Sunset Shimmer: Element Bearer

by ConningOfficer

Chapter Twenty-Six

Sunset Shimmer could barely keep her hands from quivering in fear as she tightly gripped the red ribbon that had fluttered free of Apple Bloom’s hair. As an imperceptible aura flowed through the cavern and surrounded her, she felt an icy chill course through her veins, and her breath hitched as an invisible hand gripped her heart. Even taking a single step forward severely intensified the crippling influences that threatened to incapacitate her. Shuddering, she gritted her teeth and strained her focus in order to assess the tableau before her.

Apple Bloom lay on the rocky ground with her hands and feet bound, her amber eyes wide with unbridled terror as she looked up at Adagio. Simultaneously regal, sinister and beautiful, the Siren held a black trident in her hands, its barbed tines pointing towards the chamber’s ceiling. The spiky hair ornament that she wore throughout the Battle of the Bands had been transformed into a sparkling tiara, and her orange curls waved seductively on a cloud of eerie violet mist.

The being behind both Adagio and Apple Bloom was backlit by sickly green light, framed by an oval of water that had somehow risen from a subterranean pool. Its body appeared to be a blob of midnight trailing ten wriggling tentacles, and its furious violet eyes illuminated hints of an anthropomorphic face. The inky cloud surrounding Leviathan obscured any other details about him and the infinite expanse that appeared to trail behind him.

Sunset tried to step forward, but was forced to stagger back with a gasp as the aura enrapturing her faculties flared in intensity. Despite her advance knowledge, she was unprepared for the sheer magnitude of terror and despair emanating from He Who Swims in Darkness. The panic twisting in her gut threatened to make her sick, and she briefly felt a desire to fall to her knees in a combination of hopelessness and servitude. Still ablaze with arcane energy, Sunset warded off the oppressive forces and began weaving a spell to bolster mental fortitude.

Leviathan pointed a single tentacle at Aria Blaze, while those terrible eyes reflected the pure white light emanating from Chainbreaker. A voice like an undersea volcano erupting shouted an order at Adagio with a passion that shook the cavern’s walls. “But first, you will bring me the heart of the Oathbreaker’s Daughter. She has betrayed us both, and she now serves our enemy. Destroy the weapon she carries! Adagio, I demand you kill Aria Blaze!

“ 'Oathbreaker’s Daughter?' ” Sunset blurted in spite of herself, and quivered as her focus briefly faltered. Growling, she renewed her concentration and flung her arms outward, releasing the spell that would augment her companions' mental fortitude. Her nausea abated and a wave of warmth countered the ice in her veins, but she could feel the terror waiting just outside of the flimsy mental barrier created through her magic. Behind her, she heard a collective sigh of relief as her friends stood taller and removed their hands from their stomachs.

Leviathan chortled at Sunset’s magic, making a disgusting organic sound that reminded Sunset of bubbles floating to the top of the water cooler at Pinkie’s house. Wordlessly, the dark being dispersed the thick violet mist surrounding Adagio and Apple Bloom and spread it throughout the cavern, pressing his subtle mental assault on the courage-engendering spell.

As the mist flowed away, the presence clouding Adagio's mind extracted itself in a feeling similar to a splinter being pulled from one's finger. Blinking her eyes rapidly, the Siren gazed up and the barbed tines of the Black Trident in her hands and jumped like a child awakened during the midst of sleepwalking. Narrowing her glowing magenta eyes, she shook the disorientation from her mind and rapidly regained her composure. “There’s no need to slay her, Master,” she said confidently while extending her free hand and beckoning, “Come to my side, Aria. Come serve your Queen.”

Aria, suffused with rage, continued to hold Chainbreaker in a ready position with both hands. The weapon’s brilliant white light illuminated her face as she screamed at Leviathan. “My mother was faithful to the Empire! My mother protected the Empire! She devoted her life to Aquastria to the point where she gave me to you!”

Listen to my voice, Adagio,” intoned Leviathan. “Is that the way that a devoted servant acts? Like mother, like daughter. Aria betrayed you, just like her mother betrayed your mother! Tap your memories of Aquastria, Your Highness. Do you really think the slaves could have overthrown your mother without help?

Wheeling around, the Siren Princess’ dropped her proffered hand as her mouth fell open, and her magenta eyes widened in disbelief. She asked, “Aria is this true? I know nothing of your mother after our banishment, but have you betrayed me?”

Leviathan interrupted before she could answer. “Aria will not answer you truthfully, Princess. Kill her and bring me a sacrifice!

“What are you waiting for, Sunset? Cast a big spell! Turn into the phoenix again!” Rainbow Dash shouted, spreading her arms wide with impatience while her eyes flicked over towards the cage where Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle cowered in abject terror.

Pinkie, her face tinged with green, pressed her left hand over her stomach while stage whispering to Sunset. “It’s time for the super duper rainbow friendship blast, right? Dial it up, quick!” Her poofy pink curls lost volume and began to straighten.

As Aria strode past her, Sunset frowned and shook her head. “All of my spellcasting doesn’t feel right. Even if I was able to do my part by tapping into my Element, I don’t think all of us could. I don’t feel anything like I did during the Battle of the Bands.” She gritted her teeth and reinforced the spell that prevented panic, while the immense arcane weight of He Who Swims in Darkness demanded she invest an increasing amount of her concentration simply to keep despair at bay.

Maintaining a safe distance so as not to provoke any harm to Apple Bloom, Aria attempted to get through to Adagio before Leviathan reasserted his control over her. She gestured plaintively with her left hand, and her voice took on a desperate edge. “Adagio, I’ve learned that what we have been doing for centuries is wrong! Taking away others’ choices doesn’t serve the Empire, it just gave him more slaves and more power. Everything that he stands for is evil!”

Adagio stammered, “But Aria, the phone call, the text messages and your infiltration of the Rainbooms?” She suddenly bared her teeth, hardened her gaze on Aria and angrily raised her voice. “Silence! Answer your Princess’ question! Have you betrayed me?” She punctuated her question with a metallic tap of the Trident’s handle that narrowly missed Apple Bloom’s leg. As the impact rang throughout the cavern, Leviathan’s creepy violet eyes glittered with pleasure.

