Ace Combat: The Equestrian War

by PolishValsion

Chapter 15: A Tearful Farewell

The skies are turning dark over the capital,

Sadness and mourning fills the hearts of ponies.

When one grieves over the loss of someone dear,

Only a valiant spirit will endure the trial.

Chapter 15

"A Tearful Farewell”

May 7th, 2019

0220 hrs

Canterlot, Royal Castle

“I thought she crashed to death...”

“But she only has a few bruises and scratches...”

“She’s a tough one, alright...”

Rainbow heard these muffled voices. When she tried to move around, she let out a grunt of pain.

“She’s waking up!” a familiar timid voice echoed.

“Rainbow! Are you all right?”The blue pegasus slowly opened her eyes and looked to her right, noticing friends surrounding her bed. Mobius and the other aces were in the corner of the room. Fluttershy sighed in relief.

        “Thank goodness, you’re awake! We’ve been so worried...”

“Fluttershy...? Guys?” Rainbow recognized her fellow Mirage fliers and the foreign pegasi.

“You have no idea... how glad I am to see you...! Wait! Where is-- OWW!”

A stream of pain surged through her body when she tried to get up. She fell down back on the pillow almost instantly, grunting and panting.        “Don’t force yourself too much yet, Rainbow,” Firefly spoke.

“You’ve went through quite an ordeal. Good thing you’re still in one piece.”

        “Oww... my head... What happened? Where is Spitfire!?”        “Chill, Rainbow. I’m right here,” Spitfire’s voice sounded from a bed on the other side of the hall.

“I’m fine, but my costume’s all butchered up again. Maybe I should start flying without it...”

She laughed, seeing a slightly surprised look on Rainbow’s face; the blue pegasus never saw the Wonderbolt captain without her costume. Spitfire had a few talon marks on her yellow coat.

        “Though Soarin’ already went to ask that fashionista friend of yours... Rarity, was it? She could really make us costumes from some stronger fabric, like the one your vest is made of. It appears to be undamaged.”

Questions were swarming in Rainbow’s mind. Luckily, her friends were there to answer.

        “How long was I out...?”

        “A few hours...” Medley replied.

        “Seven hours and thirty seven minutes, to be more precise. It is currently 2:30 at the morning. You’re inside Canterlot Castle. Applejack dragged you inside by your tail when you crashed to the ground. We’re safe here, thanks to the barrier Princesses Celestia and Luna casted around the castle. They are powering it up with their magic.”

Lightning Bolt's explaination didn't made Rainbow any calmer.

        “I... I saw the city on fire. I... couldn’t contact any of you, I—I thought... you were... dead.”

Spitfire assured her they won’t die that easily and reminded her about the electromagnetic pulses the radar analysts were detecting recently. The fiery-maned pegasus said they were responsible for jamming the communication around the city and in Canterlot itself, adding: “Most likely the work of griffins,” When Rainbow Dash asked about Twilight and the rest of her companions, she was assured by Spitfire that they were fine and inside the castle, alongside Soarin’ and Firebolt, seeing if anypony was needing help. Rainbow wasn’t certain what that meant, so Shamrock decided to take point.

        “The griffins made a surprise attack... They sure know how to give us additional work... Talisman and I were flying to whoever needed help... and Mobius was aiding us, too... If it weren’t for him, things would have been even worse...”

The blue stallion slightly nodded his head, confirming Shamrock’s words. He went on: many ponies have been injured during the assault and though majority managed to evacuate inside the castle, some were still imprisoned inside their houses, unable to get out due to major havoc on the streets. But a few ponies were also reported to have been killed during the raid...

When asked by Rainbow about other pegasus squadrons, Talisman spoke:

        “They were fighting bravely... As far as I know, most of them are fine...”

Suddenly, doors to the room opened up. Tornado Swirl and Overdrive, battered and with visible scars on their flanks, walked in. They were relieved to see Rainbow awake and all Mirage fliers present, saying their teams were sent here to inform them of the situation.

        “But... Where are the remaining ponies from your units...?” Rainbow asked.

Both pegasi looked at each other briefly before lowering their sights in sorrow. Talisman and Shamrock immediately understood what happened. Fluttershy gasped.

        “No...! Please... don’t tell me they... they are...!”

        “Dead,” Tornado sounded blankly.

        “All of them?!” Rainbow exclaimed. “I don’t believe it...!”

        “We did our best... but the enemy was too powerful. We were outnumbered and outmatched... Only the two of us managed to escape the carnage,” the green stallion sighed. “Everything happened too fast...”

        “Sea Spot...!” Overdrive’s voice was choking.

“She... she fought a griffon in my stead... She told me to fly back... saying I had to live to see another day... and when I turned around, I... I heard her screaming. I saw her falling down! She... she sacrificed herself for me... There was nothing...! I couldn’t help her...!”

