//------------------------------// // Chapter 11 // Story: Wings for a Pony 2: The Brotherhood of Shadows // by Lonely Shadow //------------------------------// Summer had arrived in Ponyville. The sun was warm, all manner of creatures were stirring. Summer vacation had finally arrived for the colts and fillies of Ponyville High. The building buzzing with excitement as the bell signaled that school was finally over. Amongst the crowd were Star and Bolt as they galloped into the streets cheering. “Finally! No more homework or teachers!” Bolt exclaimed lifting into the air slightly as he flapped his wings before landing on the ground. “I’m going to miss my teachers.” Star sighed as she trotted gracefully next to her younger brother. “Only because you’re the star pupil. They all love you.” Bolt scoffed. “It’s not my fault you keep doodling in textbooks.” Star snickered. “And the best part is. When we come back we’ll both officially be seniors!” Bolt did a small hoof pump as he hovered off the ground. “And here I thought you wouldn’t even make it past your freshmen year.” Star teased, while Bolt stuck out his tongue in response. The duo made their way down the streets of Ponyville as the various students went their separate ways. Some went home, some went off to meet friends, and some just decided to stop under a tree or at a bench. The two siblings talked the entire way until they came across the familiar building they had come to call home. As soon as it was in view the two quickened their pace, practically running to the front door. They were soon greeted by their mother as they set down their saddle bags. “School’s over mom! Whoo!” Bolt shouted excitedly as he ran to the living room. “Yes I’m well aware.” Firefly chuckled as she gave each of her children a hug and peck on the forehead. “How’s dad doing?” Star asked as she set her bags down neatly with her magic. “Oh being stubborn as usual.” Firefly sighed, giving her head a small shake. “Is that my two kids I hear?” A male voice called from the kitchen. “Yeah dad it’s us.” Bold replied. “Hold up, I’ll be right there.” Clay could be heard moving and shuffling in the other room. Occasionally there would be a slight groan of pain as he entered. His leg was still in a cast and it was making it difficult for him to get around. Still it didn’t stop the earth pony as he hobbled into the living room. “I really wish you would just stay in bed and let that leg heal, Clay.” Firefly scolded. “I’ll be doing plenty of that when I’m an old pony.” Clay remarked as he made his way over to his kids before squeezing them in a tight hug. “Mom’s right dad. Your leg would heal faster if you would just stay in bed.” Star agreed returning the hug. “What? And watch my life go by while I sit there like a bump on a log? No thanks.” Clay scoffed as he hobbled over to the couch and sat down. “Dad’s tough as nails! He can handle a broken leg!” Bolt grinned as he gave his dad a small punch in the arm causing his father to wince in pain and rub it, “Oops… um… sorry dad.” Bolt apologized rubbing the back of his neck, “But man, I can’t wait to stay home and sleep in. Read comics. Play video games. And-.” As Bolt began to ramble about his plans for summer there was suddenly a knock at the door. Clay started to make his way over, but Firefly interjected. “I’ll get it dear.” She gave a small smile at her husband’s determination before trotting over to the door and opened it to be greeted by Derpy carrying her signature mail bag, “Oh hello Ditzy.” Firefly replied cheerfully. “Hey Firefly. Got a letter for you guys. Looks important.” Derpy reached into her bag rummaging around before pulling out a white envelope with white envelope with golden boarders on the edges. “Who sent this?” Firefly inquired taking it from the mailmare. “Don’t know. Never got an envelope like that around here before. Anyway sorry but I’ve still got deliveries to make. Have a good day!” Derpy gave a friendly wave to the family before taking off to the next house. “Who’s it from mom?” Bolt asked excitedly trying to see if it had a name on it. “I will tell you in a minute you silly colt.” Firefly ripped it open with her teeth and pulled out the letter within and began to read, “Hmm… it’s addressed to you Star.” She handed the letter to her daughter. “Really? I’ve never gotten a letter before…” She took it from her mother and began to read out loud while the others listened with anticipation and curiosity. “Dear Miss Evening Star. I apologize for taking so long to send this letter to you, but I felt with what occurred at the gala your family needed time to