//------------------------------// // Father's Day Chapter // Story: The Cosmic King // by Theyellowninja13 //------------------------------// It was Father's Day, and ponies across the world were spending the day with their fathers. From Rainbow and Fluttershy heading up to Cloudsdale, to Princess Twilight visiting her parents in Canterlot. The Apples even visited their parents' graves, and even the Princesses of the Sun and Moon looked up at the stars, talking to their parents. Stores were sold out of cheesy cups with dad jokes on them, and everypony was happy, even if they lost their fathers. Well, while everypony was happy. Everyone wasn't. Connor, the Cosmic King, defender and ruler of the multiverse was sitting in a chair in his house just working on his arm. He sighed, as he put the screwdriver away, before putting his head in his hands, being careful to not mess up his missing eye, which was replaced with a metal attachment. "Everyone's spending time with their parents, and I'm about the only one in this world who's father doesn't exist." Connor heard familiar laughing, and started to smile, as his best friend snapped into view. "Why Connor, what's got you so down?" Discord asked, sitting in the chair opposite of Connor. "You know what's got me down Discord. I have no real family here, besides you and Murphy. I could always go back to Earth, but I'm not related to my family anymore!" Connor stood up, and walked to his kitchen, heading to grab a soda. Discord reappeared in front of him. "Weren't you raised by Slenderman?" Connor nodded, as he opened his fridge and grabbed a soda, and a slice of pie, gobbling down the pie, feeling the familiar surge of power that comes from him eating his favorite food. "Well, it wasn't exactly me, but the Creepypasta Connor was turned into a baby when he got sent to that universe, and was raised by Slendy. But he doesn't exist in this universe, and that would be awkward seeing that Connor again. All this universe has is Slendermane." Connor shivered. Discord looked sad for a second, not liking how his best friend is depressed. Well, more depressed than usual. Losing your arm, hand, eye, leg, lung, wings, race, childhood, and gaining the powers of gods can make a person rather depressed. Even though he now has 100% control of his powers compared to the measly .1% control he had when he first arrived, up until the point where he beat the Universe Lord. "How do you know Slenderman isn't in this universe?" "I haven't seen him on... the... planet..." Connor realized what he forgot, before a smile appeared on his face. "I've only checked this planet! He must exist on this universe's Earth!" With a flash, Connor rushed out of his house, before launching himself into the air, and breaking the atmosphere of the planet in less than a second, before entering Hyper Light, and arriving above Earth in less than a second. He quickly slowed down, falling through the atmosphere of Earth, before landing perfectly on a small hill outside of Hollywood. "Sir! The radar detected something!" A soldier cried out to his superior, who quickly came over. "What is it Johnson?!" The captain asked, as he leaned over to see the radar screen. "It's a... I don't know. But it was flying fast. Mach ten!" The captain sputtered. "Mach ten?! Is it Chinese?! One of them darn red's?!" "I don't know, but it just landed outside of Hollywood! What do we do?!" "Call the general! Alert the President! Get me a coffee! I want that object found and captured!" Soldiers began scrambling, trying to fulfill the orders. "The government is totally going to go after me. They would have totally detected my flying, and judging from the buildings, I'm going to assume it's around 2035. The world will be getting ready for World War Three against the Chinese communists." I clenched my fists, the very thought of communism bringing up bad memories. "Calm down Connor. This kind of communism isn't the same. These aren't the communists that tried to take over the multiverse." I started walking towards Hollywood, needing to get some info if Slendy is believed in on this planet. When I entered the town, I noticed I was getting strange stares from the humans, as I probably looked as alien as I am. Ignoring them, I kept on walking, looking for a library, before I heard shouting coming from behind me. I quickly turned around to see a man quickly running away from a yelling woman, and the man was carrying a purse, and a pistol. Frowning, I noticed that no one was doing anything, and I stayed standing in the way of the thief, as he almost ran into me, before quickly stopping, and pointing the gun at me. "You's better git outta my way, freak! If you's knows whats good fer ya." I just chuckled. "Aww, that's cute." I held out my hand. "Now, give me the purse." The thief laughed. "What's ya going to do if I's don't? Fire a laser at me?" "Don't tempt me. Now, hand over