Sobbing, the lavender mare leaned against Tornado’s flank and cried. He stroked her mane gently, fully sympathizing with his friend.

        “Overdrive... I’m saddened by these losses as well... But it’s too early for tears, we must keep going.”

        “But... what can we do...? What else can we possibly do, Tornado?” she asked, whining.

        “We can’t give up. We have to fight together... For the sake of our friends...”

Overdrive knew that well, but couldn’t hold the sadness inside her. Other ponies felt sorry for them. When Rainbow asked about the rest of the pegasus squadrons, Tornado reported that the Phoenix, Lancer and Sweeper teams were alright, their fliers sustaining only minor injuries. Unfortunately, the Stingray squadron, called back from Hoofington, was intercepted on the way to Canterlot by griffin units and wiped out completely.

Wiped out... Fluttershy had a realization.

        “What about Blueberry?”

        “Blue... Oh, you mean Clover 1? I do not know,” Tornado admitted.

“Last reports indicate she was fighting north of the castle area... and actually doing a good job. I hope she’s still alive...”


A sound of knocking on the door was heard. They opened, two female pegasi walked in. One of them had a dark green coat, wearing a dark orange mane and sporting cyan eyes. Her vest bared a symbol of a dragon wing. The other pegasus had a bright blue coat and a blonde mane. Tornado Swirl welcomed them warmly.

        “Flare Star, Wind Whistler! Good to see you again.”

        “Likewise, Tornado, Overdrive. I heard what happened to your teams. My condolences,” her voice sounded firm, but understanding.

Cloud Kicker recognized the other pegasus. Surprised to see her friend as a part of a squadron, a brief reunion ensured. The green mare looked at Cloud and the other six pegasi.

        “So, you’re the famous Mirage squadron I kept hearing about? I’m glad to finally meet you in person. You girls fight really well. The name’s Flare Star, callsign Dragon 1. Wind Whistler is my wingmare. We were called back from Trottingham to assist ponies in Canterlot. ”

        “What’s the situation outside?” Tornado asked.

        “Not too great, but it’s slowly stabilizing. Seems like even those griffin bastards need to rest... We could have been here faster, but we’ve got intercepted on our way by the enemy.”

She also reported, sorrowfully, that Blueberry fell in battle, dying a violent death. Fluttershy was shocked to hear what had become of the pegasus she considered a good friend. She experienced an even greater shock when she learned what happened exactly.

        “I was there with my unit. When we reached Canterlot, she was being overwhelmed by four griffins. By the time we got to her, one of them was knocked down. She refused to surrender and told us to go help others, elsewhere... To think she was ready to fight until her last breath..."

Flare Star was speaking of Blueberry with undiluted admiration.

"I saw her condition was really bad... beaten to semi consciousness... Then, one of the attackers separated her from us, while telling his fellows to keep us at bay. Before we got rid of them... We saw her determination in wanting to fight... in the name of her squadron...”

Flare Star’s voice was getting shaky.

        “But... once she lost consciousness, that bastard grabbed her wings and.... and... He ripped them off her body.”

        “By the stars...” Fluttershy gasped, horrified.

        “Why are they being so cruel... There’s no reason for them to be so cruel!” she screamed in a saddened tone.

Rainbow cuddled her.

        “We knew there was no way of rescuing her at that point,” Wind Whistler added.  

“At the very least, we wanted to avenge her. But that griffon wasn’t done... He allowed Blueberry to hit the ground, and then, he dived after her and smashed her spine... just to make sure she would not get up again...”

The cyan pegasus shivered at mere memory of that scene. Her voice broke down. Flare Star carried on.

        “As soon as we defeated the griffins, we descended to pick Blueberry’s body up... and we carried her here, to give our honors. She was fighting to the end...”

        “These are sad news...” Sky Eye sighed. “Why it’s always the most valiant ones that are those who die so suddenly during the war...?”

        “What about your team? Where’s Dragon 3 and 4?” Tornado Swirl asked.

        “Rainfall is fine, he only has a minor injury on the forehead,” Flare Star reported.

        “But... We’ve lost Dragon 4.”

        “Poor Raindrops...” Wind Whistler said sorrowfully.

This name caused Derpy’s eyes to widen. When she asked the cyan pegasus for details, she told her everything. While coming from Trottingham, Raindrops was beset by three griffins and, before Wind could even try to help her, they assaulted her mercilessly. Even though Raindrops tried to fight, she was overpowered and fell from their vicious attacks.

Derpy looked down on the floor, blubbering:

        “No... No, I don’t believe it... Raindrops...!”

Flare Star guessed she was friends with the grey mare. But there was more...

        “When we arrived, we saw a griffon soldier beating up an earth pony. She was protecting a unicorn filly... We drove the bastard away and recovered her from the field as well, but... I don’t know if... That mare wants to see a pony named Derpy...”

        “I’m Derpy,” the grey pegasus stood up.