rest. I saw what happened while you and your family were attending and I do apologize for any grief that may have befallen you. Twilight has informed me of who you are and what exactly led to that rather impressive display of power. You have much potential Star, but I fear you have very little control. I wish to help you learn how to put your magic to better use by offering you a chance to be my newest student in my school for gifted young unicorns. I hope to see you soon. Sincerely, Princess Celestia.” There was an audible gasp as Star looked at the letter in absolute shock. Rereading the last few words over and over in her head. “T-the princess wants you to… be a student of hers?” Bolt shook his head in disbelief, but a smile still formed on his face. “It… would appear so…” Star also smiled as her heart began to swell with happiness and excitement. She had always dreamed of learning in Canterlot with the best Equestria had to offer, but she never thought that it would come true. “Oh this is wonderful news! Our daughter studying at Celestia’s school for gifted unicorns!? I can barely believe what I am hearing!” Firefly was practically vibrating with excitement. “Um… honey could I talk to you for a second?” Clay ushered over to his wife leading her away from their children speaking in a hushed tone, “Look. I hate to be that pony… but… can we really trust that letter? I mean don’t get me wrong I hope she goes there one day as well… but there is still a kidnapper out there somewhere, and we have no way of knowing if that letter is really from Celestia? It could be a trap.” “I… I never thought about that…” The smile faded from Firefly’s face as the realization occurred to her, “Oh honey what do we do? I don’t want to crush her dreams… what if it is real?” She replied back in just a low a voice. “I… I don’t know… I don’t want to hurt her either, but…” Clay looked back at Star who was still wearing that bright smile of hers. “How about this? I’ll take Star over to Canterlot to see if this is real or not and we’ll take Sky and a few soldiers for protection?” Clay thought for a moment as he contemplated his wife’s proposal. “Well… I guess that’s acceptable… But I feel like we’d be taking advantage of Sky and putting our daughter at risk.” “Do you really want to be the one to tell your daughter she can’t go?” Firefly looked to her husband as he went quiet. “Sigh… Alright.” Clay gave in and the two of them returned to Bolt and Star, “Star. I and your mother are going to take you to Canterlot. But we want to be safe and we are going to ask your Uncle Sky if he can come as well. Is that alright with you?” “Yes daddy! That’s completely fine! Oh thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you so much!” Star hugged both of her parents with surprising force and then skipped merrily up to her room as her brother followed her. “Well. Better go tell Sky he has some bodyguard work to do.” Clay began to make his way to the door. “Whoa hold on there Clay.” Firefly stepped in front of Clay making him stop, “You’re not going to Canterlot with a broken leg. You’re staying here while Me, Sky, and Star go to see if this letter is real or not.” “What?! Are you serious?!” Clay shouted looking flabbergasted. “Deadly.” Firefly said sternly, “I am not going to have you re-break your leg because of a walk to the castle. You’re going to stay in bed and let your leg heal.” “I’m not going to let my family go off and probably walk into a trap. Even if Sky is with you.” Clay snorted and frowned at his wife. “And what exactly will you do if it is a trap? You can barely walk around the house let alone run or charge at a kidnapper.” Firefly retorted keeping her cool. “You aren’t going to stop me sweetie. I’ll come even if I have to drag myself there.” “No you are not! Stop being so stubborn! You’re staying home and that’s that!” Firefly was starting to become annoyed now as well. “You can’t force me to be here. Even with a busted leg I know I can shove you aside.” Clay gave a cocky smirk. “Well then I guess I’ll just have to get somepony who can watch you.” Firefly said calmly. “Like who? Twilight, Spike, Rarity, and Pinkie are out of town. Fluttershy is too timid to stop me. Mom is on tour. And Comet is still making his way back from Manehatten, so that just leaves… oh you wouldn’t.” Clay growled. *Hours later* “Thanks for agreeing to look after Clay Applejack. He’s been so fussy since he got his cast.” Firefly said kindly to the farm pony. “Ah ain't nothin sugar cube. Ah know how he can get sometimes. Stubborn just like his momma and Aunt AJ.” Applejack responded ruffling