//------------------------------// // An Early Frost Comes To Equestria // Story: At the Twilight of Harmony // by Rammy //------------------------------// 34 days since the Nameless One’s escape 8 days since the fall of Traxti City Just before sunrise, Ponyville. “Mistress!” Twilight stirred a bit before she pulled more blankets around her. “Mistress must wake up!” “Huh... mag.. wha…” Twilight groaned as she attempted to ignore the voice intruder to her dreams. Suddenly a weight was lifted off of her and coldness assaulted her body. In a flash she was up. “Mangy Mutt! What is the…” Twilight stopped her rant as she noticed her breath was visible. She waved her foreleg through her breath cloud momentarily fascinated by it. “Mistress?” “Huh? Oh, right…” Twilight glanced over to her diamond dog assistant who was nervously holding on to her blankets. “Mangy Mutt, what is going on?” “Snow and cold early. Mangy checked calendar. No snow three weeks.” “That is odd… I wonder if there was an accident at the weather factory… again.” “Mangy check with Rainbow?” “Please do.” Twilight asked. Mangy Mutt bowed slightly and quickly rushed out the room. He is a good assistant... A slight pain went through her heart as she thought that. Spike... Twilight quickly got ready for the day and soon walked down the hall to a plain door. She took a deep breath then unlocked and opened the door. “Spike…” Twilight walked up to Spike’s bed and sat on the edge of it. “I hope you’re not too jealous of Mangy Mutt. He’s a great assistant, and please don’t take this wrong but in some ways he is a bit better… but you were more than that... You were… are my little brother even if you no longer remember me as such… I can only hope that when the ‘Dark One’ is defeated and the curses that he put on you and your race are gone that you will remember… and even…” Twilight choked back a few bittersweet tears, “...even if not, I’m glad that you made sure that you would would always be there for me… You know, I look forward to getting a chance to talk to ‘you’ weekly… when this war is over I’m going to make a point to spend some time with you personally without the fate of the world hanging in the balance.” Twilight facehoofed at what she just said. “You have become the new Candace.”   “Mistress?” “Mangy Mutt!” Twilight nearly jumped when she heard Mangy Mutt. She quickly did some breathing exercises to calm down. “What did Rainbow say?” “Not her. No accident. Factory working right. Mangy prepared lab. Lab ready, Mistress.” Twilight chuckled and turned her gaze back to the bed. “See what I mean?” Twilight got up and headed out Spike’s room turning back only once to give a small smile before she shut and locked the room. Mangy Mutt scratched his head in confusion but followed Twilight in case she needed help in the lab. Twilight refocused the microscope as she was peering through the eyepiece. After a few adjustments she could see the snowflakes. A confused scowl began to form as she took note of what she was seeing. “Identical snowflakes?!” Twilight wondered out loud before she slid her chair over to a printer that was printing off the compositional analysis of the snow that she had melted earlier. “Water plus the typical particulates and chemical impurities.. Typical of normal snowflakes, but the magic levels are strange. Not typical for pegasi magic… or unicorn magic either…” Twilight muttered as she went over the the charts and figures. She carefully extracted herself from the piles of paper and walked over to her reference bookshelf. She scanned it for a particular book. “Aha!” Twilight exclaimed as she pulled out a thick book. Magicona Identfica: A Comprehensive Reference Guide to Magic Wave Signatures. She rifled through the tome attempting to find anything similar to what the printout. No… No…. No… wait. Twilight flipped back a page. She put the results of the compositional analysis next to the the diagram on wendigo magic. The results where remarkably similar and yet there appeared to be something underlying the wendigo magic. Though given a notation stating the small sample size it was possible that it was just normal. Wendigo!? But how could a wendigo or wendigos manage to get into Equestria much less thrive enough to cause a massive snowstorm with no warning? “Mangy!” Twilight yelled. “Mistress forgot Mangy here.” Mangy whimpered. He was getting better but Twilight still surprised him sometimes with her outbursts. That was the case this time as he missed the cue that she was about to yell. “Oh, sorry...” Twilight chuckled sheepishly. “Mangy get friends.” Mangy Mutt bowed before running out of the lab. It’s scary how he knows what I’m thinking. Twilight commented as she released the magic keeping the lab ice cold and shut the light. Mangy would clean up the lab later. An Equestria ending crisis took priority over cleaning