        “Then perhaps you know her...” Flare Star motioned to Wind Whistler.

She left the room for a moment and returned with another pegasus, bringing a stretcher. On it, a familiar figure was resting... a wounded yellow earth pony, wearing a curly, orange mane...

Derpy gasped and darted toward her.

        “CARROT TOP!”

She was lying on her right flank, barely conscious. Medley noticed her entire back was scratched up and bleeding a little. The pegasi laid the stretcher on the ground. Derpy nuzzled her friend.

        “Carrot... please... Please, wake up!”

A weak moan of pain sounded from her mouth. She opened her eyes and smiled.

        “Oh, Derpy... I’m so glad to see you...”

        “What happened...? Who did this to you?”

        “One... one of the griffin soldiers... I think... he was... trying to take Dinky away... I’m not sure why... She got separated from the other fillies, so... I went to look for her... Don’t worry... she is fine... and waiting for you... Ugh!”

Feeling immense pain, Carrot writhed slightly. She pointed to the door on the other side of the hall, leading to a different castle area before her hoof flopped on the stretcher. She was breathing heavily. Derpy could barely hold tears back.

        “Why... Why is this happening...?”

        “Oh... Derpy, I... I feel so tired,” Carrot whispered. “I... I need to rest...”

        “Don’t fall asleep! Everything will be alright...! Please, can’t you do something?” Derpy turned to Flare Star. “Are you going to leave her like that?! Help her! She’s suffering!”

        “I’m sorry...” the green pegasus shook her head.

“That griffon must have stabbed her in some internal organs... we can’t stop the bleeding. I'm afraid it's a fatal wound... She doesn’t have much time left...”

        “NO!” the gray mare shrieked.

        “Derpy, please... listen to me,” the yellow pony whispered. “There’s... something I need to tell you.”

Tears were dripping from Derpy’s eyes, other ponies felt commiseration. Carrot touched Derpy’s cheek with her left hoof, wiping away the tear and speaking quietly.

        “Now it’s not the time to cry, Derpy. I know... we were arguing sometimes. But... I always liked you. I had a really great time in being your friend... Can you... promise me something?”

        “What is it?” Derpy asked, faltered.

        “Promise me... that you will live. No matter what... Live... you have to... for Dinky... Don’t get killed. I was wondering... what became of you after... Ponyville was attacked... but, now... I know you will be fine... since you are in such a... wonderful team of ponies... Dinky is waiting for you... You better go and see her...!”

She grunted in pain again.

        “Carrot... Please... Please, don’t die... Don’t leave me... Don’t leave me all alone!”

The blonde-maned pegasus gagged on tears. Yet the yellow mare looked into Derpy’s misty eyes and spoke with serenity in her voice:

        “You won’t be alone... You will never be alone, Derpy... You have many friends... and Dinky, too... Don’t be sad...  I will watch over you... both of you... Just promise me... Promise me... that you will live.”

Derpy was on the verge of breaking down, but promised her friend she will keep on living. That didn’t satisfy her, however. With her eyes barely open, Carrot said:        “No.... not like that... Smile, Derpy... I don’t want... to see... to remember your face... being sad... when I will sleep... Please..... smile.”

Cloud Kicker bit her lips. Rainbow stared at the scene in disbelief. The other pegasi weren’t sure what to do. Derpy, despite the desolation in her heart, did what Carrot asked for. She took her hoof and smiled.

        “I promise you, Carrot Top. I will survive. I won’t die.”

The earth pony smiled dimly as well.

        “That’s much better... Oh... I’m so tired... sleepy... Derpy... It’s been fun... being friends with you...”

Carrot Top let out a sigh of relief. Her hoof slipped out of the grey mare’s hold.


        “Good night... Derpy.....”

With these words, the earth pony closed her eyes. Her head laid on the ground, though the smile never faded from her face. She was suffering no more.

Everypony present in the chamber lowered their heads in silent grief. Even Mobius had a sad expression on his usually stoic face. Derpy was looking at her friend in despair. She still had faint hope that this is just a bad dream...

        “No.... No....!”

Shaking her head back and forth, she cradled Carrot’s lifeless body in her arms. Unable to fight back tears any longer, Derpy let out a mournful wail. Whimpering, she moved her head closer to Carrot’s body and went to pieces. While Flare Star wanted to take the stretcher away, Tornado Swirl stopped her. Derpy could not understand how it all happened... why her entire life changed so suddenly...

Burying her face in Carrot’s flank, she wept loudly.

        “Wh.... Why-y-y-y! Wh-y-y! It... It’s n-n-n-ot...! It’s not fair!

Fluttershy couldn’t resist anymore and cried too, leaning on Medley. The winged ponies looked at their friend, saddened. The war has claimed yet another life... but Carrot Top wasn’t a soldier... just a simple mare with simple dreams...