the purse." The thief stopped laughing, and got a step closer with his pistol, the gun now a few feet from my face. "I's said, git outta my way, freak!" "And I said, hand over the purse." "That's it! You's asked fer it!" He fired the gun at my head, but was surprised when I caught the bullet in midair. "Wow, you're as stupid as you look and sound. Don't you see my arm or my eye? I have faster reflexes. I can easily catch a bullet." The science should be true at this point in time, as prosthetics are being made that can act much faster than a normal human. I dropped the bullet on the ground. "Now, do you want to hand over the purse?" "What's are's ya?!" He screamed, as he unloaded the entire gun at me, but I caught all of the bullets, Dragon Ball Z style. I dropped those bullets on the ground. "I gave you four chances. Now you're out of them." Faster than he could blink, I decked him in the schnoz, breaking his nose, and knocking him out, before I caught him by his shirt, and grabbed the purse and the gun off of him. "I'm going to have to get you to the police." I heard some panting, and I looked up to see the woman was cautiously walking up to me, and a smile appeared on my face. "I believe this is yours." I said, handing her the purse. "Thank you! Thank you so much! My purse has the last pictures of my dead sister, and if he stole them, I'd have nothing left to remember my sister by." She was crying at this point, and I felt good about myself. I broke apart the gun, and dropped it on the thief's body, before remembering why I'm here. "Can you call the police? I got somewhere I need to be." I said with a small tone of urgency, and she nodded, pulling out her phone, and calling 911, as I turned around, and walked at a faster pace. Hearing some commotion, I turned my head to see people were recording me do that, and they all looked shocked, as their cameras followed me as I walked. Frowning, I unleashed a small burst of power, hidden to the human eye that caused their phones to go to static, so they'll stop recording. Smiling to myself, I picked up the pace even more, before eventually finding a library. I entered the library, and walked over to the librarian. "Excuse me?" I asked, noticing the librarian was reading a book. The librarian looked up, before responding. "Yes? Can I help you?" He only seemed slightly disturbed by my robotic eye. "I'm looking for books on urban myths? Can you help me?" I asked, making sure not to speak in a creepy tone. The librarian's eyes lit up. "Oh, yes. They should be over there, in that section." He pointed me to a bunch of shelves with books on them. "Thank you." I said with a nod, as I walked over and started rapidly skimming through the books. Well, that's what people would think if they saw what I was doing. I was actually reading every word on each page, and putting them in my memory. Eventually, I found a book called Creepy Myths and Legends. Feeling good about it, I pulled it off the shelf. "Let's see here." I whispered to myself. "Rake, BEN, Masky, Hoodie, Jack, Illuminati... Forgot that fell out of style two decades back, good Spongebob episodes, Slenderman. There it is." I quickly read through the stuff about Slendy, laughing at a lot of the false facts, before closing the book, and putting it back. 'I guess Slendy's in this world. Now I just got to find him. Hopefully, he'll be in the usual forest.' I suddenly heard some rather loud voice with authority talking to the librarian. "We have reason to believe that a man of about 40 entered this establishment, and we need to bring him in for questioning. He has a metal prosthetics for an arm and an eye, and has a giant scar across his face." 'HEY! I am not freakin' forty! I'm 32!' Sighing, I realized I needed to escape, not wanting to be caught by the government. "Yes. I pointed him to over there. I knew he looked evil! Anyone with a metal eye has to be evil!" 'And there's racism against cyborgs? I was hoping this wasn't one of those worlds, but nope, hope you enjoy your nuclear fallout! And it's not even the good kind.of nuclear war. They don't even try to explore space yet.' I started to sneak away, before I heard a soldier yell. "I found him, sir!" The soldier was wearing some kind of armor, and was pointing an assault rifle at me. Hearing more footsteps, I turned my head to see I was surrounded. A guy with an eyepatch and a bushy beard with greying hairs, and a scar across his face walked past his soldiers, and over to me. "Looks like we finally found you." 