. She couldn't say a word, she only sat there, staring while Celestia continued to speak.

“Now everypony...I am going to call you one by one and I want you to tell me your dream.”

Celestia than began to listen to everypony alphabetically, listening to every unicorn there. She heard every dream in the book, unicorns that wanted to be athletes, doctors, and other great jobs. Before she knew it, Sunset was next. As the teacher called on Sunset, she slowly got up from her chair, showing that she had no cutie mark unlike most of the other unicorns there. Celestia noted this in her head as she listened to Sunset's dream.

Sunset's lips trembled as she began to speak. “Um...I...I...I wanna become a princess! A princess of magic!”

“I see...” said Celestia with a huge smile. “That is a fine dream, Sunset Shimmer.”

As those words entered Sunset's ears, she felt like her hooves were about to melt. She felt on the top of world at that very moment and at that moment, she felt a certain sensation in her body as she stood there staring at Celestia. Sunset then turned her head to see her cutie mark appear, showing a sun.

The present...

“About a week later...Princess Celestia took me out of the school and made me her student. Those years after that...well...they were probably the greatest years of my life.”

“I must have been a wonderful honor to be her student...”

“It was...she's...she's a wonderful pony. She's always patient and kind...and always seems to understand anything you ask her...there were so many times that I felt like I should give up and she would...she would...” said Sunset as tears formed in her eyes.

“She would always help you...wouldn't she?”



“Does that answer your question?”

“Well...I hate to say it Miss Shimmer...but I had a feeling this was going to be your answer anyways.”


“Yes...I'm sorry.”

“It's fine...”

Rarity then got up and left the room, closing the door. After that, she sat at the table, unable to properly think. She just slumped over and thought, 'Great...that didn't help me at what do I do...there has to be something I can learn before Twilight gets here...'


“I'm here!” yelled Twilight as she opened the door.


At the same time, Sunset and Trixie looked at each other in that closed room. Trixie then spoke up, “Trixie has a feeling you didn't tell her everything...”

“No...” said Sunset as she slumped in her chair. “But...but I did tell her how I see Princess Celestia.”

“I see...”

Sunset Shimmer then lowered her as head as she began to think about her mentor, 'Princess...I you remember when you saved me so long ago?'

Many years ago...

Sunset Shimmer was sitting in her room, reading another book about magic. Sunset sat there, flipping page after page when she heard a knock at her door.


“Come in!”

“Hello my faithful student...”

“Princess Celestia?!” yelped Sunset as she quickly got up and bowed.

“It's fine Sunset, you don't need to bow. Now..I have something I need to ask you about.”

“Um...of course!” said Sunset as she stared at the alicorn before her, thinking, 'Something to ask me about? What could it be?!'

“I have heard that you don't socialize with other students Sunset Shimmer, is this true?”



“Because they want to do other things and I want to study instead.”

“You would rather study? Why?”

“Because I want to be the very best, no matter what.”

“Is that you remember the talk we had about friendship and relationships?”

Sunset nodded. “Yeah, but I decided I don't need those things. All I need is magic and power to be the very best.”

“And humility?”

“Um...I knida forgot about that one...”

Celestia let out a sigh. “I see...still nothing...”

“But princess...I don't need friends! I just told you all I need is more magic!”

“ are my student, are you not?”


“Then I will say only this, at your current rate, you will not achieve your goal.”

“Wha...” Sunset couldn't finish the word that came out of her mouth.

“You heard me, my little pony. If you are wondering why, it is because in order for you to improve, you will need to open up and embrace friendship.”

“But...but...I don't want to meet other ponies, I'd rather study and learn more magic!”

Celestia sighed again. “Sunset...tell you what...why don't you come with me for a lesson?”

“A lesson? Okay...”

The two ponies left Sunset's room and soon went down to Celestia's castle. There, Celestia led Sunset to a certain room. “Now Sunset, what do you see in front of you?”

“A mirror...or at least I think that's what it is.”

“Yes...tell me, what do you see in the mirror?”

“Well...” said Sunset as she got closer to the mirror. “I see a great pony...destined to be one of Equestria's greatest princesses it has ever known...”

Sunset then got closer and closer to the mirror, as if in a trance. She couldn't stop staring at it. “I see...I see a pony like no other...and it looks just like me...a princess...a princess that I deserve to be...”

Sunset then showed a smile that kept getting bigger and bigger. “Yes...yes...”

Celestia's hoof then patted Sunset's shoulder. “That's enough! This lesson is over Sunset Shimmer.”


“No...I'm sorry Sunset Shimmer...but I don't think your need to take what you have seen here and sit down and think very hard about it.”


The days slowly passed for Sunset Shimmer. Everyday, she was haunted by what she saw in the mirror. What she saw was what she wanted more than anything. She sat in her room, thinking, 'That showed me as a princess...a princess...a princess...I...I wanna be a princess...I...I have to be a princess...I...I...'