Firefly walked up to the broken pegasus and tried to talk to her:

        “That’s enough crying, Ditzy. Pull yourself together! I know how you feel, but...!”

        “NO! You don’t know how I feel! SHUT UP!” Derpy bawled, releasing Carrot’s body.

She turned around and much to everypony’s disbelief, fiercely punched Firefly in the face. The pink mare fell on the floor. Derpy then flew up, about to openly attack her leader!

        “My two best friends died... You don’t know... YOU WILL NEVER KNOW HOW THIS FEELS! He will pay...! I WILL KILL THAT BASTARD!” Derpy screamed at the top of her lungs.

But before she dived down, Fluttershy stood between her and Firefly, trembling.

        “Derpy.... please... stop. Don’t...” her terrified whisper could be heard in the silence.

        “Please... Don’t let the hatred poison your heart...”

The grey mare’s emotions briefly subdued when she heard that sentence. She stopped in mid air, gasping. Firefly got up, rubbing her jaw. When she spoke, her voice was strangely calm.

        “You’re right... I don’t know how it feels to lose a friend... Maybe that’s because I didn’t have much friends before... and I‘ve lost my parents instead. Two different kinds of ponies...”

Hearing that, Rainbow tried to protest. The look on her face was that of a clear shock. Derpy started realizing what she just said and did. Looking at her hooves, she slowly landed on the floor and broke down, crying sorely. She looked helpless... The grey mare was in utter despair, sobbing uncontrollably. Her friends came closer and tried to soothe her pain. Firefly told Derpy to stand up and go see her daughter. She didn’t hold a grudge against her actions, even praising her for the punch.

Calming down, Derpy wiped the tears from her face, thanking Firefly and her companions for all the support. Before she went away, she looked at her friend one last time.

        “Carrot Top... you were smiling until the end... I... I will never forget you. I will always remember the moments we shared together... Goodbye...”

Derpy kissed her on the forehead, squeezing her eyes.

        “I hope you will have beautiful dreams... Rest easy... I will avenge you!”


The pegasi accompanied her with their sights as the broken mare left the room. It was obvious she was badly affected by the passing of her friends. Moments later, Flare Star and Rainfall picked the stretcher up and carried Carrot Top away to the morgue, where the other fallen ponies were being preserved. Wind Whistler decided to stay with Cloud Kicker for a while, having a chance to talk with her.

Fluttershy was wiping tears from her face.

        “Poor Derpy... I—I feel so sorry for her...”

        “This is just too cruel... First she learned of one of her friend's death... then another one dies in her arms... I can’t even imagine how terribly she feels,” Rainbow Dash stammered.

Shamrock stamped his hoof on the floor in sheer frustration, growling angrily. He looked somberly at his friend and said:

        “Talisman... how much more?”

        “I know... This is just like Gracemareia all over again... ”

        “How many ponies must die in this pointless war!? Tell me!” the green stallion yelled.

Talisman didn’t respond. He was saddened by all these deaths himself, even though he knew next to nothing about Carrot Top or other ponies who fell. It was probably some sort of connection between every living pony; the death of one of them would result in others mourning the fallen, even if they were complete strangers to each other...

Suddenly, a loud sniff was heard. The ponies turned their heads around until they saw Cloud Kicker, trembling and sobbing. Before they could figure out what was wrong with her, she erupted with a loud cry. Covering her face with her right arm, Cloud Kicker turned on the waterworks, unable to damp the emotions inside her anymore. Both Lightning Bolt and Wind Whistler were shocked to see their usually cheerful friend break down like this. It was hard to look at it.

        “Cloud Kicker?” Lightning asked anxiously.

The purple pegasus turned to her, embraced her neck and wept, tears streaming down her cheeks.

        “I-I-I’m so-o-orryy-y-y... I ca-a-a-an’t hold it in any lon-n-n-nger...”

        “Cloud Kicker...” Wind Whistler approached her, agitated. “I don’t remember you crying in a long time...”

The saddened pony started shaking, like she was suffering from convulsions. She leaned her head against Lightning’s. When the white mare asked her what happened, Cloud Kicker’s voice was barely coherent at first. Then, she shouted, while still being interrupted by constant sobbing:

        “I-I-I’m scared, Lightning! Terrified! So much death... I feel s-s-so sa-ad... Nopony deserves t-that much suffering... What i-i-i-if... What if you die, too? I... I don’t think m-m-my heart could take i-it...”

        “What are you talking about?” Lightning Bolt wondered.

        “Lightning... everypony... please, forgive me... sniff... I lied to you.”

None of the Mirage fliers knew what she meant. Cloud Kicker slowly explained that the real reason in joining the squadron for her was to be with Lightning Bolt.

        "Lightning... do you... still remember the day we've met?" the purple pegasus asked sheepishly.

        "How could I forget?"

