//------------------------------// // Chapter 11: High Noon // Story: My Journey // by HopeForTheFew //------------------------------// I was jogging towards the city of Canterlot for the Princesses want. Thoughts of all kind were going though my head about what the Princess could want, but I just put them away by telling myself that I would know soon enough. Sure I could have teleported but it was my workout day so I timed it and headed out with a light jog towards the castle. I gave myself a little more time just in case I have to stop for something. I exited the woods and the city was now in view so I headed out at a bit of a faster pace to the city. This jogging was actually helping quite a bit, I could already feel the strength in my legs growing. As for the other parts of my body I had decided that when I come back I would start a schedule and begin an actual workout that consisted of pushups and situps, I would do different exercises but I had no equipment to do so, so I was stuck with the way I am. But I know that would get my strength up somewhat. I approached the gates of the city and stopped my jog. I opened the gates without the guards consent which earned me two spears pointed at my neck. I chose to do the last thing that I should have done because of a sudden anger that grew within me, I blasted them into the walls. Immediately feeling guilty about what I have done I went over and helped the two guards up. "I am here to see the Princess of the sun." I said smiling. The two guards nodded their heads in fear. "She's waiting for you in the throne room." Another guard said that had popped out from within the city. I nodded and said: "Very well then." And headed off towards the castle. I could have teleported but I would rather have made myself more known to the populace. I entered the castle gates, this time however I did not force my way in I simply went along with their way. I entered the castle and immediately headed off to the throne room. I had never walked to the throne room before so I didn't know my way, yet somehow I did because I found myself knocking on the door within a few minutes. I waited patiently for the door to open and, as always patience is a virtue as I watched the huge door open and the Princess of the sun bided me enter. And so I did. "Hello my dear." I said with a smile. "Greetings." She said with a smile as well. "May I ask why you have asked for me this beautiful day?" I asked, that smile still on my face. (That's a lot of asked I know.) "You may. The reason you were asked to come here is do to the fact that I want answers." Celestia said, her smile now gone. This got my attention and the attention of my eyebrow as it began to raise up in question. "Answers?" I asked confused. "Indeed, do not worry it is not anything that will endanger you or anypony." Celestia said which calmed me somewhat. "I just have a couple of questions, such as, what do you plan to do now that we have peace?" Celestia asked. "Well I am preparing for the upcoming winter, by the way, how cold does it get up here?" I said. "It doesn't get too cold, but it gets cold enough. I would have to estimate it around zero degrees fahrenheit at the coldest." Celestia said. "Though it will probably be in the twenties most of the time." Celestia said in answer to my question. "Is that all you will do?" Celestia asked in question. "Probably." I said. "Is this all you wanted to know?" I asked as another question. "No. I want to offer a proposition for you." she said. "Would you be interested in some of the materials we have here in Canterlot?" Celestia asked. Already I was catching on. This wasn't going to be anything like the movie. "Most likely, however I would prefer not to waste my time on such things as your people don't seem to like me very much." I said, thinking back to my walk to the castle. I got tons of scared stares. "Listen Jesse, I want us to become friends not enemies." she said with a frown clear on her face. This however just got me a laugh. "So that is what you want? I would be happy to become friends, like you I am quite tired of the fighting." I said with a smile. "Though friends just don't come out of the blue." I said. "How about every once in awhile I'll come by here and we can have a friendly conversation?" I asked with a smile. This earned Celestia a smile as she responded: "I think that would be nice." she said. I nodded, said farewell and teleported home. "Well that was an eventful meeting I said, that smile still on my face. I walked inside and headed to the kitchen to make myself some lunch. ~Celestia~ Celestia had just sent a letter to the Twilight telling her to gather the Elements to meet her in the throne room in a couple days. She had a mission for them, a mission of good intention. ~Twilight~ Twilight and her friends had just received the mission from Celestia and headed out to the forest where the 'Human' lived. The mission was to treat the human with respect and have him befriend