Three Days in Two Years

by Frost Bear

The Animal

Pinkie laid in a jail cell. Mane and tail deflated. She sighed in depression, waiting for her captors to return.

Someone stood at the bars.

“Oh wow! How long were you there?” she asked.

“Long enough to know you’re capable of silence,” the stranger stated.

Pinkie pouted, “It’s no fun staying quiet. I’m sorry for destroying your mountain. Can I go save my friends now?”


“Why not?!”

“Because you committed a heinous crime in our village!”

“I said sorry.”

“It’s not the mountain that we’re mad about, it’s the loud noises!”

Pinkie tilted her head in confusion.

“ugh, listen, This village relies on silence. It is illegal to make sounds that echo.”


“If we made loud noises, our enemies will find us.”

“Why are they enemies?”

“They stole our land.”


“Because they’re greedy selfish unicorns.”

Pinkie giggled, “Unicorns aren’t bad. I have many friends who are unicorns!”

“Any from the unicorn kingdom?”

Pinkie pondered for a second before shaking her head.

“How is it that you’re only quiet when you don’t have to be?”

Pinkie just shrugged.

The stranger sighed, “I’m just here to deliver food. Your punishment is still being decided. Don’t do anythi-“ It was then he noticed Pinkie was no longer inside the cell.

“Sorry, but I REALLY have to get back to my friends,” she bounced away like a rubber ball.

Pinkie hopped out the door and took in the view. The prison was atop a mound overlooking the village. Numerous houses blended into the forest. Several buildings merged with the side of the mountain. She heard several voices and jumped on the roof.

Several earth ponies ran out, “Where’d she go?” One of them was smart enough to look up, “There she is!”

Pinkie eeped and jumped off the building… that was on the side of a mountain… It was only when she was mid-air that she realized why that was an incredibly stupid decision. Lucky for her, she landed on a pile of pillows. The landing made a loud pomf and kicked up some dust. Pinkie was unharmed and grateful for the chance of survival.

“Deus ex machine, I love you,” she hugged several pillows as a few ponies stared at her.

A group of ponies surrounded her. They seemed to had fallen from the same height she did but effortlessly landed on the tips of their hooves. Pinkie knew better than to stick around a group of angry looking stallions and bounced away.

The stallions chased her. Every effort Pinkie made to slow them down proved useless. Civilians started to jump in front of her or try to stop her in some way. Pinkie grabbed a pie and threw it behind her, not seeing if it hit anything. The pie was sliced eight ways evenly and landed perfectly on eight plates at a restaurant.

Pinkie then tried knocking over barrels but instead started riding one down hill. On the plus side she lost her pursuers. The bad news is they had very good reason.

The barrel hit a ramp and sent Pinkie flying across roof tops. She roughly landed on a tiled roof that began to crumble. She gasped and ran across the falling tiles. Out of breath, she laid on the roof to get some fresh air.

“Can I go home now?” she asked no one in particular.

“Nope,” a voice behind her said.

With wide eyes she looked up to what could best be described as a ninja pony. He wore navy blue suite with matching mask and a katana strapped to his side. He also had green saddlebags that were tattered and loosing throwing knives.

Pinkie jumped up and was pulverized by the ninja pony. The flurry of kicks sent her flying into the forest at the end of the village.


Two ponies were arguing with each other.

“You gotta believe it!” an orange colt with yellow mane shouted.

“Please, a pink pony falls from the sky and blows up the mountain? Remember when you said a nine tailed fox killed your dad?” a pink filly retorted.

“This is different! Totally the truth! 100% guarantee!”

“Next you’ll tell me how great a ninja you are.”

“HEY, I can so be an awesome ninja.”

“You’re bright orange with a yellow mane and tail. Nothing about you is close to ninja.”

“Says the pink filly.”

“I can hide in cherry trees! Where can you hide?”

Before the colt could answer, Pinkie landed in a near by lake. She had noticeable bruises and scrapes all over her. She floated to shore with an open mouth and dizzy eyes. The two foals pulled her out. It only took a couple seconds for her to gain consciousness.

“Did anypony get the number of that truck?” Pinkie groggily moaned.

“What’s a truck?” the colt asked.

Pinkie sat up and looked over the two. With a happy smile she started her greeting with the usual ‘Hi’ but was stopped by the colt.