The two ponies were tied by great bonds of friendship since they met in Cloudsdale Weather Factory. While Lightning was usually serious and collected, Cloud Kicker was playful and a little hyperactive. Unsurprisingly, they became great friends when they remained after hours in the factory one day.

When Lightning volunteered to follow Firefly’s lead, Cloud simply had to come, fearing they would be separated from each other.

        “So she joined us not just to help the team, but she wanted to keep an eye on her friend as well,” Rainbow Dash thought.

Cloud told her that she felt sad whenever Lightning got hurt, but was hiding it under a guise of joy and smiles. Now the mask fell, and she couldn’t stop crying. The white pegasus looked into Cloud Kicker’s eyes, bleary and filled with tears.

        “Cloud Kicker, you silly pony!” she said roughly. “Weren’t you the one who told us that it’s okay to cry when you feel sad?”

        “Yeah... but—”

Before she could finish the sentence, Lightning Bolt suddenly hugged her tightly, speaking with warmth and sympathy.

        “Shh... It’s OK... You can cry, Cloud Kicker. Everypony feels sad... I can barely hold my own tears... And, to tell the truth... I was worried about you, too, at times... like back then in Stalliongrad. ... Since we’re doing sincere confessions, it’s my turn," she said, stroking Cloud’s head.

        “I joined the squadron because I wanted to protect Equestria. That is the truth. I’ve put my trust in Firefly, because I saw her as a competent leader. She was strong, determined... and she hasn’t failed us so far. That why I will keep fighting alongside her... until this awful war ends... You’re right in one thing... nopony deserves such suffering. But, Cloud Kicker... look at me.”

The eyes of the two friends met as Lightning Bolt wiped tears off Cloud’s cheeks.

        “We had been fighting in this war together... and we’ll remain together. No matter what happens... we will always be best friends. Nothing will ever change that.”

        “I know...” Cloud Kicker whispered, touched by her words. She was still sobbing.

        “Then... I will keep fighting, too... Oh, Lightning... sniff... what would I... Where would I be without you?!”

        “And me? Remember, Cloud Kicker... you are free to cry whenever you feel sad. It’s fine. My flank is always available,” the white pegasus said with a smile.

The two friends embraced each other and Cloud Kicker burst into tears again. Lightning was just patting her on the back.

        “That’s right... let it all out... so that you could be the merry pony I always knew, again... I’d prefer to see you cheerful rather than sad... a hundred times.”

        “I’m so-o-orry... Please... f-f-forgive me... sniff... I’m so stupid!”

        “Aww, of course I forgive you, silly filly... In return, will you forgive me for dragging you into this whole mess?” Lightning Bolt asked tenderly.

        “Sniff... Of course I will! At least... we’re in this together... -hic!- Oh, drats!”

Cloud Kicker got the hiccups. Lightning couldn’t help, but chuckle. Cloud felt relieved as she hiccough again before chuckling, too. She turned to the other pegasi and said with a hoarse:

        “Sorry, guys... I can’t help it... -hic!- But I won’t lie to you again, I swear... -hic!-

        “Come on...”

Lightning Bolt led Cloud Kicker to the corner of the room, where they sat down and cuddled in peace. Cloud still hiccoughed faintly. Lightning managed to calm her down a little. Their bonding had become stronger. Medley and Wind Whistler were deeply moved by their confessions.

        “That was...  so beautiful...” the green pegasus wiped her own tears off the eyes.

        “Yeah, they even got to me...” Spitfire added.

        “Why the most beautiful moments between ponies happen at the saddest of times...?”

        “It’s like a trial... To see whether or not we can keep fighting in this war...” Firefly said.

Wind Whistler decided to go after Flare Star, but not before telling Cloud Kicker that she will always have a friend in her... and other ponies.

Shamrock let out a loud sigh and left the room as well, saying he wanted to be alone for a while. When Fluttershy asked what happened to him, Talisman only mentioned that it probably had something to do with his friend’s past. The yellow pegasus decided to go after him.

        “He shouldn't be left alone... At times like these... nopony should ever be alone.”

Firefly understood what Fluttershy meant and allowed her to go after him. She was about to leave the room herself. Rainbow asked why.

        “I’ll go talk to Derpy... I think she suffered enough... If anything happens, contact me. See you later, girls...”

Without waiting for approval, she followed the grey mare. Rainbow Dash and Medley looked at each other, not sure what their leader was trying to do...


0340 hrs

Canterlot Castle, West Wing

Shamrock was slowly traversing the corridors of the castle, only briefly stopping to look through the window. The fires outside were slowly dimming out. “Those griffins must have used incendiary bombs”, he thought to himself. Hearing faint sounds of hoofsteps behind him, the green stallion turned around and noticed Fluttershy approaching him.

        “Oh, it’s you... Is something wrong?”

        “Um... no, I’m all right... though I feel like needles are piercing my heart...”, she said.