Keeping Chainbreaker at the ready, Aria turned and nodded at Sunset, then gave Adagio an apologetic gesture that was half of a bow and half of a curtsy. “I see that the stress of your impending coronation has caused you to abandon the rules we’ve followed for so long. Very well, Your Highness, may I attempt to explain?”

Kill her, Adagio! Seize the weapon she carries! Her treason can’t be explained, nor can it be forgiven.” Leviathan’s impatience swept over every living being in the cavern.

While Leviathan focused on Adagio and Aria, Discord discreetly approached Sunset from the side and handed her the metal first aid box. Gazing deeply into her eyes, he intoned, “Just like you told me not to touch the leaf from the Tree of Harmony, you are not to touch what is in this box! However, you can show Adagio what’s in it. She needs to know that the prospective Queen is being treated like a pawn.” He leaned forward and whispered into her ear. “Sunset, my powers are still very weak after my fight with Raven. I can reduce Leviathan’s dark influence for a time, but soon I will tire and you’ll have to face the full brunt of his dark aura yourself. Take precautions and work quickly.” Not waiting for a response, he headed for a collection of stalactites and stalagmites close to Leviathan. Fluttershy nodded at Sunset and followed Discord, and Pinkie sped after them towards the dark being.

Adagio, they can’t band together to use the Equestrian magic that I sense within them. My dark power smothers their fragmented sparks! I assure you, obey me by killing Aria and you will be safe,” boomed Leviathan.

Discord poked his head around a large stalactite and waved at He Who Swims in Darkness, drawing his attention. “Yoo-hoo! Krak-Daddy! Remember me, you silver-tongued devil? It’s been ages since that time you invited me to that parade from Nautilus Hall to your delightfully dreary home in that trench. Why don’t we catch up on a millennium or two while these two mortals hash out their little disagreement? It may yet end in a battle to the death! I remember how much you enjoy that.”

Leviathan’s gaze shifted to the Spirit of Chaos, and Discord’s smirk morphed into distress. He snapped his fingers, and Sunset Shimmer’s maroon bathrobe appeared over the top of his clothing. “Now, Leviathan, it’s not polite to look at me like a tuna steak. We were never that close.”

Discord, you are much changed from the being I remember, and I smell the stench of Vecna’s Herald on you.” The inky cloud surrounding Leviathan billowed excitedly. “She must be dead, you are wounded, and something else prevents you from accessing the full range of your powers!” One eye widened, while the other narrowed, adding to the impression that the dark being was sizing up the Spirit of Chaos.

“What can we do to help you?” asked Fluttershy softly. She gripped Discord’s arm to stop her hands from shaking.

Pinkie linked elbows with the Spirit of Chaos on the other side. She smiled weakly and quipped, “I wonder what god-flavored sushi tasted like? That would take a ton of rice and a vat of soy sauce!” Her nonsensical joke made them chuckle, and the violet gaze didn’t seem so oppressive for a moment.

“Fluttershy, things like that will aid us all,” whispered Discord, momentarily squeezing his arm against his body to emphasize his point. “We have to distract Leviathan and draw his attention while Sunset and Aria try to prevent a violent end to this drama.”

Silently, Sunset waved Rainbow Dash, Applejack and Rarity towards the cage. As they reached the thicker violet mist at the back of the cave, their pace slowed and the trio slumped to their knees next to the cage. The young women reached inside to touch the terrified pair of girls inside.

Still angry and confused, Adagio addressed Leviathan’s original question. “Master, while we have been outside the sound of your voice for centuries, I have grown to trust Aria’s observations and advice. We have shared our banishment together, and I will be the one to judge her!” Her Master was so consumed with Discord’s appearance that he ignored her, causing her to kick a pebble in frustration.

“Adagio, you accuse Aria of treason, but what of your crimes since the Battle of the Bands?” Sunset took advantage of the opening, calling out to Adagio as she stepped forward to stand beside Aria.

Blood-red lightning danced between the Trident’s tines, and Adagio’s visage twisted with rage. “You let her speak on your behalf, and permit her to stand with you? That would be enough to seal your fate in my mother’s court!” She gripped the weapon in both hands and slowly lowered the barbs toward Aria.

“That’s the point, Adagio! You’re not your mother, and you don’t need to be trapped by her decisions,” pleaded Aria, lowering Chainbreaker’s head to the cave floor. “By the Maelstrom, stop making pronouncements and listen to me before it’s too late! You’re being used, Your Highness. When I followed the girl who trembles at your feet from the farm, I had an awakening of sorts. May I tell you about it?” Her eyes sparkled with zeal.

Leviathan inhaled, drawing in the purple mist, and interrupted. “You are rapidly consuming what little goodwill I have left, Your Highness.” His violet eyes glowed more brightly, and the inky cloud surrounding him swirled with a surge of darker currents. “Stop this nonsense. Seize and destroy the mace and the unicorn’s necklace! Nourish me with a fresh sacrifice!” He exhaled the sickly violet cloud, where it hugged the ground and continued its inexorable drag on the group’s spirit. He returned his attention to Discord, who was in the middle of acting out a spirited argument between sock puppets of Princess Celestia and Princess Luna.

Adagio pursed her lips, looked back at the watery gate, and with a flip of her orange curls, she serenely nodded at the pigtailed Siren. “Proceed, Aria. Tell me of this ‘awakening.’” Leviathan gurgled disapprovingly at Adagio’s mercy.

“Until our defeat just a few days ago, we chose to think only of how we would feed ourselves by stirring up negative emotions, and we dreamt of a home that no longer exists,” Aria said assertively, gesturing with her free hand while Chainbreaker rested on her right shoulder. “I watched Apple Bloom and Scootaloo lay flowers at their parents’ graves, and I vividly remembered our farewells to our mothers before our transformation. Even beyond death their family is united, while all we did as Sirens was split others apart!”

Adagio twisted her lips in disdain while her authoritative voice dripped with disappointment. “We were always united as Sirens by our shared hunger, and our devotion to our Master,” she gestured to the being behind her. “I could almost accept this sentimental nonsense coming from Sonata, but from you it only serves to show me how much these humans have turned you from your true purpose.”