Clay’s mane. “I’m not a colt you know.” Clay replied rolling his eyes. “Well if you insist on acting like a colt then I’m going to have to treat you like one. I will not run the risk of having my husband stranded on the floor because his leg gave out while trying to make a sandwich. You need someone to look after you and I don’t trust Bolt to be the assertiveness you need.” She turned her attention back to AJ, “At the very most I expect we will be back by tomorrow. I’m sorry if this causes you any inconvenience Applejack… but I’d rather not risk my husband hurting himself again.” “Ah don’t worry about a thing Fly. I’ll look over him like he was my prized orchard.” AJ gave that friendly smile she always wore. “Well I appreciate it. We’ll get back as soon as we can… and I expect you to not give your aunt any trouble sweetie.” She gave him a kiss on the cheek. “Sigh… I’ll try my best.” He kissed her back. “Take care guys! We’ll be back soon!” Firefly waved goodbye and took off into the air making her way back to her house to prepare for the trip to Canterlot. “Alright Clay you heard the lady. I want you in the guest room resting up.” AJ gave her nephew a firm pat on the back. “Gah… couldn’t I just help out a little bit? Maybe help Apple Bloom in the kitchen or-.” Applejack cut him off. “No. You are going to be in that bed until your wife comes back to pick you up. Ah know it bites Clay, but she’s right. You’re in no condition to be doing chores or anything for that matter. I’ll be by later to get you some soup.” She gave Clay a kiss on the forehead before trotting off to help Big Mac with the apple orchards. “Bah… It doesn’t hurt that bad.” He tried to put a bit more weight on his hoof only to be met with a shooting pain up his leg causing him to buckle. “Hi Cousin Clay!” Apple Bloom shouted from the house rushing up to him and giving him a hug. “Nnnng… hi Apple Bloom…” Clay muttered trying to fight the tears in his eyes. “Let me help ya get to the guest room. It’s been forever since ya’ll came to visit.” The young farm mare smiled brightly her crimson hair shining in the sun as she led her cousin to the barn house, “Applejack babying ya?” She said with a knowing smile. “A little… I know she means well but I didn’t come here as an adult to be treated like a drooling foal.” Clay muttered angrily as he made his way inside and down the hall. “It’s only for a day at most. At least you get room service and the best apples in Ponyville.” Apple Bloom replied trying to lighten the mood. “Yeah I guess… it’s going to be a long day though I can tell.” The two of them made it to the guest room of the house. The interior was small by comparison to the other rooms, but it was homely consisting of a single bed with a nightstand and lamp. A window above said bed. And the walls were covered in a green wall paper with tiny apples dotting the surface. It Even had its own private restroom. “It’s a bit…. Smaller than I remember…” Clay thought out loud as Apple Bloom checked the bed to make sure it was in perfect condition. The quilt had a red and white checkered pattern looking a bit like a picnic blanket. “Sorry cuz. It’s been awhile since we had visitors.” Apple Bloom apologized as she inspected the room for dust. “Yeah… hey. Remember when I came over for sleepovers and you would always bake me an extra apple fritter after dinner?” “Hehe. Yeah. Applejack said I would make ya all rolly polly. But ah knew Rainbow Dash wouldn’t let ya get even close.” They both laughed. It was short lived however as there was a bark from outside the room. Before long a collie entered the room bouncing and barking wagging its tail happily. “Hey Rex. Come to see your old buddy?” Clay gave a small chuckle as he reached over and gave the dog a pet across its head. The dog barked excitedly giving the stallion a sloppy kiss over his face “Eewwwyuck….. still a slobber ball I see…” Clay cleaned his face with a nearby tissue, only for his ears to perk up as he heard hoofsteps enter the room. "Got yourself settled in?” There was no mistaking the cheery voice of his cousin Apple Bloom as she gave him a warm hug, being careful not to touch his bad leg. She was still fairly young at least compared to Applejack. Her long crimson hair still sporting the bow she wore from foal hood. The hair running down her neck done in lovely braid. And around her neck was spotted orange bandana that matched her eyes. Clay had always assumed it was more of a family thing since Applejack started wearing a red bandana when she was young, and Big Mac a green one in addition to his trademark yoke. “Uh… yeah pretty