//------------------------------// // Chapter 1: The Reason to Guard // Story: To Guard is to Protect // by TJHoofer //------------------------------// “...And then I let him have it!” yelled a unicorn guard named Power Bolt proudly as he punched the air in front of him. Everypony around him laughed, stomped and clapped their hooves while raising their drinks in a great cheer. “Hear hear!” yelled the pegasus guard next to him, Sharp Lance, as he too held up his mug full of cider. “HEAR HEAR!” everypony in the Royal Guard cheered in unison. It wasn't that long ago, when on the very day their respected Captain of the Guard Shining Armor was about to get married, an unexpected Changeling invasion of Canterlot suddenly occurred. The surprise attack came completely without warning. The magical shield that was meant to keep threats out collapsed utterly. Without the leadership of both the princess and Shining Armor, the armed forces were quickly overwhelmed and incapacitated. All resistance was neutralized, leaving the terrified and helpless citizens of Canterlot completely at the mercy of these loveless creatures. Even the Elements of Harmony, Equestria's greatest hope, had been subdued and captured. All seemed lost, until the Changelings and their vile Queen was unexpectedly expelled from Canterlot by the strongest magic imaginable. The Magic of Love! The love between Shining Armor and Princess Cadance was so strong, it rejuvenated their strength and gave them the power to defeat the Queen and save the whole kingdom from a terrible fate. The wedding soon proceeded as planned after that. Once husband and wife were pronounced, everypony in the Royal Guard saw fit to celebrate their victory and toast for 'Prince' Shining Armor and his beautiful wife at nearest local cider tavern just outside the Royal barracks. “This sure has been one Hay of a day!” Sharp Lance laughed. “Great story by the way! I guess you really showed him, huh?” “Hehe...” Power chuckled. “Yeah! That Changeling creep will think twice before tangling with one of Princesses' Royal Guards ever again!” “Long live Canterlot's finest! Long live the Royal Guard!” yelled Sharp, raising his mug. “LONG LIVE!” everypony cheered. “Long live the Royal Guard..? Don't make me laugh.” The laughter and delightful cheering was suddenly silenced as the sour voice of a pegasus stallion guard, sitting by himself at the counter, caught everypony's attention. “Something wrong Forefront?” asked Power. “Something is wrong alright...” Forefront glared at him. “...and I'm looking at it right now.” “Excuse me?” “You! Everypony! All of you sitting here! Laughing... Drinking... And talking as if this day was like any other! As if this day was the best day ever!?” “What are you talking about Forefront?” asked Sharp bewildered. “Our Captain just got married and we stopped a Changeling invasion.” “We? Is that how it was? 'We' stopped it?” Forefront growled before angrily taking a sip of cider. “Yeah! We really 'showed' them...” he mocked, slamming his mug on the counter, spilling his cider all over it. “Give me a break!” “Seriously Forefront, what's up with you? Why are you acting like this?” “Why am I acting like this? We just got invaded during our Captain's big day! And you're all not at least upset about it?” “Why would we be upset? Captain Armor and Princess Cadance vanquished all the Changelings. Sure, everything seemed bad at first but Love was on our side.” Power then raised his mug. “Love and the WILL to fight on!” “HEAR HEAR!” everyony cheered loudly. Forefront however wasn't thrilled about it one bit. “Love..? Will...? Yeah right... More like 'luck.'” he said sarcastically while taking another swig from his mug. “And where would we be today without luck..?” “Aw come on Forefront! Lighten up! This is a celebration! At least join in and toast to our Captain and his new wife. Wish him good luck on his new Royal assignment that is marriage.” “Hear! Hear!” everypony cheered. Forefront sighed. “Very well...” He raised his mug in the air. “Cheers to our Captain Armor and his new wife, Princess Cadance!” “HEAR HEAR!” “May Celestia and Luna bless them!” he continued. “May they watch over them and defend them better than WE did!” He finished his toast with loud chug as he emptied the mug. There was no cheer as everypony in the bar was now quietly staring at him. “Equestria's finest? Hmph! Equestria's