//------------------------------// // The Twins Who Loved Me (Flitter/Cloudchaser) // Story: The Snuggle Conspiracy // by CategoricalGrant //------------------------------// You had returned to Ponyville quite late from the Wonderbolts base. Feeling in no mood to sleep, you decide to take a quick trot around town. There was only a few hours remaining until dawn, and if you couldn’t get to sleep, you might as well go out for a walk. The air was crisp and cool, and the town of Ponyville exuded a most wondrous serenity at this hour, lulling you into euphoria. You were so caught up in the nighttime peace that you almost walked right by a duo of flashing police lights outside of a familiar house. You started when the realization came to you that this was the house of Flitter and Cloudchaser, twin sisters that you had spent a fair deal of time around. While you certainly didn’t know them as well as Thunderlane or Rain Drops, they were still your friends, and your heart was gripped with fear for them. You raced into the house and to the living room, where you were relieved to see the twins slightly bruised, but okay. A royal guard sat conducting an interview while a few police ponies roamed about, stepping over broken plates and trampled foodstuffs looking for clues. “Would anyone want to hurt you two? Do you have any special influence?” Flitter, identifiable by her adorable bow, looked to be on the brink of tears and hysteria, and so Cloudchaser answered the question, albeit shakily. “N-no…I…We aren’t special. Why would anypony do this? I mean… we’re both on the Ponyville Weather Team, and I chaperone Filly Scout trips… Does that count?” The royal guard, face worn from years of experience dealing with terrible answers to questions, remained emotionless, although he took time for an especially long blink. You decided now was a good time to announce your presence. “Flitter! Cloudchaser! Are you two okay?” The royal guard started and looked toward you, but relaxed when it became clear that you weren’t a threat. Flitter dashed toward you, enveloping you in a hug and crying into your shoulder. “S-Somepony broke in! A big, mean earth pony! He b-b-broke our things and h-hurt me by throwing something at me!” Flitter sobbed, holding on to you. The royal guard evidently had what he needed, and so he stood up. He made eye contact with you. “I have what I need. Can you make sure these two get settled tonight?” You nod. He turns his attention to Cloudchaser. “We’ll be in touch about the investigation,” he says, before trotting out with the police ponies in tow. You mentally note how strange it is for a royal guard to be in charge of a nighttime investigation that would usually be handled by one of Ponyville’s detectives or Luna’s bat pony guard, but shrug it off. You were no police officer, after all. Meanwhile, Flitter is still holding on to you, and Cloudchaser runs over and hugs you too. You console them and tell them to sit on the couch while you fix things up. Whoever this pony was, he was very bad at his job as a criminal. You had cleaned up the debris on the floor and taped cardboard over the broken window within five minutes, and noticed that only a few small things had been stolen. You bring a few cups of tea over to the twins. They thank you timidly, dried tears staining their faces, and began drinking. “Are you two doing alright?” You ask. They nod. “Okay,” you gently reply, standing up. “I’m going to head ho-“ “No!” Flitter cries. “We need you here! What will happen to us if he comes back!?” You blink. Cloudchaser continues, “Please! Stay and protect us!” While you really should be going, your heart tells you that you need to help out all of your friends in need, especially ones as cute as these two. “Ugh... Alright, I’ll stay here tonight. Let me just go ‘secure the perimeter’. I’ll be right back.” Flitter timidly giggles and gives you a mock salute. After going around and locking all of the doors, you pick up three blankets from the hallway closet, as well as a candle from the foyer. Bringing the supplies back to the main room, you sit on the couch with the twins, distribute the blankets, and light the candle, placing it on the coffee table. You all sit in silence for what feels like an hour. Suddenly Flitter wraps her forelegs around your right hoof. “Th…Thanks for staying with us,” she squeaks out. She then nuzzles into your arm. “Y-Yeah, thanks a lot. I-I’m n-n-not scared or anything, but I feel better with you here,” Cloudchaser adds, placing her head on your shoulder. Your mind freezes. Were you getting double snuggles? The most fabled and epic of all of the cuddling scenarios? You gently bring each of your forehooves around the twins, and they both snuggle closer to you, extending their wings about you too. Yep, you were getting double snuggled. This was epic. And warm… really, really… warm. You feel the fuzziness on both sides of you and smile as you drift off to sleep.