her lab. “Thanks girls for...” Twilight began just as Rainbow came flying in the council chambers and after she used the tree’s magic to lock the doors. “I swear it wasn’t me!...” Rainbow immediately shouted before she quietly added, “This time…” “Rainbow Dash!” Rarity admonished the prismatic pony. “The storm is not normal it’s magical in nature. I can’t be sure as the wave patterns on the magicolly scale are a bit off... but give the very small sample size...” “Twilight,” Rainbow facehoofed. “Skip the eggheadism and just tell us what is going on.” Twilight blushed hard in embarrassment. “I have reason to believe the storm is being caused by wendigos.” “Then we should do like the ponies from the Hearts warming…” Rainbow was interrupted by a booming knock on the council doors. “Enter.” Twilight called out unlocking the doors with her magic. A dark green pegasi in dark fake leather armor entered, saluted, then spoke. “Princess Celestia requests you and the council to come to Canterlot immediately.” “But what of the storm and Ponyvi…” “That is being taken care of.” The pegasi interrupted Rarity who humph at the perceived rudeness. “Let’s go then!” Rainbow jumped off her throne started to trot out of the council before she suddenly stopped and turned back to see the entire council looking at her incredulously “What?” “It’s jus’, Sugarcube, this is not like yah.” Applejack commented. “The Royal Elite Pegasi Guard are trained for situations like this.” Rainbow Dash explained. “Let them handle it.” 8 days since the fall of Traxti City Noon, Canterlot Castle. Twilight had only been in the round war room once before. Last time it because of a changeling threat to the Crystal Empire. Now she was here with the other Bearers for a crisis that could Equestria life ending. She looked up to see that Luna had entered all that was left was for Celestia who was still busy trying to keep the ponies of Canterlot calm and coordinate the various military branches in response to the crisis. “Your dreams have been lighter than I have seen it quite some time.” Luna noted as she smiled in greeting. “He of Hourglass released his room.” “The room that he said that would not open when until your grief no longer controlled you?” “The very…” Twilight held back a tear before she looked over to see Luna gazing at her warmly. “Does it get any easier?” “No…” Luna sighed. “It gets better, but easier… never.” “Thank you for coming so quickly.” Celestia greeted as she closed the door to the war room behind her. The conversations that had been going between the various ponies instantly died out. “Princess Celestia, the snowstorm, it’s wendigo in origin isn’t it?” Twilight blurted out before blushing deeply over her rudeness. Celestia blinked for a moment before nodding. “You are correct, Twilight, it is being caused by wendigos.” “Is the Fire of Friendship real? I mean I know alot of Equestria history has been altered…” Celestia looked at her former student with and gave her a reassuring smile. “It is a real thing. Like many things it’s not as the play or history records. It’s a combination of the Elements of Harmony and Dragon’s Fire.” “Uh… Celestia we may have a problem getting a dragon…” “That won’t be necessary as it’s just the name of the spell that mimics it. Harmony or is it He of Hourglass?... created it.” Celestia chuckled as she pulled a scroll from on the numerous shelves lining the wall. “The matrix looks familiar…” Twilight noted as she began to study the matrix to memorize it. “It should.... as it’s part of the firemail spell.” Celestia simply said. The room fell into an uneasy silence as they waited someone nervously as Twilight continued to study. After a few moments Twilight rerolled the scroll. “Okay, so how do I combine the two?” “Did Harmony or He of Hourglass teach you how to combine spells to the rainbow?” “Not really... he focused more on getting me to learn how to balance the elements.” “Well that is step one. In order for the Friendship Fire to work the elements must be in near perfect balance. Step two is to hit the Dragon’s Fire with the Rainbow.” “That’s it?” Twilight questioned the simplicity of it. “That is how he explained it to me…” “What!?” Rainbow snapped, flying up and waving her arms wildly. “You don’t even know how to do it?!? That’s just perfect!” “Rainbow!” Twilight admonished, slightly horrified at her outburst. “No. Rainbow Dash is correct…” “It matters not.” Luna put a reassuring wing on Celestia. “The storm is worsening. We must, if I understand the modern expression, ‘wing it.’” Celestia led them out of the war room and to a large balcony facing toward Ponyville. The bitter wind and snow assaulted the ponies. Twilight noted that the temperature and the storm was worsening if she was not mistaken. She hoped she could produce the Friendship Fire or it would not be long before the storm