joke is more like it..." he muttered bitterly beneath his breath. "Hey Barkeep!” Forefront placed a Bit on the counter before the bartender. “For the spill.” He then got up and headed for the door. “See you around guys...” “Wait! Where are you going?” asked Sharp, causing Forefront to stop short halfway through the door. “Home.” “But the night is still young and we're headed for the party at the castle later on. Come with us.” “No thanks...” Forefront sighed. “I... I need to get home. And if I were you, you would do the same. Good night.” With that, Forefront left the tavern. As everypony watched him leave, they couldn't help feeling there was something terribly wrong with him. “What do you suppose got into him?” asked Sharp. Power sighed while taking a sip from his mug. “Power?” “Do you remember why we became Royal Guards, Sharp?” “Why? To defend Canterlot and princesses of course!” The two guards stared silently at eachother before realization finally hit Sharp. “But what happened today was unforeseeable! Nopony expected a Changeling attack!” “No Sharp...” Power sighed while taking a sip. “We didn't...” ***** "...But we should have." Slowly trotting home, Forefront stopped a brief moment as he could still hear the cheers and laughter emanating from the castle, as the happy newly weds danced and enjoyed themselves along with family and friends and loved ones. He quietly wished the Captain a happy life with his new wife. As he continued walking home, he couldn't help but think to himself. 'How could we let it happen? How could I let it happen? And why couldn't I stop it?' He then stopped and looked questionably down at his uniform. 'Am I fit to even wear this? Am I even worthy? Are WE worthy? What has happened to us?' He then noticed one of the many statues that decorated the city streets. This one in particular was a decorated Canterlot Officer, a Stallion renowned for his acts of bravery in the line of duty. A guard who once served the princess and Equestria with pride and accomplishment. A pony Forefront had looked up to since he was just a colt and was the sole reason to why he became a Royal Guard. Forefront took off his helmet and, with all of his might, threw it angrily at the statue. CLANG! ***** As Shining Armor and Princess Cadance were preparing to set off from Canterlot on their long-awaited Honeymoon, Forefront had reached the front door of his home, only to find himself just standing there and staring at it. He didn't have the strenght to open it. He was scared. How could he face them? He made a promise, only to fail them when they truly needed him. With a quiet sigh, Forefront gathered his courage, opened the door and marched inside. “Honey? Is that you?” A mare trotted out of the living room and approached him in the hallway. It was his wife Lily Pond. “Honey! You're home early. I thought you would be celebrating with your friends at the castle. Is everything alright?” Forefront said nothing. Instead he just looked at her with a sad expression in his eyes. “Honey? Front? What's wrong? Did something happen-” Suddenly, Forefront lunged forward and embraced her in a big hug, holding her tight. He wanted to hold her forever. He wanted to never let go. “Front?! What's gotten into you? Wha-?!?” Without warning, Forefront planted his lips onto hers and gave her his most passionate kiss. “Front..!” Lily blushed. “What was that about?” “I...” Forefront swallowed. “I just... I just wanted you to know that I love you very much. And that I would never let anything happen to you. You or little Cutie...” “Front...” Lily gently stroke his cheek and looked him in the eyes. “If it's about the Changelings... I'm fine. We both are. You came by here earlier to make sure we were, remember?” “I know. I'm just... I'm just glad you're still safe...” Lily smiled and embraced him passionately. “Daddy?” Both Forefront and Lily looked up at top of the stairs as the voice of a little filly caught their attention. “Cutie!” Lily let go of Forefront as he hurried to meet the young filly who was happily rushing down the stairs towards him. “Daddy! You're home!” Cutie jumped off the stairs and into his forelegs, embracing him in a big hug. “Did you have fun daddy? I missed you.” 'To guard is to protect...' “It's okay now sweetie...” replied Forefront as he tearfully hugged his daughter. “Daddy's home.” '...but what good is a guard that can't protect?'