MLP FiM - A Falling Out Series

by Lightninghoof_AUS

Chapter 3

My Little Pony Friendship is Magic:
A Falling Out part 3
By Lightning Blitz

In the Eeverfree Forest at the ruins of the old pony sister’s, Luna and Lightning were asleep in the tent he had magical made appear for them to sleep in as Lightning’s wings were still around Luna.

As Luna sleeps her dreams start to take on a darker side as Nightmare Moon shows up in her dream and chase’s her in her dream.

“Foal where do you think you’re going,” Nightmare Moon yells as she gives chase following Luna, “I’m you and you are me we are two and the same little foal.” She laughs loudly.

“No get away from me. You’re the darkness I was freed from by Twilight Sparkle and her friends I don’t need you anymore.” Luna screams back at Nightmare Moon as she runs before taking flight as she tries to wake up in the real world.

“Sorry little foal but here your mine,” Nightmare Moon Laughs before using her own magic and stopping Luna from flying in her dream, “now you’re going to listen to what I have to say and you’re going to listen well cause it concerns us both and I know about the stallion whose wings you’re in too.” She smiles.

“How do you know about Lightning you haven’t seen him besides you’re not a part of me anymore.” Luna screams trying to get free of the magical bonds that Nightmare Moon had her in.

“I can still see and hear and I’m tucked away in your mind it’s something that happens and right now that isn’t the point my dear little Luna,” Nightmare Moon chuckles and walks around Luna, “I know for a fact you love him deeply and you were glad he came here to the old ruins of our past. You have waited for someone like him to come along even when you were young and your sister was getting asked by all those clots and stallions we have seen.”

Luna looks at Nightmare Moon knowing what she heard was true as she looks away even as Nightmare Moon chuckles, “So what if he is the one, I don’t need you to tell me who I can love and not to love.”

“Oh you little lost foal I’m not telling you who you can love or not.” Nightmare Moon smiles widely.
“You aren’t.” Luna looks at her former self as she watch’s Nightmare Moon.

“No I’m not, he is a fine catch and one that can bring balance to us not to mention provide strong little filly’s and clots for us to raise after all I want my own body seeing as I was born from your hatred at the attention your sister was getting not to mention the hatred against those that didn’t enjoy your night as they should’ve done.” Nightmare Moon stands proud in front of Luna and uses her mane to lift Luna’s head up.

“I didn’t know I swear I didn’t know. I made you made us like that.” Luna looks at Nightmare Moon.

“Believe it little foal besides give some of my power to Lightning we need him to protect us later on even if you do make love together. Know that in your heart that you love him and nothing can change what you feel about him,” Nightmare Moon sighs and looks at the dream’s scape sky, “I miss seeing the sky but with us bring trapped in the moon for 1000 years all we could think off was making the night last forever and getting back at Celestia for doing that to us.”

Luna nods before she looks at the dream scape sky, “If I give Lightning a bit of your power aren’t you scare of what might happen if the power I give him takes over him cause I know I am and I don’t want to lose him.”

Nightmare Moon and makes the magical bonds disappear, “I am as well but you’ll be there for him along the way,” She smiles and looks at Luna, “I know you love him and I would be proud to call him dad. Even if he does have some of my power and you Luna I would call you mother but please don’t name me Nightmare Moon if I am reborn I want to be called another name when the day comes.” She smiles before disappearing from the dream.

Luna wakes up and gasps loudly as she leans up Lightning’s wings fall from around her and lay wide open on either side of him as she looks around blinking, “Ok was that a dream or something else or even a warning,” she looks around again trying to see if she can find Nightmare Moon before her eyes look at Lightning who was sleep peacefully, “well Nightmare Moon was right about one thing he is handsome and I’m glad he came here too. I don’t know what I would’ve done if he haven’t.”

Lightning stretch’s his wings as he doesn’t wake up even as Luna watch’s him she smiles and sighs softly.

*Hmmm I don’t know if what Nightmare Moon said was true about giving him some of her power but I can try.* Luna thinks as her eyes take on a white glow before her horn starts to glow with her aurora before she kisses his lips as Nightmare Moon’s power starts to seep into him though his mouth as she lays back down on top of him wanting to feel his warmth against her again. She breaks the kiss some of Nightmare Moon’s power starts to course with him as Luna lays her down on his shoulder.

Lightning shudders as his eyes snap open glowing an electric blue as the white socks with the small lightning bolts arching up on each of his hoofs glow the some electric blue before it fades away as he goes back to sleep while his wings fold back over Luna, “Thank you Luna.” Nightmare Moon’s voice escapes his lips even as Luna’s eyes snap open and look at him as she heard Nightmare Moon’s voice coming from him as they both go back to sleep.

Back in Ponyville Celestia was talking with Twilight Sparkle before she shudder’s hard, “That isn’t good.” She frowns wondering what the shudder was.

Twilight having seen her mentor shudder hard looks worried, “Celestia what is it?” she ask her old teacher.
“Something I don’t know Twilight but I have a bad feeling about something that shouldn’t have happen but I don’t know what it is. I might need to look something up when I get back to Canterlot with Nebula who’ll be in a room and not flying.” Celestia smiles looking at him even as Nebula gulps and nods.

Twilight nods and smiles knowing her teacher would be studying up on something, “Can I ask if you need any help Tia.”
Celestia smiles and shakes her head, “Sadly Twilight this is something that I need to do myself because I don’t know what happen or even if Nightmare Moon is coming back. I don’t know it’s not like before I sent you to Ponyville to check up on the Summer Sun celebration when you told me about Nightmare Moon coming back.”

Twilight nods and smiles, “Ok Tia but can I ask as to why you sent me to Ponyville even though the note you sent me said to make some friends.”

Celestia smiles and giggles softly, “Because you’re not the only one who saw that Sonic Rainboom when you were taking your entrance exam.” She smiles and looks to Nebula.

Twilight blinks and smiles, “Now that you mention it Rainbow Dash did tell how she got her cutie-mark but then you must’ve known I would meet her and the rest.”

Celestia nods and smiles, “That is true Twilight besides I knew you would work it out and believe in your new friends and like you said each of them represent the element they are.”

Nebula yawns and shakes himself as he looks between them before sighing, “Can we please get going Celestia I would really like to talk to you in private and away from those that don’t know what I have to tell you or will over hear what their reward will be.”
Twilight blinks and looks at Nebula as she blushes, “I wonder if Rainbow Dash is back with Scootaloo yet.” She smiles and turns to leave leaving Celestia and Nebula alone.

