Believing in Something that is True

by Nightglimmer22

Chapter 1: Getting to Know Your Way Around

Chapter edited by: Brickbrock24

Fleetfoot swiftly landed on the Wonderbolts compound. The sun painted the sky a beautiful array of colors as it set behind her. Her wings ached from flying for so long and her hooves weren't much better. She swung her head back to try to stretch her neck; but not before she remembered that she had a longer and different colored mane then she had the day before. She was wearing a wig to disguise herself so Nightglimmer wouldn't recognize her. She reached up to find something to grab onto. She pulled the blue wig off of her head and into her hoof, revealing the swiftly pulled back silver mane she always had. Fleetfoot looked up, still holding the blue wig as she saw two moving silhouettes. She was then greeted by Spitfire and Mistyfly. Spitfire's bright golden pelt and fiery mane was hard to miss. However, Mistyfly's pelt was a soft yellow with a light blue mane that was difficult to see in the current lighting of the sky. Their concerned facial expressions gave Fleet the message that something was wrong. Mistyfly shifted her body from one side to the other while Spitfire's tail swished back and forth just as it normally did when she was anxious.
Spitfire then opened her mouth to speak. Fleetfoot could barely understand her, all she could interpret was,
"Did you find her?... We have to hurry... Tell the princesses!…”
"Spitty, slow down! I can barely understand you when you talk that way,” said Fleetfoot, motioning with his hoof for the pegasus to calm down, “Don’t worry, I did everything that you asked me to do. You'll be relieved to know that I have found the pegasus we are looking for. Her name is Nightglimmer, just like the prophecy had foretold."
Mistyfly spoke up, stepping forward as she recited a line from the prophecy,
"The night that glimmers, will hold the key, to fight the shadows born from evil’s deed."
"We must tell the princesses what we have found! Time is short!" Spitfire said, her eyes brimming with fear under her dark sunglasses.
The three ponies flew as fast as they could to Spitfire's office, where they would contact Princess Twilight Sparkle. As the three pegasi flew through the halls of the compound, ponies began looking up at the pegasi zooming past them. They were going so fast that they would probably go right through a steel wall if they crashed into one. Spitfire knew that if they could contact Princess Twilight, she would be able to pass the message along to Princess Luna. Spitfire opened the top drawers from her desk and took out a scroll and quill.
Dear Princess Twilight Sparkle,
I have some important news to discuss with you and Princess Luna. The Shadowbolt are on tails end thinking of a plan of attack. We must do the same! Fleetfoot has found the pegasus we have been trying to find for months. Her name is Nightglimmer, the same name as the savior in the prophecy. We need your help as well as Princess Luna’s. Could you please do me a solid and contact her for me?
Sincerely yours,
Mistyfly was tending a fire while Spitfire was adding the finishing touches to the letter. Fleetfoot turned to hear Spitfire say under her breath,
"I pray to Celestia that Princess Twilight gets this." Spitfire dropped the scroll into the fire. The three ponies watched at the scroll burn up and transform into a cloud of green vapor. They watched it fly out the open window of the office seeking out Princess Twilight.

The sun was shining bright through the dorm windows. Nightglimmer opened her eyes, trying to remember what had happened the day before. She had woken up to the sound of snoring every now and then.
Glimmer put a pillow over her head and frowned. How was she going to sleep if somepony was snoring as loud as a leaf blower? She shifted in her bed and yawned. Glimmer almost hit her head on the top bunk when she tried to sit up.
Glimmer looked around and realized the noise that time came from her own stomach. She was starving. Luckily, all of the other pegasi in the dorm room were still sound asleep, so Glimmer took off the sheets from over her and got out of bed.
Nightglimmer thought she might as well look around and maybe find a clock. Judging by the position of the sun when Glimmer looked out the window, she estimated it was probably around 7:30. She had at least an hour before Openskies would come and escort the new workers to the cafeteria for breakfast and then to the training field where they would be tested.
Glimmer quietly opened the door and peered down the hall. No pony was in sight. She walked out of the room, quietly trotting so there was only a soft clip-clop sound echoing on the marble floor. She walked down the hall and passed a big brown door. Glimmer remembered the doors from last night when they went into the cafeteria for dinner. The smells of breakfast found their way into her nose. She had forgotten how hungry she was.
Her stomach, once again, roared its yearn for food. She turned around, she could hear the soft tick of a clock. It was 8:25. Glimmer pushed the thought of breakfast out of her mind as she remembered that she had to be back in the dorm before 8:30. Glimmer swiftly bolted down the hall to her dorm.
She got back to the dorm room and saw that all of her bunk mates were up and full of energy. She trotted over to her bunk. Many were talking to each other, speculating about what the tests might be. She just got back in time to see Openskies walk through the same door.
"Well, I hope everypony slept well last night because today is going to be a busy day," said Openskies, "Today, we are going to the training field to begin the tasks."
At that, everypony followed Openskies through the same hallway that Glimmer had just went down a few minutes ago. The group stopped when they came in front of the large brown doors.
"I'm, like, so hungry!" Glimmer heard a white bodied Pegasus mare say in a snarky tone.
"Yeah, I was, like, too excited to eat yesterday!" Glimmer heard another Pegasus mare say in response.
There was already a long line of ponies waiting to be served the breakfast of the day. Glimmer grabbed a spot at the end of the line. Her savage stomach made the wait feel like it went on for an eternity. The food available was sorted into different trays; eggs, pancakes, toast and juice.
Once she had gotten her eggs and pancakes, Glimmer trotted over to the table that had a "New workers" sign on it, Glimmer remembered the sign from last night. After sitting down and making herself comfortable, Glimmer opened her mouth and took a large bite of the eggs. She instantly regretted that decision because she found herself gagging the instant the eggs hit her tongue. Glimmer spit out the eggs. They weren't even chewed yet and they already tasted horrible. They tasted like cardboard that had been chewed up, sprayed by a skunk, covered in mud, and dropped in a very dirty toilet. Nopony else seemed to enjoy the food, either.
I really hope these pancakes don’t make me wretch, too, Glimmer thought apprehensively as she took a smaller bite of the pancakes from her plate. Not that bad, but nothing spectacular, she thought. Glimmer looked around and watched the ponies sitting next her spit their the food out, too. They quickly reached for their juice glasses to wash out their mouths as if their life depended on it. Ten minutes later, the group all heard a loud bell ring as Openskies came back to pick up his group.
The cafeteria emptied out fast, with the only group remaining being the "New Worker" group. Glimmer trotted over to the trashcan to throw out the plate with the atrocious excuse for eggs on it.
"Didn't like the food either, I presume?" a mare’s voice said next to her. Glimmer turned to see a light purple mare with a yellow and cream colored mane
"Yeah, that was horrible. I don’t even think I could call it ‘food’," said Glimmer, laughing as she notice that the purple mare was throwing her food out as well.
"My name is Stone breeze. I'm new here as well."
"My name is Nightglimmer," responded Glimmer. The two mares followed the group out to the training field to began the three tasks.