them, for what reason she did not know but it is what she intended to do nonetheless. "So, why are we doing this again?" Rainbow asked. "Were going to befriend the funny looking fellow silly!" Pinky said in her common happy tone. That bounce in her step always present. "I don't think this is wise sugarcube." Applejack said, a slight tremble within her. "Nonetheless we were given a job, and we will see it through." Twilight said without the least bit of fear in her voice. They approached the house in the distance. They reached the door and knocked. ~Jesse~ "God what is it with these ponies and their constant nacking... and knocking?" I said letting out a rather long sigh. I stepped towards the door and opened it from a distance. "Hi." I said in a bored tone. "Come in and have a seat." I said and waved my hand to show where they could sit. "Thanks!" Twilight said as she led the other five into the house. Not to long ago I would have fought them and hurt them. But now I wasn't the least bit scared of them knowing that even their most powerful weapon could not defeat me. "Can I get you anything?" I asked the six. They all responded with a shake of their heads. "Very well." I said and took a seat myself. "Now why have you come?" I asked a bit tiredly and dryly. "WeweresentbyprincessCelestiatobefriendyouforthepurposeofsomethingshedidnotletusknowabout!" Pinky said so quickly that it brought my mouth to the floor. All the others laughed at this. I stood up and headed out the room telling them that I would be right back. I grabbed my guitar and headed back into the room thinking that some music would lighten the mood. That got all their attention. Which brought more questions that Twilight had forgot to ask last time she was here. "What is it Darling?" Rarity asked as she studied the fine shape and wood of the guitar. "It is know in my world as an acoustic guitar." I said as I played a D chord. This got them all wanting more and so I played them more. I was glad to see it wasn't just this world that liked music but also the beings living on the planet as they began to sing with me even though they had never heard the song before. When the song was over I placed the instrument on the ground and placed my hands on my lap. "OhdoitagainDOITAGAIN!" Pinky said in excitement. All this did though was make me laugh. "In a little bit." I said. That got Twilights attention as she began to ask some more questions about music in my world. I answered happily as I saw that there were only a few questions, still the Alicorn couldn't miss the chance to jot down new stuff on her notepad. After the questions were finished I got up and headed to the kitchen I grabbed myself some water. I re-entered the living room and sat back down. "So, the princess sent you did she?" I asked and they all nodded in response. I nodded and said: "Well I will tell you the same thing that I told the Princess, it will take time. I will not except any of you as friends, not yet." I said and when I said that they all sunk their heads and nodded. "But, that does not mean that we wont become friends, so don't lose hope. Never lose hope." I said which got them to perk up again. I picked my guitar back up and played another song. However on this song, I was the only one singing as they all had began to stare blankly at whatever they were looking at. Though I knew in my heart that this song had touched them somehow as I knew that look well, for I used to do it all the time myself. ~Twilight~ "Well that was rather spectacular was it not darling?" Rarity asked Twilight as they left the house that the creature had lived in. However Twilight was in such deep thought that she could not here a word Rarity had spoken. "Uh, Twilight, you okay?" Applejack asked with worry clear in her voice. Twilight however was in too much a stupor and actually walked into a tree which knocked her out of her trance. "Oww" Twilight said as she got up with the help of Rainbow dash. "Thanks." Twilight said. "No biggy." Rainbow said in response to Twilight. "But what the hay has gotten into you Twilight?" Rainbow Dash asked. "Hmm? Oh nothing, lets just get back to Canterlot. This was quite an eventful day." Twilight said which got worried glances from the other five Elements. "What?" Twilight asked in confusion. "Umm, Twilight, I think you need some sleep, you almost ran into another tree." Fluttershy said. "Oh, right, sorry about that." Twilight said with an awkward smile as she noticed another tree right in front of her. And then all the ponies gathered around her and they teleported away to the city of Canterlot. ~Jesse~ I waved the six goodbye and closed the door behind them. I sat down on the couch and rested my head for a bit before I got up and headed into the kitchen and began to cook dinner. "Wow, time really does fly by don't it?" I asked myself giving me a chuckle. "That was a hell of a day." I said with a smile as I turned on the stove as I began to cook my last meal for the day.