//------------------------------// // What Just Happened? // Story: Nazi Zombie Stories: (Part One) Kino Der Toten // by SCP Pinkamena //------------------------------// --Kino Der Toten-- Pinkie was shooting zombies from the ceiling and watching them fall over like pins. "HAHA you lose nasty rotten guy!" A semi hard rock music was heard by everyone, then followed by the same harmonic quire as before. "Again?! Really?!" Dash yelled at the sky. Twilight looked at the door behind her and then saw a faint glow of orange next to her. She toched the glass and a shock escaped from the rock behind the glass. "I guess this a rock." She said looking to see a zombie infront of her. She jumped five feet at the sight of it and brought the pistol up and without looking shot the gun as fast as possible. A weight was put on the front of her hand. She looked and it was dead but what caught her eye was a small glowing ball. She went to touch it but it disappeared in a green flash, and a voice called from the sky. "Kaboom" She looked at the zombies died in a fiery blaze. "Well that was convenient!" She yelled as the same rock music and quire happened again. They all looked at the pad where they came from and saw four men stand there now. "Great nooouhhh...huh?" Dempsy said as he stepped of the pad. "Um, uh, Rhictofen who are these girls?" Nikolai asked. "Your guess is as good as mine." He said back. Takeo said nothing and went to a window and started rebuilding it. The familiar sound snapped them out of their trance and got to work. Dempsy started shooting at the zombies and ran toward the wall. He got a Olympian shotgun and fired away. "Hey zombie need a hand? Oh I'm sorry!" He yelled as the zombies fell over like dominoes. After his crude joke, he started hearing a laugh from above he looked up and saw someone hanging from the chandelier. "That was a good one! 'Need a hand'! Hahahaha!" Pinkie said laughing from the ceiling. Dempsy looked at stared at her, and wondered to himself 'How the fuck did she get up there?' AppleJack saw Takeo fixing the windows himself and went over to help. "No, I do not need a womans help to do a simple thing." Takeo said and a tick went off in AppleJack's head. "Hehehehe, tell you what see those dead guys over there? I think your going to need all the help you can get." Takeo looked over her shoulder and nodded. She switched places with him and he took out some and then they swiched again. Nikolai looked and stood and that's all he did as he watched Rainbow Dash shoot zombies around. The only thought in his was 'Where can I get some Vodka?' Rhictofen was talking to Twilight as they both shot zombies away. "So your the town scientist? Oh, how wunderbar!" He said jumping with delight. "Well I wouldn't say that." She said as he opened the door. --Ponyville-- "Oh, that Doctor! No help at all!" Rarity yelled as she entered the library. Fluttershy still sleeping, was talking in her sleep. Rarity sighed and sat down next her. "The...MDT...Time Travel...Beware..." Fluttershy mumbled in her sleep. Rarity was awe-struck at what Fluttershy was saying in her sleep. What kind of dream was Fluttershy of all people having? Rarity stood up without knowing that Fluttershy's head connected to the ground. "Owowowowow!" Fluttershy said as she got up right away. "Fluttershy dear, What were talking about in your sleep? Something about Time travel, and something called the MDT, what were you dreaming about?" Rarity said demanding answers. Fluttershy looked her blankly, blinked and said "What are talking about Rarity?" Rarity stood there in one spot. "You mean you don't remember?" She asked. "No I don't know what your talking about I've never heard of a thing called the MDT." Fluttershy stepped from the couch to Rarity and put her hand to her head to make sure she wasn't having a fever. --Kino Der Toten(Five rounds later)-- AppleJack was at the box waiting for a weapon. The box produced a .44 Magnum she grabbed the weapon and loaded it. "Ah, southern hospitality." She said as she turned and shot a zombie from where she stood. Pinkie went to the box and stood waiting. A Monkey popped up and she took it with a smile. "OOO! A monkey! I wonder what it does?" She said as turned the key and pressed the hat on top of its head. "Your not Sam!" The Monkey said as she threw the monkey towards the zombies. The music the monkey played made the zombies go towards it and the when the music stopped the monkey said "Get ready for surprise!" Then the monkey exploded sending zombies arms and legs flying around. Dash was waiting at the box, waiting to get a weapon. The box produced a red cartoonish gun. "Don't know what does...alright." She looked at the group of zombies coming toward her, she shot the gun and a green circle of energy came from the gun and destroyed most of their legs but mostly their arms. Dempsey was looking around and saw Takeo get surrounded by crawling zombies "Come on Takeo! They're only crawlers!" He yelled from the stage of the theater. "Hey purple haired girl could you come here for a moment?!" Rhictofen called from the teleporter. Twilight was unaware of what he had in stored for her though. --Somewhere in Siberia, Russia, 1932-- "The Russian government has confirmed that a meteor has struck in the motherland. It is still unclear that the meteor, as reported by witnesses, is glowing a faint orange color. Other officials say that...this just in, it has been confirmed that the meteor is in fact glowing orange, the cause how ever, is still unknown." The Russian reported said on the radio. "Element 115 has been officially located in Siberia, departing now." A voice from the com said. "Gut there will probably be military in the area. Do what it is necessary to get the element." A German voice replied. "Understood Dr. Maxis."