//------------------------------// // Chapter 5 // Story: My Little Naruto: Family Is Magic // by madhat886 //------------------------------// Inside one of the ruin buildings of a western ghost town, Trixie, Stormy, Sunset Shimmer, and Peppermint Fizz hid from the two bosses that made their home in the town. They had thought that with their combine might they would be able to beat the two. But they weren't strong enough to beat them. "Okay who's bright idea was this again?" Peppermint Frizz ask as her tinman armor is all dented. She leaned on her axe as she recovering her energy. "It was Rainbow Dash's idea," Stormy said holding her her guitar like an axe and dress as a heavy metal rocker. "How about a healing spell?" Sunet Shimmer ask Trixie as while she is a magic user her talent is in battle spells. "I'm out of mana after this," Trixie said checking her cape and hat for damage. "You still have your fireworks," Sunset said dress in a red orange robe. "That doesn't work on them," Trixie said. "Where is Rainbow and her team anyway?" Stormy ask. A loud explosion cause the building they're in to shake as Rainbow Dash was thrown into and through the building. The team of four stared at the hole and the down form of Rainbow Dash. She is dress in a form fitting with bodysuit and helmet that has colored ribbons coming down from the top of her head. When she uses her super speed she leaves a rainbow behind her. She uses her speed along with the blades on her arms to make a twister of death. Which didn't help her in fighting the pair she was facing now. Coming into the hole Rainbow Dash's body left behind came Apple Jack's father Paul. Dress in western clothes with a poncho that hides the thick body armor he wore underneath it. He's armed with a massive axe he swings with one arm and his left arm is covered with a mechanical gauntlet which contains a rotating triple-barreled machine gun and rocket launcher. And next to him is his wife Megan who is armed with a railway rifle that fires railway spikes as crude flechettes, making a distinctive 'toot-toot' noise after each shot like a train whistle. With her being so fast on her feet and able to jump around attacking long range, the toot-toot is the only warning you get that she's around. "Take this!" Trixie shouted as she threw what's left of her bombs at the couple. The bombs didn't even hit as Megan brought up her rainbow shield blocking the attack. It's a prefect shield as it can't be enter and only things can come out once it's on. And that it reflects all attacks back at the attacker. Trixie gave out an eep as her own bombs came back at her. The blast sent Sunset flying towards the couple while her two teammates were sent flying backwards. Sunset look up to give her own eep as Paul brought his axe down on her. After getting back up Peppermint Fizz flew backwards as she was struck by a rail spike sending her flying through the air and pinning her to a wall. Stormy seeing she's the only one summon her flying cloud to escape. She jump on using her guitar to shield from the battle couple's attacks. As she took off, Paul fired a heat seeking rocket at her, and with her out of energy Stormy couldn't stop it as it caught up and blew her out of the sky. "Alright gang let's," Rainbow Dash shouted only to see that she's the only one left of the team. And that both Paul and Megan are aiming their weapons at her. Rainbow Dash let out a yell as she was blasted by both the couples at the same time. And a respawn screen covered up the map. ! In the real world - "Well Rainbow Dork you did it again," Sunset said over the online game com. She sat on her bed as she played the game World of Chaos. A online game that has different worlds all coming together. There are different main factions on the game with different goals. Some players join the different factions others formed their own groups, and others are lone wolves who only join a group when they need to. Coming from Chaos Inc the game is played by just about everyone who has a Chaos game console. "I thought we could take them," Rainbow Dash said over her com. "Well we didn't," Peppermint Frizz growled from her end. "We all used up a lot of items just trying to put a dent in them. You know very well as you being Apple Jack's friend that because of Megan agreeing to help promote the game that she and Mr. Apple are able to have NPC's modeled after them and that they can play their game models. Which are free roaming boss level players, that when they do play take a zerg rush of players just to defeat," Trixie sated on her end. (1) "Come on you know how rarely they play and you know how much loot they have on them when they are defeated when their NPC's are being played," Rainbow Dash said. "Yeah but their power levels are doubled as well," Stormy said. "Next time find someone else to fight with you." "Well none of the others are online right now and you four are it. Rainbow Brite and her team are taking on the Dazzle Pirates. And Strawberry Shortcake and her gang are launching an all out attack on King Sombra's castle. I don't get why Brite and Strawberry don't like helping me," Dash said. "Maybe it's because when Shortcake, Brite and you were having a sleep over at Twilight's home. Thanks to you walking on in at a awkward moment you came upon them in nothing but their underwear. Not letting them explain themselves you automatically thought they were coming out of the closet. You went to Lyra and Bon Bon who are open about them being gay, not there's a problem with that. Who help you in setting up a out of the closet party for