Cheerilee's Destiny

by David Silver

Eyes Front, Class

Cheerilee clopped a hoof against the ground. "Eyes to the front. Snip, Snails, whatever you're discussing can wait until after the class, hmm?" It hadn't been a good day. The coming warmth of summer seemed to be drawing the attention of her students everywhere but her. Cheerilee pointed to the green chalkboard beside her. "Can anypony tell me about the other planets in our solar system?"

To her surprise, a hoof went up quickly. She pointed at Twist. "Yes, Twist?"

Twist smiled brightly as she put her hooves on her desk and sat up. She looked so proud, it was just a shame just about every name she said was wrong. Cheerilee forced a smile. "Excellent attempt, but let's go over it one more time." She tapped the board with a pointer and got to writing even as the class groaned in unison.

Halfway through her sketch, she felt something small and wet slap against her flank. Years of experience told her it was a spit ball. "Whoever did that had best put that away or they won't be getting it back, ever, and we'll spend twice as long going over all this after class." Her tone had a bit more acid than she intended and she dialed it back a notch. "Now then..."

Eventually class was over, and the fillies and colts dashed out of the school to their homes, or just to play. Cheerilee sank onto her haunches with a weary sigh, taking a few slow breaths before she rose to leave, only to spy a strange new pony in the doorway.

"Rough day?" asked Starlight Glimmer as she approached slowly. "They looked like they were hardly paying attention."

Cheerilee waved a hoof. "Oh don't be melodramatic. They're just excitable. Just before summer's the worst time of year."

Starlight snorted softly. "None of that explains the disrespect they showed. How do you put up with it for so long? You obviously try so hard, just to be spurned."

Cheerilee's smile wavered a little. "They're just foals. You can't expect them to be perfect angels everyday. Besides, it's my destiny." She pointed at her flank, where the three smiling flowers rested. "It's my job to teach them and help them grow."

Starlight sat on her haunches, facing Cheerilee. "But it doesn't have to be, if you don't want it to be."

Cheerilee tilted her head with some confusion. "Come again? Destinies are forever."

Starlight made an erasing motion with her hoof in a slow circle. "We can scrub that cutie mark away, and let you be what you really want to be, away from screaming foals that don't pay attention to you. You deserve to be in front of an appreciative audience. For instance, what if you taught college instead?"

Cheerilee shook her head quickly. "You're talking nonsense, besides, the foals love me."

Starlight's horn glowed as she plucked the spitball off Cheerilee's backside. "They have an interesting way of showing it. Tell me, do you have a hobby?"

Cheerilee looked derailed by the new question and tapped at her chin thoughtfully. "Well, I have a little garden, and I sing in the shower."

Starlight rolled her eyes at the half-hearted hobbies. "You've become lost in your 'destiny'. You should take a break, learn what it means to be 'you' when 'you' are not hiding behind that cutie mark."

Cheerilee frowned at Starlight. "Then who would teach the children? I can't take a break now!"

Starlight smiled confidently. "You just said this is the worst time of year, and they're off afterwards. They will lose almost nothing if you take an early vacation. It doesn't hurt, and we can put it back afterwards."

Cheerilee raised a hoof, then frowned. "But how would you even do that? Cutie marks are a part of a pony. You can't just peel it off like a sticker."

"Actually." Starlight sat up. "That would be exactly what I'd do. It's my talent, and one I've refined. You deserve a break from this drudgery. Even Twilight Sparkle's tried it once, even if she did decide to go back to having her mark afterwards."

Cheerilee perked up at the mention of Twilight. "She did? Well... I suppose I could try it... But I shouldn't! I can't! I like teaching them. I know it looks awful from the outside, but every class comes back afterwards, with rewarding adult lives, and they're so thankful I stuck with them. I can't just give that up."

Starlight tilted her head. "Why not? They can find another teacher, couldn't they? Some other poor soul to slave away in front of them."

Cheerilee's scowl was quick in forming. "I am not a slave. The foals love me, and I love them. I know sometimes it's hard to see, from either side, but they do, and they need me, and I need them. I will make my flowers grow, be they foals or my little garden."

Starlight rose to her hooves. "That's quite a pity, but I won't force you." A card lifted from a pouch and floated over to the schoolteacher, settling on her desk. "Call me if you change your mind, and I can free you from all of this, should you desire."

Cheerilee watched as Starlight walked out the door at a sedate pace, and saw her walk past the window outside, going off to wherever she needed to be. Cheerilee let out a soft sigh. "Imagine, abandoning all the foals of Ponyville." She moved for her seat and sat down to the ripe noise of flatulence erupting from under her. A glance revealed the presence of a whoopie cushion, and she rolled her eyes.