//------------------------------// // Chapter 7 // Story: My Little Naruto: Family Is Magic // by madhat886 //------------------------------// Hitting her alarm clock Sunset stumbled out of bed as she force herself out of bed. With no one but her in the house she had to take care of everything herself. Her dad is always away on business trips and her mother is an airline pilot. They're never home and her older sister Sunraise is living on campus at Canterlot College. She's been alone on her own for more years than she could remember. It was always something that her parents needed to do or help her big sister as she's the one that dotted on. With her sister 6 years older than she is she was the one that was always showed with attention. While she is neglected for most of her life, till she was old enough that her parents didn't have to watch her all the time. But to her surprise Sunraise thinks she's the one who has the easier life, since she can do whatever she wants and their parents won't say anything while they're always on her case. They're so demanding in regards to her intellectual and artistic talents and put so much pressure on her that Sunraise is stress all the time. It got so bad she had a break down after not scoring a high grade on a test. She's now being treated for high blood pressure and other stress induced illnesses, the doctors order for her parents not to press her or she might have a stroke. (1) It made her realized that for all of her wanting to have their parents attention even if she became a trouble maker and bully in school to gain attention. It was better than becoming what her sister had become of all the pressure their parents put on her. It was her losing her crown at the dance and her sister having a break down in the same week is the reason for her heel realization that all her bullying was her need for attention that she wasn't getting at home. But with her parents with how they are she didn't want them as they would just pressure her like they did with her sister to become what they want her to be. Which is why she has work hard in becoming friends with Stormy's group as they're the only ones who would take her in as their friend. She invited them over to her house sometimes as she's always alone. Her parents just gave her a credit card to by what she needs and they paid the bills from online. She rarely sees them as she can spend days before either of her parents showing up. Her mom is the one who she sees the most as she takes breaks between flying from one place to another. She also gets most of her designer clothes from her mom when she takes break between trips. (2) Fixing herself a quick meal of eggs with cheese, as she had to quickly learn to cook for herself. She ate in front of the tv watching the Muppet Show as she has the collection of the show on DVD. She enjoys watching them as she grew up watching them and the other muppet shows. Seeing it's almost time she finish up her meal and place the dishes into the sink. She would wash them when she gets home from school. Taking her school bag she left to grab the bus. ! At the school - Walking with Naruto the Apple siblings showed him around the school before the first bell started. They needed to teach him about the school, the teachers have already been informed about his needs and be ready incase he needs medical attention. Their friends would lean him a hand when he needs it. "Hi guys," Sunset said as she walks up to the Apples. "Hi Sunset," Applejack said before pointing to Naruto. "Meet Naruto." "Hello," Sunset said as she looks over the young boy standing behind Applejack dress in blue overalls and white shirt. She's shock as he's just barely taller than Applebloom. "Hi," Naruto said uneasy in meeting new people. "Welcome to our school," Sunset greeted him. "We're showing him around the school," Applebloom said. "Yup," Big Mac said. "Well, I hope you have a great first day at school," Sunset said remembering what it was like on her first day. Then she remembers the other reason why Naruto is how he is. "And don't worry you'll make some friends around here in no time." "Thanks," Naruto said. "Your welcome," Sunset said hoping he will do better than she did. ! In the lunchroom - At one of the tables the 3 interns who work at Chaos Inc, they setup a booth for new ideas for the new expansion on World of Choas. And students have lined up to give them their ideas. Some good while others aren't possible to do without causing the game to crash. Right now they're talking with Canary Yellow. "The list of vampires are good and not like the ones found everywhere else. The penanggalan, is good a vampire that detaches its head from the rest of its body at night with all of its internal organs dangling from its neck. The Asasabonsam with curved iron hooks instead of feet that lives in forests. It hunts by dangling from the branches of tress and thrusting said hooks into their prey when they pass underneath. The manananggal who splits in half with its upper torso growing huge bat wings to fly at night," Adagio said. "Not like all the sex god vampires you see now a days," Aria said. "We could do an expansion on more monsters to fight," Sonata adds. "Yeah you guys can use the different types of monsters instead of using the common types everyone else uses," Canary Yellow said. "We'll give your idea to the boss," Sonata said. "He's always looking for new ideas," Aria said. "Next," Adagio said. "Hey gals," Applejack said as she and her siblings came into the lunchroom showing Naruto where Granny sometimes could be found working at. "Who's the kid?" Sonata ask. "This is Naruto," Applebloom said. "The kid you guys found on your farm?" Aria ask. "Yup," Big Mac answers. "Hey AJ can you tell your mom that the boss is interested in talking to her about another thing she could help in the game," Adagio ask. "Really what is it this time?" Applejack ask. "You know how he is in not spoiling the game," Adagio said. "Is that the game they were playing?" Naruto ask remembering the game they showed him. He decline in playing as he just wanted to watch. All three of the Apple kids have game models that look just like them and thanks to their parents giving them power ups are very well armed. "Yup," Big Mac said. "Wait aren't you the one who was dress as a ninja?" Sonata ask. "Ninja?" Naruto said as he suddenly froze as something spark but something else stop it dead in it's tracks. "Naruto what's the matter," Applejack ask worried seeing him frozen like that. "I don't know. Something about ninjas and than nothing," Naruto said. "Come on we still need to show him around before first bell," Applebloom said. "Right," Applejack said as they lead Naruto out of the lunchroom. "What's with him?" Sonata ask. "I guess you trigger a flashback or something when you said ninja," Aria said. "Whatever happen to him must have been big," Adagio said. "Yeah it is. They won't let me throw him a party," Pinkie Pie spoke up. "Pinkie he's in no condition to have a party," Red Butler said. "Oh right," Pinkie said. "And we all shouldn't do anything that might trigger a harmful flashback with him," Rainbow Dash said. Earning her looks from Rainbow Brite and Strawberry Shortcake. "You're the one who jumps into things and tells everyone," Rainbow Brite said. "You just can't keep things to yourself," Stawberry Shortcake adds. "Come on you two can't still be mad at me," Rainbow Dash said. "Telling the whole school we like girls without letting us explain ourselves first. Is a great way to show how good you are in keeping your mouth shut," Twilight said glaring at her. "Yeah too bad," Lyra said with a hint of disappointment in her voice. "Lyra!" Bon Bon snaps at her. "It be nice to have some more girls around who like other girls and are open about it," Lyra said. "Oh," Bon Bon said thinking that she wanted to try some stuff. "Don't worry, I'm not going to be doing that anymore," Rainbow Dash said having learned from her past mistakes. And having to win over her friends after that had something to do with it. The bell rang and the students ran out of the lunchroom to begin their classes. Starting the first day of school for Naruto in a brand new world he found himself in. And the friends that he'll make in the school year. !