We'll Get Better

by Just A Random Pegasus

I Miss You

Button Mash couldn't sleep, just like he couldn't that same night ten years ago. Tonight was the tenth anniversary of his break-up with Sweetie Belle, who wouldn't leave his mind. He tossed and turned, upset with his younger self. Why did I do that? I'm so stupid. I promised her a good time, and only thought about myself. Now I guess I'm paying for my mistakes... Button thought to himself. Tears started to form in his eyes. I bet she's forgotten about me now. She would never miss me like I miss her... Button stood up at this thought. He had given up sleep by now. It was impossible to get his eyelids to shut. Maybe a snack will help... he thought as he walked out of his room.

He walked through his house, looking at the few pictures on the wall. Button had recently became a stallion, so he just moved into his new house. Alone. Button enjoyed being by himself, for the most part. He could do what he wanted, and not have his mom pestering him every five seconds. That was a relief. But there were also times he wished his parents were there. Like now, for example. His parents told him that they went through the same thing he is going through, and the best way out of it is to talk to the other and get it resolved. Button wanted to talk to Sweetie Belle again. He missed those random conversations they had together; the moments that made their relationship special. The relationship I ruined...

But how could I start a conversation with her now? He thought. He had a feeling if he just showed up to her house, that she would just slam the door in his face. Another thought raced through his head. What if she has a colt-friend now? They haven't spoken to each other in years, so it could be very possible that Sweetie moved onto another option. Button shook that though out of his head. Sweetie Belle still held a big place in his heart, and he didn't want any other stallion taking her from him.

He poured himself a bowl of cereal and sat down. He couldn't help himself from thinking of Sweetie Belle sitting on the seat across from him. He shut his eyes tight. I miss you so much, Sweetie Belle... he thought to himself again as more tears swelled in his eyes. He looked up into the night sky, where Luna's moon and stars shone. Princess Celestia probably felt this way when she banished Princess Luna to the moon... he thought, keeping his glance on the moon.

Sweetie Belle walked up to Rarity's room. Even though she was a full-grown mare, she still shared Carousel Boutique with her sister. Rarity wanted her to stay there until she was ready to start a family of her own, so they could both help each other with whatever they're going through. Sweetie Belle couldn't lie; she loved living there. Especially because Rarity was with her. Her sister would always give her the best advice and help her with any problems, and she would try to do the same with her. She took a deep breath as she stood in front of the doorway to Rarity's room. I hope she will help me now... Sweetie thought to herself. She knocked on the door.

"Rarity?" She questioned as she heard a low grumble. She must have woken Rarity up. Well... it is around four in the morning...

"Yes, Sweetie Belle?" Rarity responded in a tired voice.

"I need to talk to you about something. May I come in?"

"Sure, Sweetie. Just make sure it doesn't take too long, okay? You know I have to be in Canterlot in the morning," Rarity informed as Sweetie Belle pushed the door open. She saw Rarity sitting upright on her bed, looking like she just woke up. Sweetie walked up to her and sat down on the bed.

"What's wrong?" Rarity questioned, struggling to keep her eyes open. She then used her magic to turn the lights on, hoping the light would keep her awake.

"I can't stop thinking about him, Rarity..."

"Of who, darling?"

"Button Mash!" Sweetie answered, burying her face in her hooves. "On this night ten years ago, we broke up because of my selfishness. I told him to take me on a date, and he tried his best to make me happy. I just wasn't grateful for what he did for me." Sweetie Belle started tearing up. Rarity put a hoof on her shoulder.

"I know break-ups are hard, Sweetie. The only thing that would make it better would be to talk to Button again."

"WHAT?!" Sweetie Belle burst.

"Yes. Are you afraid to talk to him?"

"Well... yeah. I am just... afraid he wouldn't even give me a chance to explain myself... and..."

"Sweetie, I know. Sometimes, you just have to get over your fears. If you go up to Button, I'm sure he will give you a chance. You were both pretty young when you broke up. If you never talk to him, this would be in the back of your mind forever," Rarity responded.

"...I suppose you're right..." Sweetie Belle agreed, her tears subsiding. "When should I see him?"

"Well... how badly do you miss him?"

"I miss him a lot. I can't live my life without thinking about him!" Sweetie responded.

"How about... tomorrow!"


"Sweetie, your message will come from the heart. There's no reason to have to think about it."

"You really think I should see him as soon as possible?"

"Unless you want him lingering in your head more. Now, you should probably get some sleep."

"Yeah. Goodnight Rarity. Thanks for helping!" Sweetie Belle concluded as she left her sister's room and started walking down the hallway.

"You could've turned the lights off!" Rarity shouted. Sweetie gave a nervous giggle and walked to her room.

Button's eyes were closed. He was sleeping, which was very surprising. After he ate his cereal, he looked at the moon for a few seconds and passed out. Now, he was dreaming. His dream-self trotted along an empty pathway as he saw a mare in the streets. She looked awfully familiar to him. The mare turned around. It was Sweetie Belle.

"Button?" She asked as she walked up to him. "I can't believe you. You hurt my feelings. You don't deserve to be in my presence."

Button stood there, shocked. Well... that escalated quickly... "Sweetie Belle, I'm sorry. I know I wasn't the brightest when I was young and I... made some bad decisions."

"You think?"

"I know I deserve whatever anger you hold for me."

"Good." Sweetie Belle starting walking towards Button, turning into a dragon. She growled as Button hid his face. The stallion wasn't hit by any fire, though. He looked up to see something holding the beast back. The Sweetie-dragon disintegrated, and Button saw the one who destroyed the monster. It was Princess Luna. The Princess flew over to Button.

"Princess Luna?!" Button remarked, shocked to see the Princess.

"Yes, Button Mash. I suppose you are shocked that I am in your dreams."