Aria vigorously shook her pigtails and pointed at the Siren Princess in a confident declaration. “No, Adagio! I couldn’t handle the conflict between who I should have been – who I am now – and what I had done as a Siren. My body collapsed and my mind wandered. I stood on a path. Behind me, I saw my old Master, terrifying and enraged, promising a long life. But, that life would be full of only hunger and darkness. Ahead of me, I saw the endless possibilities of a mortal life free of He Who Swims in Darkness’ tentacles!” Her voice and her left fist shook with passion.

“Aria, for generations, your family served the Empire,” said Adagio sympathetically, as Aria’s heartfelt declaration caused her previous anger to diminish. She raised the tines of the Trident back towards the ceiling as she continued. “I know nothing of this betrayal that the Master speaks of, because I remember Captain Focused Blaze with great respect. I understand how drawn you are to acts of valor and sacrifice, but it’s our duty to return to Aquastria and lead our people! Allying with the banshee was distasteful, but necessary. Only Raven and her Lord could have brought the Master here to take us home.”

With a deep breath, Sunset Shimmer steeled her resolve against the fear plaguing her mind and stepped forward. She placed a supportive hand on Aria's shoulder, and her voice was laced with regret as she addressed Adagio. “I could have helped you just like my friends helped me turn away from a path of darkness. Twilight could have helped you, but you never asked or explained yourself before beating up Sonata, and then plotting to kill Scootaloo, Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom.”

“Oh, I’m sorry,” said Adagio sarcastically, placing her free hand on her hip. “After you destroyed my heart-pendant and cast me adrift, I was supposed to extend my hand to you in friendship? Do you even know what you did to us? You sentenced all three of us to death!”

Aria emphatically knifed the air with her free hand. “Death we’ve escaped only through Leviathan’s evil magic! If we had lived out our lives in Aquastria, we’d be long dead! We’ve plotted and planned. We’ve fed on negative emotions, and we’ve willfully hurt others. Our hunger, which comes from him,” she pointed Chainbreaker at the distracted being, “caused us to never do anything truly worthy of our long lives. Existing isn’t living. At last, I have proven myself worthy. I helped Sunset forge this weapon, I followed her to this terrible place battling enemies the entire way, and I delivered the final blow to destroy Shrieking Raven.” She rested Chainbreaker on her right shoulder, proudly tossing her purple-and-teal pigtails.

Leviathan’s eyes broke away from Discord’s performance, and he interrupted before Adagio could speak. “I will need to offer amends for permitting the destruction of Vecna’s Herald. Discord will do nicely if he fails to amuse me.” Blood drained from the Spirit of Chaos’ face as Leviathan fixed him with his unnerving stare. “The Chained God, when he woke me, specifically mentioned that he is still furious about your banning his servants from Equestria. So, tell me more of how Luna became Nightmare Moon, unless you’d like to join the ranks of the walking dead!

On the other side of the cavern, Discord gulped and resumed his storytelling, which was building towards an epic conclusion. He conjured magical effects to supplement his telling of Nightmare Moon’s banishment. Fluttershy nervously held a white cardboard disc high above her head, while Pinkie Pie cradled a detailed model of a stone castle. Leviathan watched the production and Discord’s manipulation of the sock puppets with rapt interest.

“Luna!” cried Aria. “So, Lady Luna did fall to darkness, just like we—“ Sunset purposely gripped Aria’s left bicep to interrupt her.

Sunset placed a finger over her lips and slowly shook her head, her green-blue eyes wide with fear as she whispered, "Not now, Aria!"

Adagio gazed upon Aria, and then looked down at Apple Bloom, who still quaked in terror at the Siren Princess’ feet. “We give He Who Swims in Darkness a small offering to protect our entire society. It’s not unlike falling in battle, Aria. Just like in war, the sacrifices’ deaths will have purpose and will serve the Empire. You have shown me no good reason to abandon the partnership between our Master and the Aquastrian royal family.”

“There must be something else I can do to convince you of the deadly, unforgivable mistake that you’re about to make, Adagio,” said Aria sadly. The corners of her mouth tugged downwards, and her lower lip quivered. “He Who Swims in Darkness is correct. I learned that shortly after our banishment, my mother disobeyed yours, and she unbarred the door to the throne room during a slave rebellion. Captain Focused Blaze was killed by the other guards as the rebels stormed the palace. The leader of these rebels, and the first Aquastrian Chancellor, slew your mother and destroyed the Temple.”

Without looking away at Discord’s performance, Leviathan interjected. “I told you, Adagio! You would have avoided this turbulent moment if you had listened to me in the first place.”

Adagio’s mouth fell open, and she nervously ran her free hand through her long orange hair. Her mind working feverishly, the expressions on her face flashed between shock, disbelief and fury. When she finally gathered the wherewithal to speak, Adagio’s icy voice escaped through clenched teeth. “Oathbreaker’s Daughter, indeed! So, this betrayal is how you come to wield a weapon that our Master fears!”

Turning her head and respectfully nodding to Sunset, Aria brandished Chainbreaker in a defensive position and declared, “Your Highness, I freely and proudly admit that I no longer serve He Who Swims in Darkness, and no longer follow your orders. Instead, I serve Lady Luna and would follow Sunset Shimmer into the Maelstrom itself!”


On the other side of the cavern, Rarity squeezed Sweetie Belle’s trembling hands through the bars of the aluminum cage. The fashionista’s composure was rapidly eroding under Leviathan’s steady magical assault, but she kept her voice breezy in an attempt to steady her sister. “Sweetie Belle, Sunset will save us! She and Aria will stop Adagio and then we’ll all run away from that horrid collection of tentacles.”

Sweetie Belle’s pale green eyes opened upon hearing Rarity’s seemingly confident voice. Tears continued to stream down her face, but she sniffed her nose clear and looked lucidly into her sister’s face, the two pairs of white hands fiercely gripping one another.

“Apple Bloom has been so brave, Applejack,” Scootaloo’s voice shook as she pressed her orange-tinted face against the farmgirl’s hands. “Adagio wants her most of all, probably because she’s been such a great leader.”

Applejack felt her own nausea abate for a moment, as she looked down at Scootaloo and gave her a weak smile. “Thanks for telling me that, sugar cube. I’m proud of her and we have to save her. But what in tarnation can we do against a watery demon?”

