That Others May Live

by CptBrony

On the Front Lines

On the Front Lines

                The men set up their a clinic in Rarity’s shop to boost morale and keep everypony’s spirits up. Duke and Frost sat in spots across the room from each other treating injured ponies to the best of their abilities. Some injuries were basic and simple; a cut, bruise, scrape, maybe a twisted ankle-type joint. A couple of ponies who had illnesses wanted help, but the men were unable to treat their illnesses for lack of safety gear to avoid catching anything, as well as for lack of knowledge of things like “Wobble Horn”.
                Frost handled all the little ones and any older ponies who came to him, while Duke just handled adults. It wasn’t that Duke didn’t want to work with the kids, they just went as a group to Frost. Duke was great with kids. Really.
                “There you go, nice and patched up,” Frost said, finishing a wrapping on a young filly’s foreleg.
                She looked at it and smiled. “Thanks, mister Frost!” she said. She ran along to join the rest of her friends, some of whom Frost had just been assisting.
                There were no more ponies at Frost’s spot asking for help, so he moved away and went over to Duke’s area to talk to him and help any remaining ponies there. There were still several ponies left, so Frost plopped down next to Duke and got to work.
                “You finished fast,” Duke said.

                “It’s easy to finish fast when everything you’re working with is small,” Frost said.
                “You know quite a lot about that, don’tcha?” Duke asked.
                Frost laughed. “I’m all about being considerate, brother. I make sure my work suits others, for the others, even if it takes several tries to convince them it works.” The stallion in front of Duke raised his eyebrow at the men, but they didn’t notice.
                “I hope Amel doesn’t mind your inability to get it right the first time, then,” Duke said with a grin.
                Frost chuckled. “I always satisfy.”
                “There’s only a few left,” Duke said, finishing up the stallion in front of him and sending him off. “Once that’s through, let’s grab our weapons and head out for a patrol. It’ll be better to have us out there if everything here is taken care of.”
                “Roger that, Duke,” Frost replied.
                They took a bit more time with the remaining ponies and then made sure everyone was good. When no one had any complaints that they could deal with, the men grabbed their weapons, ammo, and relevant gear and headed out. Rarity waved goodbye to them as they left, and along with her, everypony else bid them luck, and the men waved back as they left.
                “You know, they didn’t much seem to care that everyone wished them luck,” one pony said.
                “They don’t do what they do for that,” another said. “They do it so we can continue to wish each other luck.”
                Rarity looked at the door as it shut. “Come back, men. More than just your lives and mission are at stake.” She turned around and went up the stairs to make sure Amel was comfortable.
                The men looked grossly out of place among the guards, wearing highly advanced gear even compared to the Nighthawks, and looked far more intimidating. However anypony or gryphon looked at it, a grimacing pony just wasn’t as scary as two tall, menacing humans with the same expression.
                Duke and Frost started walking arbitrarily and randomly through town. Because of the nature of the threat, there could be gryphons sneaking around and trying to infiltrate the town ahead of time. Thinking of that, the men thought about ways that the gryphons could attack the ponies to weaken them. There was their food supply, their water, and any key infrastructure, like any kind of electricity, plumbing and sanitation, and medical facilities.
                The men started off by going to Sweet Apple acres, where they would also be able to talk to the Apple Family for any intel on the town’s structure. A family with history here, as the men assumed the Apple Family did, would be helpful for giving them hard targets the gryphons might go after.
                The men made a beeline for the farm, but as they moved through the town, not even able to see it yet, they could already see the increased security there. Multiple flying patrols, extra guards around a nearby roadway, and several traps meant to hinder those who wouldn’t know their presence. The men made a note to ask a guard about the traps set around the town.
                When they made it to the roadway, they walked past several patrols of three to four guards, each of which nodded collective approval of their presence. They were allowed past the gates onto the farm without hesitation, and the men could see hidden guards as they walked by. A normal person or pony might not have noticed them, but their trained eyes were good at finding things that were hidden.