'Oh man, he's THAT kind of guy? The whole, 'I'm so gruff and tough. I eat nails for breakfast, and never even heard of milk. Want to fight zombies with your bare hands with me?' Plus he looked like that eyepatch Griffon from CFTDP. "Why are you looking for me? I haven't done anything wrong, and being a cyborg isn't against the law." I asked, getting ready for a fight. "That's classified info. All you need to know is that you need to come with us." "I take it I don't have a choice?" "You can come peacefully, or you don't." I looked around, not wanting to let anyone get hurt, before figuring out my 78th escape plan. "How about I go about my business, and not tell anyone about this, so you don't get in trouble for the baseless capture of an innocent American." "How about you stop talking?" I sighed. "How about I continue talking? I'm not going with you. No matter how much you think yourself worthy of entering the Salty Spitoon." I noticed a lot of people looked confused at that. "I guess we'll have to do this the hard way then." I noticed him look to something right behind me, and tilted my neck in time for a soldier to try and jab some needle into it. When they were done, and removed the needle, I smacked my lips together, tasting the tranquilizer. "Not bad. A weak substance. But you can do better." I said with a smile, as the soldiers all backed up in fear and and surprise at how I wasn't affected. "How?" Eyepatch asked. "That would have knocked out someone twice as big as you." "How I wasn't affected by your weak drug? One, it was weak. Two, I immediately used nanobots to remove the effectiveness of it. Now if you'll excuse me, I have places to be." I started to walk past Eyepatch, but was grabbed by my neck by him. "You're not going anywhere, unless it's with us." I sighed. "Please remove your hand from my neck." "Make me." He said, as he started to move. Smiling, I tilted my head as quick as possible, until a loud crack was heard, as my neck snapped. He quickly let go of my neck in surprise, and my paralyzed body started to fall to the floor. I gave a big smile to him. "HELP! POLICE BRUTALITY!" He grimaced, before moving to pick up my body, making sure to stay clear of my neck. But before he could grab me, my neck snapped back in place, and I shot up, before running past him and his soldiers, and running to some stairs that lead to the roof. I quickly got to the roof, before running and jumping onto another building's roof. I did this for a while, people taking videos of me doing this, while the soldiers couldn't even keep up. Eventually, I heard a familiar sound, and turned to face a helicopter pointing guns at me. "STAND DOWN OR WE'LL BE FORCE TO SHOOT!" "You're never forced to shoot! You just like doing it!" I yelled back, before continuing to run, and I heard guns revving up. I felt bullets hitting the ground near me, as I expertly dodged each one. Eventually, I heard something screaming through the air, and turned my head to see a missile coming straight for me. Smiling, I turned around, and kicked the missile up into the air, where it blew up harmlessly. "SPARE!" I yelled, knowing that what I did was something to do with volleyball, as the thingy used in volleyball is kicked into things on the ground. I know nothing of sports. I turned back around, briefly noticing the shocked faces of the helicopter people, before starting to run again. I eventually came to the edge of some buildings, and jumped into a forest. After running for a few minutes, I heard a loud voice speak up. "LISTEN WHOEVER YOU ARE! THAT FOREST IS SURROUNDED BY SOLDIERS AND TANKS ON ALL SIDES, AND WE HAVE NAPALM AT THE READY. IF YOU DO NOT COME OUT OF THE FOREST IN FIVE MINUTES, WE WILL BURN IT TO THE GROUND." 'Wow Government, burn down an entire forest, just for me?' I sighed, not wanting a forest to be destroyed. Crouching down, I then jumped higher than the entire forest, seeing several helicopters and tanks surrounding the forest. Making sure they can see me, I made a big flash, as I started flying, before breaking mach two flying forward, trying to lose them. I flew alone for a few seconds, before fighter jets start catching up, and firing at me. I looked back at them and smiled, before flying forward at mach twenty, causing me to quickly lose the jets. Eventually I arrived at the usual forest the Slendy lives in, noticing how it's getting dark and fog is setting in. I landed in the forest, and quickly ran through the forest. Eventually, I slowed down, and admired the scenery. The forest was filled with dark trees covered by fog with several high branches, making it a perfect place for Slendy to harm any abusive adults, because with his tendrils, he can look like one of the trees. Oh, perhaps I should explain that. Slenderman is actually a protector of children, and his victim are only people who are abusive to children. Finally, I arrived at the alternate version of my adopted father's house. It looked close to a creepy run down mansion, but it actually wasn't. It just had that illusion to it. Walking up to the door, I knocked on it, and only waited a second or two until the door opened. Standing at the door was one of the only people I know that is taller than me. While I stand at around seven feet, the person in front of me was closer