The days passed more and more. As Celestia sat on her throne, her adviser came to speak to her.

“Your highness...”


“What are we to do about Sunset Shimmer? According to the servants, she's barely eating anything and Spike says she just sits there, day after day.”

“I don't know adviser...I had once hoped she would be the pony I was looking for, only to find out that she was instead a pony worthy of being my's seems to have lost her way even more...”

“I see...I am sorry for bothering you...”

“It's fine...don't worry about it.”

Then one night, Sunset suddenly left her room. She slowly ventured down the halls of the castle, trying to make sure nopony saw her. As she snuck through room after room, she slowly got to the room with the mirror. There she sat in front of it and slowly put her hoof on it. She then gasped as her hoof went right through.

“ way...” she said as she looked at her now vanished hoof. “This mirror...just what is it?”

The next day...

Celestia began her usual morning routine and slowly entered her throne room. There, she asked a guard to of and see if Sunset Shimmer had changed at all. Soon he returned with a report.

“Your highness, we have an emergency!”

“What is it solider?”

“It's Sunset Shimmer....she's missing!”

Celestia's eyes showed a tinge of fear. “No...don't tell me...”

Celestia quickly got up and ran to the mirror room. There she found Sunset Shimmer laying in front of the mirror. “SUNSET SHIMMER!” she yelled. “What do you-”

Celestia stopped talking. Her mouth trembled as she saw her student just laying there in a puddle of tears. She then slowly opened her mouth and said, “Sunset? What happened?”

Sunset slowly turned to Celestia with tear filled eyes and said, “Princess?”

“I'm here, what happened?”

“I...I...I kept looking at the mirror as I put my hoof in it...and...and...I saw something...something horrible...”

“Something horrible? Like what?”

“I think it...I think it...I think it showed me what I would become...and it scares me...”

“What did it show you?”

“I saw a pony...a beautiful princess with great power...and...and...that princess...” More and more tears appeared in Sunset's eyes. “WAAAAAAHHHHH!!!”

Celestia then went up to Sunset and put her wings over her. “Please don't cry little one...please...just tell me what you saw...”

“I saw me...and I...I saw myself as ruler of Equestria...and it showed me killing you...”

“Oh Sunset...”

“I can't believe it...It showed me becoming a awful I really that bad Princess Celestia? Am I a horrible pony?”

“ no're not a horrible pony Sunset. All that happened is that you lost your way.”

“Lost my way?”

“Yes...when I first saw you...I saw a pony with potential...with sincerity...and passion. But there was ambition in that pony...there was selfishness in you...”

“Yeah...I'm just a...”

“No! Don't say anything Sunset. All you are right just a pony who was shown what she could become without guidance...”

“Without guidance?”

“Yes...but I can help you Sunset...I can guide you...will you allow me to help you learn compassion...and friendship?”

Sunset nodded. “Yes...please teach me princess...I'm so sorry! I'm so so sorry!”

“I's fine...”

“I'm sorry I was so selfish!” Sunset said as she grabbed Celestia's leg. “Please forgive me!”

“I already have...” she said as she patted her head. “I already have, my wonderful student...”

The present...

'Princess...' thought Sunset, 'Even now...I'm so glad you saved me...I'm so glad I'm your student...and yet...I think I now understand why you did what you did after that incident. You made sure for the next few years that I didn’t interact with other ponies, you knew my mind was unstable at the time...and then I was finally ready...sure, I was still a little selfish but you let me leave and...I met Trixie and Octavia and the others and...I couldn't be more happy that I met them...'

Sunset's head lowered even more as she continued to think, 'I think I get it now...if I'm right, I think I know what Twilight was supposed to become if Princess Celestia had found her and yet...she didn' wonder Princess Celestia looked so depressed when I saw her return with her sister...but if that's the case...what do I do here? Should I still help Trixie put Twilight behind bars for good or...I hate to say it but...I think Princess Celestia will need Twilight and...Twilight needs her...but she's a criminal...pardons...would that really be possible? More importantly, should I help Twilight get that pardon now that I fully understand why Princess Celestia needs her? Would Trixie ever trust me again if I do?'

Sunset then just a gave a look of confusion as she continued to think, Trixie soon noticed this and said, “Sunset, is something wrong?”

“I don't know Trixie...I just don't know...”

Meanwhile in the north...

Sombra landed in what could only be described as a frozen wasteland. A huge snowstorm was showing its fury in the barren, snow filled land. Sombra viewed the landscape and thought, ' the empire is still sealed seems my seal that I used before I lost to the sisters is still working...'

Sombra then stood up on two legs and raised his front hooves to the air, his horn beginning to glow, “ it was long ago...let the massive empire that existed here long ago appear once again...let it show itself with all of its glory...give me what I desire...let my magic destroy the seal I made...”

Sombra horn shined throughout the wasteland, the magic inside that horn began to flow out within that snowstorm.

“Give what belongs to me back! GIVE ME THE CRYSTAL EMPIRE!”