                When they reached the house, Duke knocked on the door and the men waited. When the door opened, it was Applebloom who answered.
                “Hello, can I-” She looked up and saw Duke. With an excited gasp, she rushed forward and grabbed him in a big hug. “Hey! What brings y’all out here?”
                Duke patted her on the head and she let go. “We’re just making rounds, checking on everything and making sure town is safe.”
                “Gotta do our part,” Frost added.
                “Well, we’re sure glad to see ya here,” Applebloom said. “Care to come inside?”
                “We can come in for a bit,” Duke said. Applebloom led him and Frost into the house.
                Inside, in the main room, were Applejack, Big Macintosh, and Fluttershy, somewhat surprisingly. The men nodded to them and received a very warm welcome in return.
                “Glad to see ya here,” Big Mac said, looking toward Frost.
                “Glad to be here to help,” Frost replied.
                “We figured we’d stop by, ask you a bit about the town,” Duke said.
                “Sounds good to me!” Applebloom called out to her friends. “Scoots, Sweetie, come ‘ere, we got more guests!”
                Applebloom’s friends and Spike came out of the kitchen to greet the men. Spike had Sweetie protectively under his arm, and he showed a perpetually aggressive fang. Duke raised an eyebrow at the dragon, but Scootaloo came over and briefly explained that Spike was being really protective.
                “Ah,” Duke said.
                “Yeah. Sweetie certainly seems to be enjoying it, too,” Scootaloo said, nudging her head toward the very content-looking Sweetie Belle.
                “So is there anything any of you can tell us about the details of the town?” Frost asked. “Anything that would be particularly helpful to us? Sewer tunnels big enough for us or gryphons to fit inside, caves nearby, anything tactically useful?”
                “Ah know that there are caves in the Everfree, but y’all wouldn’t want to go out there even if there were gryphons,” Big Mac said. “Found a collapsed one a couple of years ago following a weird trail into the forest. Looked purposely collapsed, so we don’t know if there might be other hiding places out there.”
                “So the Everfree is a point of interest,” Duke said. “Are there guards protecting the town from that area?”
                “Most of the guards are protecting infrastructure and homes,” Applejack said. “There are guards everywhere, but concentrated on defending places of importance.”
                “Sounds like someone should keep an eye on the forest,” Frost said.
                “Y’all don’t want to get out there,” Applebloom said. “It’s real dangerous.”
                “We’re real dangerous, when we want to be,” Duke said.
                “We can see that,” Scootaloo said. “So those are your fighting outfits?”
                “Yes, geared up and ready to fight,” Frost said. “We normally wouldn’t want to be dressed this way around civilians.”
                “Have to now, though,” Duke said.
                “Y’all look a lot bigger in those outfits,” Applejack said.
                “I assure you, Frost is still small,” Duke said.
                “Hey!” Frost responded after a moment. Applebloom giggled.
                “Well, it’s been good, but we have to go,” Duke said. He and Frost made their way to the door.
                “Good luck!” the Apple family said in unison with their guests.
                “Please be careful!” Fluttershy said as a last note.
                The men made their way back into town and started walking around to the areas where there was a lower presence of guards. Duke and Frost were certainly better equipped than any pony, making them massive force multipliers. On top of all the force multipliers they were carrying, they were deadly on their own, and they knew it. Of course, when it came to it, their first job was going to be pulling the good guys out of harm’s way, but if that meant fighting the bad guys, that was fine.
                The men were walking down an empty street, glancing around for anything that could compromise security or making fighting difficult. Duke noted any barrels laying around, as they could be rolled toward them, forcing them to move or jump over them, leaving them vulnerable for a deadly moment. There were also a lot of boxes that could provide them cover from crossbows, but bullets or bombs would tear them apart.
                Frost kept an eye out for alleys and ditches they could use. Ditches were risky, as the enemy had a bit of an obsession with chemicals and explosives, so it could be worse for them. Alleys were also a risk, but if they had to make a quick getaway, it would be good to know which ones weren’t dead ends.