Celestia looks at Nebula and frowns, “You could’ve asked Twilight to leave the room politely Nebula.”
“Easy Celestia besides I did ask politely cause I don’t want Twilight to see or know what her reward would be right cause she’ll would tell Rainbow Dash and then they’ll tell their friends we can’t them wanting the same reward.” Nebula smiles knowing that Twilight picked up on he was asking.

Celestia sighs and nods, “Okay, okay but when we get back to Canterlot castle you’re going to be shown to the guest room and you’re not allowed to fly remember doctor’s orders,” She smiles and lets her horn glow as a signal lights up back at Canterlot castle to send the chariot to pick her up and her guest, “and no funny business on the way back to the castle I rather not have to explain why the chariot is in a mess on the inside.”

“Celestia I’m hurt by that last part and besides I would never do anything funny unless the mare in question is in agreement with what is asked of her of course.” Nebula smiles and slowly gets up as he gets up of the bed as he test his hoof’s on the floor before walking around as he nods before heading down stairs.

Rainbow Dash was chatting with Twilight even as Scootaloo was sitting between as both of them. Twilight and Rainbow had a hoof on Scootaloo’s shoulders, “Welcome to your new home Scootaloo.” Twilight smiles.

“Thank you both I don’t know what to say but wow.” Scootaloo smiles and kisses both Rainbow Dash’s and Twilight’s cheek as both hug her lovingly.

Nebula smiles as he reaches the bottom step and looks at the three, “At least there is happiness in the world still,” He smiles and nods in greeting to the little filly, “Hello little one I’m prince Nebula of Sunnydale.” He smiles and bows to the young filly.

“Oh wow a real live prince,” Scootaloo dashes from her new adopted family’s arms and walks around him, “umm are you here to ask Princess Celestia to marry or are you here court her before you pop the question.”

Nebula blinks and chuckles, “Sadly little one I didn’t get your name and no I’m here to watch over something else and to talk about trade routes with both Princess Celestia and the one that makes those wonderful dress’s for the Grand Galloping Gala each year,” he smiles and leans his head as he nuzzles the little filly, “besides I would love to stick around and get to know a filly like yourself but alas you’re alittle young for me. You have much to learn and two who are willing to teach you,” he smiles and sees her blank flank, “you could be famous and well know flyer or you could be the smartess pegasus around.”

Scootaloo’s eyes widen, “Oh wow trade routes and such that would be awesome and I’m Scootaloo it’s a pleasure to meet you.” She smiles and returns the nuzzle as she blushes at her said.

“Twilight, Rainbow Dash I trust you both to raise this filly with love and care I hope to see her fly one day who knows I may need the greatest flyer or the two greatest flyer in Equestria to help out with the trade route,” Nebula smiles and gets up rubbing Scootaloo’s hair softly, “a pleasure to meet you Scootaloo.” He smiles and nods to her as she giggles before dashing back to Rainbow Dash and Twilight.

“We will Nebula and have a safe trip to Canterlot.” Twilight smiles as Celestia had seen what had happen.

Nebula nods and smiles before opening the door with his magic and walking out as his looks around.

Celestia smiles and nods to the three of them who nod back and smiles as Scootaloo hugs both Twilight Sparkle and Rainbow Dash as she can’t believe she is now still part of a family.

“Nebula,” Celestia ask as she joins him outside and smiles, “I think Scootaloo may have a crush on you.”

Nebula blinks and looks to Celestia as he shakes his head, “I don’t know what you mean Celestia.”

Celestia giggles and smiles, “I think from what you said to her she might try her hardest to learn to fly and to study so that she can be what she wants also judging from that nuzzle you both shared even though you gave it as friendly gesture,” Celestia smiles and watch’s the sky, “even though she is young I think you got to her by saying she could be the greatest flyer or the smartess pegasus ever, she may even try and fly to Sunnydale one day just to see you.”

Nebula blinks as what Celestia sinks as his eyes turn to pin pricks, “Oh god.” He face hoofs even as Celestia giggles as he knows what that means for later, “Why didn’t you stop me Celestia?”

“Why I didn’t stop you is because I may ask you something later and seeing you interact with Scootaloo was good. She needed someone else to look up too besides Rainbow Dash who she wants to be like but I think what you said opened her eyes to something more.”

Nebula sighs and looks down, *Great what I have done, I may have given a young filly the feeling that I love her but why do I feel bad and good about it at the same time I know it’s wrong but why do I look forward on seeing her fly and then seeing what she can do.* He thinks to himself even as the chariot made its way to Ponyville’s Library for both Celestia and Nebula to ride in.

Back inside the library Scootaloo was bouncing around both Rainbow Dash and Twilight, “I want to be the best flyer and smartness pegasus,” she sings out, “I want to be both I wonder what my cutie mark would be like if I was both.” She settles down and smiles daydreaming about her cutie mark.

“Guess meeting Nebula was good for her also besides why would you want to be both Scootaloo you could great as the greatest flyer even make the Wonderbolts someday.” Twilight smile’s watching Scootaloo.

“Yeah Scootaloo that would be awesome wouldn’t it, you’ll be able to fly with the best going places where others dared to go even me think of it squirt you would be flying with the best of the best.” Rainbow Dash smiles and ruffles her daughter’s mane.
Scootaloo smiles and blushes as her mane was ruffle, “Aww but mom I want to fly to Sunnydale. I want to see what Nebula’s kingdom is like besides he did say two of the greatest flyers right, I want to be one of those two.” She smiles.

Both Rainbow Dash and Twilight look at Scootaloo, “Umm sweetie you’ll need to learn how to fly and you need to improve your grades not to mention have time to chill out with your friends and such.” Twilight looks at Scootaloo and sighs smiling softly.

“I know that’s why I want to get started right now,” Scootaloo jumps up and bounces around Twilight, “come on teach me please you said I need to improve my grades and you’re the smartest unicorn in Ponyville. I want to learn to fly once my grades have improve I want to get into the Cloud’s Dale school of flying.”

Twilight and Rainbow Dash look at each and sighs, “Guess we bitten off more than we could chew.” Twilight sighs and looks at Scootaloo wondering if they did.

“It can’t be helped now besides I know you’ll know fine helping her to improve her grades and I can help train here on how to fly and,” Rainbow Dash looks at Scootaloo, “not to do tricks until she has training and experience in flying.” She glares at Scootaloo.

Scootaloo stops bounce and looks at her new mothers, “Yes momma Dash, I’ll listen to you and momma Twilight too.” She hangs her down and walks back over to them.

“Good now what homework do you have, so that we can get it done and you can learn.” Twilight smiles as she use her magic to clear a work space for Scootaloo who had gone to get her bag from the front door as she dashes back to the table that Twilight cleared.