Her teeth uncharacteristically chattering, Rainbow Dash rubbed her injured shoulder and nodded towards Adagio, who had her back to them. “You know, if we can get that giant fork away from Adagio and get Apple Bloom, there’s no reason we can’t make a run for it. Watch this!” She struggled to her feet, unsteadily made her way through the purple mist, and then suddenly fell to her knees next to Adagio’s pack. Several objects fell to the cave floor, and Rainbow Dash grabbed what appeared to be a large bedsheet and held it to her chest like a terrified child clutching a stuffed animal. Her light purple eyes were unfocused, and she turned away from the watery gate as she trembled.

Rarity twisted her lips and rolled her eyes at Rainbow Dash’s ill-conceived action. Shivering, she dispensed a sarcastic observation. “I think that’s a pretty strong reason why we can’t just get up and leave.”

Shaking her head, Applejack looked out at her immobilized friend. “Do you think Rainbow Dash will ever learn her lesson about just sprinting into trouble?”

“She’d better be careful, or it might be her final lesson. That said, she is right about one thing, darling,” Focus returned to Rarity’s blue eyes as she assessed the situation, and her voice quivered as she reached her judgment. “That trident is bad news, and we dare not risk using that unpredictable rainbow magic until we can be sure it won’t hurt Apple Bloom. I just hope Sunset can come up with something before Discord runs out of distractions.”


Upon hearing Aria’s proud admission, Adagio’s fury evaporated, and her knees buckled slightly, which forced her to grab on to the Trident with both hands to keep from falling over. Her mouth fell open slightly as her gazed locked onto the mace-user, her eyes shifting slightly in their stare as if searching for something.

Sunset took advantage of her surprise and Leviathan’s inattention to produce her last snowy white alicorn feather and her next-to-last purple feather. Concentrating intently and muttering beneath her breath, she cast a powerful spell similar to the ward she used against Shrieking Raven. She conjured three tapered candles, each of which formed into a foot-long braided spiral of purple and white. They burned with a golden flame that pushed away some of the purple mist that engendered terror and hopelessness. One candle appeared at Sunset’s feet, a second popped into existence next to Discord and the third burned next to Rarity, who crouched at the cage’s locked door.

The Siren Princess shook her head to clear it, and then snarled at Aria and Sunset. She gripped the Black Trident in both hands and took a menacing step forward.

“Hold on and calm down.” Sunset held up her hands and spoke authoritatively as she stood between the two Sirens whose magical weapons remained poised and at the ready. “Adagio, you accuse Aria of betrayal, but what of your actions since the Battle of the Bands? For example, before any of this started, you assaulted Sonata.”

Adagio's shock had completely disappeared and transformed completely into haughty fury. She spat forth a response through clenched teeth. “She is my subject, and she dared to insult us by implying that we were nothing more than human. I consider a beating to be a light punishment for such an offense.”

Despite the flickers of lightning dancing between the Black Trident’s tines, Sunset raised her eyebrow and lightly rebuked Adagio. “I think we can forgive Sonata for her confusion in this situation. After all, it’s not whether you label me a unicorn mare or a human female; it’s what’s at the core of our beings that counts.”

“Oh, you’re truly desperate if you must resort to such heroic clichés, Sunset!” Adagio threw her head back, and laughed derisively. “What angered me is the fact that Sonata insinuated that we are mortal. I’ve been walking on two legs much, much longer than you have. So, is that all?” The Siren Princess cocked her head in challenge.

Pointing at the discarded pack on the ground near the cage, Sunset stood with arms akimbo. “Not even close, Adagio. You broke into my apartment and stole my belongings.”

“Consider my relief of your ill-gotten gains a sort of justice for your previous larceny in this world and in Equestria. After all, you’ve taken many things that don’t belong to you. I’m amazed that your theft of a kiss from your friend’s married father didn’t wreak more havoc, especially since it cost so much of the Carousel Boutique’s profits to keep you quiet.” Adagio pointedly stole a glance at Rarity, and seductively mocked Sunset. “If the rumors at Canterlot High School are true, I expected Rarity’s pristine white skin to turn green with jealousy.”

On the opposite side of the chamber, Sweetie Belle’s terrified green eyes searched Rarity’s face for an explanation. The fashionista began to stammer, and the candle nearby dimmed dangerously as it burned. Desperate to change the subject, Sunset bit her bottom lip, and levied another accusation at Adagio. “You kidnapped Scootaloo, Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle, and you intend to murder them!”

“Technically, Raven kidnapped them, and this sacrifice is what I must do to return home. My Master’s power is the only way to protect my people from that terrible banshee and her undead Lord!” shouted Adagio. She regained her composure, ran her free hand through her sumptuous curls and stroked her chin thoughtfully, as a sarcastic tone entered her voice. “Hmm… But Sunset, if I recall correctly, my plan isn’t much different from what you nearly pulled off this past fall when you sprouted wings and started slinging fireballs.”

Sunset’s temper began to flare, causing smoke to rise from the Element of Redemption and her clothing. “Dammit, Adagio! My point is that you don’t have to do this! Didn’t you listen to Aria? Raven has been destroyed!” She carefully opened the first aid box and displayed the banshee’s bronze dagger. Sunset softened her voice and looked deep into Adagio’s eyes. “Raven plotted to have you killed in a specifically horrific way that would also destroy He Who Swims in Darkness, but because Aria won the battle, we have your heart-pendant’s shards! If your voice and long life is what this is all about, forget your Master. Leave with us, and we can try to restore your magic without sacrifices and murder!”

“But what of my duty to Aquastria? My duty to the mermares?” Adagio’s magenta eyes grew wistful, and she looked beyond Sunset towards the cavern’s exit. Her grip on the Black Trident loosened, and the red lightning extinguished itself.

Apple Bloom looked up at the imposing Siren Princess, the flickering light from the conjured candles emphasizing her emotions as it reflected off of her tear-filled amber eyes. She gathered what little courage she possessed and spoke. “Adagio, please come with us. Sunset can make anything at my father’s forge, I just know it!”

Adagio looked down at Apple Bloom. She began kindly, “Little one—“

Vecna plotted to drain my divinity through my Siren?” Leviathan suddenly broke into the conversation. The cavern shook so furiously that a stalactite crashed from the ceiling. Discord saved himself, Pinkie and Fluttershy by conjuring an enormous golf umbrella made of trampoline material, causing the rocks to bounce harmlessly to the cave floor. “Adagio, we must have our revenge! Give me my sacrifices! With you as Queen, we will marshal my resources and gather slaves in Aquastria.” Leviathan paused his assault on the three warding candles and concentrated the sickly violet mist in a thick cloud surrounding Adagio.