                Duke looked up and saw two ponies, one in armor, one not. Curious, he squinted at them and noticed one was cyan with a rainbow tail.
                “Rainbow!” he shouted.
                Both pegasi looked down and then swooped down to meet the men on the street. Rainbow Dash and a guard were flying over town together.
                “Hey dude,” Rainbow greeted. “What’s up?”
                “You, but you really shouldn’t be,” Duke said.
                “It’s okay,” the guard next to her said. “She’s with me.” After stating the affiliation, the guard moved closer to Rainbow and wrapped her hoof around Rainbow’s.
                “Ma’am, while I appreciate whatever help we can get, it would be better for only armed and armored ponies to be out and about,” Duke said.
                “We’re sorry, but we don’t want the risk up,” Frost said. “If push comes to shove, and we start discharging our weapons, a pony not trained in proper tactics could get between our bullets and the enemy. We don’t want to accidentally shoot anyone.”
                Rainbow blinked and swallowed. “That’s a pretty good point,” she said.
                “I understand, sirs,” the guard said. “I’ll bring her to Rarity’s.”
                “We should walk there together, stay safe,” Frost suggested.
                “I agree,” Duke said. “Let’s talk along the way.”
                The group started off. “What are you wondering about?” the guard asked.
                “Lovely weather,” Frost said jokingly. “Ideal for defending the town.”
                “You can thank the weather ponies for that,” Rainbow said proudly.
                “We do,” Duke said.
                “Can you tell us about the threats Equestria faces? Maybe why?”  Frost asked. “Help us put the picture together.”
                “Well, Equestria is a nation unlike any other,” the guard began. “The government is a diarchy now, or triarchy, then you include the Crystal Empire… It’s complicated. But basically, we prosper more than any other nation, despite our system of government that tends to end badly elsewhere.”
                “Got lucky with your immortal leaders, eh?” Frost asked.
                “We did,” the guard replied. “Most places, like anywhere with gryphons, have mortal leaders. Gryphonstone is one such place. Thankfully, that particular city is very much on our side.”
                “Good to know,” Duke said. Maybe they would be able to use that.
                “So other nations are jealous?” Frost asked. “Sounds like a stupid reason to me.”
                “Well, compared to other places, we don’t have to work as much. We are very lucky with our lands and magics and everything,” the guard said. “No doubt they want a piece of that pie.”
                “Money money money money money,” Frost said. “Root of all evil.”
                “Anyway,” the guard said. “If they could take some of our better land, they would gain a massive advantage. Other nations have always threatened us, but it was never serious until now.”
                Duke leaned into Frost. “How much do you wanna bet the Nighthawks disagree with that?” he asked.
                “I’d bet three hundred bucks,” Frost said.
                “So that’s what’s going on, really,” the guard said. Soon after, they reached Rarity’s Boutique. “Alright, flygirl, this is your stop.” Rainbow kissed the guard quickly.
                “See ya later,” she said. The guard saluted, and Rainbow went inside.
                “Well, we’ll let you go off,” Duke said. “We’re gonna head inside for a bit ourselves.”
                The guard flew off and the men went inside after Rainbow. She seemed to be interested in showing her gusto to the other ponies to encourage them not to be afraid, but the men could see her real trepidations. Over time, it gets easy to spot someone who’s brave and someone who is trying to fight fear. Maybe she was just courageous, though. She seemed the type.
                Duke and Frost walked through the main room to the stairs and ascended up to where they left Amel. As they walked up, they heard whispers and excitement behind them, likely directed at them in full battle dress. It was entertaining to them to hear ponies talking about them like that, but that wasn’t why they were here, and they wouldn’t let it become the reason.
                When they got upstairs, they opened up the door to where they left Amel and were greeted with the sight of her and Rarity having a laugh fest about something, doing manes and wearing outfits and being silly. The men hadn’t yet been noticed, so they stood silently and watched for a minute. When Amel finally noticed, she released a high-pitched yelp, drawing Rarity to look the men’s way.