“Ready to get started.” She smiles and sits on the chair as she lays out her homework on the table, *Can’t let them know I want to wait be able to fly Sunnydale and stay there, I want to join Nebula’s guard or maybe even live with him.* Scootaloo thinks to herself even as Twilight sits down next to her and looks at her new daughter’s homework as she starts to point out the problem with some of her daughter’s answer’s.

Outside Celestia and Nebula were waiting for the chariot as it pulls up ready for them as the board the chariot Celestia smiles even as Nebula lays down on one side as he closes his eyes to get in some rest.

Celestia smiles and watches laying on the other side of the chariot as it takes off, “Nebula can I ask for one favor before you leave at the end of the week.”

Nebula breaths deeply and smiles, “What’s that Celestia.” He mumbles as he dozes softly while wondering what is happening to his younger cousin at this moment.

Celestia smiles and leans across, “I want to have a foal but only if you’re alright with it seeing as it would bring our kingdoms together so that we can open trade routes between our kingdoms and open up more routes.” Celestia whispers into his ear even as his eyes snap open.

“Celestia I can’t. I see you as a sister; I don’t know what to feel if I did what you ask.” Nebula looks at Celestia as he thinks about her request knowing it open up trade route’s with Sunnydale kingdom and the kingdom of Equestria but also would mean he’ll have to make trips each week back and forth between kingdom’s if he did give Celestia what she wanted.
“Think it over besides just think of what I’m asking as something I want not for lavage over you.” Celestia smiles as she leans back and looks out the window.

“Ok I’ll think it over but if you use the foal as lavage over me, I’m taking the foal with me back to my kingdom.” Nebula sighs and looks at Celestia who nods.

“I expect no answer but that. I do expect you’re answer by the weeks end.” Celestia smiles and continues to look out the window.

Back at the sisters old castle Luna was resting again this time peacefully in the wings of Lightning even as Nightmare Moon appears in her dreams.

“I trust you Luna and I trust Lightning,” Nightmare moon smiles and lays down next to Luna in her dream, “I just hope Celestia fines him worthy of being the stallion you want.” She smiles and nuzzles Luna softly.

Luna returns the nuzzle, “What you said was true some off your power is now in Lightning but we must keep watch over him making sure that we can keep the power he was given in control. We need to make sure that we or should say I you can stop him if he loses control of the power.” She sighs as both were laying on a hill overlooking Ponyville as they remembered Ponyville being as it starts to change to show Nightmare Moon and Luna the changes that have happen over the 1000 years.

“Like I said Luna, I trust you completely to step in and stop Lightning if he loses control. He is after all you’re stallion not mine. Though if he was around 1000 years ago then he would’ve saved us both and we wouldn’t be trapped in the moon for a 1000 years.”

“That is true Nightmare Moon.” Luna giggles and smile’s as Ponyville starts to fill with more ponies and stores along with the Apple’s farm and such showing how the 1000 years had been good to Equestria and those living there.

“I wish we could go back so that we could have Lightning when we were getting bitter of our sister and the ponies enjoying her day and shunning our night.” Luna sighs and looks down over Ponyville.

Nightmare Moon puts a wing over Luna’s back and smiles, “It wouldn’t matter seeing as if he did go back in time to when we needed somepony like him to calm us down and comfort us we can’t send him back. It would rewrite history and Twilight and her friends wouldn’t be the bearers of the Elements of Harmony. We would upset the balance of history and nothing would be right. History is now set in stone and can’t be undone we must not meddle with time Luna,” Nightmare Moon looks to Luna, “if we do it would cause everything we know now to be in a separate time bubble where there will be no Lightning Hoof to calm us, we would run amuck and be banished into the moon again for another 1000 years.”

Luna nods and sighs sniffing, “I know but it would’ve been nice though, your right we can’t meddle with time not that far back it would cause more trouble than it would.” She sighs even she gets up as outside the dream world as it was nearing the afternoon.

Nebula and Celestia arrive at Canterlot castle just after midday as Celestia leads Nebula to the dining hall for lunch as both had a pleasant ride in the chariot even though Nebula was still thinking over what Celestia had asked him to do.

Celestia’s horn glows lightly as she sends a message to the kitchen’s to have lunch ready in about 15 minutes as they stop enter the dining hall, “Nebula can I ask you something about Lightning Hoof, please.”

Nebula nods and takes a sit at the table, “You may though I don’t know much about his training in magic and such that was lefted to those at his family’s castle.”

Celestia nods, “I just want to make sure about something before I look something up in the Canterlot Library,” she takes a seat across from Nebula, “is it possible for him to be given some power from say another that has that power and wants to do something with that said power.”

Nebula blinks and looks at Celestia, “Mmmm it could be possible but then they’ll have be either equal or more powerful than what he is unless it’s something that can be a whole different thing,” he looks at Celestia, “I know what you’re thinking Celestia cause I felt that too even though I was asleep I felt something strange and dark but with a hint of light and hope in that power that was passed to him, even though it was a small bit I think.” He frowns and yawns he had too much sleep and was hungry.

Celestia nods as she sighs, “I just hope Luna is going to be okay tonight I wish I had let her go to the sleepover that Twilight and her friends had planned then none of this wouldn’t have happen.”

“Celestia don’t blame yourself besides me and Lightning have fights and small spats about things and that which includes me flying alone at night,” Nebula smiles, “just look at my wings I can’t fly for a week and then it’s going to take another week to build up the strength to fly again.”

Celestia nods and smiles, “Which means we can walk around the castle grounds but also catch up on what’s happening but your right. I still feel bad for not letting Luna go to the sleepover.”

“Celestia how about just letting it go, your older then Luna is now let her have fun besides Lightning will be there with her every step of the way right.” Nebula smiles as the kitchen unicorns bring in lunch and setting both plates in front of Celestia and Nebula who was given more on his plate as he sniffs the plate of hay sandwiches along with hay fry’s and fruit and drinks.

“Mmmm this smell’s so good, I wonder if for dessert we could have cheesecake you know the one with zap apple jam on top I hear my kitchen staff wanting to get their hoofs on some so that they can make some wonderful deserts with the jam.” Nebula smiles and uses his magic to lift one sandwich up as he starts to eat nodding his thanks to the kitchen unicorns.
“We shall see Nebula but it depends on the harvest and I hear that it is soon. I must say that the Apple family have been working hard to have more than just a field done so there should be plenty when they harvest the zap apples.” Celestia smiles.

Nebula smiles and nods, “Remind me to visit them to help out with the harvest.” He smiles and keeps eating as he takes a sip of his water.

