//------------------------------// // [1-2] Bath // Story: Seattle Seapony // by dNihil //------------------------------// The filly slowly twisted her body, moving to roll over onto her belly. She paused there, gasping for air. She lay in the middle of the hallway, her bedroom door to her left and the bathroom door to her right. Small miracle it was just across the hallway. The door had been left ajar. In one quick surge of motion, she turned onto her right side, facing away from the bathroom door, then continued to rotate her body around. Her body weight was enough to push it open and she ended up laying on her left side, laying on the metal divide between carpet and vinyl flooring. She caught her breath and then rolled onto her belly again. The cool vinyl flooring was soothing to her skin. Still, she felt it wasn't enough. She continued rolling her way into the bathroom. ↷ Using the tip of her muzzle, she nosed at the handle above the water spout. Once it was pushed up a small ways, a stream of water trickled out from the faucet. She collapsed. She lay back in the bathtub, feeling the water pour over her. After a minute she breathed evenly, sighing at the cool stream of water playing over her parched scales. She simply lay there for a while, drinking in the reward for her laboured swimming. She had, indeed, swam across a sea of carpet and tile and dryness and friction to get where she was at that moment. And then she had a thought. How much better would this be if the tub was full of water? She looked around herself: sitting on the ridges of the tub, within her reach, were a few things. Bottles of shampoo. Various toiletries. A bar of soap. She looked above: some loofahs hanging on a hook and a shelf full of toys that she played with when she had baths. A shelf of toys for baths... And the drain plug. That was up there, too. She glared up at the shelf hanging above her. She seethed at her own stupidity. How dare she put things out of the reach of... whatever she was? This mistake would have to be rectified. She banged her tail against the wall. The shelf rattled. Bang. Rattle. She banged again. A rubber ducky fell on her face. She reached her tail up and grabbed the toy, then flung it at the shelf. Nothing happened. She sighed and laid back in the tub, simply staring up at it. This was hopeless. Something happened. She felt a presence in the room with her for an instant, but then before she got a chance to turn her head to look at it, she saw something strange. There was a faint golden shimmer above her. Then the entire contents of the shelf spilled out on top of her. She was stunned for a moment, but then she looked out the tub at the bathroom around her. In the very minimal light coming from the bathroom window, she couldn't see anyone in there with her. She looked down at the toys piled on top of her and around her. She wiggled around a bit, shaking them all off, then found the plug and tried to grab it with her tail. No luck. It was too small and slippery to grasp. And then she had an idea. She stuck her tongue out and made a sick noise. She looked down at it... and then she bent and picked it up in her mouth. She squirmed around until she was facing the drain. She dropped the plug and pushed it in with her nose. She reached up, then, and turned up the flow of water, tilting slightly to the warm side while doing so but not minding one bit. She laid back and finally relaxed, glad that she could have a real bath for herself. She put the trials of the night behind her. Maybe if she was lucky, none of this was real and she was just having a terrible dream; one rife with vivid detail and painful experience, sure, but surely that was possible. She closed her eyes and listened to the soothing sound of the water faucet filling up the tub. ↪