"Well... yeah!"

"I am Princess of the Night. I have the power to go into the dreams of ponies and help them."

"So... you know I need help?"

"Most defiantly," Princess Luna responded, giving him a comforting look. "You miss Sweetie Belle."

"Of course I do! And... do you know her?"

"Of course, Button. I know all of my subjects. I even visited Sweetie's dream once, long ago."

"Wow! Well, I guess, a princess should know her subjects."

"Exactly. Now, I am here to help you."

"What advice do you give me, Princess?" Button asked. He knew that if the Princess gives a piece of advice, it would probably be right.

"I say... go talk to her."

"Really?! You saw how she reacted to me just now!"

"Button, this is your dream. Do you think she could turn into a dragon in real life?"

Button laughed a little. "No."

"Exactly. That Sweetie Belle is the image of her you have in your head. You think she would not accept you. But, the truth is, she probably would."

"So... you're saying that... I'm expecting the worst?"

"I am. I suggest you go over to her house tomorrow. If you don't talk, things will become more painful," Luna informed, her look becoming more serious. "I know personally. When I became jealous of ponies sleeping through my night, I never talked to Celestia about it. I just kept it to myself, which caused me to become Nightmare Moon."

"I see what you're saying Princess." Button pondered for a few seconds. "Alright. Tomorrow, I will go and talk to her."

"Good." Luna smiled as things started shaking all around them. "You are waking up, Button! I wish you good luck!" Luna concluded as Button's dream ended.

"Thank you, Luna!" Button said, waking himself up. He looked around the room to see that the sun was beaming in through the window.

"Today's the day..." Button said to himself. He walked up to his room to get ready. He wanted to look presentable if he was going to see Sweetie Belle again. He brushed his mane and tail and made sure his coat was nice. He even put on that same bow-tie he did ten years ago. When he looked at that bow-tie, memories from their final date flooded his mind. He cringed and put the bow back. I would never be able to stop thinking of that day if I wear this... Button thought, proceeding to not wear a tie at all. She might like it if I just seem like my normal self...

"Ow! Rarity, you don't have to pull so hard!" Sweetie Belle remarked as her sister put down the mane brush.

"Sweetie, if you're going to talk to Button Mash again, you must look presentable!" Rarity responded as she stroked Sweetie Belle's mane.

"But I think it's fine. If you overdo it, he may not even recognize me..."

"Sweetie! He will recognize you no matter what!"

"That is... if he still remembers me. He could be with somepony else by now." Sweetie cringed at that very thought. What if Button had a mare-friend? That would make the situation much more awkward.

"He probably still remembers you. After all, you are pretty hard to forget. Who could forget that lovely singing voice of yours?" Rarity responded as Sweetie flushed a bit, a small smile creeping onto her face. She looked down at her cutie mark; a pink heart with a microphone.

"... I guess."

"Alright..." Rarity gave one last tug on Sweetie Belle's mane. "Finished!" Sweetie then looked in the mirror she was in front of.

"Thanks, Rarity!"

"You're welcome, darling. Now, you must go. Remember, keep your head high, make eye contact, and make sure the message comes from the heart."

"I know. I guess... I should be going?"

"Yes, Sweetie. I wish you luck!"

Sweetie walked outside the Carousel Boutique, feeling as nervous as the day she performed in the talent show with the Cutie Mark Crusaders. She still remembered that tune. We are the Cutie Mark Crusaders, on a quest to find out who we are! She smiled at that memory. She remembered how she won the comedy medal for the most hilarious performance. Her smile of glee quickly changed to a nervous smile. Her thoughts had traced back to Button Mash.

What if he forgets me?

What if she doesn't accept me?

What if he already has a very special somepony?

Wait... that's the Sweetie Belle in my head. I'm happy Princess Luna reassured me of that.

I'm sure it will be fine. I just need to say it from my heart.

"I just need to say... 'I miss you'." Button thought as he made his way down the path. He hung his head low; letting nervous thoughts enter his brain. He made the mistake of not looking up, and collided into somepony.

"I'm sor-" He looked to see it was none other than Sweetie Belle herself. "Swee... Sweetie Belle!"

"Button Mash!"

"Um... hi..."


Button started heating up a bit. He could feel a blush rising on his face. "Long time no see..."

"Yeah..." Sweetie responded, unable to make eye contact with the stallion. She felt a small blush start to form on her cheeks.

"Um... Sweetie..." Button paused. It was hard to say, but he knew he had to do it. "I... I-"

"I miss you!" He was cut off by Sweetie Belle's words. The stallion hung his mouth open for a second, shocked by the mare's outburst. "Yeah, you heard me right," Sweetie Belle added on, her blush becoming noticeable. "I miss you, Button. I have been. I can't go a day without remembering you. In fact..." She blushed even harder. "I think I need you. My life is painful when you're not there. I miss you so much, I- hmmph!" She was cut off by Button pressing his lips against her own. When they pulled apart, Button looked at Sweetie Belle, whose face was blood red.

"I miss you too, Sweetie."


"Of course."

"Wow..." The two stood in silence for a second. "Were you nervous about telling me? I know, this is a silly question, but I was flipping out with nervousness about telling you."

"Oh, I was nervous. I had help from Princess Luna, though."

"Did she visit your dreams?"

"Yeah! How did you-"

"She visited my dream as a filly." Sweetie responded as Button remembered what Luna had told him.

"Right! The Princess told me about that!"

"Cool! Now... do you want to come over to my house? I know Rarity will just love to see you again!"

"Of course!" Button responded. He then caught a flicker of movement at the corner of his eye. He turned and saw Princess Luna, who winked at him.

"Thank you, Princess..." he murmured as he followed his special mare to her house, happy they were together again.