//------------------------------// // Trouble in the Making // Story: Equestria Ninja Girls // by Wildcard25 //------------------------------// The next morning, the girls were up and about getting themselves ready before they would meet up with April and Casey before heading back into the sewer to see the Turtles. As Twilight was straightening her hair out, she looked down at Spike. "Oh, Spike, I hope I'm doing the right thing by letting them know why we really came here." "Twilight, if you kept this to yourself you'll only put Leo and the rest of the turtles in danger," Spike explained, "I don't know when this vision of yours will happen, but as long as we're all together we can face anything thrown at us, right?" Twilight smiled and scratched behind her assistant's ears, "You always know what to say, Spike." "That's what I'm here for." Spike answered, as he enjoyed the ear scratches. After the girls were gathered together, they exited the hotel and saw April and Casey were already waiting for them. "Morning, girls." April greeted them. "Morning, Casey, April." Twilight greeted them. "You girls ready to go?" Casey asked. "You betcha." Pinkie nodded. "Then come on." April said, as the group hurried off. As they started walking, they were unaware that the Dazzlings were watching them, and were determined to find out where they'd go. As the trio trailed the group, they made sure to keep their distance and not lose the trail. They peeked around a corner before watching the Rainbooms and their two new friends go down into the sewer before closing the lid. "All right, come on," Adagio said, as they went to the same sewer lid, "Let's go." "You're serious about going down into the sewer?" Aria asked, "Adagio, this is disgusting." Adagio growled at her fellow siren's attitude, "We don't have time for this, Aria. Now come on or we'll lose them." "Maybe we should've worn different clothes before going down into the sewer." Sonata suggested. Adagio was at her wits end, "Will you hurry up!" she opened the lid, and they climbed down. When they reached the bottom, Aria plugged her nose, "Smells worse than Sonata's feet." "Hey, my feet don't smell!" Sonata argued, "Besides have you smelt yours lately?" The two started slapping each others hands pitifully, until Adagio growled, "Knock it off and follow me!" "Do you even know where to go?" Aria asked. "They can't have gone far." Adagio said, as she led her fellow sirens through the sewer system. Meanwhile the Rainbooms and their friends who already arrived at the Turtles lair saw the Turtles were no where to be seen. "Where are they?" Applejack asked. "Probably getting in their morning training." Casey answered. "Come on, but try and keep quiet." April whispered, as they went to the training hall. They peaked in and saw the turtles were indeed in the middle of training with Splinter watching. The girls and Spike watched looking fascinated on how each of the turtles trained for combat, from Donnie's analyzing, Mikey's improvisation, Leo's quick thinking, and Raph's act before thinking strategy. After witnessing their fight against the Foot Bots last night, they knew the turtles were stronger than they looked. In the end Leo was the last one standing even if Raph was willing to go insane just to beat his brother. "Yamea!" Splinter announced, as the turtles training was done. The sliding door opened, as the group stepped in, "That was a wonderful display." Rarity said in awe. "You guys looked awesome." Rainbow added. "You saw that?" Donnie asked. "Sure did." Pinkie nodded. "Well, sorry ya had to see Raph blow his top." Mikey joked, only to get smacked on the back of the head by Raph. "So what's up?" Leo asked. "Actually, Leo, there's something I need to talk about with you and your brothers." Twilight began. "What is it?" Leo wondered. Twilight looked nervous, "It's really kind of hard to say." "Perhaps you should start at the beginning." Splinter suggested. "Ok. The real reason Spike and I came back to this world is because of the Turtles." Twilight explained. "Because of us?" Donnie asked. "What do you mean?" Mikey inquired. "You see I sort of saw Leo in a dream I had." "You saw me in a dream?" Leo asked feeling a bit flustered. "Hah!" Raph called, "I was right!" "Right about what?" Sunset asked in confusion. "Twilight has..." Raph was cut off by Leo who shoved him aside. "It's nothing. So you saw me in a dream Twilight?" "Yes, but I think it was really a vision." "A vision?" Casey asked. "Yes, I was with Leo and he was defending me, then this strange guy showed up." "Who?" Raph asked. "He was decked out in armor covered in blades." The turtles gasped, "Shredder!" "Shredder?" the Rainbooms asked. "Couldn't be anybody else." Leo replied. "Yeah, I mean who else wears bladed armor?" Raph asked sarcastically, but Mikey was willing to answered, only for Raph to stop him, "Sarcasm, Mikey." "Who is this Shredder?" Applejack asked. "And why was his robot ninjas attacking you guys last night?" Spike asked. The turtles and two humans turned to Splinter who sighed, "That is another part of my story I have not told you." "Well, we're listening now." Sunset said. Splinter began, "The Shredder is in fact my old friend turned rival, Oroku Saki." "What?" the girls gasped. "The same man