Helping Pinkie and Fluttershy to their feet, Discord carefully picked up the purple and white candle and edged back towards the center of the cavern. “So, this is a lovely party, but I think that you need some time alone with your date to work through this disagreement.” The Spirit of Chaos’ military outfit morphed into a camouflage tuxedo. Since we all arrived with Sunset, it’s only polite for the three of us to check on her.”

Leviathan’s eyes glimmered in sinister glee as his evil fog caused Adagio’s hair to billow and her expression to harden. The Siren princess gripped the Black Trident once again as she warned Discord. “Whoever you are, you’d better stop right there! This concert’s not even close to ending, and you’ve committed to the entire show, whether you know it or not. I get nervous with this thing in my hands. I’m sure you wouldn’t want me to slip and hurt this girl.”

“But Adagio, Sunset brought you a gift. Don’t you want to see it?” prompted Discord, who produced a wrapped box of chocolates from somewhere in his jacket. Pinkie ripped off the decorative paper and stuffed several pieces of candy into her mouth, restoring some vibrancy to her pink curls.

Sunset took the hint, cradling the box containing Raven’s dagger, and she angrily pointed at the evil being beyond the veil. The glow from her magical amulet steadied and grew in brilliance. “You will never defeat our spirit. We have defeated Raven’s horde, and we are resisting your foul magic. You can scare and intimidate Adagio, but it’s obvious that you need her to consciously choose to kill Apple Bloom to provide you with power.” She spoke with confidence and certainty, while arcane power swirled around her. “You always have a choice, Adagio. This creature is trying to fool you into thinking that his path is the only one. Set down the Trident. Better yet, hurl it into your Master’s eyes, and come with us! My friends will teach me how to forge a new heart for you.”

The eerie mist swirled around Adagio, whose eyes looked vacantly into the distance. Behind her, Leviathan’s tentacles quivered and his eyes closed. Sunset and Aria looked at one another as they heard an echo of an agonized scream beyond the gate. At last, Adagio’s unhinged magenta gaze settled on Sunset, and her lips twisted in a cruel sneer. “Keep the shards, for all the good they’ll do you. The Master will give me a new heart after I am crowned Queen.”

Sunset prepared to press her debate, but Aria interrupted her. “As long as she’s like that, there’s no reasoning with her. My mother told me about something similar that happened to Adagio’s mother in the temple. The next time Adagio regains herself, we have to try to grab Apple Bloom and make a run for it. All eleven of us may not make it out of here even if we do flee. He Who Swims in Darkness is gathering power from our fear,” warned Aria.

To punctuate her point, Leviathan inhaled the purple mist through the veil again, and the inky cloud concealing his features became larger and sleeker. The flow of magical vapor caused Sunset’s conjured candles to spill some of their melted wax, and the glow from the Element of Redemption dimmed to a small degree.

By way of reply, Sunset upended the metal first aid box onto the cavern’s floor, and then stepped back. With a mighty overhand blow, Aria struck the dagger with Chainbreaker, causing an explosion of eldritch energy that tossed her to the ground. The impact rang throughout the spherical cave, just as Leviathan exhaled and distributed the will-sapping mist throughout the chamber. No trace remained of the dagger’s bronze blade or the heavily enchanted hilt. Only crimson gem fragments remained where the horrific weapon once lay.

Aria grunted and raised herself to a seated position. Chainbreaker’s pale glow illuminated the purple-tinted oval of her pained face. She scooted back towards Sunset’s candle while she desperately tried to break He Who Swims in Darkness’ hold over the princess. “Adagio, pick up the shards and go! Just like in my dream, he needs you much more than you need him. He can’t touch us! Stop listening to him and throw away that damned Trident!”

“I must satisfy our Master, Aria. You know that he is the true path to lead our people.” Adagio’s trancelike voice darkly captivated the companions, while she swept the Black Trident in a slow, sweeping gesture. “The mermares are the Master’s chosen, and he is our stern and distant father, who permits no other male to challenge him. The other races are crying children who would be lost beneath the waves and purposeless without the Empire. As Queen, it is my duty to guide, control and protect them all, and punish the faithless and those that violate the Master’s laws. Few must perish to ensure the Empire’s dominion over many!”

Discord weakly dragged Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie behind a cluster of stalagmites, carefully using his magic to levitate the candle representing Sunset’s ward against despair. The taper had been reduced to a third of its original height, and the gathering violet vapors portended nightmares and torment. He produced a rubber chicken from his jacket pocket, and gave it to Pinkie, who weakly smiled. Fluttershy wrapped both her arms around him and buried her face against his wounded chest.

Discord warned Sunset through gritted teeth. “Aria’s right, Baconhair! I’m hurt, I’m tired, and I can’t hold him back much longer. He’s getting stronger with each passing moment. If we’re going to run, now is the time,” His smirk faded, replaced by consternation.

Leviathan shifted his eerily perceptive violet gaze towards Sunset. “Adagio knows that I am her Master and is committed to what I require. But, at this juncture, you must learn that I am not an ungrateful liege. Once my power is restored, the Trident will be a puny gift compared to what I can bestow upon those who help me return.” His oily voice washed over Sunset, and tendrils of sickly vapor twirled around her body. “You have already done me a mighty favor by leading those who slayed Vecna’s Herald. Sunset, you spoiled the banshee’s plans and saved my future Queen and my own divinity. Don’t deny it: I sense the dark flame in your heart, even after you wielded a feather from the Sun Alicorn. The fruit from the Tree of Harmony you wear is powerful in light and in darkness. It suits your divided spirit quite well.”

“No, Sunset, don’t listen to him! He’s lying!” screamed Applejack. “He’s trying to do to you what he did to Adagio. We’re all dead if his voice gets into your head!”

The farmgirl’s accent combined with her terror produced a unique vocal timbre that rang in Sunset's ears, jolting the flame-haired girl back to the present. Sunset proudly tossed her hair and made a gesture that encompassed her rapidly weakening companions. “I have chosen my friends. The darkness you tempt me with does remain inside me, but I am stronger for having beaten it while standing with those I love!”

