//------------------------------// // The Road to the Dance! // Story: The Pie of my Eye // by Azure_Shadow //------------------------------//         “Okay Swift...okay, this is really, really bad, but  it isn’t super bad. I’m sure Flash will understand,” Swift nervously whispered to himself as he scratched the back of his head. The young man was seated at a table right next to a window showing a street of the city of Canterlot.  He shifted uncomfortably around as only two thoughts occupied his mind: how Twilight had asked him to the dance, and how Flash was going to react when he told him.         “Maybe it won’t be so bad…” Swift said. “Perhaps Flash broke down from waiting for too long and said yes to one of the two girls who already asked him. Yeah, I’m sure that’s probably what happened, nothing to worry about! Nothing at all!”         “You talking to yourself again Swift?” a voice asked. Swift turned his head to see Flash Sentry walking towards him with a milkshake in each hand. He sat down across from Swift as he set the brown colored shake in front of him and pushed a pink colored one towards Swift.         “Y-Yeah, a little. Just going over homework assignments in my head, you know,” Swift lied sheepishly.         “Heh, you got a lot of homework dude? I didn’t get much in any of my classes. Looks like it’s going to be a pretty chill night,” Flash stated as he took a sip of his milkshake.         “I have a little bit, though it shouldn't be too much trouble,” Swift explained as he was quick to take a sip of his strawberry flavored shake.         Flash raised an eyebrow at his friend. “Hey Swift, is everything alright dude? You seem kind of out of it today, like something’s troubling you.”         Swift choked a little on his shake. “U-Umm...no, nothing’s really troubling me. Just feeling a bit weird regarding recent events. A bit winded too because of us finishing the preparations for the dance,” he assured Flash, which wasn’t quite far from the truth. He’d been dealing with emotions feeling like a churning sensation in his gut. Fear, stress, surprise,  and the usual anxiety were all present within him. Though a new one was currently at work as well: guilt for saying yes to Twilight, the girl his friend had set his sights on. In the  heat of the moment of focusing solely on Twilight and her question, Swift had completely forgotten about Flash’s pursuit of the girl. It was a honest mistake, Swift repeated to himself multiple times when coming to the cafe they were currently in.         “Ah, I see. That must have been a lot of work,” Flash thought out loud. “So I’ve been meaning to ask. With you being in the Party Planning Committee with Pinkie, has anything….come up between you two?”         Swift shook his head. “Nothing much has happened. I learned a bit about what her life was like before she came to Canterlot...and the history of the doughnut. Aside from that, we’ve just talked here and there, not a lot. She asked a different guy to the dance tomorrow too, so there’s that,” he said with a sigh.         “Ooh….I’m sorry about that, man,” Flash said sympathetically. “That really sucks. If it makes you feel any better, I won’t be going to Girl’s Choice either though.”         That doesn’t help at all! Swift thought to himself as a stronger sense of unease went through his chest. “R-really?  You’re not going?” he asked, to which Flash shook his head. “But what about Cloudchaser and Roseluck? They both asked you out! Did you turn both of them down?”         “Nah dude, I waited too long. Both of them got tired of waiting for my answer and asked Bulk Biceps and Captain Planet to go with them instead. I was hoping that Twilight would ask me, but sadly, no dice,” Flash explained in a nonchalant tone.         “Yeah...kind of already knew that,” Swift muttered quietly.         “What was that Swift?”         “Err...yeah, that sucks dude, really blows,” Swift said quickly.         “Eh, what’re ya gonna do, you know?” Flash said with a shrug. “It’s just one dance. Kind of stinks that we won’t be going, considering how much hype it’s been getting from some of the people at school, but there’ll be others I’m sure.”         “Yeah,” Swift agreed.         “Still, that’s no reason why we shouldn’t be able to have a fun time on Friday, you know? So how about after school you come over to my place? We could watch some horror movies, play some Brutal Bash Bros., Ooh! I almost forgot, I just got this sweet vintage guitar from my uncle! Dude, you need to hear it, it plays like a beauty!” Flash said excitedly. “So whaddya say Swift? Wanna just hang out tomorrow?”         Swift gulped down some more of his milkshake. Well….I guess It’s time to come clean… he thought to himself.         “Actually Flash…I’m going to need to take a raincheck on that. I’ll be kind of occupied on Friday….” Swift admitted sheepishly.         “Oh? Why’s that Swift?” Flash questioned, seeming slightly disappointed. Swift looked away as he scratched the back of his head.         “Umm...well, you see Flash, just because Pinkie didn’t ask me to the dance doesn’t mean I’m not going…..” Swift explained in a nervous tone. He glanced back towards Flash to see that he had a mildly surprised look on his face.         “So wait, you got yourself a date for the dance?” He asked, to which Swift nodded yes. “Dude, that’s awesome! Good for you man, I’m happy for you!” Flash said with a genuine smile on his face.         “Heh...thanks man….” Swift said while returning an awkwardly nervous grin.         “So who’s the lucky lady, eh? Don’t take this the wrong way, but it doesn’t seem to me like many girls would notice or even ask out a guy like you.”         Swift yanked on his shirt collar a little as he looked away. “Uhh...well, it’s someone you know actually, someone I didn’t expect to ask me in the first place.”         “Yes, yes, go on!” Flash said excitedly.         “It was really sudden, I didn’t really expect it myself...kind of still shocked about it right now.”         “Come on, out with it, man! Tell me who it is already!” Flash said even more curiously.         “Well Flash…” Swift gulped. “You see…it’s kind of sort of weird, you see I was *ahem*kindofaskedbyTwilightSparkle*ahem*” he said extremely quickly.         Flash looked at Swift with a confused expression on his face. “Umm… could you say that again Swift? Couldn’t quite catch that.”         “S-Sure, what I was saying is that *ahem*IwasaskedbyTwilight*ahem*” Swift said more slowly. Flash looked at him with a blank expression before chuckling.         “Heh, try a little slower dude, for a second there it sounded like you said Twilight asked you to the the dance.”         “Ehehehe….” Swift laughed awkwardly as he looked out the window to his right and took a long sip from his milkshake. For a few seconds, the two sat in silence as Swift fought the urge to see Flash’s expression. He couldn’t see Flash, though that didn’t mean he couldn’t feel Flash’s gaze pierce his soul.         “Wait…” Flash said in a monotone as he stared at his friend. “Swift?” Swift look longer and more drawn out sips of his shake. “Swift….” Flash repeated in a more serious tone.         “*gulp* M-Mmhmm?” Swift mumbled as he continued sipping on his straw. He gained the courage to look at Flash, but immediately regretted it as he saw that Flash had a glare that could turn Medusa to stone.         “Swift...did Twilight ask you to the dance?” Flash asked sternly.         “Well… the thing is-”         “Swift!”         “Okay, yes, she asked me.” Swift admitted. Flash’s former stern look changed to a look of shock.         “Wha-what!? Are you kidding me!?” Flash more yelled at Swift than asked him. “When did she ask you!?”         “About five minutes before you sent me the text saying to meet you here…” Swift said nervously.         “And you said yes!? Why!? You know I like Twilight dude! What the hell man!?”         Swift shifted around nervously. “I-I don’t know Flash! It all happened really fast. She was looking super nervous… her friends were watching… I-I didn’t know what to say! I panicked, and I said the first thing that came into my head,” he answered, clearly feeling guilty for what he did.         “God, way to stab me in the back Swift.” Flash spat out as he crossed his arms.         “I’m sorry dude! Really, I am! In the moment, I just forgot about you liking her for a sec. My mind was trying hard enough to process everything that happened! I didn’t mean to hurt you, man! Honest!” Swift explained desperately.         “Still, you need to find a way to fix this, man!”         “What do you mean ‘fix this’?” Swift asked, puzzled.         “Call off your date with Twilight!” Flash told Swift angrily.         Swift blinked. “What!? Dude, I can’t do that! You can’t just call off your date the day before the dance! That’s super rude!”         “Just tell her you can’t go. Give her an excuse as to why you can’t go, and then, oh, I don’t know… maybe send her in my direction perhaps?” Flash suggested earnestly. Now it was Swift’s turn to give Flash a shocked look.         “You mean lie to Twilight? Flash, I can’t do that! Calling off the date would be bad enough, but lying to call the date off would be even worse! Also, why are you so pissed!? You were nonchalant about not going to the dance before!”         “That was before I realized you stole Twilight out from under my nose!” Flash retorted.         “I didn’t ‘steal her’ from you, she asked me out remember? Besides, it’s just one dance, dude! You’ll survive!”         “Yeah, it is just one dance! So why can’t you just call it off?” Flash asked.         “Because I don’t want to look like a huge asshole!” Swift answered.         Flash grinned. “Ugh, seriously dude?” he said as he started to get up. “I thought we were bros.”         “Flash…” Swift said as his friend walked past him. “Dude, come on….” he said somberly. Flash ignored Swift and walked out of the cafe they were in, leaving Swift alone to sigh. “Well….that went as expected.” __________________________________________________________________________          Friday; the night of the dance Swift was checking himself in the mirror on his dresser to make sure that everything looked right with his outfit. He was wearing greyish black dress pants with a matching vest, a white dress shirt, and a black tie. Admittedly, he was surprised that he was asked to the dance on such short notice, the day before of all days, but he was sure to always have something nice hanging up in his closet for such short notice occasions. Though more admittedly, Swift was more surprised about who asked him out to the dance. As he adjusted his tie, Swift thought about how the dark haired girl asked him out to the dance with the aid of her friends Applejack and Rainbow Dash. It still was a rather big shock to him at this point. He honestly didn’t expect her to be so happy about him saying yes, though that was a very awkward situation for the girl to be in, and he bet she was also glad that she got out of it with a good result. Hell, she even hugged him she was so happy. Swift was unaware he could make a girl so happy by just saying one word. The young man continued to ponder the reason behind Twilight’s excitement until his thoughts were interrupted by the sound of his phone vibrating on his dresser, which he answered.         “Hey Thunderlane, what’s up?”         “Hey, not much dude. I’m just about ready for the dance. Yourself?” Thunderlane asked. Swift looked into the mirror one more time to check himself out in full.         “Yup, I look fiiiiiine.” Swift joked, which prompted a chuckle from the other end of the line.         “Heh, well good for you buddy. This is gonna be quite the night for you, eh? You’re gonna have a bomb-ass night with Twilight?”         “Yeah, I guess…” Swift answered in a lackluster manner. It was clear Thunderlane had picked up on Swift’s tone due to him sighing.         “Hey man, listen, Pinkie Pie didn’t ask you to the dance yesterday. I know that majorly sucks for you right now, but you still got a pretty good night ahead of you. From what you told me, Twilight sounds like she was really happy that you said yes to her yesterday. Sure, this night isn’t going the way you initially wanted it to go, but look on the bright side! You’re still going to the dance with a really cute girl who not only asked YOU to the dance, but I repeat was VERY happy that you said yes to her. Pinkie might not have asked you, but don’t let that ruin your life.” Thunderlane explained matter-of-factly. Swift nodded as he listened to his friend’s explanation. As usual, the other young man was right. It was just one dance, there’d be plenty more after that. He believed this to be Twilight’s first dance, and if not, it was sure to be the first one where she had a date. Either way it was Swift’s job to show her a good time, regardless of what happened. But still, something else was plaguing Swift’s mind.         “Yeah, I know man. It’s just the whole thing with...well...you know…” Swift continued.         “You still worried about the whole thing with Flash?” Thunderlane asked, to which Swift gave an ‘mmhmm’. Swift hadn’t spoken to Flash since the incident in Sugarcube Corner the day beforehand. Flash seemed shocked and hurt when Swift explained that Twilight asked him to the dance. He’d never seen Flash look so pissed before at him. Needless to say, Swift felt guilty as all hell.         “Well dude, I wouldn’t worry about it a helluva lot. You know Flashy boy, when he gets upset about something, he usually pouts about it for a few days and then writes a half assed song he guilts someone into listening to afterwards.”         “I know, I know,” Swift continued. “I remember the album’s worth of songs he wrote after he broke up with Sunset Shimmer a couple months back,” he said as he shuddered at the memory of such classic Flash Sentry songs as ‘Bacon-haired Beauty’ and ‘Girl who smashed my heart...and the hood of my car.’ “But still,  I feel really bad about the whole thing. He’s a friend of mine, and I just up and stole a girl he liked away from him.”         “Dude, relax! It’s only one night. Flash will survive it, and next week everything will go back to how it usually is...maybe.”         “Wait, what do you mean ‘maybe?’” Swift inquired.         “Who knows? I guess we’ll just see when the time comes. Anyways dude, I gotta go. Rainbow’s place is on the other side of town and I need to put some gas in my bike before I head over there. I’ll see you at the dance Swift.”         “Alright man, see you later, be safe,” Swift said before hanging up his phone and looking at himself in the mirror once more to confirm everything looked good. He checked the clock on his phone; it was about 5:47. The dance didn’t start until 7, though since Swift didn’t know exactly where Twilight lived, he decided he was going to leave early just in case. As he was stuffing his phone in his pocket, he heard the sound of someone running up to his room and stopping in the doorway. He turned to see his little sister Scootaloo wearing the same dress she wore to the Fall Formal. She was holding the home phone as she talked into it excitedly.         “Uuh huh! Yup! Yeah, he’s still here,  you wanna talk to him?....Ok! Talk to you later!” she finished as she ran up to Swift and practically threw the house phone into his hand before running off.         “H-Hey Scoots! Wh-wha-” But as soon as Scootaloo gave Swift the phone, she ran back out, leaving Swift mildly confused as to who’d be calling on the house phone they almost never use. He shrugged as he put the phone to his ear. “Hello?”         “Heya champ!” the male voice on the other end of the line said.          “Dad! Hi!” Swift exclaimed in great joy. “How’re you? How’s the business trip going?”   He could hear the sound of his father clearing his throat. “Heh, it’s dragging on, I won’t lie. Some of the other guys here are being too fickle for their own good about negotiations. Hopefully we can get this deal signed within the next month or so. I hate being away from home for too long, I start missing you guys!” Swift’s father explained from the other end of the line. Swift’s father, Capital Gain (Cap for short), was a tried and true business man who worked for the Stinkin’ Rich conglomerate owned by its CEO and his father’s boss, Mr. Filthy Rich. He was currently away in Baltimore in order to entice the owner of some smaller company the chance to merge with Mr.Rich’s, and with this being an important matter for this smaller company, it was taking a while to make sure everything was right with the terms of agreement. This sadly meant that Swift and Scoots didn't get to see their father very much for the past few months. “So how’ve you been Swift? It feels like forever since I’ve talked to ya.” “I’ve been good Dad, school’s been going fine, my friends have been fine, everything’s been all good as of late.” “Well that’s good. So how’ve you been faring as the only man in the house for the past few months? Considering it’s Scootaloo and your mother, it must not be easy,” Cap said as he chuckled.         “Heh, well it’s been as good as it could be. Scootaloo is only being mildly irritating at times, so that’s great.”         “I HEARD THAT!” Scootaloo shouted from her room on the opposite end of the hall.         “YOU WERE SUPPOSED TO!” Swift answered back as spoke into the phone again. “Anyways, yeah, everything around the house has been normal. Still as quiet as usual here.”         “Alright, alright, say, while we’re on the topic of girls, I heard somebody was asked to a dance, eh?” Cap asked with a jovial tone in his voice.         “Yes, yes I was, dad,” Swift answered.         “Haha! That’s my boy! I bet the ladies are just beating down your door at this point.”         “Yeah, if only,” Swift replied as he nodded his head.         “Soooo, who is the lucky lady? Is it that Rainbow Dash girl who comes around to teach Scoots about soccer? Or is it that Rarity girl who you seemed to get along with pretty well, last time I remember?” Cap wondered out loud.         “No, it’s neither of those girls dad,” Swift answered. “It’s actually this new girl who transferred to our school a few months ago. Her name is Twilight Sparkle.”         “Oooh, nice! Is she cute?”         Swift rolled his eyes. “Yes dad, she’s cute.”         “Alright, good for you buddy! So you’re finally getting back on the horse, so to speak. That’s my little ladykiller!”         “Not really dad,” Swift deadpanned. “She’s just a friend right now.”         “Perhaps,” Cap agreed. “But who knows? Maybe after this dance you may… see her in a different light?”         “Maybe,” Swift said as he felt very unconvinced. Twilight was an awesome girl to be sure. Smart, kind, adorkable. Swift could definitely see how she would be able to woo some guy out there, but he believed that his heart belonged to Pinkie, even though she didn’t know it. As he thought about the two girls, Swift took another glance at his phone to see that it was nearing 6 o’clock. “Oh hey dad, I’m sorry to cut this short, but I should get going soon. The dance starts at seven, and I don’t want to be late. Would you like me to give the phone to mom before I go?”         “No thanks Swift, I already spoke with mom just a few minutes ago. Well anyways, good luck with this Twilight girl, and make sure to show her a good time.”         Swift nodded. “Thanks dad, I will. I’ll talk to you later,” he said as he moved his thumb close to the end call button on the house phone.         “SWIFT! WAIT!” his father suddenly blurted out over the telephone.         “Yeah dad?”         “What car are you taking Twilight to the dance with?” his father inquired in a oddly serious manner.         “What car?” Swift asked confused. “I’m taking mom’s blue van, what else?”         Swift then heard his father muttering something to himself for a few seconds before clearing his throat and speaking up. “No… that won’t do it. Son, do me a favor and go into my study.” __________________________________________________________________________         Swift’s father had him go into his study and go to his desk, where he further instructed him to open a false bottom in one of the drawers, which contained a set of car keys. After obtaining the keys, Swift ran down to the garage he was currently in, staring at the black beast in front of him with awe.         “Dad….are you sure?” Swift asked sounding completely awed.         “Mmhmm. Son, this car is one of my prides and joys, along with you and Scootaloo. It's a beautifully powerful piece of machinery, and I think you’re ready for it,” he explained confidently.         “Seriously? But you don’t even let mom drive it!”         “Well, take a look at your mother’s car real quick,” Swift’s father ordered. Swift quickly glanced at the aqua blue van next to his dad’s car to see that it had dings, bumps, and dents all  across the side, back, and part of the front from what he could see.         “Oohh… yeah…” Swift grimaced.         “Yeah, despite how much I wholeheartedly love your mother, I don’t trust her with the safety of my sports car. I do trust you with it, however. Use it to really wow that Twilight girl. Nothing impresses a girl quite like a sports car.”         “Wow, thanks dad, I’ll make good use of it,” Swift promised.         “My only condition as you might guess is that you NEVER under ANY circumstances let your mother drive it. That car’s like my third child, you got it?”         “Got it, mom will never step behind the wheel of your car, dad,” Swift assured his father.         “Good boy. Well I’ll let you head off to the dance now. I have an early day tomorrow, sadly. God, I hate waking up at six thirty,” Swift’s father said with a sigh.         “Alright dad, talk to you later. Goodnight,” Swift said as he pressed the end call button on the house phone to hang it up. He then walked over to the door connecting to the house to put the phone away to see his mother open it.          “You heading out sweetie?” she asked as she brushed a black lock of hair out of her view.         “Yeah, I just got done talking with Dad. Would you mind putting this back on the reciever for me?” Swift asked as he handed his mother the house phone.         “Sure thing,” his mom replied as she took the phone from Swift, after which, she quickly pulled him into a hug. “Ooooh, my little boy’s going to the dance! It’s been forever since the last time!”         “Mooooooom,” Swift groaned. “It’s fine, it’s just a dance!”         “Yes, but it shows me that you’re growing up! Stop reminding me that I’m getting old!” she nearly whined.         “I will as soon as you let go of me!” Swift said as he struggled against the hold his  mother had on him until she finally relented and broke the hug.         “Aww, well have fun Swift!”         “Thanks mom, I will.” Swift said as he opened the garage door. He quickly got into the black Lamborghini and started it up.  As he was about to pull out, he noticed his mom came up to the window with a shocked look on her face. Swift smiled and waved at his mother before backing out of the garage, leaving his mother alone in the garage with her mouth agape.         “SERIOUSLY!? Swift’s only been driving for a few months!” Swift’s mother shouted as if her husband could hear her from Baltimore. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------         It didn’t take very long for Swift to find Twilight’s house, as he was able to pull into the driveway about ten minutes after he left his house. Looking at it, it was a two story tan house with a large front porch. As Swift walked up to the house, he heard the faint sound of a dog barking. He looked up at the second story of the house to see that a light was on in one of the rooms. He continued up the steps of the porch and up to the front door.         “Whew….alright, here we go.” Swift sighed with anticipation as he rang the doorbell. He waited for a few second before hearing footsteps come towards the door. It quickly opened to show that a man had answered the door. This man in particular had a rather muscular build and was a head or two taller than Swift. He had pale ivory skin and longish hair in two different streaks of blue. He was wearing black dress pants with a white dress shirt and a black tie. His eyes were obscured by a dark pair of aviator shades. He stared at Swift for what seemed like forever until he finally spoke up.         “Yes?” the man with the aviators asked in a rather cold manner.         “U-umm… hello sir, I-I’m-” Swift said shakily before he was cut off.         “So you’re Swift Justice, hm?” the officer interrupted, to which Swift replied with a nod. “Yeah, I’ve been expecting you. Come in,” he continued as he motioned for Swift to enter the house, which Swift did. He walked by a stairway and walked into what was clearly the living room. The officer followed him in as he quietly sat down in a recliner.         “Please, have a seat,” he said in a continuously stoic tone as he motioned towards a couch on the other end of the room. Swift quickly obeyed as he plopped down on the couch, sitting straight up. He sat stiff as a board as he glanced around the room, only taking one or two seconds at any time to look at the man in front of him. From what he could tell, the man was  hunched over and resting his chin on his hands while never taking his eyes off of the young man before him. Swift felt as though he was being observed from a microscope for a few moments  before gulping nervously.         “S-So, umm… is… Twilight here?” he asked in an attempt to break the silence. The officer kept staring at him as he spoke.         “Twilight is upstairs getting ready, yes. But for now, how about we talk about you, Mr. Justice? I have to wonder, what exactly are your intentions tonight?” he questioned.         “Umm...to take Twilight to the dance…...and to have fun…..?” Swift answered back in more of a question than an answer.         “Hmm….I see….” the officer said without taking his shade-covered eyes off Swift. “Exactly what kind of fun do you want to have with her?”         “What kind? Well… just normal teenage fun, I guess.”         “Oooh boy,” the older adult said with a sigh as he reclined back into his chair and put one leg over the other. “Swift, I’m going to level with you here. You see, I am an officer of the law, and I’m always concerned with the safety and well being of those in my community. My little sister is no exception by far. She’s my only sister you know, and as such, I’m very close to her. I talk with her about her school work, her friends, and her interests amongst other things, so I’ve picked up on a guy or two that she mentions every now and again.”         “A umm….a guy sir?” Swift asked nervously.         “Yes Swift, a guy. To be more specific, that guy is you,” Twilight’s apparent older brother answered plainly, to which Swift’s eyes widened in surprise a bit. “You’ve come up in conversation quite a bit since Twilight came here to Canterlot County. It sounds like you’ve become a good friend of hers, welcoming her into your school with open arms and even guiding her into finding even more friends.”         “Well, ‘guiding’ is kind of a stretch, really. I just recommended that she take some girls’ invitation to have lunch with them, and it just went from there,” Swift explained sheepishly.         “Even so, you’ve spent a bit of time with my little sister, and it’s clear to me at least that she thinks of you very fondly,” Twilight’s brother stated matter-of-factly.         “R-really?” Swift stammered out of curiosity. It was true that Swift assumed Twilight at least thought of him as a friend, but the word very in that sentence made him wonder.         “Mmhmm, and just yesterday she seemed incredibly happy when she told me that you’d go to Girl’s Choice with her. In fact, I’d say she was damn near ecstatic about it. Which brings me to the reason I wanted to talk to you.” Twilight’s brother said as he removed his aviators so that Swift could see the seriousness in his  eyes. “The reason I wanted to talk to you was so that I could give you a warning, Mr.Justice.”         Swift nervously gulped again. “A warning sir?”         “That’s right, a warning. You see Swift, my little sister is like a snowflake. She’s beautiful, unique, and special in every way. But also like a snowflake, she’s fragile, and capable of melting away in an instant. Being her friend is all well and good, but I warn against doing anything that’ll make her feel you have any romantic intent if you don’t. Basically, if you  do anything that’ll end up hurting or upsetting my little snowflake of a sister, you’ll have to deal with the avalanche that is Shining Armor. Do you understand?”         “Y-yes sir,” Swift squeaked out.         “I’m sorry?”         “Sir yes sir!” Swift said a bit louder. Shining Armor nodded.         “Alright good, and before I let you go, there’s something else I need to talk with you about, I need you to-” Shining continued until both persons in the room heard what sounded like little feet or paws running above them. They paused as they looked towards the hallway they entered from. Barking very quickly followed the sounds of running as both Swift and Shining saw a small lavender dog with green tufts of fur coming out from the other end of the hallway. The small dog tripped up on all fours before picking himself back up as it continued its dash towards the room. Once it entered, it quickly ran over to Swift and started sniffing his dress shoes, alternating between that and looking up and barking at him. Swift stared at the dog until he heard a female voice coming from the hall the dog had entered from.         “Aaawww, Spike, is someone here?”         Swift looked up to see a young woman, likely in her early to mid twenties, enter the room. She had a light cerise skin tone with light purple eyes and hair with streaks of moderate violet, rose, and pale gold streaks. She was wearing a black sweater with cream khakis, and her midriff was accessorized with a black belt with a golden buckle in the shape of a heart. The dog apparently named Spike turned to look at the woman before running over to her, where she picked the dog up mid run and touched her index finger to his nose. She baby talked the dog for a little bit before turning her attention to Swift.         “Oh hello there! You must be Swift,” the young woman stated with a smile.         Swift nodded. “Umm… yes, that’s me. It’s nice to meet you Miss…”         “Cadance, Cadence Armor. Nice to meet you too, Swift. Twilight is very nearly done getting ready, she should be here any second,” Cadence assumed. “So, how are things going down here?”         “O-oh, things are going great down here sweetie!” Shining answered in a now sheepish tone. “I was just chatting with Swift here about how much of a great time that dance is going to be! Isn’t that right Swift?”         “U-umm...y-yessir,” Swift answered in a still quietly nervous tone. He glanced back  over at Cadance to see that she had a slightly judgemental look on her face.         “Hmm...alright then,” Cadance said as she raised an eyebrow towards Shining, who just continued to smile at her very nervously. The three of them stood together in awkward silence until the sound of footsteps could once again be heard coming towards the room. Cadance glanced back and quickly stepped out of the doorway with Spike in tow. Twilight quickly stepped into the room.         “Hi Swift,” Twilight greeted with a soft smile on her face.         “H-Hey Twilight…” Swift said as he quickly looked over the lavender skinned girl’s attire. “Wow… you look amazing.”         Twilight blushed. “Thanks Swift, you too. I’m ready to go to the dance now if you are. It should be starting soon.” Swift checked his wrist watch; Twilight was right, the dance would start in about eight minutes. They should get going soon.         “Oh! Yeah yeah, I’m all ready if you are,” Swift said, to which Twilight replied with a nod. “Alright then, I think we should get a move on now.”         “Ooh! Wait!” Cadance said quickly as she dropped Spike down to the floor and began looking around the room for something. She glanced towards a side table and went to pick up a camera that was resting on it. “Twilight, can you stand close to Swift for a second? Mom wants a picture of you two!” The two quickly obliged as Swift put his arm around Twilight and brought her into a slight one armed hug as the two young teens smiled. In a few seconds, Cadance took the picture and smiled. “That was perfect! Alright, be safe you two, and have fun!”         “But not too much fun,” Shining added as he gave Swift one more hard look.         “Shiny….” Twilight groaned as she rolled her eyes. “Come on Swift, we should go before we’re late.”         “R-Right,” Swift agreed as he broke his fearful stare away from Shining. “Well… it was nice meeting you both! I’ll umm… see you later!” he said as he hastily followed Twilight out the front door. As the door shut, Shining and Cadance stared at it for a moment.         “Ow!” Shining yelped as he looked to see that his wife had elbowed him in the side. “What was that for!?”         “I could ask you the same thing,” Cadance replied while pouting. “I heard you talking to Swift before I walked into the living room. Why the act?”         “Because our dad isn’t here to do it! It’s because the responsibility of spooking any guys possibly into Twi falls to me!” Shining explained, to which Cadance face palmed. “And besides, it was kind of fun to not be on the receiving end of that conversation.”         Cadance chuckled. “Heh… reminds me of the time you picked me up for our first dance and you were scared to so much as look at me for an hour after talking to my dad,” she recalled, prompting Shining to scratch his head in embarrassment. “Say, you know what I just realized?”         “What?”         “It’s not even seven, and that dance is supposed to last until eleven,” Cadance said in a sultry tone as she moved closer to her husband. “This will be the longest time Twilight’s been out of the house since she’s moved in with us.”         “Oh yeah… you’re right,” Shining agreed as his wife put her hands on her hips and her chest on his own.         “You know where I want to go tonight?” Cadance asked seductively, to which Shining grinned.         “Downtown?” he asked as he waggled his eyebrows at Cadance.         “You know me too well.” __________________________________________________________________________         Swift focused his eyes down the dimly lit road ahead of his car. The dance was about to start soon, and Swift was nearly there with the source of his confliction. He quickly glanced over at Twilight, who was sitting in the passenger’s seat across from him, staring straight ahead. While the car itself was quiet, Swift’s mind was a different story as Shining Armor’s words were still echoing in his mind.         You’ve spent a bit of time with my little sister, and it’s clear to me at least that she thinks of you very fondly.         Just yesterday she seemed incredibly happy when she told me that you’d go to Girl’s Choice with her. In fact, I’d say she was damn near ecstatic about it.         Those words burrowed their way into Swift’s mind ever since he left Twilight’s house. Could what Shining have said been possible? Could it really be true that Twilight liked him liked him? It was possible, all things considered. Swift was the first guy she made an effort to talk to in the school, and they did speak with one another near every weekday. They’d even had a double date with Thunderlane and Pinkie. Those thoughts brought a certain memory to the surface: the dream he had a few months ago. It was an incredibly vivid dream, as he could remember near every part of it, mainly when Twilight sat on top of him and was going to kiss him. The thought admittedly brought a blush to his face as he glanced back over at Twilight. If she really did like him, then that would seriously complicate Swift’s nonexistent advances towards Pinkie. The young man was so conflicted by these thoughts, he barely even noticed when Twilight broke the silence.         “Hey, umm...I’m really sorry about my big brother,” she apologized quietly.         “H-Huh? Oh, no problem,” Swift assured her with an awkward chuckle. “I would probably be the same way with a guy I’ve never met taking my sister out for a dance at night. Basic big brother instinct.”         “Heh, yeah, Shining can get a bit protective of me at times, but that’s just because he cares. He might be my brother, but he’s also one of my best friends,” Twilight admitted happily.         “That’s nice. My sister Scootaloo and I have a love/hate relationship of sorts. We love pushing each other’s buttons, but we still care about each other,” Swift explained with a genuine laugh.         “Heh, siblings are the best, huh?”         “Sometimes, other times they’re the spawn of the underworld,” Swift said, which got Twilight to laugh a tad. “So if I’m not mistaken, this is your first dance, right?”         “Yeah, that’s right,” Twilight answered.         “You excited?”         “Yes, I’m definitely excited for this, but I’m also super nervous. Pinkie calls it being nervouscited. I’m not really sure what to expect tonight.”         “Trust me Twilight, you’re going to have a great time at the dance. I’ve been to quite a few, and they’re always fun. Some pretty kooky stuff happens at every CHS dance, and I’m sure this one won’t be any different,” Swift assured Twilight. He had a good feeling about tonight. True, he may not be going with Pinkie, but he was still going with another great girl. This was Twilight’s first dance, and Swift felt that he needed to show her the best time possible, which he was sure wouldn’t be tough at all. He felt that it was going to be a good night, he sure hoped so. Either way, after a few more moments in the car, Swift noticed the school coming up close to them. Lights were on in the gymnasium, and students were piling into the parking lot as well. It wasn’t to long before Swift pulled into the lot himself and got out of the car. He and Twilight approached the school as Swift looked up at it.         “Whelp, it’s finally time!”