who killed your wife and took your daughter?" Rarity asked. "Yes. But Oroku Saki wasn't always like this. He really was once my friend." Splinter explained. "So how did someone who was once your friend turn into a villain?" Pinkie asked, while Sunset being an expert on going bad knew it wasn't going to be pretty. "Was it merely all because of your wife?" Rarity wondered. Splinter shook his head, "This was due to more than just our rivalry over Tang Shen. The bitter feud between both Hamato and Foot clans lasted for centuries. Oroku Saki was the son of the enemy, but he was just a child when the Foot clan fell. My father took him in and gave him shelter. The both of us were raised as brothers and rivals in all things as brothers are. Unfortunately, our rivalry turned bitter when we met Tang Shen. Jealousy turned to anger when Saki learned of his true heritage. He swore vengeance and rebuilt the Foot Clan taking on the name of Shredder. And you know what he did next." Leo spoke, "When he discovered Splinter was alive and in New York he came all this way to find him. Since then we've had a lot of confrontations with him, more dangerous after the other." "What else did you see in this vision, Twilight?" Splinter wondered. "Yeah what was Shredder doing?" Donnie asked. "He didn't do much, but he wasn't alone, he had two mutants of his own with him, but the real issue is he had enemies of our own with him." Twilight answered. "Your own enemies?" Leo asked. "Who were they?" April asked. "A trio of girls known as the Dazzlings." Sunset answered. "Dazzlings?" Mikey asked, "Doesn't sound like an evil group to me." "You'd be surprised, Mikey." Applejack replied. "The truth is the Dazzlings aren't from this world at all." Twilight explained. "More ponies?" Casey guessed. "No, they're sirens." The princess answered. "Sirens?" the Turtles asked. "You mean the creatures who use their melodious voices to lure sailors to their doom?" April asked. "Sort of, but the sirens in our world are different." Twilight answered. "What do you mean?" Donnie asked. Twilight explained, "Over a thousand years ago in Equestria, the sirens roamed Equestria spreading disharmony among ponies with their singing. They fed off the ponies' negative energies to make their voices and magic more powerful with the intention of conquering Equestria. They were banished by Star Swirl the Bearded to this world, where he surmised they would do no harm since there would be no magic here." "I'm going out on a limb and say that plan backfired in a way." Raph guessed. "Yes, and I'm the one that caused it when I brought Twilight's crown to this world." Sunset said in shame. "Ooh another story!" Mikey cheered, as he got comfortable. So the Rainbooms told them the story about the uncensored version of the Battle of the Bands contest that they hadn't told April and Casey. When they were finished, the turtles, April, Casey, and Splinter looked concerned, "Dude, that was hardcore." Mikey said in shock. "I know, and somehow the Dazzlings have gained the magic back and will be in cahoots with your enemies." Twilight spoke. "You don't think that's already happened yet. Do you, sensei?" Leo asked. "I cannot be sure, but if these events are true, then I fear the city may be in for trouble around the corner." Splinter spoke, as the group were concerned. Back with the Dazzlings, they were wandering the sewers aimlessly, "We've passed that same sign already!" Aria said in frustration. "For realzies, because it looks different." Sonata said. "You are so blind." Aria rolled her eyes. "Am not!" "Are too!" "Will you both shut up!" Adagio snapped, until they were suddenly surrounded by Foot Bots who dropped from the ceiling. Sonata shrieked, "We're gonna die!" she clung to Aria, who tried shoving her off. "Foot bots, stand down!" came a voice. The trio looked, as the robots made room for a teenage girl to approach. They saw she was dressed in armor and black making her look like a ninja, "They're not who we're looking for," she told the robots who stood down. She motioned to the trio, "You three shouldn't be down here. You could get lost." "Thanks, we'll keep that in mind." Sonata thanked her. "Foot bots, let's go." the girl said, as they were about to leave, until Adagio stopped her. "Wait." The girl turned around, "What is it?" she asked firmly. "The ones you're looking for... They wouldn't happen to be four walking talking turtles?" the lead siren inquired. The girl was taken aback, "How do you know that?" Aria answered, "We saw your bots fighting the freaks last night." "I see." the girl crossed her arms. "And some girls we're also looking for was with them." Sonata added. "What do you mean?" Adagio spoke, "Before we continue, what is your name?" "I am called Karai." "Well, Karai, my name's Adagio, and these are my friends Aria and Sonata." Aria gave Karai a dry look while Sonata smiled and waved innocently. "If you have nothing worth telling me, I'm leaving." Karai said, about to leave again, but Adagio once again stopped her. "Actually, I believe there may be a way we can help one another." "Really?" Karai asked skeptically. "Oh, yes, but first why don't we go topside so we can tell you a little story?" Adagio suggested with a smirk, as Karai's curiosity got her interested.