The Other Side

by DJ Bronified

A New Day

Chapter 6

I awoke in a my room. laying on my bunk.

"ugh. what happen?" i thought.

As I lay there in silence i heard something. I looked down from my bunk, but no-one was there. I then realized that there was a conversation going on outside. I couldn't hear clearly, I needed to get closer. I hopped down from my bunk and felt a sharp pain from my back leg as i collapsed to the ground with a loud thud. I heard the conversation outside the door stop. two ponies then ran into the room.
"Are you alright?'" one asked.
I looked up to see Glowstick standing over me.

"Yea, i'm fine." I say as i stand up. next to Glowstick was next to the guard pony from earlier that had the different armor.

"hello Beat." He said

"who are you?" i asked

"I, am Shining Armor. The General of the Royal Guard that used to serve and protect Canterlot, but now guard this castle and the ponies inside." he answered.

"Ah, well, nice to meet you." i replied. he looked at me and nodded in agreement.

"The General here has a. thing. he would like to discuss with you." Glowstick said. I looked over to Shining, he looked back at me.

"Yes" he answered "when you're ready, it would be pleasant if you could join me in the Planning Room." He answered.

"I have no idea where that is." I told him.

"It is the room directly across from the entrance to the Training Area." he answered. "I must take my leave now, I am expecting to see you there after breakfast." he told me as. Shining then turned his back to me and walked out into the hallway, door closing behind him.

I stood there for a second then it came to me " wait, did he just say breakfast?!" I exclaimed

"yup." Glowstick answered

"you mean i was out for a whole day?!" i said

"yup." Glowstick answered

"jeez..." I replied

"I'm gonna head over to the Dining Hall. Coming?" Glowstick asked.

"yea I'll be done there soon, go down without me." I replied.

"Alright, see you there then." he said as he turned and walked away, door closing behind him.

Now i was all alone in the room. i turned and looked into the mirror at myself, taking in the silence of the room. i stood there, staring into my own eyes and thinking. "what has happened?" I thought. Life used to be so simple. wake up, go to work, go home, sleep. everything we worried about used to seem so big. Now i wish i had the honor of worrying about those tiny things. We used to wonder when the next party was, when this or that came out, what people were doing. What i wouldn't do to get those things back. to take back my old life, to not have to worry about death,destruction, or being safe. i shook my head "No" i thought. "We will get our old lives back." i combed my hair once, turned away from the mirror, and walked out the door into the busy corridors of the castle.


Walking through the halls of the Castle was a lot different it was yesterday. Yesterday, no pony even noticed my presence. Today, everyone was smiling and nodding at me and patting my back, And for reasons I didn't even know. I entered the cafeteria and hopped in line. 3 ponies let me go in front of them when they saw me. "whats going on?" i thought. i grabbed breakfast and walked over to the table with Shadow, Glowstick, Star(oh gosh), And Musical.

" How's being a celebrity feel?" Shadow asked when i got over to our table with a smug look on his face. He was wearing his Guard Armor so I'm guessing he has Guard Duty after Breakfast.

" I do not know why everyone is acting like this. Did I do something?" i replied.

"wait. do you not remember about the Arena yesterday?" Shadow asked.

"oh yea..." i answered.

"oh yea is right. No pony has ever had that time that you had yesterday. And seeing as the Arena is a big deal around here, well now you're a big deal." Shadow said while taking a bite out of his hash brown.

"Why are you wearing you're Guard Armor?" i asked, trying to change the subject.

"There's some one 2 day 'Venture the General is sending my Squad on." he replied. "And as I've heard you will be joining us Beat."

I Almost spit my food. "Wait. What?!" i yelled. A few ponies at other tables looked over at me. "Why wasn't i told this?!" i exclaimed, quieter this time. I noticed that Glowstick looked away.

"Glowstick." I said to him

"What? I don't know anything i swear." He said defensively. I knew he was lying

"Glowstick." i said sternly back to him. At this point everypony at the table was looking at him. He looked at all of us with a worried look on his face. then he huffed and his shoulders dropped.

"Alright fine, Shining told me about in the hall before you woke up." he answered.

"Why didn't you tell me?!" i exclaimed

"I. I just didn't want you to stress about it yet." he replied looking away in guilt.

"You could of told me." i said back to him.

"i know..." he answered, still looking away with a guilty look on his face, but now he was also blushing. I felt bad for yelling at him.

"Thanks. You were just trying to help. But next time tell me okay?" i said with a calmer tone.

"Okay." he replied. Now looking up at us.

I finished my breakfast, said my goodbyes to them all, got up and left for the Planning Room. Still, Getting the occasional "good job" and head nod from everypony. Now that I knew what everypony was doing that for, i felt in a better mood, despite how beat up i was from yesterday. I just wish I knew what was coming.