them. Which after we threw the surprise party for them they were finally able to explain to you what happen. They ended up fighting over the last snack while they were dressing in their pjs and ended up in a dog pile," Trixie explains. "I thought they were going to died of embarrassment," Peppermint said. "What was, I suppose to think? They had Twilight between them while in nothing more than their underwear," Dash said. "Which is why both Strawberry and Brite are still mad at you for spreading the rumor that they're lesbians who are into group sex," Sunset said. "Well it's not like either, Flash, Huckleberry or Krys minded the idea that their girlfriends are lesbians," Dash said. "Yeah that's a real surprise," Stormy said. "Besides at least we showed them that if they were lesbians we wouldn't think of anything different with them. They would still be who they are," Dash said. "That's true but still. It be awhile before they get over that mess," Sunset said. ! At the Apple's - Naruto sat next to Applebloom at the end of the dinner table as they have dinner. Megan after speaking with Doctor Horse was told that Naruto shouldn't eat any tough food for awhile till he recovers, so it wouldn't shock his system. While at the hospital it was found that Naruto stomach couldn't handle solid food being a sign he's still recovering from malnutrition. So it be soup and stew for him till he can stomach solid foods. It seems whoever was treating him was also helping him to recover but with the operations being done on him he was fed a mostly liquid diet. So they're having beef stew for dinner. "So Naruto next week you'll be coming to school with us," Apple Jack said to him sitting across him. Her parents had already told her and Big Mac about what happen to Naruto. They have to be careful with him and that Applebloom shouldn't know as she might tell her friends about Naruto. He doesn't remember what happen to him and it could be harmful for him. "Yes, I am," Naruto said softly as he kept to himself. "I'll show you around the school," Applebloom said. "Just don't over do it," Big Mac said as their parents explained that they would need to keep a spare inhaler with them incase Naruto needs it. "He just needs to put some meat on his bones," Granny said sitting with them. "Aren't mom and dad going to be eating with us?" Applebloom ask. "They ate earlier and are now playing that game," Granny said. "Oh yeah after dinner you should come and see the game," Applebloom said. "Game?" Naruto ask. "Just finish your dinner first," Granny said. After dinner the kids joined the parents in the living room and sat on the floor or on the coach with the adults. Naruto and Applebloom sat on the coach while AJ and Mac sat on the floor. Granny stayed in the kitchen cleaning the plates. Naruto sat and watch as Megan and Paul played a game on the box with moving pictures on it, while their kids watch and cheered them on. He didn't know who he is or where he came from but surrounded by the people who found him and have taken him in. He felt at peace as if this was the first time he ever felt safe and sound with people he had only just met. (2) ! In the local junkyard - "No, no," a man said to himself as he looks over the readings his cobble together machine told him. The man is Doctor Whooves who ran the junkyard and lives in it. His blue RV sits in the makeshift garage he has built for himself. Which also acts as his lab and machine shop, as he also makes his living in doing repairs around the town. If there's a machine problem he can fix it. Even Discord calls on him time to time to help out. Currently Whooves is fighting to keep his computer from over heating after he had overclock it. Even with the pieces he had taken from refrigerators, the heat exchangers from the fridge can only handle so much with all the overclocking he has done with his computer. Seeing it's going to overheat he shuts off his computer and let's it cool down. "Maybe, I should start using liquid nitrogen to keep it from overheating," Whooves said to himself. (3) He looks over the print out and didn't like what he saw. He walk over to the wall where an older print out is pinned to the wall. He compared it to the new one and saw while it's different from what he detected years ago and what got him to move to this town. It is close enough that something like what happen years ago has happen again. "Something is happening at that apple farm," Whooves said to himself as he looks over all the papers he has setup on his information board. News clippings of strange rainbows, one about a flying pink pony, print outs of energy readings taken years ago and newer ones just days old. And a new news clipping of a boy found after a lightning strike happening at the Apple farm. Whooves walk over to a bookcase as pulls out a book. The first book of My Little Pony written by Megan Apple who kept her family name and who's husband also took after they got married. He had traveled across country when he first detected the strange energy and set himself up in town. But by then the energy readings just stop, but all of his data pointed to the apple farm. He scanned the area found trace amounts but nothing else. He stayed in the town and made himself a life here which he grew to like living in the small town and saw it grow bigger. But now his machine has detected the energy again and a strange boy suddenly appearing after lightning appearing in a cloudless sky. He look at the book in his hands and wonders if all of the books Mrs. Apple has written just came from her head and not from real life. !