A traveler's tale

by axl bishop

Chapter 2 : The unexpected

Chapter 2
The unexpected

It was mid afternoon, Enchanted Brew and Zecora were enjoying some tea while meditating. Brew was in a cross legged meditation pose while Zecora was balanced upside down on a bamboo stick, enjoying the silence of each other's company until…
Brew was brought out his meditation, looking to the door then back to his aunt, who was unfazed by the disturbance. Smiling, Brew rose up and answered the door.

Opening the door, Brew saw the three fillies from the other day.

“Hi, Brew, we came to hear more of your story!” said a smiling Sweetie Belle.

Stepping to the side, Brew welcomed them in. “Hello again, little ones.” to which he received no response. Looking to the crusaders, they were giving Zecora an odd look. “Oh yeah, aunty likes to push herself, testing her limits in such ways.” said Brew.

“What is she doing?” asked Scootaloo.

“We were meditating.” answered Brew.

“Why?” asked Applebloom.

“Through meditation much can be done,” Zecora responded swiftly, getting down from her perch and walking over, “Hello you three. would you like some tea?” Zecora asked.

“Yes, please.” replied Applebloom while they removed their saddlebags.

”We came as soon as school let out so we could hear the story and learn how to get our cutie marks!” said Scootaloo.

“Well, I don't think my story will help with that. Your cutie mark is when you find something special you love to do or something you will love to do someday and-” Brew stopped when he noticed they were talking to themselves, not listening to him. Sighing, he went to the kitchen while his aunt was preparing the tea, deciding to make some little triangle sandwiches for their guests.

Returning after everything was ready, the crusaders were doing what Brew guessed was their homework.

“We have snacks and tea for you three.” said Zecora while they passed them out.

“Thank you.” said Sweetie Belle.

“Thank ya kindly.” said Applebloom.

“Yeah, thanks!’ said Scootaloo.

Taking a seat next to them Zecora asked, “Now, Applebloom do you remember where he should resume?”

“Umm, you were making something before you went to bed.” replies Applebloom

“Oh, right! The protection shroud. Well after that I went to bed.” Brew said, resuming his story.

Stirring from sleep, Brew stretched, popping his wing joints and began preparing for the day after he showered and brushed his teeth. He came back to the room and noticed the bowl from the previous night was empty *The amount I used shouldn't have run out in just one night...strange. Going to his vest, he stops when he notices a rather large tear in the seam that holds the sack to the vest.

“Now how did that happen?” he asked himself. He then begins to pull a few things out: His tea pot, teacups, brewing stand, and the boxed gift from Doodle. Now confident its weight won't tear it further, Brew puts it on, *Better make the first stop to pick up some needle and thread. With that thought he makes his way out of the inn, passing an empty lobby.
*Now let’s find that needle and thread. After about an hour of looking, *Oh, come on it's not that big of a town. It shouldn't be that hard to find a clothing store.

“Better ask for directions.” Brew said aloud.

Looking, he noticed a crowd of ponies, approaching in hopes of getting directions. Brew noticed the crowd was circled around three ponies who were apparently duking it out. Two earth pony stallions, one with a turquoise coat and a spiky yellow mane, the other had a dark brown coat and a rather majestically long blond mane for a stallion, and the other was an earth pony mare with a red coat and a black curly mane. She was also sporting a black leather jacket.
Looking to the crowd, *Why isn't anypony trying to help her, or stop the fight for that matter? Looking back to the fight and after a moment of watching, *This mare is handling herself pretty well, actually. They can't even touch her!

The mare danced around the two stallions, dodging every hit and swipe they made all while landing a few of her own. When the brown stallion swiped at her face she ducked and uppercutted him square in the chin, knocking him back several feet. Taking this opportunity, the turquoise stallion tried to tackle her. In an instant she reached behind her, grabbing hold of him and using his momentum against him to throw him through the crowd, whizzing right past Brew.
Brew turned to look at the stallion crashed into a fruit stand. *Well...this is a thing. Looking back to the fight, the mare was easily outmaneuvering the now lone stallion. He charged at her and the mare took a stance similar to what a pegasus would just before takeoff. She leaped above the stallion, causing him to run under her and as he tried to turn to her as she landed she bucks him in the face.
*And down he goes.
Looking to the mare Brew notices something, *She's not as toned as most earth pony mares. In fact, she’s as slender as a pegasus.

“Urghh...” Brew turned his attention back to the turquoise stallion who was now getting up, then looked back to the the mare standing over the unconscious stallion, then back to the turquoise stallion who is now charging at the mare. Brew sighs as the stallion passes him, sticking his hoof out, causing the stallion to fall flat on his face.
*This won’t end well. The turquoise stallion groans while rising then turns to Brew, causing him to freeze when he sees his face. The stallion’s eyes were now a solid blue, his growl turning to a hiss.
BAM! The brown stallion is smacked into the turquoise one, leaving Brew with the view of the mare holding a piece of the brown one's tail. *Did she just beat him with the other one?

