The Rainboom Thieves

by KingJoltik

The Change (Part 5 of 15)

“Hello everypony!” said Rarity as she entered the hideout. There she was greeted by her several friends.

“Hello Rarity.” said Fluttershy as she exited the kitchen. “Has Twilight”

“Yes's already happened. She came and asked me and Applejack...” Rarity then gave a slight huff. “It didn't go well with Applejack...I suspect she came over and asked you all already?”

“Yes...she did. Do you think this will go well?”

“No...I hate to admit it darling, I don't.”

“What are you going to do now Rarity?”

“Well...what are the others doing?”

“Well...Scootaloo is reading Daring Do to Rainbow while she's in bed. Rainbow is in stable condition but is in no position to move around. Pinkie Pie is...well...”

“She's depressed again, isn't she?”


“Alright, well I need to check on something in Twilight's room, could you ask Pinkie to go get Applejack? We don't need to be at the other hideout anymore anyways and it would be better for Applejack to be around friends then by herself.”

“Sure, I can do that Rarity. Are you going to be our leader for now Rarity?”

“Hmm...” Rarity then scratched her chin. “I guess I am...”

Rarity then went to Twilight's room. There she began to scan the room and thought, 'Good grief Twilight...can't you clean your room a little? There's papers and books everywhere! Then again, you usually kept it clean until...nevermind, I need to find what I'm looking for...'

Rarity searched the room and soon found the one thing she was looking for. 'Ah! Here it is...Twilight's journal...I will have to apologize to her later but there is something here I must know...' Rarity then skimmed through the journal, ' many little calculations...these must be from our previous heists...or her inventions...wait a minute...this is...this date is yesterday!'

Rarity then read the page labeled for yesterday's date. Her eyes slowly grew in fear and depression as she read the journal entry. 'No...this is...'

Rarity quickly ran out of the room and went to Fluttershy. “Fluttershy! Has Applejack returned yet?”

“Um...yes. Pinkie just brought her.”

“Good. Tell her and Pinkie to join me in Rainbow’s room since Rainbow can't move right now. You come as well, I need to show you all something.”


A few minutes later...

“Alright Rarity, what's the deal? Why is everypony crammed into my room?” asked Rainbow with a disgruntled look.

“Sorry Rainbow, but since you aren't allowed to leave your bed yet...well...I just need to read you all something.”

“Read us something?” asked Applejack in confusion.

“Yes...this is Twilight's journal.”

“Journal? Ain't that supposed to be private?”

“Regularly I would agree, all need to hear me.”

The other ponies stared at each other and then nodded at Rarity. “Alright Rarity...starting reading to us.”

“Well..” Rarity then began to read the last journal entry. Her mouth trembled as the words left her mouth. “I believe Twilight wrote this right before she told us her plan...”

Twilight Journal Entry #35:

My only hope is that the girls do not read this. If they do, it seems that they were fated to see what may be my final thoughts before leaving them. If that is the case, I am sorry girls. I am writing this as a last journal entry before I hand myself to Celestia. Over the past almost three years as the leader of the Rainbooms I have put myself into a certain mode of thinking. Over those years, I would put predictions, outcomes, and preparations first. I would constantly think of every scenario for every heist, every action we would take. However, I never predicted me being the one the Tree of Harmony would choose. Because of this, my life is now officially no longer in my hooves. For years I have tried to create my own path in life and fought this world. However, life is not that simple and now I must make some life changing decisions. Now that we have been caught even though we captured both Sunset Shimmer and Trixie Lulamoon, I hereby say that my time as the leader of the Rainbooms is officially over. In doing so, I can only make predictions rather than choices in what will happen in my future. One, which I believe is the future that will happen is that when I show myself to Celestia, she will not give pardons and I will probably end up in prison or executed. I have been told over and over again that she is a kind ruler but I still refuse to believe it. If she was, she would have not used my parents and family against me. However, I can only make two other predictions, one is that I get the pardons but I either end up executed or in prison. The other is the most unlikely, in which I get the pardons and get to go free. Either way, at the moment I show myself to Celestia, I will no longer be able to see my friends. This fact is the worst of them all in this situation. To me, my friends are my real family. They comfort me, help me, understand me, and love me. I have researched Harmony and it said that anypony who uses Harmony, rather it be pony or alicorn, they understand true friendship. If Celestia does understand such a thing, hopefully I will be able to see my friends one more time. However, I predict that will never happen so the friendship I cherish so much with my friends will soon be out of my grasp. In the end, I will say this is my choice and my path. Whatever happens next, I will take full responsibility for all of my actions. Because of this, I will now say my last words to this journal. I, Twilight Sparkle, the leader of the Rainbooms, the inheritor of Harmony, the Element of Magic, and the once Queen of Harmony would like to say that I have lived a fulfilling life. It is a life that I would wish on nopony but, it has been a good life. Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash, Rarity, Applejack, Pinkie Pie, and Scootaloo, I love all of you. My friends have helped me become truly happy, something I believed that I wasn't allowed to have. What I am about to do is my own choice in life. I could run away or kill the ponies that we have captured but I will do no such thing. I will go to Celestia and accept my fate. This is my path in my life, not destiny or fate but my own choice. This is all I can say for now. Finally to my friends, may the winds of fortune blow in your favor and may all things go well in your lives. I love you all, Twilight Sparkle.