Celestia nods, “I will besides you are welcome to walk around the gardens and you can visit Canterlot too, I’m sure you would like to open up some trades with the business’s we have here.”

Nebula nods and smiles as he continues to eat his lunch thinking of the stores he was going to visit, “I think a walk around the gardens would be nice, also I heard that that Discord statue come to life is that true Celestia.”

Celestia blinks as she looks at Nebula, “How did you know that or better still how did you find out about that news, Nebula.”
“Oh Celestia one hears things not to mention the bazar weather that we had and I must say my kingdom and Lightning’s kingdom also had that bazar weather but we all waited and some of us fallen asleep which of course with the sun and moon were playing up and cause some damage to both kingdom’s.” Nebula looks at Celestia as he smiles more.

Celestia blinks and sighs looking down, “I guess you heard right then but I have removed that statue from the gardens and locked it away in a void. I don’t ever want Discord to break free, he locked my dear sister in crystal frozen in her sleep not to mention making sure I couldn’t step out of my room to go someplace.”

Nebula nods and smiles, “Celestia I’m not going to say anything besides who believe it anyway, that Discord broke free and because of something that happen in the gardens that long ago.” He smiles and finishes eating.
Celestia nods and smiles looking at him, “I just hope he doesn’t break free again.”

Nebula smiles and nods as he uses a napkin to wipe his muzzle, “Celestia can I request you meet me in the gardens by those white and red roses in the center of the rose garden,” He ask as he gets up, “I’ll have you’re answer for your request by then.”

Celestia nods and smiles as she continues to eat her lunch, “Okay Nebula but one thing I want to know is why tonight though.”

Nebula smiles and chuckles softly, “I will be thinking about my answer before I give you the answer you want.” He continues to eat his lunch.

“Okay Nebula just be careful when you go for your walk and I will be waiting for you at the place you requested.” Celestia smiles and finishes her lunch before drinking the last of cup of tea before getting up and walks around to him and kisses his cheek before going to tend to her royal duties as she flicks her tail towards him.

Nebula smile’s and chuckles even as he blushes slightly, *Still the minx you are Celestia and yet I want to ravage your body in bed but that will have to wait you little tease of an alicorn.* he chuckles and catch’s a good view of her plot and whistles softly so only that she could hear.

Celestia smiles and blushes deeply hearing the soft whistle, “Is that an invite Nebula.” She stops and turns her head to look at him.

“It could be but you have duties to tend too, Celestia and besides we’ll have tonight to talk and have fun.” Nebula smiles as he sips his water wondering if Celestia would do something right then and there.

“Hmm your right we do have tonight but I can see if I finish early so that we have more time.” Celestia giggles before going to tend too her duties.

Nebula chuckles and nods his head as he finishes his lunch before getting up as he goes to take his walk around Canterlot city.

In Ponyville Twilight was teaching Scootaloo math’s as she was helping with the filly’s homework as Scootaloo was actually paying attention to one of her new moms who was helping her learn at an easy pace that she could learn and study and not going off on some long talk going on about the problem.

“So you get it now Scootaloo.” Twilight ask as Scootaloo was taking note.

“I do now Twilight and thank you for helping me along with it.” Scootaloo hugs her second mom who hugs her back lovingly even as Rainbow Dash watch’s and sniff’s softly.

“Okay okay enough with the mashie stuff besides I need to take care of few things around Ponyville and then we can all head out for dinner ok,” Rainbow Dash smiles before walking up to her wife and daughter and hugging both of them to her lovingly, “Scootaloo your to help Twilight even after you have finished your homework. I need to work on you muscle build up so that when you get to flight school you can learn to fly and trust me your wing muscle’s need some building up.”

Scootaloo nods and smiles, “Yes momma Dash, I will help momma Twilight with what she needs,” Scootaloo smiles, “Oh I all most forgot what I’m going to tell Applebloom and Sweetie Bell.”

Both Rainbow Dash and Twilight look at each other and sigh softly, “That sweetie is up to you they are your friends as much as ours but you have spent so much time with them that I think they’ll be happy to know that you have a family and a home but no crusading in areas that can be harmful to you and area’s that will make us both worry about you.” Twilight smiles and nods to Rainbow Dash.

“Yeah otherwise I’m going to ground you from going to flight school young lady.” Rainbow Dash smiles as she starts to head out for her job.

“I won’t do anything more dangerous other than homework or studying.” Scootaloo promises as she kisses Twilights cheek softly who hugs her back.

“Ok then sweetie but what about getting your cutie mark.” Twilight ask wondering what her new daughter will do.
Scootaloo thinks and frowns, “Hmmm I guess I could wait for it and let it come naturally I guess but I don’t know about the other two though,” she sighs, “I just wish they got him then they could’ve hear what I heard from him,” she looks up to Twilight, “Nebula said something about me being one of the two best flyers and I want to prove to him I can be the best flyer he has seen.”

Rainbow Dash having been looking out the door twitch’s her ear at hearing what Scootaloo said, “Nebula did say one of the best Scoot so you’ll need training and you’re not going to be learning my stunts either when you’re strong enough to fly,” She smiles, “now I have to go but I’ll be back before dinner and stay out of trouble young lady or its no flight school for you for a year.” With that she takes off into the sky to start her weather patrol.

Scootaloo nods and gulps as she hugs Twilight and nuzzles her neck, “I don’t want to loss you both seeing as this day is the best day I have ever had in my life.”

Twilight smiles and nuzzles Scootaloo back lovingly as she looks at her hear daughter, *I can’t believe it. I have a daughter now, an adopted daughter but still a daughter I can be proud off I just hope Rainbow Dash doesn’t get grounded with no work around, though it would mean I can whip out that flight planner to keep her in the best shape and top form when work does pick up again like last time.* she thinks to herself as she was happy and content with this moment right now.
Rainbow Dash was flying around Ponyville as doing her weather jobs as Sweetie Bell and Apple Bloom call up to her as she smiles and looks down before landing in front of them both, “Hey girls what’s up.” She smiles.

“Rainbow Dash we were wondering where Scootaloo had gone cause we had cheeked where she was staying at.” Sweetie Bell ask even as Applebloom nods her head.

“Oh you didn’t hear she is with me and Twilight now but don’t say a word that you know ok cause she wants to tell you, oh and she is studying right now so I think you’ll have to see if she can come out and play, not mention we have two prince’s visiting but one I only meet for a bit before he went off to look for Luna but the other prince I have meet and had the pleasure to talk too so I don’t know if he’ll visit Ponyville again.” Rainbow Dash smiles and looks at her daughters friends.
“Two prince’s do you think they are here to court both princess Celestia and Luna.” Applebloom ask as she was bouncing up and down as she was bouncing around Rainbow Dash.