        “Yeah... it’s a sad day... night, actually. I wonder if... no, never mind.”

        “What it is? Please, if there is anything that troubles you, don’t keep it to yourself. Maybe if you could tell somepony about it, you would feel better... But, if you don’t want to, I’ll understand.”

Fluttershy was about to leave, but Shamrock kept her in place.

        “Wait... Maybe you’re right... I have to stop being so insecure about my past... OK, listen.”

Shamrock told Fluttershy about the times he and Talisman were serving in the Emareian Air Forces. During those days, the green stallion had a younger sister called Morning Glow. As his story went on, his voice was reflecting the mixed emotions in his heart.

        “We used to hang out often, whenever Talisman and I were done with training. All three of us got well-acquainted with each other. But our times of joy came to a brutal halt when our neighbouring nation attacked Emareia, using the element of surprise. I told my sister to remain in the capital until we come back. The enemy was numerous and we were all eventually forced to retreat. It started a long campaign, during which we slowly managed to recover our lost lands and push the enemy back to Gracemareia. I was fighting through this whole war just so I could see my sister again... Finally, the day of liberation had come. We fought bravely, defeating all who could threaten our city and helping our allies out if they needed help. Talisman and I even faced off with an enemy ace, who decided to fight us completely alone. Eventually, we prevailed. Immediately after the battle, I rushed to the house where my sister was living... but...”

Shamrock hanged his voice. Fluttershy came closer.

        “What happened?”

        “The house... the whole area... was destroyed. The enemy made numerous air raids on Gracemareia... Maybe they wanted to take away from us as much as they could... Morning Glow was among the wounded. When I saw her lying on the stretcher... she was smiling... She told me everything will be alright. I believed it... but... fate can be very cruel... The doctors did their best, but she... died in her sleep... peacefully... I can't forget the look on her face...!”

Deeply saddened, the green stallion paused for a moment and looked at the blinking stars before he resumed.

        “I learned about it while Talisman and our friends were preparing for a ceremonial flight over Gracemareia, as a celebration. There were fireworks... Everyone was rejoicing... I got into air shortly after Talisman... One of our wingmates named Avalanche said she wanted to come for a party with me after the flight. But I didn't felt like celebrating. The flight was nearing its end... I contacted Talisman...”


        “Talisman, think you can go with Avalanche instead of me? Hope you don’t mind... I need to be alone tonight.”

        “May I know the reason why?” the gray stallion asked.

        “My younger sister is dead. It’s just been confirmed... I saved my country, but I lost my family. What kind of an “ace” can’t even protect his family? Morning Glow... HOW COULD I LET THIS HAPPEN?!”

Shamrock’s voice was filled with grief. Talisman sympathized with his friend; after all, he liked Morning Glow as well. The green stallion calmed down and carried on, glum.

        “Once this mission’s over, I’ll quit. It’s just... I... I can’t go on anymore. I have no more reasons to fly...”

        “... I understand, Shamrock. No one will blame you for your decision...”


        “But it wasn’t over,” Shamrock raised the volume of his voice.

        “The enemy still wanted to take revenge on us by bombing Gracemareia. I was outraged... We were called back to fight and somehow managed to defend the city. Then... I had made up my mind... to bring that nightmare to an end. Because... an angel doesn’t turn in his wings until after its last dance.”

Fluttershy wasn’t sure what the black-maned pegasus meant by that last phrase. He explained that it came from a phrase “Go dance with the angels!” which the enemy was supposed to use as a mockery for the Emareian forces, but it ended up as their stock saying. Shamrock was still feeling down, though. Fluttershy tried to cheer him up.

        “I understand that you feel sad... but... you can’t blame yourself for something you had no control over. You had no idea they would try and do something like this...”

        “Right... But... war is a time when those who fight are capable of the worst possible things,” he replied.

        “So when Talisman and I heard about Equestria being attacked, we decided to come and aid you. I thought that, by doing so, I could calm my conscience. But after seeing that pony die... It felt like some kind of cruel reminiscence... And I could have saved her... I wasn’t too far from the area... But the griffins wouldn’t stop attacking the pegasi... I.... had to choose.”

He smashed his hoof against the wall, feeling crushed by the melancholic atmosphere.

        “I’m no angel... just a weak pegasus pretending to be one... I failed again.”

        “That’s not true!” Fluttershy argued.

        “If it weren’t for you, Talisman and Mobius, many other ponies could have been killed. I know that it’s impossible to save everypony during the war... but you haven’t failed."

After a brief, uneasy silence, she spoke with her timid voice again.

        "...You see... I have a pet bunny and... he’s called Angel, too. He appears to be grumpy at times, but he never abandons me when I feel sad or alone...”

It seemed as if Fluttershy was trying to change the subject. However, Shamrock understood the context of that message. He turned to the mare and grinned slightly.

