//------------------------------// // [3-6] … // Story: Seattle Seapony // by dNihil //------------------------------// Cala's legs wobbled as she slowly climbed up the flight of stairs. She had just ate lunch with Willy and Renée, and Peyton had been in their room for the later part of the morning. She was starting to wonder what her friend was doing, and now with nothing else to do, she slowly made her way upstairs to check on her. She collapsed at the top, breathing heavily. These new legs were terrible. She tried to imitate the way the others moved around now, but she found it was much harder for her to get around like that. Instead of walking, she ended up crawling across the floor to get down the hallway. It almost felt just like ‘old times’. She opened the door and looked into her room. ... Oh that's. Uh. ... What? Cala saw Peyton looking down over her own belly at her sitting in the doorway. Green eyes sparkled with mischief. “I've been waiting for you,” Peyton whispered. Cala started shaking. What. What was she doing with the pink toy? “Come over here.” Cala crawled across the floor toward the bed. The whole time her own eye was locked with Peyton's green ones, and she couldn't look away. She was next to the bed. Peyton had turned over, reaching over the edge and pulling Cala up on top. Cala found herself lying on her back, looking up at her friend. Peyton was rubbing Cala's belly. “I've noticed you're a bit bloated down here. It's almost as if...” Cala could no longer hear her friends words as she felt something in her body. It was what she felt last night. It was what she had felt every night, lying in bed. That strangely alien feeling. It was amplified now, pushing way past what she had felt before. It felt good to her, but... It's the wrong time. It's the wrong place. It's the wrong other. She mentally screamed. What what what! She only refocused long enough to catch the last comprehensible phrase that Peyton would utter. “I've never seen something like this before!” She was staring at Cala's crotch. ❗ ?‽?‽? Peyton ate roe. ⤹ ⤸ ⤹ ⤸ Cala sobbed. “Cala?” She cried. “Cala, you... you didn't enjoy that?” Cry cry sob, she. ... “No...” She cried and cried. “Fuck! What have I done?!” Cala kept crying and crying, despite Peyton's best efforts to comfort her. ⤞ Cala lay on her back, staring up at the ceiling. Her eye was glazed over. She had run out of tears to shed. Beside her, Peyton had snuggled up to her side. Her dark face was stuck in an eternal grimace, and she desperately clung to her lost lover as if it was a corpse that she hadn't wanted to let leave the land of the living. Cala wasn't dead. At least, in her own mind, she was aware of the fact that her body still functioned. But that was all. She couldn't bring herself to move a single muscle. She couldn't find the will to turn to her friend and tell her that she wasn't sad. She wasn't. Just lost. She felt lost and confused as she stared up at the ceiling, trying to comprehend the loss of her own virginity and why the whole thing felt so wrong. Suddenly, the ceiling was no longer there. Cala didn't see it anymore because what instead filled her vision was green. It was the bad green. She loved the pure green that she saw in her friend's beautiful mane. A bright green. An emerald green. This green was raw. It was pale. She had referred to it as ‘aquamarine’, but now she found that word didn't hold enough of a negative feel to it. This green was rabid, gross. This green was feral. She stared into the feral gold eyes of the unicorn in front of her eye. As Harper glared at her, she almost felt guilty for what just happened to her. Harper's glare was vindictive, and it turned Cala's mind around. Suddenly, Cala found that she couldn't stop thinking the old thought that haunted her. This is retribution for having rent the aegis null. This is retribution for having rent the aegis null. This is... —Peyton cracked open her eyes and leaned up to look into her friend's again. It looked so hollow. So ghostly. So dead. Despite Cala having gone completely still a while ago, Peyton knew that there was still a spark of life in there, no matter how small. She put her hoof on Cala's chest and felt the last bits of movement in her friend. It moved up and down slowly as it pulled in the barest of breaths. It thumped slowly as the cold heart beat a slow rhythm. Peyton felt a tear form in her eye. “Cala...” Cala's eye suddenly moved. It blinked, then focused on Peyton. Her face tensed, eyebrows furrowing. Her horn glowed. Peyton gasped. She looked up at the horn she had on her own forehead. It had never glowed like that! In fact, it was so invisible that it was hardly even noteworthy to her. She stared at the gold glow on Cala's horn. It almost matched Cala's eye, but it was a darker shade of orange. It... didn't fit there. It wasn't supposed to be. She reached over and whacked it. Cala's horn rattled. She looked away from Peyton and focused her dull eye on her own forehead. That glow fizzled out, and suddenly her horn emitted a green mist. Cala took a slow, rasping breath, then started coughing. Her eye clenched shut in her coughing fit, and when it was over she opened it up again. In it, Peyton saw that its usual lively glossiness had returned. But Cala stared up at the mist flowing out of her horn. It was deathly familiar. It floated up above her head, looming like an evil presence. The mist congealed and I formed a mote of golden light. Cala looked mortified. Peyton shrieked as I turned and focused on her. That one would be mine. I dove at her, but she was quick. She reached behind her, grabbing the nearest thing and holding it up in front of her to block me. It worked. The mote of light hit the radio. With a flash of light, it was all over. I became one with the new object that would house Lyra's soul. ⥲