World of Ponies: The Pony-Human War

by ShadowWalking18

Chapter 6 - Pony: Aftermath


Blueblood groaned, and felt something shift against him. He felt something smooth and silky slide slowly up his leg and towards his stallionhood. For a moment he was confused, until he heard a soft sigh and the feel of soft mounds to his back and hooves tightening around him.

Oh yes. Now he remembered. Scarlet Rose. He shivered as the mare's tail continued its work. He felt the mare's warm air on the back of his neck as she playfully nipped at him.

Oh could he have forgotten. Then again, he wasn't surprised. While the mare had been shy at first, once they had started she had become something akin to a roaring flame. Blueblood wasn't too sure, but if he could bring up bits of memory from the foggy haze of passion that had occurred the previous night, he would say that the mare had dominated him.

He groaned, both in pleasure and in part of exhaustion. Even with rest, all of last night had he drained. He closed his eyes, hoping to just rest a few moments more, and enjoy the gentle treatment of Scarlet.

The flap of his tent opened though as somepony walked in and spoke,"Prince Blueblood. General Stonewall wishes to speak with you. He-oh."

Blueblood grumbled as he turned and saw a soldier at his tent flap. The mare looked down embarrassed, and Scarlet gasped and pulled the covers tighter around her, taking some of them off him.

"Right, right. You may go now." Blueblood said as he stood, smirking a bit as he stood naked for the mare to see.

The soldiers saluted quickly then left, and Blueblood could swear he saw a blush. He chuckled lightly, before looking down to Scarlet Rose. The mare slowly got up from the bed, the covers still wrapped around her lush and delicious body. They way she looked at him, her face still red with a blush of embarrassment yet with a small smile, made Blueblood want to push her back on the bed for another round.

Or even two.

"I suppose our duties call." She said, beginning to pick up her clothes and armor.

"Sadly. Though I would enjoy if you would show up again." Blueblood said, giving a smile.

Scarlet made a slight eeping sound, but looked at him with a shy smile, "I think I can. Yes."

"Splendid." Blueblood said, and began to dress.

He supposed he could have something to look forward now to distract him from whatever silly worries Stonewall had.

Blueblood arrived to the war tent, and saw that Stonewall was there, along with two bandaged and badly beaten ponies. One was a Pegasus stallion, whose left wing was broken and whose armor and fur looked as if had gone through a fire, and the other was an Earth Pony mare, who looked as if she had gone through a similar deal. Both wore the armor of Equestrian scout division of the military and both saluted as he entered.

"Ah, your highness. I you were not disturbed." Stonewall said.

Blueblood merely shrugged, "Not at all. So tell me, what is it so important? Who are these ponies?"

"Scouts Pathfinder and Fleeting Wind, your highness." The Pegasus said, saluting. The earth pony following.

"They were part of the scouting party that had tracked those humans who attacked our camp yesterday." Stonewall said, his face slightly grim.

Blueblood blinked, "Yesterday? Could the humans have really moved that far that it took a day to track them? And why do they look like they've been through furnace?"

"Perhaps they can best explain. Pathfinder." Stonewall said, nodding to the Pegasus.

The Pegasus nodded and began to speak, "We tracked the humans away from our camp. One was carrying another over their shoulder, who was obviously injured as we could follow his moans of pain. Still we kept our distance to avoid them realizing we were following. After some time, the humans finally emerged to a rough camp not far from our own position on a ridge in the forest. We stopped just out of reach of their camp and saw at least two other humans in total in the camp-"

Blueblood interrupted with a raised hoof, "Wait, there were only five all together?"

"Yes sir," Pathfinder said.

Blueblood scoffed, "Well I don't see why you didn't bother to attack them. You surely should have had an advantage in weaponry and numbers."

"We did not have orders for any sort of assault," Pathfinder said.

Blueblood huffed, "Well I suppose you learned something at least yes?"

"We did your highness. As we watched the humans in their camp, a...tear I guess is the best way to describe it, appeared in their camp and out stepped a human." Pathfinder said, "he looked a great deal like the human Castus as the princess described him."

Blueblood's eyes widened, "You saw the human's leader and didn't bother to take him captive?!"

Was this pony an idiot!? Blueblood could be returning home if this feather brained Pegasus had just made one brave attack!

"We had considered it," Pathfinder said, his voice a bit rough now, "but as we drew closer to the camp, its as if Castus knew we were approaching and turned directly in our direction....after that......"

Pathfinder started to shake a bit, and even the mare looked a bit fearful. Blueblood raised a brow in confusion.

"After that...the trees just...exploded into flames," Pathfinder said, "lightning struck down from the sky without any apparent source. The very ground seemed to heave and open up beneath us. I...I...I saw two of my scouts fall into a crevice that just appeared...and close up on them."