        “I know what you’re trying to say... Thanks, Fluttershy. I... feel a little better now. You know... Maybe... you are an angel yourself... an angel that became a pony.”

The yellow pegasus blushed slightly, hearing that. When she asked Shamrock to come back to the others, he wasn’t protesting. Before they left, something caught their eye; a lone griffon soldier was flying by. Knowing that he couldn’t break into the castle because of the barrier casted by the princesses, yet uncertain what he was after, they hastily went back the main wing to tell the others about it.


0413 hrs

Canterlot Castle, East Wing

Derpy was searching the east wing for her daughter. On the way, she witnessed many ponies being tendered to their injuries while others tried to comfort those who were crying, as they, too, had apparently lost a friend or someone they knew during the raid. Even when she came across Pinkie Pie, she saw that the pink pony was deeply saddened. Many of the injured or killed ponies were her friends...

Finally, the grey mare heard a loud, squealing voice calling her:

        “Mommy! Mommy, over here!”

A little unicorn filly was running toward her. Derpy ran to her as well. At last, mother and daughter were reunited. Derpy found herself crying again, but this time, her tears of sadness were mixed with those of joy.

        “Oh, Dinky... I’m so glad... you are safe... I...”

Her voice had broken down because of constant sobbing. Dinky didn’t knew what was tormenting her.

        “Mommy... why are you crying? Is something wrong?”

        “Dinky... something.... something terrible has happened.”

The little filly was staring at Derpy, visibly scared.

        “Where is... Where is auntie Carrot? Is she alright?” Dinky asked.

She remembered that she was being carried to safety by the yellow mare. She also knew that her mother used to hang around with her often, and Carrot has grown to like the little unicorn so much that she was sometimes entrusted by Derpy to look after Dinky when she was delivering mail until late hours. Carrot was always happy to accept such request. It led to Dinky calling her an “auntie.”

Derpy, faced with such a question, tried to explain what has happened to her best friend, but... she couldn’t. She couldn’t tell her daughter that she won’t be seeing her again.

        “Dinky... Carrot is... is...”

Derpy paused for a moment, trying to think of something. She sounded like she was choking.

        “She... is resting. Carrot went into a big sleep...  auntie needs to rest. But... I don’t think she will wake up soon...”

But what Derpy didn’t knew was that her daughter was beginning to understand what really happened. She heard the term “big sleep” from Cheerilee several times, when the curious fillies were asking her why some wounded ponies were not waking up... The Cutie Mark Crusaders later learned from Applejack that “big sleep” was an equivalent of “eternal rest”...

Dinky looked into Derpy’s eyes.

        “Mommy... is auntie Carrot... dead?”

Derpy was shocked to hear that... but figured that it was impossible for her to lie to her own daughter... Her eyes were already red, tired... but more bitter tears flashed in them.

        “Yes... Y-Yes... I... I-I-I couldn’t do anything... Her state was hopeless... I could only... watch as she... as she was dying... Aaaaahhhh!”

It was too much for her. Derpy hugged Dinky and kept on weeping sorely. The little filly was saddened herself, but tried to comfort the depressed pony.

        “Mommy... don’t cry... it wasn’t your fault...”

Later, though prostrated and emotionally exhausted, Derpy briefly dried her eyes and asked Dinky how she was feeling. She replied that she wasn’t afraid and had friends who were helping her this entire time. Dinky also met another young pony who was keeping her company. She hailed: “Don’t be afraid! You can come here!” before a small figure emerged from the corner of the hall.

It was a male earth pony with a white coat and dark, brown mane. His coat had grayish brown spots on his left eye and back. Derpy took a closer look at the short pony.

        “I remember you... You are Pipsqueak, are you not?”

        “Um... yes, Miss Derpy,” he responded with a placid voice.

        “Pip was watching over me while you were away, Mommy,” Dinky said with an upbeat tone. “He’s been so kind and caring...”

        “Is that so?”

Derpy looked at Pipsqueak and, though still quite sad, she managed to smile.

        “You’re a good little colt, Pip. You have my thanks.”

Pipsqueak smiled as well. But that brief jocund atmosphere withered away when Derpy asked the young pony about his parents. Pipsqueak replied that they were killed during a griffin raid on Trottingham. His voice was a little glum.

        “They couldn’t escape in time... I’ve learned about it just recently...”

        “Oh, Pip... I’m so sorry...” Derpy was shaken when she heard that.

Dinky was sympathizing with Pipsqueak; while he was making sure she would remain optimistic, he himself appeared to be very sad. The filly suddenly had a thought.

        “Mommy... We can’t leave Pip alone like this... Can he stay with us?”

That sudden question surprised both Derpy and Pipsqueak. However, after a brief moment of thinking, the grey mare wasn’t sure what to do otherwise. She hoped to bring a tiny light into Dinky’s life. Approaching the spotted pony, she said, with a gentle voice:

        “Pip... I know that I won’t be able to fill in for your family... and I don’t expect you to call me a mother, but... when the war will end... would you like to live with Dinky and me?”