“Have you two had enough?” the mare asks. The turquoise stallion gets up, carrying his unconscious friend and runs off.

She turns to Brew, “You didn't have to do that, you know? I had it all under control.”

Brew doesn't respond to her, too lost in thought about what he saw. *Did I-

“HEY!” the mare yelled. Brew jumps in surprise, “Huh? what?”

“I said why did you interfere?”

“I was trying to help.” Brew replied.

“I didn’t need any help.” said the agitated mare.

“I agree, but I’m not one to ignore a bully.” he stated.

“Ugh, what’s with you? First you’re talking normal and then you rhyming like a foals story.”

“Mmm...Nervous habit.” he replies hesitantly.

The mare sighed at the nervous zebra, “Look, I’m sorry for yelling, it was just stupid jumping into my fight like that.”

Clearing his throat, “Yes, well it’s what I do,” reaching out a hoof, “My name is Enchanted Brew.”

She gives him an uncertain look for a moment but then replies while taking his hoof, “Gale. Gale Swift.”

“Well, Gale it's nice to meet you.”

She appears taken aback by his politeness and replies, “Uh, ya...You too.”

After a moment or two of awkward silence, Brew speaks up, “So, umm...Why were they attacking you?”

“Hmm? oh, I was cutting through an alley when they jumped me. It bled out into the street though, and you pretty much saw the rest.”

“I see.” he replied, remembering why he approached the crowd. Speaking up again, “You wouldn't happen to know where a tailor would be, do you?”

“A tailor?” gale replies.

“Yes, or anyplace that sells a needle or thread.” Brew added.

Taking a moment to look around, “Yeah, this way...I think.

She mumbles at the end, not noticing Brew was following behind. After a few minutes of following, Brew takes notice of her cutie mark. It is a white lotus with gold trimming along the petals and a Mitsu Tomoe in the center.
*A martial arts cutie mark. That would explain how she handles herself so well. Hmm, while not as much as an average earth mare she is definitely well toned. She could have done some serious damage to them if she wanted to.
Looking up to see her looking back at him with a slight blush, “See something you like?”

Stumbling a bit, Brew mumbles, “What?.. I, but-”

“Yes, my butt, which you were staring at.” Gale said with a hint of amusement.

"I- I was not looking at your plot. Um, I mean y-your cutie ma-”

Snickering, Gale interrupts him, “Oh, well thank you. You’re easy on the eyes yourself.”

Brew panics, “What? I, um, wasn't...I mean it's nice-”

Gale couldn't take any more, “BWHAHAHAHA! Oh, stop. I can’t take anymore! Hahaha!”
She continues laughing at the now silent Brew.

“Ok ok, I'm sorry, but that was amazing.” She says to Brew as he looks to his hooves, blushing. “Aahh, I needed that. Ok now lets find you that store.”

As she walks off with brew trailing behind, *Way to make a fool of yourself.

Now mid afternoon, Brew is pretty sure their lost.

“We’re not lost.” Gale stated.

“Are you sure? We have passed that stand twice already. Are you sure you know where you’re going?” Brew said. waiting a moment for her to respond to him.

“...So maybe I don't know where a tailor is.”

“Then why did you say you did?” Brew asked.

Taking a moment, Gale says, “Even though I didn't need your help, you were the only one who did anything. Everypony else just stood there and watched like morons, so I thought I’d try and return the favor.” Gale said sadly.

Thinking for a moment, Brew smiled and said, “Well, I really appreciate it, Gale but since neither of us know we’re gonna have to ask somepony for directions.”
Sighing, Gale agrees.
“And when we’re done maybe get some food at that diner we passed...Twice.” Brew added.

“Sounds like a plan, and since it's your idea your paying for our date.” Gale states, walking to a random pony.

“DATE?! I- But, wait!” Brew calls, following her.

Fifteen minutes later

“I Can't believe it was literally the second building we passed twice.” Brew states.

“Ugh, I know, ok, I know!” Gale says, looking to Brew while he slips the needles and thread into one of his vests front pockets.

“Whatever, where is this diner?" Gale asks.

“Ah, that I do know! It’s this way.”

Following along, Gale thinks of something, “Hey, neither of us could find that tailors. how do you know where this diner's at?”

Brew chuckled and said, “I asked while we were in the store.” he replies as they approach the diner.

Gale begins to say, “Hey listen, you don't really have to bu-”

She is interrupted when Brew stops and shouts, “Doodle! Hey, Doodle!”

Gale looks up to who Brew is shouting at to see a donkey making his way to them.

“Doodle? Who's doodle?” Gale asked.

“I met him outside of town yesterday, he was having cart trouble. Somehow his banjo got jammed into the wheel.” he explained, turning to face Doodle when he approached them

“Yes?” doodle asked.

“I didn’t think it be so soon, but it's nice to see you again.”

“Uhh ya.” An unsure Doodle replied.

“We were about to eat. Why don’t you join us?” Brew asked.

A displeased Gale says while approaching them wraps a hoof around Doodle's neck, “Yeah, join us. Brew's buying.”