                “Don’t you know how to knock?!” Rarity asked. “What if we were indecent?”
                “I’m never decent, doesn’t bother you,” Frost said, stepping inside.
                “You wouldn’t want to see him truly indecent, it’s not too impressive,” Duke said.
                “I bet I’m ‘cleaner’ than you,” Frost said.
                “Just because I’m better with women?” Duke said. “Hardly.”
                “I don’t get it,” Amel said.
                Rarity wore a red flush on her face. “You don’t want to, dear,” she said.
                “Anyway!” Frost said, clapping his hands together. “What’s up?”
                “Well, if you MUST know,” Rarity said with a huff.
                “I MUST,” Frost said.
                “We were trying on various dresses and making ourselves up. Just mare things,” Rarity said.
                “Sounds fun,” Frost said dismissively. “We should do something actually fun!”
                “Like?” Amel asked.
                Rarity oohed loudly. “Oh, you could go to Sugarcube Corner!” she exclaimed. “There are some sweets there that you’ll love.” Frost missed it, but Rarity gave a wink when she finished.
                “That sounds like a plan to me!” Frost said. “Let’s all go to get sugared up.”
                “Actually, I need to work here, and I could use your help, Duke,” Rarity said.
                “I want to see whatever show is going to be there, though,” Duke whined.
                Rarity smiled and, through gritted teeth, said, “DUKE, it’s important that you help me!”
                “Well, Duke, no cake for you,” Frost said.
                “Just you wait,” Duke replied. “The cake is a lie!”
                Frost and Amel left, one man dressed for war and one mare dressed for prom. Once they were gone, Duke turned to Rarity and smirked at her. Rarity returned the smirk, snickering along with it and shaking her head.
                “Maybe he’ll finally learn,” she said.
                “Doubtful,” Duke said.
                “I’m surprised you’re so okay with it,” Rarity said. “Being on a mission basically all the time, it seems like something you wouldn’t be allowed to do.”
                “This entire thing violates every rule of engagement we have,” Duke said. “It violates all precedents. Actually, it simply has no precedent. Honestly, I might just be going crazy. But you know what? I’ll roll with it. Not like there’s anything else I can do until we find OGA.”
                “And what will you do?” Rarity asked.
                “Go home,” Duke said. “Once we have OGA, we need to bring him back.”
                “Are you so sure you want to go home?” Rarity asked. “We know what your world entails. We also know most of what ours does, and frankly, I’d rather live in this one.”
                “It doesn’t matter which I’d rather live in,” Duke answered. “It doesn’t really matter what I’d like to see around me every day. The fact of the matter is that I know what my world entails for so many people, I know that there is a lot that needs to be done. However great this world would be, however happy I would be, I need to do what I can for my world. If it were reversed, and I found myself here where your world was so difficult, I would stay.”
                “You are most noble that way,” Rarity said.
                “Maybe it is,” Duke said. “But that’s just how I was forged.”
                Frost and Amel walked down the street calmly, though Amel was constantly looking left and right. Frost was as well, but he was inconspicuous about it, stealthily keeping an eye on the goings-on around him. When they eventually reached Sugarcube corner, Amel visibly calmed down and the two of them entered.
                Inside, they found Pinkie Pie with other ponies, serving cakes and other treats to anyone there free of charge. There were a lot of little ones in the room who stopped and stared at the couple as they walked in, awestruck by the contrast they were beholden to. Amel squirmed under their scrutiny, but Frost just patted her forward toward the counter.
                “Hiya, Frost!” Pinkie Pie greeted cheerfully. “Glad to see you here!”
                “Glad to see you’re doing what you can to help,” Frost replied. “I guess the kiddies are feeling better with Pinkie treats?”
                “Oh, yeah! I’m the number one baker in Ponyville!” Pinkie Pie replied. “All the fillies and Colts love my treats! Except the few that don’t. And the ones whose parents won’t let them have treats. And the ones who can’t.”
                “Well, I think the lady and myself would like some of what you’ve got,” Frost said. “I’m partial to chocolate shakes myself.”