to nine. He wore a suit of black, and where his face should have been, was something close to thin white cloth. "Connor? What are you doing here?" Slenderman asked. "Well... it's Father's Day, and I thought I should pay you a visit." I said nervously, glad that all the true Slendermen from across the multiverse have a mental link, which would allow this Slenderman to know me. Then, he surprised me by pulling me into a hug. "Well, I'm glad you came. There's something interesting on the news too, you might want to look at that." He pulled away from the hug, and allowed me to walk into the house. I smiled slightly, glad the house still looked the same. I followed Slendy to the living room, where the TV was on, showing a familiar sight. I sighed, as the TV was talking about a strange figure running across the roofs of buildings in Hollywood, before it went into a forest, and showed the government's threats. I could almost hear Slenderman realize what this was talking about. He turned to me, and I could tell he was angry. "Look Dad, I can explain!" "Then you better get started! Why are you being chased by the government!" I flinched under his gaze. "The government thought I was probably a Chinese communist, and needed to bring me in illegally as possible. Plus, people can be really racist against cyborgs." I said with a shrug. Slendy sighed. "Well, I'm glad that you're okay. But don't do stuff like this again. You could have been captured!" "Don't worry Dad. Nothing they can make at this point in time could kill me. Sure, they could put a lucky bullet through my head, and take my body and contain it. But what are the odds of them forcibly giving me eggs after realizing that I'm alive?" I reach behind my back, and pulled something out of my pocket universe. "Also, I got a gift for you." I handed him the box, and he grabbed it, before opening it with his tendrils. When he opened it, he pulled out a tall bloody coat, big enough to hold him. "Is this...?" He asked, shocked. I nodded. "Yep. I made it from the bodies of dead pedophiles and child abusers. There's even a bit of a serial killer who uses empty animatronics to disguise himself, and kill children, in there. I made it with you in mind!" Slendy was smiling, as he put it back in the box, and grabbed me in another hug. "I love it. I know how hard it must have been for you to make it." "Killing people is easy. The hardest part was dealing with the anger against Purple Guy. That guy gives people who use purple a bad name. I enjoyed ripping him apart limb from limb." I said with a smile on my face. "The dead children contributed as well." "Well, I'm glad to see you enjoyed doing it, and I'm glad you visited me, but don't you think you should leave before the government finds out you are? I can only static so much." My face turned depressed again. "Yeah, I should get going. Maybe you could visit my world sometime? All we got is some knock-off of you on our planet, and not even a good knock-off. Maybe we could hunt it together?" Slendy smiled and nodded, which caused me to smile, before I rushed out the door. "Bye Dad!" I quickly ran back through the forest, before being almost blinding by a bunch of lights that shined in my face at the same time, and I noticed something rising up, trapping me. My eyes quickly adjusted, and I noticed I was surrounded by a bunch of soldiers, only this time they had much more advanced weaponry. Hover jets, energy fields, and energy rifles. "We finally caught you communist!" A voice yelled out, as I noticed the weak energy field around me. It might be strong enough to stop a missile or something, but not me. "Please. I'm hardly a communist. I've killed plenty. And besides, you don't have me yet." With a single flick of my finger, the energy field shattered, and I started floating into the air. They all started shooting at me, but I created my own energy field to disintegrate the bullets. "Will you please stop attacking me!" They didn't. I sighed, and snapped my fingers, causing all their weapons to fail. "Do you humans have any idea who I am!" To prove my point, I threw a coin I have that gives me unlimited access to anything in the US for this universe. "You've been preforming illegal acts by trying to capture me, a person who is above you all in rank. So, I'm sorry, but you all have to lose your jobs and get put in prison." I snapped my fingers again, and the soldiers all started glowing, before being teleported with a special note to the people who will take care of the problem for me. The Cosmic division on Earth. They deal with anything any Cosmic Being does on planet, from hiding them from history, or arresting those who preform crimes. "Well, time to head back home." I said with a smile, as I quickly flew past the atmosphere, and arrived in Equestria in less than a second. I landed on the ground near my house, before walking in. "Interesting Father's Day."