“Wow wow easy there squirt, I don’t even know if they are here to court one or both. I know one has broken his wings so he won’t be flying for a week, so we don’t know if he’ll visit Ponyville again,” Rainbow Dash smiles before looking up and nods as one pegasi points to another set of clouds that were coming in from the south, “I better get back to work and you two not a word about what I told you ok otherwise I might ask your sisters if its ok for Twilight to change one or both of you into clots for a week.” She smiles before taking off from the ground fast.

Both Sweetie Belle and Applebloom look at each other before gulping, “You don’t think Rainbow Dash was joking about she said.” Sweetie Belle asked Apple Bloom.

“Nah I think she was joking but any way lets go and see Scootaloo and see if she can come out to play.” Applebloom say’s as they head off for the town library.

Sweetie Belle nods and smiles, “Yeah that would be good then we can try for our cutie marks.” She follows after Applebloom who had taken off towards the library.

Back in the ruins of the two sisters Luna was tossing and turning in her sleep even as she was snuggled up to Lightning who was in a deep sleep as some of Nightmare Mare’s power courses though him.

In Luna’s dream she was battling a new enemy but one that she and Nightmare Moon hadn’t confront before as both were facing off against the very stallion that had come to them and clam them both down.

“We have never fought against someone like this,” Luna pants as even the stallion that was in front of them was changing color as red streaks were entering his mane, “I don’t know if I can hurt him Nightmare Moon he is someone I care for and have sworn to help protect the land with.”

Nightmare Moon nods and pants, “It’s like he knows what we are doing do before we even cast a spell at him.”

The stallion Alicorn laughs out loudly and steps forward as he eyes change to match Nightmare Moon’s eyes, “Foals like you need to be beaten so that you can both submit to me,” he laughs loudly as his horn glows, “now to see which one crack’s first under what they want the most, what is in your hearts,” he looks to Nightmare Moon, “that you want the most.” He then looks to Luna smiling.

Nightmare Moon and Luna look at each other before gulping as they look at him before whispering together as they try and figure out on how to defeat him.

Nightmare Moon sighs and looks at Luna shaking her as the plan was to charge full on, “It won’t work cause we tried that already beside we could try one thing that might snap him out but it would mean joining together to do it.”

Luna nods, “What’s the plan cause if we fail we loss him to the darkness altogether forever.”

Nightmare Moon nods and smiles, “If join together we can overpower him enough to break the darkness but it’ll be up to you to break it.”

Luna nods and smiles, “I’m ready.” She looks to Lightning who was changing more as electric blue lightning was filling the dream worlds sky as he continues to change.

“Mmmm such power I wonder why you both don’t embrace it, the power behind each spell is more than enough to protect Equestria from evil.” Lightning laughs as his coat changes to a midnight royal blue as his mane and tail turns darker.
Nightmare Moon gulps and nods to Luna who nods back as they both start merge together becoming one again.
“Now that we are one, you shall know the full extent of our power.” Luna says as she takes flight.

Lightning laughs and smiles, “Ahh now we have an equal fight but you’ll be calling me Strom Bringer.” He takes flight towards Luna.
In the real world Luna wakes up gasping as she breaths heavily as she looks at Lightning.

“Luna,” Lightning yawns, “you mind not waking me up like that please.” He opens eyes up slowly as he wakes up.
“I’m sorry Lightning, I had a bad dream where you become a darker version of yourself and I had to fight you to save you from becoming more powerful.” Luna nuzzles him gently.

Lightning returns the nuzzle lovingly and smiles, “Its ok Luna I trust you to do what you must do even if your friends stop me. I may loss some of my power but it’s always a risk right.” He smiles stretches his wings letting them relax and become un-stiff from where they were all day.

Luna smile’s and nods, “Yes that is true Lightning.” She gets up off the cloud and stretches herself to limber up.

Lightning smile’s and nods as he rolls over and lands on all four hoof’s before he walks to a stocked kitchen that was in the tent, “Since we are up how about we have something to eat and drink and then we can plan on where we can go but I think a stop off at Twilight’s should be first seeing as you did leave before I entered the library and introduce myself.” He smiles and uses his magic to get a cook book and then the stuff he needed to cook something for them to eat.

Luna nods and smiles following him to the kitchen, “Is there anything I can do Lightning.” She asked.

Lightning smiles as looks to Luna, “Hmmmm could you please set the table for us Luna and also help yourself to anything in the cooler that is stocked too.” He smiles as he goes over the page and smile’s as he the food he got from the fridge was being cut up and made into different shapes of star’s and circle’s and square’s and even the salad was being cut carefully.
Luna nods and giggles as she goes about to set the table as she uses her magic to get some water out of the cooler as she sits at the table, “I’m still surprise how big it is on the inside of this tent it’s like small on the outside and then big on the inside.”

Lightning chuckles, “That my dear Luna that is one thing of learning how to make something big on the inside with magic, not using anything else but knowing how big you want the space you want inside the tent,” he continues to make them breakfast even though it was only late afternoon, “so tell me Luna why did you leave the library in such a hurry last night.”
Luna looks down and sighs, “Tia and I had a little argument about what was important,” she sighs again and breaths slowly, “I was invited to Twilight’s sleep over last night which was important to me cause Twilight and her friends are my friends too, they have been keeping in touch with me after Nightmare Night, which I am grateful for but Tia can be alittle how shall I say this, she can be alittle over protective when it comes to studying.”

Lightning nods and chuckles, “Ahh yes the teachers are always saying to do one thing and don’t worry about the other thing but they tend to forget that the student needs to play too,” he smiles and brings out their meal as he sets Luna’s down in front of her, “there you go my dear one Strawberry and cream salad with apple and orange slices along with one small cheesecake topped with a zap-apple jam and all in the shape of the beautiful moon that you bring us each night.”

Luna looks at the meal as her mouth drools looking at the meal he had made for her, “Mmmm that looks so good Lightning,” she licks her lips as she looks at the meal again before looking at him, “I didn’t know you could prepare such a meal like this.” He smiles and sets his own meal down which was in the shape of a lighting blot.

“Thank you Luna besides I have been taught how to cook from the castle chiefs and such back home, which reminds after this week’s visit would you care to come and see the new wing of the hospital,” Lightning looks to Luna, “it would be nice if you were there to help launch the opening of the new Lunaward for foals and new mothers to rest and relax in and even enjoy night time entertainment such as movies and such, while their little one’s are healing after an operation or are there for week.” He nods to her to start eating as he starts to eat.

