//------------------------------// // One Last Trick // Story: Curtain Call // by RarityEQM //------------------------------// It's not your fault, you know? You never did anything wrong, except for letting me into your life. That day, when you proposed to me, was the most glorious day of my existence. But it should have never happened. I shouldn't have said yes. I should have told you how I really felt, and let you down as gently as possible. I should never have married you. It's not fair, you see? It's not fair for a pony like you, with so many bright and wonderful dreams, to spend their lives trying to fix a pony like me. To waste your time, trying to carry me along, convincing yourself, that if you try hard enough, love hard enough, hope hard enough, that maybe, one day, you'll be able to fix me. And we can be happy together. And life will work out. That's the type of sickness I cause in ponies, Twilight. A sort of deliriousness that can't be soothed or salved. A sort of mental break down of reality where you commit to a pony that's faulty in the most unbearable ways, but you stick it through, because that's the sort of pony you are. The sort of pony that loves unconditionally regardless of how terrible things are. Or how terrible I am. You don't deserve this, and I don't deserve you. I know you. I know you too well, sadly. You will condemn yourself to finalize the spark in my heart for you. To fix all my unfix-able problems, and staple together all of my broken dreams. To make me feel like the stars were something you dreamed up, just for me and to serve me happiness on a silver platter on Saturday morning while I was asleep in bed. You love me to much to see past my unlovable faults, and I love you too much to put you through the experience that is 'me.' I am not a good pony, Twilight. I love you. I do. I really, truly do. I love you more than any pony could ever love another, this is why I set you free. Free from me to pursue whatever goals in life you wish to. To be a doctor at Hoofvard, or the successor to a princess. A talented scientist or the world's greatest magician. Your life is an open door and I offer you the key. We will undoubtedly, be two ponies who love each other very much. We always will. I know you, and you know me. You will pour your heart out to me and do everything in your power to keep me with you and if it were anyone else, but me, that would be very noble. However, I am self centered, egotistical, brash, pushy, ill tempered and arrogant. I am not your soul mate, although you will love me like I was. And that is why this has to happen. We will undoubtedly be two ponies who love each other very much, but by the time you read this, we will be two ponies very far apart. I am not a pony where happiness can grow. A happiness that you deserve. I am not the person that can give it to you, and I only fooled myself into believing that I could. That I was worth something more than a self imposed title of "Great and Powerful." That I was worth your heart. I am not. I don't know who is but I know that I am not. I understand a great deal of sadness. I understand pity, and empathy, and suffering. I understand despair and hope, and I must ask what hope there is for me to be with a pony like you? I know you. You will move mountains for me. You will catch stars for me, and you would paint the sunset on the sky for me, if you could. If I asked you too. And that's the problem. You think I'm worthy of something I'm not. You think I'm worthy of someone I'm not. You think you know me, Maybe you do. Maybe better than I know myself. I wish I knew how to change. How to fix the jagged parts of my life. To put them together like a picture. A picture of you and me. That's what I want. But it's not something I can have. Not here. Not with you. You don't deserve to be dragged through the mud of my path. Maybe. One day. If I find out how to fix this shamble of existence I call a life ... Maybe one day we can try again. But until that day... I'm sorry Twilight. ~Trixie Twilight stared at the note as if trying to sear it with her vision. As if she could rewind the events of the day if she tried hard enough. Like her brain was rejecting the reality around her and instituting it's own. It wasn't real, of course. The letter sitting on the counter top. The cold splashing rain of a Monday morning. The empty tree. It wasn't real. It couldn't be real. Trixie was still in town, probably just out getting groceries or something. She'd come waltzing through the door any second now, and the cold ice gripping Twilight's heart would melt away into love. Any moment now. ... A dream. It had to be a dream. A nightmare. Some horrid hallucination preying on her deepest fears. She could handle a dream. She could deal with it, wake up on a sunny morning and start cooking breakfast for her lovely blue mare friend. All she had to do was wake up. Just open her eyes and pop into reality. This wasn't real. It couldn't be real. This wasn't real life. She was dreaming. She had to be dreaming. ... A prank! It had to be a prank! Some silly letter Rainbow Dash got Trixie to write and left it on the table. Any moment, they'd jump out and yell surprise and they'd all have a good laugh and things would be okay again. This wasn't real. This couldn't be real. She peered at the letter again, looking for quill-strokes that were off. Trixie had an elegant style of writing, Rainbow Dash might have tried to copy it or something. She rubbed her eyes. This wasn't real. This was clearly some prank. Why couldn't she stop crying? She rubbed her eyes again, but her vision still swam, blurred with tears. She took the letter and tore at it. Slashed it and razed it to shreds. It wasn't funny! What did she mean she set Twilight free? This couldn't be happening! This wasn't happening!! Why was this happening?!! "TRIXIE!?!" Twilight cried out, her voice a forced, choked shriek of desperation. There was no response from the tree. No boisterous scream of a reply. No haughty whine of annoyance. No arrogant curse of concentration ruined. No voices. No nothing. No, no, no, no, no, no, NO!! Twilight threw the door open and peered out into the cold uncaring rain. Ponyville. Even in the rain, it was bustling. Filled with life. Ponies scampered here and there, darting under umbrellas to get out from underneath the rain. and even though the town was filled with life, Twilight Sparkle never felt so alone.