                “And for you, madame?” Pinkie asked in a French accent.
                “I will have the same, and some chocolate pound cake, I think,” Amel said.
                “Should I pour some extra sugar on that?” Pinkie asked with a wiggling eyebrow. Neither Pinkie nor Frost caught it.
                “Uhh, I’ll get some of that pound cake too, so I guess?” Frost answered.
                “Glad to see you’ve got similar tastes for special treats,” Pinkie said.
                “Uhh, right,” Frost said, backing up slowly. “Let’s grab a seat, eh?”
                Frost and Amel walked over to a vacant table and took their seats. Frost had to sit on the floor, as the chairs were hardly designed for a man his size, let alone when he was wearing full battle garb. Amel suggested that they go to a shorter table, which Frost agreed was a good idea.
                When they were finally situated, they started chatting about whatever came to mind. Amel talked about the weather, which Frost had to ask about. Amel had no idea how the pegasi controlled the weather, simply saying it was magic. Frost lamented how magic was the default answer here, and it was usually right.
                Before long, though, some of the little ones around started crowding around the man and his pony. At first, he ignored them, but Amel took notice and gave them attention.
                “Hello, little ones,” she said.
                “Are you two dating?” one blurted.
                Amel blinked and blushed. “Uhh, I- what?” she asked.
                “We’re here together,” Frost answered.
                “Are you together though? Like, TOGETHER together?” a little one asked.
                “I’m on duty right now, kids, so I can’t be getting that at the moment,” Frost answered. While that would originally have deflated Amel, she now knew that he was just dodging the question.
                “Come on!” one colt said. “You gotta give us something?”
                “How about I give you something else interesting?” Frost asked.
                “Like what?” a filly asked.
                “I got stories,” Frost said with a shrug.
                “Ooooh!” another filly said. “Tell us tell us tell us!”
                Amel watched as Frost dazzled the little ones with stories from his life. He mostly went with things that he did prior to joining the US Air Force. He once had a hiking trip where his group had a run-in with a bear. They had to drop their food and run, but they found out the bear followed them after that. When they reached what they called their car, they quickly shut the doors just in time to find out the bear was right behind them. It rammed into their car, and in a flurry of girlish screams and flailing limbs, they drove away.
                Amel giggled at Frost’s stories. She didn’t have crazy stories, as her life wasn’t exactly as free as Frost’s growing up. She wished she had gotten a chance like that, that maybe she had been born into his world. Maybe she could have met him before, and they could already be-
                “So Amel, you liked my wrestling match with Big Mac, right?” Frost asked, breaking her out of her self-induced trance.
                “Hm? Oh, yes! It was a most impressive feat,” she said.
                “I totally would have won if we continued,” Frost said.
                Amel patted his leg. “I know you would have,” she said as if consoling him.
                “You forgot to say honey,” a little colt commented.
                Before Frost could ever wittily come back, Pinkie showed up with his and Amel’s treats. Frost shooed the kids away to go eat their own treats so he could speak with Amel alone.
                “So,” he began, taking a sip of his shake. “How has everything been? No trouble besides this whole fiasco while we were gone?”
                “No, all else was okay,” Amel said. She fidgeted with her hooves.
                “You sure?” Frost asked.
                Amel sighed and shook her head. “I don’t know, Frost. I’m scared.”
                “Of what?” Frost asked.
                “Everything,” Amel said. She looked up, and tears looked to be welling up. “I love my freedom. I thank you so much for it. But everything changes so fast, everything is so uncertain… And the way the world is…”
                “Amel, change is a natural thing,” Frost said. “You’ll get used to it.”
                “That’s not it,” Amel said. “I’m scared of being alone again. I don’t want to… I don’t want to lose you out there. I don’t want to find out I lost you without being able to say goodbye, I don’t want-“ Frost grabbed Amel and pulled her close.
                “I won’t,” Frost said. “I won’t let you be alone, Amel, you know that. Me and Duke saved you because you deserved to be free and safe. We won’t let the safe part slip away.”