“And that's the last entry girls...” said Rarity as her head slowly lowered.

“WHAT?!” yelled Rainbow as she began swinging her hooves around in anger. “ARE YOU-OWWW!!!”

“Rainbow! Please calm down!” screamed Fluttershy as she grabbed Rainbow and pushed her down on the bed. “You mustn’t move too much, your body can't handle it right now.”

“But Fluttershy, didn't you just hear what...”

“I did, calm down Rainbow.”

“She's right darling, I hate to say it but...we can't do anything right now.”


Applejack suddenly hit the wall, her head looking at the floor. She then stomped out of the room. Pinkie tried to go after her but Rarity then grabbed her. “Don't Pinkie. Let her go.”

“But...she didn't even say anything...and Twilight...” Pinkie then began to tear up, her eyes beginning to drop tears. Rarity then hugged Pinkie as the two mares began to shed tears.

“It's fine Pinkie...let her solve this by herself.”

“” Fluttershy then slowly put her hooves together, trembling.

“Yes dear?”

“What do we do now?”

“I honestly don't know darling...all I know is that all of us here want to help Twilight...but...I don't know what to do...”

Rarity then slowly left the room only to see Applejack packing all her things. “Applejack dear, what are you doing?”

“I'm going home. I'm done.”

“You can't be serious dear, did you not hear what I just read to you?”

“Yeah, ah did...ah heard every word.”

“Then...then you know we need to help Twilight!”

“No...ah don't. I'm done Rarity.”

Rarity then slammed her hoof down. “Applejack!”

Applejack then turned around and yelled, “SHUT IT RARITY! IT'S OVER! I'M GOING HOME!”

Applejack then turned around and slowly walked out of the hideout. As she was about to leave, Rarity then slowly spoke up, “So that's it?”

“Yeah...ah believe it is.”

“My my in the end, you're just a coward.”

Applejack stopped. She then slowly turned and stared at Applejack as if she was about to attack her. “WHAT DID YOU JUST SAY?!”

“I said you're a coward.”

“You did not!”

“I did. You've always been a coward Applejack. Ever since we all first met, you've done nothing but complain and whine that you weren't out with your apples. You always wanted to do nothing but go back to your apple farm, never even thinking about your friends!”

Anger showed itself in full as Applejack began to stomp on the floor. “Say that again Rarity and ah swear on every apple I've ever eaten, ah will beat the tar out of you.”

Rarity didn't flinch. She didn't show any sign of fear or aggression. She just stood there, emotionless. “You're a coward Applejack. That's who you really are.”

“THAT'S IT!” yelled Applejack as she then rushed Rarity, ready to hit her. “YOU'RE GONNA PAY FOR SAYING THOSE WORDS!”

Then Applejack swung her hoof, aiming for Rarity's face.

Some time later in Canterlot...

Shining Armor was at his desk, signing papers. “Ugh...I know I wanted to be in the guard but...”

A guard then opened the door, alerting Shining Armor. “Sir!”

“What is it solider?”


“Stop hesitating solider, what's wrong?”

“Well, the latest train that's coming to's...”

“What solider? If there's a problem on that train, my barrier magic will stop it. If its some evil being, the main soldiers are ready.”

“Well, according to what reports we've gotten...we think...”

“AUGH!” yelled Shining Armor suddenly. At that moment, his barrier magic disappeared from Canterlot.

“Captain! What's wrong?!”

“Ugh...the barrier...whatever is on that train...broke through the barrier...”

Shining Armor and the guard then immediately went down to the train station. Shining Armor's head still felt dizzy after the sudden break-in which in turn affected his magic. He then stopped in front of the train and began ordering the guards there.

“Alright men, you three are coming with me, the rest will evacuate any innocent ponies out of this train. According to the unicorns here, the dark magic hasn't moved, so whatever being that wields it is still in its cabin. I'm going in, you three cover me.”

“Yes sir!”

Shining Armor slowly went into the train, his men right behind him. He signaled the three to get ready and he then slowly opened the cabin door. His horn began to shine as he slammed the door open.

“Alright you, I...what the? Twily?!”

“Hey BBBFF, how's it going?” said Twilight as she gave a cocky look, waving her hoof.

“Why are you...why is Sunset Shimmer with you...and who's the blue unicorn?!”

“Hey! Trixie's skin color is better than yours whitey!”

“Whatever...alright, so why are you here and...let me guess, the Element of Darkness is what the unicorns were sensing?”

“Yeah...” said Twilight as she opened the case with the element inside. “I took the seals off for certain reasons...its a long story and sorry about the barrier.”

“Yeah thanks...all it did was give me a migraine from Tartarus itself. Why are you here Twily?”

“I said I'm sorry BBBFF. Now, if you don't mind Shining, think you could give me and my two ponies here a ride to Celestia?”

“A ride to the princess?”

Twilight then gave her brother a huge grin. “ and the duo here need to have a long talk with Celestia.”