Adagio’s sarcasm helped Leviathan thicken the violet vapor throughout the cavern. “Oh goody, is it time for this ‘Magic of Friendship’ thing again! That worked so well in the gym last week, didn’t it? If you love them so much, then why not just lay down right here and die for them?” She pointed at the cave floor immediately in front of the pool.

Adagio, don’t be so rash. Enthusiasm to serve me is commendable, but I count upon you to be a patient strategist. Perhaps you should heed your earlier advice to me. You did recommend that I make use of the materials before me,” rumbled the dark being.

Aria, seeing Sunset under mental assault from He Who Swims in Darkness, suddenly lost her temper. She sprang to her feet, spun Chainbreaker and charged Adagio, leaping over the crimson shards as she attacked. “She saved me, Adagio! She can save you once I get rid of the Trident!” Her purple eyes were fixed upon the dark weapons’ tines.

A burst of red lightning from the Black Trident caught Aria in the chest just as she was about to bring Chainbreaker crashing down onto the midnight-colored metal. Screaming in pain, Aria watched in disbelief as the lightning turned into liquid darkness, and it formed several bands that snugly confined her arms and legs. The bindings also encircled Chainbreaker, causing the weapon’s flanges to dig painfully into the redeemed Siren’s chest.

Leviathan drew his will-sapping mist away from Adagio, and focused all of his malevolent attention upon Sunset. “So, my two-legged mare, have you truly chosen your friends? What of your home? What of your magical talent? I know much of hunger, and am quickly learning much about you. After long years, your skill at the forge has given you a taste of the arcane once more, and you have proven yourself as a battle mage and combat leader. You must know that you will never, ever reach your true potential here in this world.”

“My potential and who I am has nothing to do with the world I’m in,” replied Sunset. Her voice wavered, and she glanced down at Aria struggling on the cave’s floor. “It has everything to do with the choices I make.” The trio of candles keeping the violet mist at bay rapidly burned down, and the green-blue light originating from her magical amulet flickered dangerously.

Bubbles gurgled through the veil between worlds as Leviathan roared with derisive laughter. “That was an excellent but futile attempt at a dramatic response. I surmise that for one so gifted in magic as you, removing that beautifully crafted amulet will feel like cutting off your own horn.” His eyes narrowed, and he pointed a tentacle at Sunset. “You know, I could crown two Queens tonight: The Aquastrian Queen Below and the Equestrian Queen Above. Let me show you who you could be, Sunset Shimmer.”

He Who Swims in Darkness reached up with his pointing tentacle, and pressed it against the veil once again, creating a ten-foot wide square of shadow. Images came to life on the darkly conjured display, showing a majestic figure standing on a sumptuous red and gold carpet. The alicorn flapped her light amber wings, while holding her muzzle high. Her long spiral horn, suffused with a potent magical aura, reached towards a vaulted marble ceiling. Upon the alicorn’s head rested an enormous obsidian crown, and an ostentatious obsidian necklace encircled her neck. Both royal devices were embedded with crimson, diamond-shaped jewels. In the image, the alicorn’s green-blue eyes haughtily scanned the crowd of ponies kneeling obediently and fearfully at her feet. Banners behind the illusory Sunset Shimmer proclaimed unquestioned dominance, with her cutie mark superimposed over the top of a black squid trailing ten tentacles.

“Yes! We would live and rule forever, Sunset!” Adagio’s magenta eyes blazed in the darkness, and she gestured towards her disheveled pack near the cage. “I read your notes, and I read your blackmail ledger. I even used the compact! This is everything you ever desired. You pine for your Canterlot. Indeed, you are desperate for it, as I am desperate for Aquastria.”

The blood drained from Sunset’s face, and the candles she had conjured with her confident magic consumed their fuel at an alarming rate. “No!” she cried, “That’s not who I am anymore!”

“Fight him, Sunset! Don’t believe his lies. You led me through the darkness to reach the light!” shouted Aria, struggling against the bands of midnight that encircled her body.

Rarity squeezed Sweetie Belle’s hand and forced her blue eyes open. Miraculously she kept her voice steady as she stared at the purple and white candle’s fickle flame. She called to Sunset. “Home isn’t a place, darling. It’s whom you care for.”

Leviathan’s dark voice interrogated Sunset. “Do you dare deny that you plotted to cast down Princess Celestia? Look around your own neck for the proof! Why would you go through the effort to create an item that possesses such a potent focus for dark magic if you didn’t desire to use it?

Sunset attempted to reassure herself as a bead of sweat traced a path from her forehead, down her temple, to her chin. “There will always be good and evil, just as there is always tension between law and chaos—“

Spare me the lecture on the origins of magic! You have yet to answer my question. Why make an item with such powerful darkness if you didn’t want to employ it? You’ve used so much light, Sunset. Give in to the shadow. Balance demands it.” Leviathan’s deep voice exuded both impatience and excitement as he interrupted Sunset.

Free of the dark being’s scrutiny for a moment, Adagio looked at the image of the dark alicorn, pursed her lips and thought, While an Empire Above and an Empire Below sounded wonderful at first, why is the Master looking to crown Sunset, too? Something isn’t right. His rage isn’t calculated, it’s too impatient, and almost frantic. Why must he insist on sacrifices? Now that Raven’s destroyed, I can use his True Name against him, but only once I have my immortality again, and I’m safely on the throne in Nautilus Hall.

“What do you know of balance, slimy?” Discord attempted to draw Leviathan’s attention, while both Pinkie and Fluttershy hid their faces. “I know that the party you bring with you wherever you go would crush any scale I could design. Besides, Sunset’s temper is uncontrollable and unpredictable. She’s not balanced at all, and she’s certainly not your type! For old time’s sake, let’s go find another world to terrorize!” He smiled weakly at He Who Swims in Darkness, and safeguarded Sunset’s tiny candle in a hurricane lamp he yanked free from Pinkie’s hair with an assist from his recovering magic.

Kneel to me, and help Adagio with her sacrificial duties. That’s all I require to grant you youth, immortality and dominion over the third of Equus that is dry land.” Leviathan’s voice echoed inside Sunset’s skull. “I’ll even let you choose your sacrifice. For you, the heart of darkness, I only require one death. They all care for you in their own way. Dying for you will ensure a part of their soul is with you forever more.”