Luna blinks and looks at him, “A hospital ward in my name and you want me to come and visit your kingdom and stay for a week.” She looks at him.

Lightning nods and smiles, “Of course although we’ll have to talk to your sister about you coming to my kingdom, though my younger sister would be pleased to see me with someone and not those that want me to date their daughters just so that they can one of their own in the royal family.”

Luna blinks as she was half way through her salad, “Wait you have that problem in your kingdom but I thought that type of stamped out about 100 years ago.”

Lightning nods and sips his water, “It was but many family’s think that it is still ok so that they can have different bills stopped or have their own bill brought in to stop different trades coming in or other goods going out, which is why I take care of the overseeing of the bills I know what most want and that is fair trade,” he uses his magic to bring a napkin to his lips, “but I’m also looking to settle down and start a family with one I love but I don’t know how she is going to react to the news I want to share with her at a later date and time.” He smiles to her lovingly.

Luna blinks and blushes as she looks at him, “If I am right by she you mean me right,” she asks him, “and by how she would react to the news you mean my reaction right.”

Lightning nods and smiles, “That is correct Luna even though we have been keeping in touch with letters and photo’s I would like to ask you something but it’ll have to wait for a later date cause right now I want to enjoy the week with you even if it’s helping with protecting Equestria and the weather around Ponyville. I don’t mind working as long as I can share a bed with you to sleep at night knowing that I’ll be there for you in case something happens during your sleep.” He smiles and goes back to eating.

Luna blushes deeply and smiles as she goes back to eating thinking over what he said and how they have been keeping in touch with letters and photo’s when they weren’t visiting each other’s kingdom every month which was now down to once every three months.

Lightning smiles and looks at Luna, “You can tell me anything, you know I have always been there for you as somepony to listen to and to keep things secret from your sister.” He uses the napkin to dap at his lips before taking a sip of his water.
Luna nods and sighs as she half way through her meal, “I know but the dream I had is one I want to forget ever having.” She looks down at her meal as she stops eating.

“Luna can you tell besides it’s always good to voice bad dreams, you have with those you trust the most even I have bad dreams some time’s or if I can’t sleep I ask the pegasi to let me have a few storm clouds to sleep on,” Lightning gets up of his chair and walks over to Luna, “seeing as I love lightning during a good lightning storm it makes me feel alive and knowing that I can make others safe and happy so that they can enjoy another day and night doing what they love the most.” He puts a wing around her lovingly.

Luna looks at him and smiles nodding as a tear rolls down her cheek before pulling him into a hug as she starts to sob into his neck, “If you must know Lightning the dream was about you, me and Nightmare Moon but it wasn’t any dream. It was one where half of Nightmare Moon’s power was starting to take over you, turning you in wicked stallion of storms but you weren’t fighting an enemy of Equestria you were fighting Nightmare Moon and me,” She sniffs and hic-ups slightly, “it was like you knew which spell we were going to cast and you deflected it with ease not even batting an eye as you blocked it, you were like mad with power and lusted for more of it until you started changing becoming more powerful until Nightmare Moon and I had to unite to stop you but before we even stopped you I woke up gasping for breath cause it was something I didn’t want to share with you, knowing that what I know now I don’t think I can even stop you if you went like that in the dream.” She sniffs and nuzzles his neck as she just holds onto him.

Lightning nuzzles back lovingly, “Luna I promise you if I did go like that, I would try and break free even if you have to fight me. I would still be able to see but not be in control of my actions, it would have to be up to you and those that weld the Elements of Harmony to stop me but if you stopped me it mean our love is stronger than ever to overcome the darkness that would have taken over me.”

Luna blinks and looks up moving her head away and nods smiling to him, “Why didn’t I think of that before in my nightmare,” she kisses his lips softly, “and I do love you deeply Lightning just don’t go a power trip otherwise I’ll stomp you flat into the ground.”

Lightning shudders and nods, “Yes ma’am. I promise I won’t go on a power trip and try to take over Equestria while on said power trip.”

Luna smiles and giggles nodding, “Good now how about we finish up eating I want to finish this wonderful meal you made for me.”

Lightning nods and smiles kissing her check lovingly, “Okay Luna but after our meal do you think we should visit Twilight Sparkle and her friends that were there when you took off like that.” He asked wondering what her reply was going to be.
Luna nods and smiles, “I think I better and so that my friends can see I’m ok.” She continues to finish her meal as Lightning nods and continues to finish his own meal.

Back at Ponyville Library Twilight was helping Scootaloo fix up the second bedroom so that she could use for sleep overs and such, “Now Scootaloo, you sure you want a desk in here cause it would take up one part of the wall.” Twilight ask as she had a list of things to get for when they go out shopping the next day.

Scootaloo nods, “Yes Twilight I’m sure besides I can’t keep studying downstairs in the library without grabbing a book I need that someone is borrowing out now can I.” she smiles as Twilight had said something about getting her a cloud bed to sleep on.
Twilight nods and sighs, “Guess that means getting your own copy of the books you’ll need to study and such too, right.” She looks at the room which had been cleaned up and was now ready to be used by Scootaloo who had put up some posters and such of Rainbow Dash along with some Mare-do-well posters that she had saved from all those that wanted the posters making Twilight smile even more.

Scootaloo smiles and looks around the room noticing just how big it was for her to use as she puts her scooter in a corner, “Ok that’s everything I have with me.” She smiles looks to Twilight as a knock was heard from down stairs.

“Now who can that be at this time of day, “Twilight uses her magic to roll up the scroll as she and Scootaloo head down stairs to see who it was as Scootaloo wanted to see if the library had book she was looking for now.

“I hope Scootaloo is here.” Sweetie Belle sighs as she knocks again on the library door.

“Ah hope so too cause we need to plan what we are doing tomorrow otherwise we got nothing.” Applebloom waits next to Sweetiebell.

Twilight opens just as Scootaloo calls for Spikes help to get a few books for her to read up in her bedroom, “Oh hello girls what can I do for you for.” She smiles before turning her head to tell both Scootaloo and Spike to be careful.
“We will Twilight.” Spike calls out as Scootaloo points out the books she wants to read.

“Okay then,” Twilight smiles and looks back to Sweetie Belle and Applebloom, “sorry Scootaloo has been studying and getting settled in and I hope Rainbow Dash warn you both not to ask seeing as I sent her that note before asking her if she sees you to tell you both that Scootaloo staying with us and to warn you that I can change you to other gender with your sisters permission.” She whispers the last part to both of them.