"We began to make a retreat, but the fires seemed to chase us and even the wind and ground wouldn't give us peace. I was smashed against several trees before fall unconscious." Pathfinder said, rubbing at his head.

"Unconcious?" Blueblood said.

"Yes your highness. I and Lilly Gold both had been incapacitated temporarily during our flight. Once we had awoken, we rejoined together and made our way back to camp." Pathfinder said.

"And the rest of your party?" Blueblood asked.

"They are all dead." Pathfinder said, "either swallowed by the earth...or burnt into a crisp."

Blueblood was silent.

"That will be all. You two get some rest now." Stonewall said, dismissing the two scouts.

The scouts saluted and left, leaving Blueblood and Stonewall in the tent alone.

"Some of our best scouts taken out by a single human. And by the description of his magic, I can't say I've ever heard of such spells." Stonewall said.

Blueblood didn't like the way Stonewall said that, was he trying to make a point? He scoffed and waved his hoof, "Oh come now general. We've seen destructive based magic before. This is nothing different."

"Perhaps, though what of the tear? It didn't seem like any teleportation spell I've seen." Stonewall said.

"Pish posh, it might be different a bit, but the same theory still applies. And since this Castus was so foolish to use a teleportation spell no doubt we can trace him by its residue. Send our mages to the location and see what they find. I doubt it won't be hard." Blueblood said with a shrug.

Stonewall frowned but nodded, "As you say. I had a similar thought and already sent them."

"Good, then is there anything else that is needed. I think I will get some brunch." Blueblood said, feeling a slight pang of hunger.

And perhaps once he had something in his stomach, he could find Scarlet Rose and satisfy another hunger he had. There was something about that mare that was difficult to forget.

Of course, Stonewall had a few other things to discuss. Mostly troop deployment and the supply lines. Blueblood merely nodded, though he did set himself to lead a few outings out. If he was lucky they might run into some humans, a good battle story to share with the mares back in Canterlot. He might even get a medal.

When all the minor businesses were finished, Blueblood retired himself to his tent, after having his personal cook he brought along set him up with a fine brunch. No need to share the common gruel of the soldiers.

But it was as he finished the end of his meal that he was gifted with an even more delicious surprise.

"My prince....I..I hope I am not intruding but..." He heard Scarlet Roses silky voice speak near his tent door.

Blueblood smiled and beckoned her to him, "But of course not. It is always a delight to see you my dear."

Scarlet Rose blushed, but approached, if a bit shyly. Blueblood enjoyed that shyness, before he pulled her into his lap.

"I...I didn't know if I should come back. I worried that you might have pressing matters when General Stonewall called you." Scarlet said, her face red as she sat in Bluebloods lap. His hooves around her waist.

"Oh of course not. Just some minor business that frankly I feel are not as severe as the general thinks. Honestly it is rather tiring to be the counter point to such a worry wart." Blueblood said with a sigh.

Scarlet Rose frowned, "Oh, I'm sure that isn't true. Surely any business the general has with you must be important."

Blueblood scoffed, "Maybe. Though he honestly seems to think this...Castus human is a danger. I'll admit his magic is certainly strange, but I doubt he has the skill a proper unicorn mage has. Any foal can teleport with some practice."

"Teleport?" Scarlet Rose said, tilting her head curiously.

Blueblood nodded and began telling her of the scouts report. He didn't see any harm in sharing a few minor details with her. And in fact, she seemed to like listening to his opinions, if the way her tail was moving along his leg and towards his more intimate regions were any sign. And it wasn't long yet that the two of them were once more wrapped in the silken covers of his bed.


Stonewall rubbed at his heads, feeling a right good headache coming on.

Despite his nephew, who Stonewall thanked Celestia had returned okay, scout report the Prince still seemed to think that Castus was not as serious a threat as he was.

True, destructive magics like that were common, but the way of teleportation. Stonewall didn't know much on magic, being an Earth Pony, but if Castus had walked through it, did that mean other humans could? If that was the case, it would be the humans greatest strength, as mass teleportation was nearly impossible by current spells.

But...and he loathed to say it, the prince was right. It would also be a weakness, as if the mages could find a residue to track, they might be able to trace Castus to their main camp. He would need to send reports to the other regiments to keep their mages on task, once the team he sent out returned with their findings, if any.

Though the worse was the lost of the scouts. Stonewall had seen soldiers die, as it was part of war....but still he hated having to send reports concerning their deaths back to families...and this time without any bodies to give burial.

And worse, he feared that this would not be the end of loses on their side. Call it a gut feeling, but he felt by the end of this war....the ground would be littered with the dead.