Sunset hooked her index finger around the chain holding the Element of Redemption around her neck. Her eyes stared blankly at the image of her flexing her wings and lording over the Canterlot throne room.

Discord struggled to his feet while carefully lowering Pinkie and Fluttershy to the stone floor. He snapped his fingers and abandoned his military costume for the mismatched suit he wore when he first came through the portal. His crimson eyes flickered furiously in the darkness as he pointed an accusing finger at Leviathan. “You lie! You always lie! I tell riddles, and you tell whoppers. There’s no possible way, even in my home realm, that I could turn her into an alicorn. That power is beyond any you could ever possess.” He turned his head towards Sunset, and a wave of chaotic magic burst from Discord’s hands and danced prismatically amongst the celetstite and pyrite crystals. “Fight him! Reach deep into those complex layers of your spirit and find the strength to push back.”

Dazzled briefly by Discord’s impassioned plea and accompanying light show, Sunset smiled sadly at the Spirit of Chaos, and then silently continued watching the images of herself as the unchallenged ruler of Equestria.

“Sunset Shimmer, remember that you were chosen to bear the Element of Redemption,” Aria furiously struggled against her arcane bonds and rolled to Sunset’s feet, “You’re too smart and too tough to fall for this. He’s just another flim-flam artist who wants payment before he lifts a tentacle. Sunset, remember who you’ve become! You saved me, you saved Sonata, and you’re humble enough to say that we are the ones that made the right choices when it was you that did all the hard work by showing us what we needed to see.” She gritted her teeth, and her piercing violet eyes mirrored the intensity in her voice. “If you choose to follow him here at the end, then you might as well kill me, because I couldn’t stand to see you fall to the shadow.”

Sunset gasped and looked down at Aria. Chainbreaker’s light shined into her green-blue eyes, which snapped into focus. She swept a stray lock of hair at her face, took a deep breath and telekinetically swept the tempting square of darkness away. Drops of midnight stained the nearby rocks.

Dropping to one knee and touching Aria's cheek, Sunset steeled her resolve and met Leviathan's gaze, her eyes filled with defiance and determination. “No! You will never be my Master. I will never serve you. You mistake memory and temptation for fact. Every filly wants to be a princess, and of course I wanted to fly by Celestia’s side. What young unicorn wouldn’t? But, Equestria has changed, and I have changed. You entice me using a version of myself that no longer exists. This is not who I am any more. I have stopped ambitiously seeking power for its own sake. My friends, both here and in Equestria, have taught me to leave that awful version of myself behind forever!” Sunset stood and brandished a purple alicorn feather, which was the last one in her bandolier. “Girls, it’s time to show this oversized squid the magic of friendship!”

Exerting enormous willpower, Rarity and Applejack struggled to their feet, using the cage’s bars as a ladder. Applejack picked up the protective candle, and half-carried Rarity over to where Rainbow Dash clutched items from Adagio’s pack. Cold sweat soaked through the Stetson’s brim while Applejack carefully set the tiny light source down on the ground. With difficulty, she propped up both Rarity and Rainbow Dash. The terrifying violet mist swirled around them as they stood and faced Sunset.

On the other side of the cavern, Discord took off his suit jacket, revealing the prism-and-rainbow T-shirt he had briefly worn during their dinner at the Apples’ farmhouse. He grunted and grimaced while assisting Fluttershy and Pinkie to their feet. “It’s showtime, girls! Sunset can’t be a one-woman band for this number.” Pinkie’s pin-straight hair hung limply around her shoulders, and Fluttershy’s pale yellow skin had taken on a sickly greenish tinge.

Sunset’s voice wavered as Leviathan’s dark magic assaulted her senses. She reached inside herself for the right words, but found only doubt and budding despair. In desperation, she lashed out blindly with familiar words. “Leviathan, together my friends and I create a power greater than you, greater than the Sirens and greater than the Trident Adagio holds. You will never control it, or us, because you don't possess the most powerful magic of all; the magic of friendship!”

Pale auras of multicolored light surrounded each of the six girls, as they levitated free of the cavern’s floor. Around Sunset’s neck, the Element of Redemption’s glow cycled through each of the colors of the rainbow, but its light struggled to overcome the violet fog that threatened to smother it. Motes of light appeared above Sunset’s head, and nearly coalesced into pony ears, as the amulet around her neck struggled to shift its color from violet to lavender and then to white.

Then, all at once, the arcane force collapsed under the weight of Leviathan’s evil presence. Twilight’s final feather rotted in Sunset’s hand, and all six young women suddenly fell to the ground. Jagged rocks cruelly scraped their arms and legs, and the magical candles next to Discord and Applejack burned out. With one exception, the only light in the spherical cave emanated from the triumphant violet eyes, framed by a cloud of darkness that stretched into a watery infinity.

Adagio and Leviathan laughed together, the musical trilling and the grotesque bubbles mixing together into a derisive symphony. Sunset’s purple and white candle continued burning, its fuel nearly exhausted. The violet mist amplified all feelings of failure, and the future Queen of Aquastria and her Master’s taunting laugh went on and on.

Sunset fell to her knees, her heart filling with horror as she was hit with the realization of the extent of their failure. Her former valor giving way to despair, she buried her face in her hands and wept despondently. “I’m so sorry, Twilight. I failed you. I failed my friends, doomed three girls and threatened two worlds.” Though her voice was soft, its contrast with the mocking laughter enabled it to be heard, while her sobs echoed throughout the chamber.

At last, Leviathan stopped his gurgle long enough to issue orders. “There you have it, Adagio. They will not join us, and their spell flickers and dies. Bring me one of the girls.”

“Yes, Master. At last, they are defeated.” Adagio grasped the Trident in both hands and circled around the prone, hopeless figures of Rarity, Applejack and Rainbow Dash to stand over Apple Bloom. Her footfalls carried throughout the chamber, forming a rhythm full of dark portents.

The anthropomorphic darkness approximated a smile. “Of course they now lie defeated and despairing. Shrieking Raven and so many others underestimated us, and now we are victorious. The pressure of water is a continually weighty influence, and so it is with the power I project. This power you will wield in my name. Water carves canyons and covers the world. It seeps everywhere, and I will control Aquastria and then all of Equus through you, Adagio. Become Queen. Kill the girl at your feet first, and then bring me the other two.”