Both nod and gulp as they both know that Twilight can do more than what they have seen or heard from their family, “We promise not to tell Scootaloo that we know.”

“Good now you can both come,” Twilight steps back from the door and calls to Scootaloo, “Scoot your friends are here,” She smiles and walks up to Scootaloo nuzzling her daughter lovingly, “I’ll leave you and your friends alone ok and can you use your bedroom but no rough housing or your grounded from going out after shopping ok.”

Scootaloo nuzzles back as her wings flatter nodding, “I promise no rough housing in my bedroom,” smiles before walking over to her friends, “Spike can you bring the books I asked for up to my room please,” she ask the purple dragon who nods and smiles, “sorry girls I was busy catching up on homework but I do have three pieces of good news but let’s go up to my room and I can tell you both there.” She smiles and leads the way up to her bedroom with Spike following the three friends up the stairs carrying the load of books as the girls talk and giggle about what they should plan.

“So what is the good news Scootaloo?” Applebloom ask as Sweetie Belle nods.

“Yeah come on tell us the good news.” Sweetie Belle bounces as she opens the door that Scootaloo pointed out to them as they all entered as Spike walks over the bedside table and puts the books on it.

“There and if I see a single page torn I’ll be telling Twilight got it Scootaloo,” Spike looks at them, “Even though you’re going to be living he….” He was cut off by Scootaloo who put a hoof over his lips.

“Spike I want to tell them it’s my news after all.” Scootaloo removes her hoof from Spikes lips.

“Fine but still my warning stays got it.” Spike walks out of the room as he closes the door behind him leaving it open slightly.

Scootaloo smiles and looks to her friends, “Ok so my first bit of news is I’m now living with Rainbow Dash and Twilight Sparkle here at the Ponyville’s library,” Sweetie Belle and Applebloom cheer as both wanted to tell Scootaloo that they both knew, “second bit of news is I’m now studying cause I want to be something more and thirdly but get this I met a real live Princes from another kingdom and he said something about me becoming either a top flyer or great pegasus teacher but I want to be much then that I want to be able to see this other kingdom for myself when I’m older enough to fly.” She smiles and looks to her friends who jaw’s dropped at the mention of a prince.

“Wait you meet a prince, a real live prince.” Sweetie Belle looks at Scootaloo.

Applebloom just stares before shaking her head, “But we only know Princess Celestia and Princess Luna we don’t know any prince’s and how can we be sure he was a prince,” She looks to the poster, “Ah mean he would’ve been wearing a crown and such right.”

Scootaloo nods, “True but his name is Nebula but he didn’t wear anything because he said something about this being a visit to open trade routes and such with his kingdom and to strengthen friendships.”

Sweetie Belle blinks, “Now that you mention my big sister was working on an order for a new line of summer wear and she said it was big order,” she frowns, “that’s got to be it cause I think I saw a scroll bearing Celestia’s seal on her work desk.”
Both Applebloom and Sweetie Belle nod in agreement as Scootaloo walks over to the bed and jumps up onto the bed and lies down on her belly.

“So what are going to do Ah mean we are going crusading and such in the afternoon right?” Applebloom looks at her friends who nod.

“I’ll be able too after shopping and if I can get back on time.” Scootaloo smiles as she pulls a book from the bedside table onto the bed.

Applebloom and Sweetiebell nod, “True but what shall we do tomorrow I mean we could help out around Ponyville and such.” Sweetie Belle looks at her friends who nod even though Scootaloo was looking in the index of the book she had grabbed from the pile.

“Scootaloo what are you doing we are meant to be planning our crusading.” Apple Bloom ask.

“I know, I know but I want to look something up about Nebula, I know he is an Alicorn like both Luna and Celestia, who was were here last night but only Celestia was here with Nebula.” Scootaloo runs her hoof tip gently down the index as she finds Nebula’s name and starts to look for the pages.

“Wait Nebula is an Alicorn and you didn’t tell us.” Sweetie Belle bust out as she looks to Scootaloo who nods her head even as Applebloom’s jar drops open for a second time.

“Where is that page,” Scootaloo groans as she flips to the page and puts her hoof on it, “found it,” she smiles and moves her hoof tip down gently, “hmmm it says here that Prince Nebula is the rule of a kingdom called Sungale, it is said that it is always nice and temped even when it rains though its main source of income comes from outside trade along with trading gems and jewel’s along with other items of trade including farming and running programs to help other kingdom’s out which pay for the help that is given such trades are open to his nephew Lightning Hoof and niece Starsong, (who both are co-rulers of Stormdale) though Lightning Hoof rather enjoy life and make new contacts for help other kingdoms and such it is said that Lightning Hoof can command lightning and even deflect it from major worksites,” Scootaloo blinks and looks at what was written, “it’s also said that Nebula and Lightning Hoof enjoy a good race now and then that they race each other in race’s racing other and tying each time.”

Sweetie Belle and Applebloom look at Scootaloo, “So you’re saying that what you have been telling us is true.”

“Yes Sweetie Bell but there is a section on Lightning Hoof in here too,” Scootaloo moves her hoof down the page, “Prince Lightning Hoof or just Lightning to his friends and contacts manages the billing of new bill’s and such but is known to get advice from others that he keeps in contact with via calls and letter’s before passing any new bill’s in, he is much sort after being the only male Alicorn that can manage more task then most by filly’s and mare and has been known to hide himself away in storm clouds that are sometimes hanging around Stormdale,” Scootaloo looks up at her friends who nod for her to keep reading, “Lightning Hoof is the only one that can fly as fast as any flyer around even going as fast as lightning.” As Scootaloo reads the last part her jaw drops.

“How can that be no one can fly as fast as a sonic-rain boom not even Rainbow Dash can fly faster than a sonic-rain boom let alone no pony can move like lightning,” Sweetie Bell looks at the Scootaloo before jumping up on the on bed next to Scootaloo, “let me read it Scootaloo.” She starts to read as Scootaloo nods her head even as Sweetie Belle re-reads and re-reads what was written and shakes her as she slumps down.

Applebloom looks to Sweetie Bell, “So is it true then Sweetie Belle.” She ask her friend.

Sweetie Belle nods and sighs, “I can’t even find a fault with what is written so I guess it’s true,” She sighs and slumps down on the bed, “but I wonder who wrote this book to even know that Lightning Hoof can move like that unless they saw him move like that.”

“Don’t know but you think we can ask him and Rainbow Dash to have a race and see who is the fastest out of them both.” Sweetie Belle looks to Scootaloo and then Applebloom.