        “Gosh...” Pipsqueak stammered. “I... Really? I may?”

Derpy was about to add that it was just a mere suggestion, but the young pony was joyous.

        “Yes! I want to!”

He then dammed the initial happiness a little when he said:

        “I... I really like Dinky, she... she is so nice to everypony. I wouldn’t want to see her sad.”

        “And neither would I. Besides, I think you would be a good brother for Dinky.”

        “What?” Dinky exclaimed. “I’m... I’m going to have... a brother?”

        “It certainly seems so, dear.”

Derpy made a real smile appear on her face.

The little unicorn squealed in joy as she has embraced the blond-maned mare. Dinky was so touched that she could only say: “You’re the best mommy in the whole world!” and Pipsqueak seemed happy as well.

Then, a sound of a faint sigh was heard.

        “Dang it... I’m acting all sappy again.”

        “Firefly?” Derpy asked.

Coming from behind the door, the pink flier had quickly wiped a single tear that was in her right eye and tried to keep her composure.

        “I’d hate to break up this touching reunion, but there is something I want to talk with you about, Ditzy... I mean, Derpy. One-to-one, if possible.”

        “... No, it’s alright. You can talk to me in the kids’ presence. I don’t want to have anymore secrets toward them.”

        “OK... Well... See, I think you’ve already went through a lot in this war. I may not know how you feel... or anypony, for that matter. But I know that death leaves a heartache no one can heal—Hey, wait, don’t interrupt!” she said, seeing that Derpy was trying to say something.

        “Maybe you should concentrate more on your own life... Just stay here and leave the rest to us.”

Derpy couldn’t believe her ears. Her voice was a little loud.

         “Firefly... what are you saying? Are you... Are you removing me from the team?!”

        “No,” Firefly said quickly.

        “I’m not removing anypony. But I never forced you or any other flier to follow me either. You had served your purpose and did everything you could to help us... but maybe...”

Before Firefly could say anything else, Derpy’s expression became irate. The pink mare wasn’t sure what that meant. She then heard words that she couldn’t ignore.

        “Firefly, let’s make something clear. I am NOT leaving this team! And I will not stay behind while you and the other girls will be fighting!”

        “You can leave anytime you want... It’s your call,” the blue-maned flier tried again.

        “No. I have made up my mind since you and the others helped me rescue Dinky from the griffins. I want to keep helping... so please, Firefly... don’t put me on the side lines.”

Firefly knew that Derpy has suffered greatly... yet she still had the will to keep fighting?

        "What is it that drives you?"

        “Raindrops died fighting for Equestria... Carrot Top died because she wanted to save Dinky... The least I can do to honor them... and thank them... is to carry on the fight... to end this nightmare. Besides... I promised Carrot. I’ve made a promise that I won’t die... and I will avenge her. Forgive me, Firefly... Flash. But you are stuck with me, whether you like it or not!”

        “Are you sure?” Firefly asked. “What about your daughter... and that little guy, too?”

Derpy turned her attention to Dinky, who was clinging to the mare’s left front leg. She was caressing the little filly’s mane.

        “Dinky... I’m sorry, but you will have to wait for me a little longer...”

        “It’s alright, Mommy. I won’t be alone. I’ll have Pip with me. And other ponies, too.”

        “Right... Pip?”

Derpy then motioned for the white-coated pony to come closer.

        “Can you please watch over my daughter until I come back?”

        “Of course, Miss Derpy... I mean... Mom. I promise I will be a good brother.”

Derpy smiled sincerely, saying: “I know you will” before kissing both little ponies on their cheeks.

Firefly was feeling strange inner peace as she witnessed that moment. She praised Derpy for her determination, saying:

“However you might look for the ponies on the outside... I can tell that inside you have a great and powerful heart. I’m glad to know you’re a part of our team, Derpy.”All of a sudden, Firefly’s communicator started beeping; it was Rainbow Dash, saying that someone “completely unexpected” had just entered the castle. Before the two mares left the room, Dinky turned her sight to Firefly and said timidly:

        “Um... Miss Firefly? Can I ask you something?”

Firefly chuckled, having heard another filly calling her “Miss” before replying:

        “Go ahead, little one.”

        “Please... if it’s possible, make sure everypony will come back safe and sound...”

Firefly lowered her head before Dinky and grinned.

        “Don’t worry... as long as our team will be flying in the skies, with your mom by our side, nopony is going to die needlessly. Everything will be all right.”

She then motioned Derpy to follow her. They heard Dinky and Pipsqueak wishing them good luck. A few minutes later, they arrived in the chamber where the other pegasi were located, but came to a halt when they noticed a new guest.

        “No way! What are YOU doing here?” Firefly exclaimed.

        “Greetings. I’ve come bearing important news."