“Oh, no thank-”

“Nonsense!” Gale interrupts Doodle while pulling him along.

Brew follows them into the diner, seating at a table by the window Brew says, “Order whatever you like.”

“Cool.” gale replies.

“S-sure.” a nervous Doodle said.

“So, Doodle what have you been doing? Ever find what you were looking for?”, Brew asked.

“Uhh, ya I did, but enough about me, how have you been doing?” Causing Gale to raise an eyebrow.

Laughing a little, “Fine, but not much has changed from yesterday.”

Doodle froze a bit from this, “Yes...Yesterday.” He says.

Gale is now giving Doodle a suspicious look.

“Did you find a place to stay and to store your things?”

“Oh, yes I found a nice place. An inn called The Hive Mind.”

“Oh, that's where I’m staying too.”

At this point he appears to be sweating bullet. “That must have taken you half the night to make it there since we split up after entering town.” Brew says.

Gale, choosing to speak, “Brew told me how he met you just outside of town. Your chariot had broken down and he helped you fix it.”

“O-oh! Yes, if he hadn't helped, my chariot would probably still be stuck there.” Doodle states nervously.

“And where did you say you left it?” Gale asks.

Brew looks to her, “Gale what are d-mmph!” Brew is interrupted by Gale’s hoof in his mouth.

“Uhh, a little after we split up I found a stall and parked it there.” A clearly uncomfortable Doodle says.

“Across town?” Gale deadpans.

“Gale, what are you doing?” Brew asks irritatedly.

Turning to Brew, Gale says, “Look, going across town to find an inn is unlikely, but when I called it a chariot he didn't correct me. It even surprised him when you said you two met yesterday. not to mention that he forgot your name in one day.”

Brew just stared at her thinking to himself for a moment. Turning back to a panicky Doodle, Brew sighed, “Doodle, I’m sorry for Gale's behavior. She's had a long day,” Seeming to relaxing a bit, Brew continues, “and I’d like to thank you again for the red rose tea set you gave me yesterday, it was a nice thank you gift.”

“Yeah, don't mention it.” A now calm Doodle replied.

Now Brew looked suspiciously at Doodle while saying, “The tea set Doodle gave me had blue lilies not red roses.”

At this Doodle completely freezes up while Gale leans in and shouts, “ARE YOU A SPY?”

With that, Doodle flips the table on top of Gale and bolts out of the diner. Brew gives chase, following Doodle down an alleyway.
“Doodle?..whats going on.”

Brew sees Doodle standing near a dead end, approaches him and asks, “You’re not the real Doodle are you?”

A hiss was the only response, followed by Doodle being engulfed in green flames, revealing his true form. A rather small filly changeling shaking in fear. *This young filly couldn't be older than 8.

“Don't be afraid, young one. I won't-”


Brew falls to the ground, unconscious from an unknown assailant. The last thing Brew saw was a turquoise hoof.
knock knock knock
Pulling brew from his story, he gets up to answer the door. “Hello?”

"Oh, howdy! Is Applebloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo here?” A stetson wearing earth pony asks

Brew steps aside, allowing the stetson pony in. Applebloom gallops to the stetson mare, “Hiya sis! Watcha doin’ here?”

The stetson pony said, “Ah’m here to take you fillies to the farm for your sleepover.”

“Oh ya, that’s tonight!” commented Sweetie Belle.

“Hey, can we stay longer, sis? Please?” asked Applebloom.

“Sorry, lil’ sis. Granny's got dinner all ready.”

“Aww!” is the three fillies response.

“Do not worry, you will see, he will continue his story.” zecora says, looking to Brew.

The fillies smile expectantly, causing him to return the smile. “Aunty means a different time.” Earning another ‘aww’ from them.

“Aunty? I didn't know Zecora has a nephew."

Turning to the stetson pony, he introduces himself, “Hello, I am Enchanted Brew, and it’s a pleasure to meet Applebloom’s sister.”

“Well shoot, I’m Applejack, and it's nice to meet you too,” Applejack replies, extending a hoof to which Brew shook. “but now ah need to get you three back, so say bye now."

”Bye, Zecroa and Brew! Thanks for the snacks! Sweetie Belle says.

“Yeah, it was a lot of fun. Bye and thanks!” says Scootaloo.

Applebloom gives Zecora and then Brew a hug, “Thanks, and uh, is it ok if we come back to hear the rest?” She asks.

Returning the hug, Brew replies, “Anytime, little one.”

Walking out, Applejack says, “Alright you three, lets go.”

With that Brew turned to his aunt, who was eyeing him expectantly, in which Brew replies, “Sorry, aunty but you’ll have to wait for their next visit if you want to hear more.”

Looking out the window she replies, “Fine, Brew, you are one strange equine.”

Brew laughed at her comment, “That wouldn’t be the first time I’ve been called that” Brew said, then after a moment “say, shall we continue our meditation before dinner?”

Zecora simply smiled, fetching the same stick from this morning, simply saying, “Lets.”