Applebloom nods, “Well it would prove if Rainbow Dash is the fastest pony around but then again wouldn’t it hurt her pride too.”

Scootaloo nods and sighs, “Bad idea cause Rainbow Dash would do something rash and reckless and I don’t want her to get hurt after all she is my new mom now and I would be upset if she did do something reckless.” She sighs and closes the book as she sets it aside and stretches.

“So what we doing tomorrow I mean we are going to be doing something to get our cutie marks right.” Sweetie Belle looks to her friends.

Scootaloo looks at the books she had Spike brought up and then to her homework and finally her friends, “Sorry guys I mean I want to go out with you but I need to get my homework out of the way and I can’t ask for more extension’s then I have already had.” Scootaloo looks down.

“Now that you mention it we all have homework and if Ah know my sister she’ll tan m’ah flank for not doing it before going out to do things.” Applebloom groans laying down and covering her head remembering the last time she did something before doing her homework first.

“I finished my homework last night it shouldn’t take that long right.” Sweetie Belle looks at both her friends.

“I have math, not to mention a few other projects that need to be done,” Scootaloo groans, “at least I can get two projects out of the way but the third and fourth one I don’t know what I’m going to do seeing as I have to do something about the history of Equestria and then the History of both Princess’s and that’s going to take all day.”

“Wait is it both project’s that you have to do right,” Sweetie Belle looks to Scootaloo who nods, “well you are living above a library right and you can also go to Applebloom’s and ask Granny Smith right.”

“I know Sweetie Belle but the book I wanted was the history of Equestria cause it had everything I needed to do both projects but without that book I can’t do those projects.” Scootaloo groans before laying down on her bed as a knock was heard on the door.

“Scootaloo I know you and your friends are talking but can I come in.” Twilight ask as she waits.

“Sure mom we were talking about homework.” Scootaloo groans.

Twilight opens the door and smiles looking in, “Well in that case I can do a homework planner for all of you though I think Sweetie Belle wouldn’t need one seeing as she does her homework.” She notices Applebloom biting her lower lip.
Applebloom gulps and looks to Sweetie Belle before getting up, “Ah better get going its long walk back to the farm with Big Macintosh who should be finished selling the apples he brought into town,” she gulps and looks to Twilight, “can I see you about getting a homework planner Twilight please.” She ask lavender colored unicorn.

“Sure and Big Macintosh is waiting for you downstairs Applebloom he had to drop off the order I ordered from your sister Applejack,” Twilight smiles as she looks to Sweetie Belle, “Sweetie Belle, Rarity asked if we drop you off back at her home okay,” She smiles and walks over to Scootaloo and looks at the book, “hmm Kingdoms and other pony’s outside of Equestria,” she smiles to Scootaloo, “remind me to read that one after you are finished with it ok Scoot.” She kisses her daughters cheek softly.

“Scootaloo blushes and smiles, “Yes mom I will.”

Sweetie Belle smiles and nods giggling before looking at the book, “Hey Scootaloo why don’t do one project on Lightning Hoof or even Nebula I’m sure they could answer your questions that you have right.” She looks to her friend and smiles more.

“Hmmmm that might be a good seeing as Nebula is staying with Celestia until his wings are healed up but I think he stay for half a day to answer your questions Scootaloo.” Twilight smiles and ruffles Scootaloo’s mane.

“Yeah that would be good though that project isn’t due until next week,” Scootaloo sighs and groans, “I’m never going to finish all the homework I have to do to find time to do those questions.”

“Scootaloo you’ll find time even if I’m helping besides you’ll have new desk tomorrow along with a some new books even that History of Equestria and Kingdoms and other pony’s outside of Equestria books that you’ll need too.” Twilight smiles as she starts to walk to the bedroom door as Applebloom joins her.

“Thanks mom I wish I could learn to fly but I need training.” Scootaloo sighs and looks down.

“Don’t worry sweetie you’ll learn to fly and then you can Rainbow Dash a run for her bits if you can beat her that is,” Twilight smiles and giggles softly as she leads Applebloom downstairs leaving Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo alone, “so Applebloom you want a dairy that can remind you when your homework is due or just something you can write on.” She looks to Applebloom.

Applebloom was still biting her lower lip, “Twilight I really wanted to tell Scootaloo that both me and Sweetie knew about her staying with you cause we heard it from Rainbow dash and she promised us not to tell Scootaloo that we know but I had to tell someone otherwise I would’ve said we knew right to Scootaloo’s face.” She sighs and steps off the last step as Big Macintosh was standing there waiting for her.

“Now what’s this about not keepin’ a secret when you were asked not to tell your friend” Big Mac looks at his little sister.

“Ah know Big Mac but it was eating me up on the inside I didn’t want to hurt Scootaloo’s feelings in telling us that she is now living with Twilight Sparkle and Rainbow Dash I just didn’t want her to be upset is all.” Applebloom looks down and sigh.

Big Mac looks to Twilight Sparkle then to his younger sister, “Mmmm Ah’ll be talking with your sister about this seeing as Twilight Sparkle did warn me about what she told Rainbow Dash to tell you and Sweetie Belle.” He nudges her out the door.

“I’ll send the homework planner later and a have safe walk home Big Mac, Applebloom.” Twilight smiles as she watch’s them both leave wondering how long Rainbow Dash was taking to get back from her weather portal so that they can have dinner.

Rainbow Dash lands on the balcony and smiles waving her hoof to her team wishing them a save flight back home, “Twilight, Scootaloo I’m home.” She calls out as she had entered from the balcony and out of the bedroom door.
Scootaloo who was closer hearing Rainbow Dash calling for her and Twilight Sparkle, “Sweet Rainbow Dash is back and about time too.” She smiles looks to Sweetie Belle who nods.

“True and after all isn’t nearly dinner time.” Sweetie Belle smiles as she had been wanting to talk Twilight about setting up a meeting with Nebula.

Twilight smiles and heads into the kitchen to get dinner started with Spikes help as Rainbow Dash was making her way down the stairs.

“Rainbow Dash your back.” Scootaloo races out of her bed room and tackles Rainbow Dash into a hug who returns the hug fiercely as she flaps her wings to keep them from falling down the stairs.

“Easy there Scoot besides no running in the house ok,” Rainbow Dash smiles and looks into her daughters room, “hey Sweetie Belle guess you’re staying for dinner too right.” She smiles as she could smell Spike cooking the hay fries.
“Yes Rainbow Dash and I’m sure Twilight and Spike have gotten dinner ready.” Sweetie Belle smiles as she jumps off the bed and walks out of the room joining Scootaloo and Rainbow Dash as they head down to the kitchen.