“See! Told you I wasn’t lying.”

“So this is the pink pony that fell from the sky? She certainly looks like it.”

“My name’s Pinkie Pie!”

The two foals said hi.

“I’m kinda lost, can you tell me how to get back to my friends?”

“Where are they?” the filly asked.


The two foals looked at each other with confusion, “You mean outside the village?”


“No one’s allowed to leave the village without permission… Well, except ninjas.”

Pinkie pondered for a moment, “That’s the only way out of this village?”

“Yeah, we don’t like ponies snooping around. Once you’re in here, you’re stuck here. If you want to leave you have to swear an oath to never say a word about this village and kill yourself if you are ever captured. You know, so the unicorns don’t find us.” the filly explained.

Pinkie tilted her head, “What’s wrong with unicorns? A few of my friends are unicorns.”

“The unicorn kingdom stole land from us! They’re the reason we’re in hidden villages,” The colt shouted, “The came here long ago and proclaimed the land as theirs. We didn’t like that, this is earth pony land! Unicorns have no right to claim it!”

Pinkie backed away, “But my friends aren’t from a unicorn kingdom. Me and my friends are from Equestria.”

The two foals calmed down but kept their confused looks, “So you’re not a unicorn spy?”

Pinkie scrubbed her head, searching for a horn. She showed the foals that she, in fact, was not a unicorn. The foals were satisfied and took her back to the village.

While they were walking to the village leader to clear things up, Pinkie found a letter on a board. It read “Disaster in Ponyville” with a picture of a statued Discord. Pinkie decided to read it as she walked with the foals. Odd glances shifted towards her whenever she went ‘huh’ or ‘ooh’ or ‘what?’ The walk felt much longer to the foals because of this. Dealing with Pinkie’s noises was painful and unsettling in the silent village. The tiny group finally made it to a large structure to meet with the village leader. Pinkie was on the last line of the paper.

“So, two foals have captured the prisoner,” an old grey pony grumbled, “Impressive.”

“She landed right in front of us and was ready for an attack!” the colt blurted out.

“BUT we talked to her and found out that she’s not working for the unicorns,” the filly half admitted.

The pony chuckled, “You two will make fine ninjas one day.”

The colt smiled while the filly face hoofed. Neither of them noticed the pony in navy blue behind them.

“Sorry for losing her,” he said with embarrassment, “I got carried away with the kicks.”

“Perhaps you should learn self control so you don’t accidentally kick someone’s head off,” the old pony smiled.

The pony in blue nodded and stood next to the elder.

“So, Pinkie Pie, what business do you have here?”

Pinkie finished reading and looked up, “Oh, well I just fell from the sky because my friend Discord hit me. Then some ponies grabbed me and put me in prison. I escaped and went flying across the sky again cause some pony in blue beat me up. Not sure what happened then but these two foals found me and we talked about unicorns and ninjas and how I can leave this village. BUT I found this news article on Ponyville, my home town, and it was destroyed by Discord! I wondered why he did that but found out it was so he could deliver a message without revealing where me and my friends are so that means he wants us to stay hidden and train to defeat this Law guy, who took over Equestria after turning the princesses into stone, so now I have to figure out what I’m going to do to help my friends defeat Law.”

… I’m not even sure if she breathed during that speech…

Everyone in the room stared at her with confusion. They managed to understand… some of it. Had they been able to wright down what she said, they wouldn’t have a problem. The elder gestured for the paper. Pinkie gave it to him. The elder puzzled over the article and Pinkie’s words.

“How long do you wish to stay, Pinkie?”

“2 years,” she answered right away.

“Well then, in two years, you will train in the art of stealth. You will have to put in all your efforts if you want to learn what we know. Once the two years are up, you will be a full ninja and have permission to enter and leave the village so long of you never tell anyone about us. Do you agree to protect the secret of the village with your life?”


“Very well, you may start your training with Shuriken tomorrow,” the elder gestured to the pony next to him and chuckled.

The foals jaws dropped.

A random pink pony that fell from the sky was just granted permission to learn the art of stealth for two years and become a ninja. They would have to wait several years before they could be granted permission and this stranger got the ok with a single long winded speech! They were jealous of the pink pony.

And sorry for the pony in blue.