would claim lives. Celestia put a wing over Twilight and whispered. “Have faith.” Twilight took a deep breath and nodded to the others. As the other bearers released the power of their elements and connected to each other in a band of rainbows. She closed her eyes to concentrate. She recalled how Harmony had told her to balance the elements. “You need to immerse yourself in the elements. The easiest and fastest way for you to learn is for the Bearers to use their elements on you similar to what happened when you ascended. You need to feel the elements, taste the elements, hear the elements, smell the elements, see the elements: be the elements.” “How am I supposed to ‘hear’ or ‘taste’ or ‘smell’ the elements!?” Twilight scratched her head in confusion. “You just will.” Harmony shrugged. “UGH! Can you be anymore vague!” Twilight snapped in frustration. “I’m sorry Bearer of Magic, but each pony experience the elements in their own way. Tell me did you ever ask Spike what a ruby tastes like?” Twilight cast the Dragon’s Fire. The flame of the spell floated above them. Twilight looked up for a moment before feeling that the balance had been achieved. A rainbow blast shot out of her Element right at the Dragon’s Fire. The Dragon fire absorbed the rainbow fire. And for a moment a look of confusion came upon the Bearers as nothing happened. Then an explosion of pink light overcame them. A cheer went out as they saw the pink fire in the shape of the heart. The fire then died out. A look triumphant quickly turned to confusion and horror as the storm again assaulted them just as bad as before. “It… It didn’t work! How could it not work!?” Twilight began to panic and pace. “Did I do the spell right or was it not strong enough or maybe there is something else we are missing…Maybe He of Hourglass left something out… or...” The ponies watched in worry as Twilight descended into typical Twilight hysteria. The Ponyville friends shared a look before Applejack pulled her stetson hat off her head and smacked Twilight, hard, with it. “Thanks…” Twilight rubbed her stinging cheek. “I needed that... Celestia?” Celestia shook her head sadly. “I’m at a lost as well, Twilight.” She silently took note that the ponies were beginning to shiver violently. “Come. Let’s return inside.” The others nodded and shivered in agreement. Celestia whispered to a maid that was passing by as they headed back to the war room. The maid bowed and trotted away quickly. As they reentered the war room they noticed that there was a tray filled with mugs of steaming hot chocolate. “Warm up first.” Was all that Celestia said as she made note of the various reactions from the Bearers. Twilight did as she was asked, but her rising concern made it hard for her to do more then take a few warming sips. She waited as patiently as she could as she knew that Celestia would booker no conversation until everypony was warmed up. “About the failure of the Friendship Fire spell… I can’t get through to Hourglass… Could it be that the wendigo magic is distributing the firemail spell?” “It’s possible... I’m afraid that He of Hourglass would be the one to know more...” “Whom I can’t seems to get ahold of…” Twilight growled in frustration. Celestia quickly tried herself and found that like Twilight before the scroll would return after a moment. “Can’t we just use the magical image thingy in the friendship castle?” Rainbow grumbled at the back and forth. “Its not a magical image thingy Rainbow!” Twilight snapped. Fluttershy put a hoof on her and she sighed heavily before she continued, “And no, the Hourglass crest stopped working. I tried several times before you showed up. I can’t just use the backup as that would drain my magic too much unless we get lucky and He of Hourglass is aware of our troubles... I need conserve my magic as we may need it if this wendigo snowstorm continues…” “Would it be possible to find He of Everfree or River Guardian and see if they can get through?” Fluttershy squeaked out. “There is also a chance neither one will be able to get through. I have a feeling at the rate the temperature is dropping it will become deadly within a day possibly hours.. it's already becoming dangerous. We just don’t have the time to run down every solution to the wendigo or communication problems...” “Then it looks like there is only one option: direct contact.” Rainbow spoke with fake smugness. “Lucky for us, I’m the fasted pegasi around and I can fly over the Untamed Wilds.” Princess Celestia and Princess Luna exchanged a silent glance before Celestia gave Rainbow Dash her consent. “Go.” Rainbow gave a sharp salute then took off at near sonic speeds. The wind of her take off blowing scrolls and manes around. “Rainbow!” Rarity growled out as she went about fixing her mane. Stay safe… my little pony. Celestia prayed as she worried looked off after Rainbow.