                “But what about you?” Amel asked. “You are hardly safe.”
                “I’m trained for this, Amel, and I know the limits of what I can do,” Frost said. “I’m the jack of trades and the king of none. I know what I can and cannot do, and I promise I won’t let myself get caught blindsided by something I cannot do.”
                Amel sniffed. “I know, I just… Everything is so confusing.”
                Frost rubbed her neck. “Life is that way. It has its ups and downs. People say there are two sides to every coin, but life isn’t like that. Really, there are six sides to every die, and the game of life is played with two. You just have to keep your head high, and press forward to experience the good things. No one who cares about you wants for you to be stuck in a rut.”
                Amel smiled. “I suppose you are right,” she said.
                “I tend to be that way,” Frost said. Amel shook her head and pressed her face into Frost’s gear-ridden chest.
                “I wouldn’t go that far,” she said. Frost scratched her head as she leaned into him, unrealizing of the gaze of a dozen little ones and a poofy pink pony.
                When Frost and Amel returned to Rarity’s home, they found that most ponies had been guided to safety and only a few remained. Duke was standing on the stage being fitted with some kind of dress uniform.
                “Duke?” Frost said as he walked in.
                “Frost,” Duke replied. “Miss Rarity was just fitting me for an Equestrian style dress uniform. We don’t have any here, and if we found ourselves doing something formal, she said we would need them. I tried to tell her to give us our usual dress uniform, but she said they were tacky.”
                “Well yeah, but still,” Frost said.
                “Oh, posh,” Rarity said, focusing on the uniform. “Besides, you shouldn’t be standing out too harshly.”
                “I suppose so?” Frost answered.
                “Don’t even try, I couldn’t convince her,” Duke said.
                “Yes, well, you tried your best, darling,” Rarity said. “Oh, and I have a little something else for you boys.”
                Rarity left Duke on the stage to go upstairs to retrieve something for the men. Frost scrutinized the uniform, but found that it was a really nice outfit. Maybe the Air Force could get Rarity to design something new for them? Probably cheaper than the current one, too.
                Rarity returned with a small box in her magic hold. “I made these for you because I knew they would be important for your dress uniforms,” she said. “I made several, as well as commissioned the metalwork.”
                Rarity opened the box and pulled out the contents, surprising the men and Amel with her gift. Rarity had ordered a silver and gold Guardian Angel pin for Duke and Frost’s uniforms, as well as made several patches of the American flag for each of them. They were exquisitely done, some of the finest fine metalwork they had ever seen.
                “Wow,” Frost said as he and Duke were presented with their new patches and pins. “These are incredible!”
                “Truly,” Duke said. “Thank you so much. If there’s anything we-“
                “No, you are doing quite a lot already,” Rarity said. “Protecting our town and country like this. We still thank you, and will continue thanking you.”
                “Just don’t shower us with too much,” Frost said. “I don’t know how I could accept so much generosity without feeling selfish.”
                “Oh, no worries, I’ll be careful,” Rarity said with a smile. “But really. Thank you. And I hope you like the new uniforms. If you ever go to see the princesses again, it might be better to wear dress uniforms. The ‘nobles’ will give you less trouble.”
                “Duly noted,” Duke said.
                “Alrighty then, all done!” Rarity announced. Duke stepped off the stage. “Now, Frost, if you could strip down and get up on stage…”
                “Just let me get into my battle dress first,” Duke said. “Best to have someone fully prepared at all times.”
                “Amel, I need you to sit right there and tell me if something looks wrong at any point,” Rarity said with a smirk.
                “I will assist you,” Amel said.
                “Get a good look at my glorious bod?” Frost said, striking a pose.
                “Well, she did say to tell her what was wrong,” Amel answered.
                Frost could hear Duke laugh from the other room and shook his head with a chuckle. Amel sat in her spot and watched as Rarity got to work, but her mind soon began to wander. What was going to come in the next few days? When would the gryphons just attack? But the most pressing question of all-
                Which dress should she wear the next time she went out?