“No! Take me instead!” Applejack struggled to her knees, and she clasped her empty hands in front of her. “Make her a clan chief, a princess or even a Siren, but she must live. You do that, and I’ll lay down without putting up a fight.”

Leviathan skeptically looked at Adagio. “I’m not convinced. The younger sister serves my needs better than the elder. This volunteer is pure of heart, and disgustingly honest, which turns my stomach. Furthermore, she is nearly too old to be useful.”

Adagio, with her coronation at hand, and her mind rapidly clearing, pressed her original argument. “Master, with all due respect, I will decide whom I will sacrifice. You insist on death, to which I have already objected. But, it is my duty, so I will execute it the way I see fit for the good of the Empire. Applejack bravely offers herself, so I will spare Apple Bloom’s life.” Adagio cut the bonds encircling Apple Bloom’s ankles with Sunset’s knife, and the Siren nodded solemnly. “Rise, little one. Make your farewells to your sister. Together, we will rule Aquastria!”

Apple Bloom, her scarlet hair filthy and matted from her time on the ground, lifted her tear-streaked face, and gasped at her sister’s haggard appearance. “No! I won’t say goodbye to you or my friends!”

Applejack staggered to her sister and helped her to her feet by wrapping her in a loving embrace. Kissing her cheek, she removed her trademark hat and placed it upon Apple Bloom’s head. “Be brave for Granny and Big Mac. Teach those damned fish a thing or two about being an Apple.” Applejack turned to Adagio and said defiantly. “You’re so eager to murder someone that we might as well get this over with.”

“Don’t do this, either of you!” Sunset stopped her sobs long enough to howl at Applejack and Adagio.

Applejack’s bravado evaporated when she looked at Sunset through Leviathan’s foul violet vapors. Wiping a tear from her eye, she sadly shook her head. “I told you that I’d do anything to save my sister, sugar cube. This is the top item on the ‘anything’ list. Find a way to stop that thing and bring Apple Bloom back to my brother.” Trembling, she turned and watched the Siren princess expectantly.

“Lie down over there, Applejack,” Adagio pointed to a flat rock immediately in front of the veil between worlds. Her voice suddenly shifted from commanding to regretful. “I promise that I’ll be as merciful as this weapon allows. Know that your selflessness saved your sister, and she will rule beneath the waves.” Applejack meekly obeyed. Apple Bloom, wearing Applejack’s hat, sniffled as she watched her sister prepare herself for the end.

Rarity’s shrill shout caused Adagio’s head to turn. “Stop! I will go in place of Sweetie Belle!" Rarity’s voice shook as the violet mist parted, permitting her to stand. "Sonata told us a terrible story about an empty bedroom. If I had to walk past that empty bedroom every day, knowing that my sister was gone when I could have done something, I would never forgive myself.” She gazed deep into her sister’s pale green eyes. “Darling, I have cared for you so long that the line between big sister and mother has become blurred. I will make sure you live long enough to avenge me.”

“Not you, too! You’re giving them both exactly what they want!” Aria shouted. “Sunset, do something, before they break any further!” Her words trailed into a scream of agony as the dark bindings around her crackled with crimson energy.

As she approached, Adagio roughly pushed Rarity back towards the cage. The fashionista whimpered as she crumpled awkwardly to the ground, almost disappearing beneath the foul vapors. Adding a cruel sneer, Adagio pointed the Trident threateningly. “Keep your distance! It’s not your turn, yet.”

Her magic exhausted, the candle on the cave floor at Sunset’s feet guttered and went out. Leviathan’s violet mist surrounded her, despair assaulted her mind, but a dim glow from the Element of Redemption illuminated her bloodshot, puffy eyes.

“Sunset, you know this better than all of us: It is always darkest before the dawn.” Discord’s voice, soft and tender, pierced the silence. He looked towards the exit, where a speck of pale blue light reflected off of a small cluster of celestite crystals. “Rekindle your hope, Element Bearer.”

Sunset stopped crying, and a tiny glow emerged from the potent arcane amulet and stabilized. Stubbornly, she made a desperate play for time. “Adagio, don’t do this! He needs to you to commit murder, not for Aquastria, but for himself! You have a choice, and there must be another way, no matter how much that creature tries to hide it from you. Come away with us, and find a way to make up for what you’ve done. For Celestia’s sake, don’t let that thing in your hand or that horrible monster determine your path. Choose your own destiny!”

The Black Trident was ready to strike, held in Adagio’s right hand. Red lightning danced ominously between the weapon’s tines. Despite her terror, Applejack kept her eyes fixed upon her sister, whose lower lip quivered as she bravely watched. Silently, Adagio patted the young girl’s head through the battered Stetson hat.

“I love you, big sister,” whispered Apple Bloom, as her tears dripped onto the gray rocks beneath her feet.

Do it now, Your Highness! Become the Queen you are destined to be!” Leviathan’s inky cloud hungrily filled the veil between worlds. “At last, you must commit to truly being my servant!

The hand holding the Trident started to shake, and the weapon’s crimson electricity flickered uncertainly. Adagio lifted Applejack’s hat from Apple Bloom’s head, gripping the brim in her left hand. Silently, she glanced down regretfully at Apple Bloom and Applejack in turn. Gritting her teeth, Adagio squinted her eyes and peered into the darkness to meet Leviathan’s malign violet gaze. She uncertainly raised the Trident once more, tensed her muscles and closed her eyes.

A metallic clang rang through the cavern as the Black Trident impacted not the soft flesh of Applejack, but the rusty tines of a pitchfork. Caught off guard by the sudden interference, Adagio lost her grip on the terrible artifact. Both pitchfork and Trident crashed against the cavern’s wall, where the weapon and the gardening tool both disappeared with a sharp bang. A pale blue light originating from the chamber’s entrance reduced the oppression of the surrounding gloom.

A confident female voice announced, “Adagio, for centuries, we’ve taken away the choices of others, and we’ve manipulated them to do what we wanted. Now it’s my turn to relieve you of the burden of a decision. You will not hurt my friends anymore!”

Leviathan’s violet eyes shifted away from Adagio and her prone sacrifice. He looked towards the source of the illumination, chuckled malevolently, and intoned, “I've been waiting for you, Sonata."