much. Just getting reacquainted with Rex here.” The dog barked up at him as he recognized his name. “Ah can tell.” Apple Bloom snickered “Well come on. You need to get off that leg so it can heal. Ah ain't gonna be the one to tell Applejack that your leg is taking its time healing because you wanted to play with the dog.” “I wasn’t… gah… fine…” Clay gave a defeated sigh and figured it was best to just get into his bed. It was late in the day, but sun set was still a few hours away. But he knew if he fought Applejack and Apple Bloom the whole time he was here, this would be one long trip to the farm. “Good. Now ah gotta go help out with Big Mac and Applejack. But if ya need anything, just ring the bell.” Apple Bloom reached into her saddlebags and pulled out a small silver bell engraved with apples across the bottom “Welcome back to the farm cuz. I know it sucks what with your broken leg and all but… please try to enjoy your stay here… we don’t get to see ya that often anymore.” She smiled at Clay though he could tell there was a hint of sadness in her voice as she spoke. “I know Apple Bloom… I will… I promise.” He smiled back and the two of them gave each other a small hug before she left Clay to his room. “Well… only 7 hours till midnight… what to do?” Clay pondered to himself as he looked around the small guest room. He flopped his head on the pillow and tried to focus on falling asleep. But it seems sleep refused to come to him. Finally he gave up with a huff and looked around. Their wasn't much but eventually he found a small rubber ball hidden inside his nightstand. Feeling the boredom threatening to overtake him he began to throw the ball against the wall, catching it as it bounced back to him, only to do the same thing again. He began to count how many times he managed to catch the ball. “One… two… three… four… five… six… seven… eight… nine…” The ball hit the wall at the wrong angle and it bounced under the bed out of his reach “Shit…” Clay grumbled before somewhat angrily flopping his head onto the pillow. True he could still get up and walk, but if Applejack or Apple Bloom caught him walking. He would get the tongue lashing of a life time. Thank goodness he would only be here two days tops. “Why do I have to stay in this bed all day? I’m not even tired…. Yaaawn…. I’m not tired…. I’m not…. Zzzzzzzzzzzz….” Before Clay could even comprehend what had happened, he had dozed off. Clay tossed and turned in his sleep as the hours passed. The full moon shining into his room as he slept. His dreams felt very realistic, almost as if he was really experiencing them. He somehow ended up on a hill top looking over Ponyville. The wind a pleasant breeze making the grass shimmer with each gust. He had never had a dream quite as relaxing as this before. He could feel the wind on his face, the sound of the busy town below. He took a deep sniff, inhaling the fresh air… and began to cough. His lungs felt wrong. He couldn’t breathe properly. The air felt like poison in his lungs. Clay gasped for breath as his vision blurred from the tears in his eyes. What was going on? Why couldn’t he breathe? What was wrong with him? He coughed more violently and collapsed to the ground, his vision blurring as thick dark fog began to devour the peaceful vision around him. He felt as if he was about to die… was he? Clay woke up with a start. His heart racing, his ears ringing as blood pumped into them. He was drenched in sweat and his eyes burned. It was only then that he realized that Rex barking wildly at the side of his bed before running to the door and scratching at it frantically. “Whoa… easy boy. What’s gotten into you?” Clay rubbed his eyes as he got up out of his bed, trying not to apply pressure onto his broken leg. It was only then that he realized that the room looked wrong. The air was thick and pungent. He was having trouble seeing anything, almost like a fog had rolled into his room. And it smelled… it smelled like… “Smoke?” Clay felt his brain awake with a jolt as he quickly moved over to his window. It was a challenge, but he managed to peer outside his room. What he saw made his heart drop into his stomach. The barn outside meant to house equipment like Big Macs plow was engulfed in flames. They licked the sky as if threatening to burn the stars themselves. He had never seen a fire so brilliant and large in his life. He became mesmerized for a few seconds before the barking of Rex snapped him to attention. Clay hopped back down ignoring the pain in his leg to let the dog out, and followed after him as fast as he could. “Hey! Anypony hear me? Fire! There’s