Cooking with the Author and OC

by Blue Breeze

Episode 2: Ice's Birthday Cake

Blue and I get into frame as the camera starts up. "Hey, guys. Welcome back for the second episode of Blue and Tim's Kitchen." I say.

"Yippee." Blue says, again with a fake cheer.

"We thank you guys a lot for all the feedback we got after episode one. You guys really seem to like this."

"What is wrong with you people to even like this junk?"

I smack him upside the head. "Don't insult the audience. They are very nice to like this crap."

"So, you admit this show sucks?"

"Oh, without a doubt. But if people like it, then I'm not gonna complain about it."

"You would do that."

"Indeed, I would. But anyway, today is Ice's birthday, and we're here to celebrate."

"Yeah, dude really needs it after the kind of life he's had."

"No kidding. That's why on today's episode we shall be making Ice a super special birthday cake."

Out of nowhere as usual, Pinkie pops up between us. "And I'm gonna be setting up the super special awesome terrific spectacular party!" she says really fast. "There's gonna be games and music and dancing and-"

I cut her off with a hand. "We get it, Pinkie. It sounds awesome, but we don't have much time. You go set it up while we bake."

"Okie Dokie Lokie!" she then bounces off cheerfully, humming to herself with glee.

"Anyway, while all this is going on over here, we're having the others keep Ice busy as to not ruin the surprise."

"Yeah, I wonder what they're doing right now anyways." Blue says.

Out in town

Drax holds Ice as Dark gets ready for the birthday beating, Zephyr and Orion watching from a distance. "Dark, you sure about this?" Zeph asks him.

"Sure I'm sure. Everypony gets a birthday beating." he says.

Ice gulps. "Remind me again, why are we doing this, and how many times do I get punched?"

"Everypony gets a beating every birthday. Well, every colt does anyway. You get one punch for every year. How old are you again?"


"Oh, then this is gonna be fun." Dark cracks his joints as he walks closer, Ice shaking in fear at the sight of it.

Back in the kitchem


"Oop, looks like we know now." I say.

"Yep, Dark would do that."

"Anyway, time to get this party started."

"But this isn't the party. The party's afterwards."

"Just shut up and work with me."

"You mad, brony?"

I just grumble as I wash my hands before the cooking starts. Notice how I keep switching between saying cooking and baking? Yeah, who cares?

"For today's cake, we're using none other than the very recipe for the Portal cake."

"Just for all you game nerds out there, which I'm guessing is about ninety percent of you."

"You have no idea how right you are. Anyway, we're not going into as much detail, so we shall be providing a link to the recipe below."

"He's basically saying he's lazy."

"And going into detail would be boring for the viewers."

Recipe for your very own Portal cake.

"Now, time to get started. And this time we actually made sure to get the ingredients ahead of time."

"Don't want a another incident like last episode." he looks at me in annoyance.

"Hey, I said I was sorry afterwards."

"Let's just move on, shall we?"

"Right, first thing is to preheat the oven." I turn thr knob and then walk over to a bowl full of ingredients. "While that's heat, I'll mix together the dry ingredients."

"And I'll be mixing the sugar and shortening." Blue says as he begins mixing another bowl.

"Just make sure to be careful this time. I don't want any more licks fom you, Scooby Blue."

"I bet you think you're clever, don't you?"

"The fans sure think so. Just check the comments I get on these things."

"Think you ought to leave the fourth-wall alone?"

"NEVER!" I shout, raising my spoon in the air.

"Well, now that my mixing is done, time to add in some eggs. Blue pulls out two eggs, cracks them open, and adds in their yolk.

"Great, yet another thing I can't eat because of my allergies."

"Sucks to be you." after beating for a bit, Blue grabs some vanilla extract tand puts a bit in the mixture before he starts beating it gain.

"Yeah, beat that like you beat Rainbow Dash."

"Or how like you beat your meat."

I made this guy too good at comebacks.

After a bit of beating, we start slowly adding in the dry ingedients mixture I made and mix them til combined. "Okay, now to put these in our pre-greased cakepans."

Oh yeah, did I mention we greased up cakepans? 'Cause we did. Oh well. Follow the recipe, not us.

We pour the batter in and put the pans in the oven "Okay, now we just wait about thirty five minutes."

"...So, what are we gonna do til then?"

Thirty five minutes later

"Got any twos?" I ask Blue, as we have been playing Go Fish this entire time.

"Go fish."

"You're not cheating, are you?" I say, raising an eyebrow.

He nervously laughs. The timer goes off. "Oh, the batters ready!"

"You got lucky!" I yell as he dashes to the oven.

He takes the two layers out, making sure to use oven mits. "Looks great. Now to let 'em cool."

After a few minutes of nothing happening, he take the layers and cut them in half. "Now to sprinkle these with kirsch, or cherry liqueur."

We sprinkle the layers and then grabbed a can of cherries and pour it into a colander, making sure to dump out most of the juices.

"You do that while I do more beating." Blue says. He starts mixing together sugar with whippedcream. After beating a bit, he puts it to the side and uses the remaining cream to mix with coacoa powder.

Is this getting boring yet? I can't really help that.

"Now it's time to work the layers." I say, cracking my fingers. I grab a layer and spread some whippedcream on it and top it with cherries cherries. I do this for the first three layers, stacking each on top of each other..

After we run out of cherries, we take the final layer and stack it on, using the remaining frosting to coat it. "Time to cream on this bitch!"

"Epic Pie Time used it first." Blue says.

"Shut up."

I then grab a chocolate bar and start shaving it over the cake. "Nothing like a good shaving."

"Lame joke is lame."

"I said shut up."

We take more whippedcream and make small circles on the top. We then finish off by adding cherries to each circle.

"And there we go. We have our very own Portal birthday cake."

"Ah ah ah. Don't forget the candle."

"Oh, of course." I grab a candle and put it in the denter. "And now we're done."

"Thank you all for watching. Now, if you'll excuse us, we've got a birthday party to go to."

Some time later

Ice walks to Sugarcube Corner, a blindfold around his face.

"You're almost there, Ice." Blue says.

"This better be good. This birthday has sucked so far."

"Oh, don't you worry. It'll be good."

As the two enter, Blue takes off Ice's blinfold.

"SURPRISE!" everypony shouts. "Happy birthday, Ice!"

Ice gets a huge smile on his face. "Aw, you guys are the best."

I come in wheeling out the cake. "And here's your special birthday cake."

"No way!"

"Blow out the candle and make a wish."

He takes a deep breath and blows, blowing out the small flame. Everypony cheers.

This was a triumph. I'm making a note here: huge success. Okay, I'll stop.