a fire outside!” Clay called to the house, but there was no reply. He could hear Rex barking frantically outside the house, as well as the voice of Applejack giving orders. “Big Mac! Go down to the river and hook up the pump system! We need to put out the fire now! I’ll see about making a ditch so it doesn’t spread to town!” “Eeyup!” There was no mistaking his Uncles affirmative answer as he exited the building. “Clay?! What in tarnation are you doing here?! Get back inside!” The barn behind her started to crackle and groan. The supports beginning to weaken. “What’s going on? What happened?” “Don’t know! We just got here ourselves! Look just stay back while we try to put out the fire!” Applejack began to look around franticly, “Have ya seen Apple Bloom?” Clay shook his head “Horse apples! Alright… just… just go back inside while me and Big Mac get the water. Ah need to get dirt so it doesn’t spread.” “Let me help. I can…” “Absolutely not! You’re in my care! And I am not going to let you get hurt. Now PLEASE stay inside Clay… please…” AJ’s hardened expression softened as she placed her hooves on Clays shoulder. “But…… sigh… alright…” Clay gave a small smile. “Thank ya Clay.” She gave his forehead a small kiss and then ran off to get a decent amount of dirt and to work on the trenches. The stallion meanwhile sat back down on the porch of the house, being able to do nothing but watch the supply barn go up in flames. Every fiber of his being begged for him to do something, but he knew he couldn’t be of much help with his leg. He simply waited instead and tried his best to stay still. As he began to look for something else to stare at he noticed a figure behind one of the tree’s. At first he thought it might be Apple Bloom, but as he squinted his eyes he saw that the figure was wearing a black cloak. A horn visibly seen under the hood. “Who the hell… Hey!” Clay stood up and limped his way over. The figure turned to face him. The features hidden despite the bright light created by the fire “Hey! What are you doing?! Go get help or…” Clay stopped suddenly when the figure seemed to stare right at him. He was suddenly overcome with a sense of fear and anger. Something was not right with this unicorn. Before Clay could do anything further he suddenly heard a cry for help from within the barn. Clay’s ears perked and he turned his attention to the burning barn. Within that second to look away there was a flash, and the unicorn was gone. Clay shook his head annoyed with what had happened, before he heard another cry for help. This time he knew who the voice belonged to, and his heart sank “Apple Bloom…” Clay franticly looked around to see if Applejack or Big Mac had returned. But the more he searched the more fearful he became. Apple Blooms cries were becoming mixed with choking and gasping. Finally Clay couldn’t just stand by any longer. “Hang on Apple Bloom! I’m coming!” Clay ran as fast as he could to the front door, but it wouldn’t budge. It Seemed that something was blocking it. As Clay fumbled with the front, he heard a loud creak and groan as the roof began to sink in. Trying his best not to panic Clay left the front and ran to the side. Smoke pouring out of the windows and merging with the larger cloud up top. Clay noticed that the wall had been weakened from the fire, and began to kick a sizable hole with his back leg. Once it was big enough he slipped in only to immediately be met with a blast of smoke and heat. He coughed violently before getting low to the ground as best he could. The pain in his leg making this even more difficult. “Apple Bloom! Can you hear me?!” Clay coughed as he dragged himself along the floor. Pain shooting through his foreleg. Still he pressed on, not willing to give up. In the shroud of the smoke and blaze of the fire he spotted Apple Bloom barely conscious. “Help… anyone… please…” “I’m right here! Hold on!” Clay crawled towards the suffocating mare and lifted her onto his back. The extra weight doing no favors for his injured leg. He gritted his teeth hard and tried to make his way back to the hole he just made. “Clay? No… what are you doing? Get out while you… still can…” Apple Bloom fell silent as she lost the fight to stay awake. Clay simply continued. Determined to make it out of the barn with Apple Bloom. Before he could accomplish this however, a portion of the roof collapsed and fell right in front of the hole with the wood still burning. They were trapped indefinitely now. “AJ! Big Mac! Anyone… cough… help!” Clay called out hoping that they had returned by now. But his pleas never left the barn “Anyone… cough… cough… cough… please… Clay felt light headed. The smoke began overtaking him. Apple Bloom slid off his back and his legs gave out. Clay collapsed on the ground. His strength failing him as he began to lose consciousness “No… not like this… please…” His voice grew faint and his eyes heavy. Before Clay knew it his eyes had shut completely as his brain shut down. “Clay? Clay that you? Apple Bloom?” “Who is that?” Clay thought to himself in the black abyss. “Clay! Can you hear me?” “I can’t remember… that’s strange… why can’t I remember… oh right… I’m dying…” “Clay snap out of it!” As the voice rang in Clay’s head he felt a sudden splash of water on his face. This instantly snapped him out of his trance. He coughed and sputtered as he stood up before laying on his side from the pain in his leg, “Clay! Apple Bloom are you two alright? Answer me!” Clay flicked his ears as his brain began working again. He looked up and felt a swell of joy when he was met by the sight of his Uncle Comet sitting on a cloud. Suddenly it all came flooding back. “Uncle! We can’t get out we’re stuck! Help!” “Don’t worry I’ve got you two. Hold on this is going to get wet!” Comet stood up and began jumping up and down frantically on his cloud, making it release its watery contents. The cool rain felt like a god send on his fur as the fire began to billow and die out. For the first time in a while Clay was able to smile and breathed a sigh of relief. Then suddenly a thought crossed his mind. “Hey. When did you get here? I thought you were traveling to Manehatten.” “Oh yeah. The client canceled, so they sent me back. I had to do a lot of flying to get back…” Comet grumbled irritated as he shook out the last of the rain. “Thanks Uncle. I owe you big time.” “Damn right you do! Now get out of there!” No sooner had he spoken those words then did the front door get smashed down with surprising force. Clay blinked from the dust to see Applejack standing there. She rushed in with a stern expression and helped Clay up while Big Mac picked up Apple Bloom. “Are you two ok?” AJ asked as she set Clay down gently. “A little cooked… but ok…” Clay coughed in reply. “Good… because I am going to kill you both! What the hay were you two doin!?” Clay gave a defeated sigh. He knew he was in it now… The sun eventually rose. The farm was still mostly intact even though the supply barn was a complete loss. The smoldering blackened skeleton of the building still remained as small puffs of smoke wisped into the air. Clay and Apple Bloom were sitting on the front porch recovering from the ordeal while Applejack and Comet argued. “Really Applejack. I insist. I have more than enough money to replace all that was lost. Please it’s the least I can do.” Applejack gave a slightly disgruntled expression “Ah appreciate it Comet, but ah don’t think we need your family fortune to fix our problems. If we just accepted every hand out that was given to us, we’d be no better than those fancy city ponies… no offense, but we got the apple family pride to think about.” “It’s not about charity! It’s about thanking you for taking care of my only nephew and to make sure you don’t go bankrupt. The barn alone will set you back a couple hundred bits!” “They’ll be at this all day…” Clay sighed as he watched the two ponies argue over expenses. “Yeah… but at least we’re all ok…” She gave Clay a big loving hug “Thanks cuz… you really saved my hay bacon back there.” “Thanks… but its Comet and AJ who are the real heroes. Comet was the one who put out the fire and AJ was the one who carried us out… I nearly got us both killed.” “Ah don’t be so hard on yourself Clay. You still tried. And if you hadn’t tried to save me, they probably would have let the place fall on top of me.” Apple Bloom gave Clay a small kiss on his cheek as thanks “Course… now Applejacks going to be giving us both a talkin to…” She grumbled. “Yeah… what were you doing in the barn anyway?” Clay adjusted his position on the porch. “Ah was just doing a small inventory check to make sure we were ready for tomorrow. Then I thought I heard a voice so I went to check it out and then… ah don’t know… someone hit me on the back of the head.” Clay’s eyes widened. “Someone… attacked you?” “Maybe… it was too dark to see. It could have been a loose shovel or something.” Clay went silent as his gaze turned to the spot where he had spotted the unicorn from the night before. The way he or she had stared at him and had done nothing to stop the fire… he knew what this meant. “No… it wasn’t an accident… we’re under attack Apple Bloom… and I’m afraid it’s only going to get worse…”