//------------------------------// // Chapter 1 // Story: Chaos Theory // by Lucky Seven //------------------------------// Chaos Theory Chapter 1 Darkness. That's all there is. It taunts me. It mocks me. I've been stuck in this prison for a week now, and the celebration of my defeat has finally ended. But I've been doing some thinking since I was put back in here. Not about revenge, mind you. Perhaps I went too far. There, I said it. Are you happy? But it isn't just that. I had been too cocky. Too arrogant. I was certain that my position as ruler of Equestria had been secured when she had turned grey. But I was wrong. I truly had underestimated the "magic of friendship". I honestly did feel bad when she shed that tear and it formed into a broken heart, but I couldn't let my emotions get in the way of my conquest. I was too smart to allow that. But I guess that could be debated now, because towards the end I let my arrogance get the better of me, and well, here I am, a garden decoration once more. Was this it? Had that been my last stand? I don't know, but being immortal has its perks, and eventually, I may be free once more. But it will be different. I'll plan ahead. They won't get the best of me again, I won't allow it. I had been too cocky to notice the bearers represented their elements once again, and it cost me. Big time. What made her so special anyways? How had she so easily broken free of my influence. Nopony had ever succeeded at doing that until she did it. But I was too foolish to notice until it was far too late. So, once again, here I am. Trapped in stone. This sucks. I wish something would happen, but everypony is too scared to visit me. I can't really blame them. The last time my statue had been visited, I had broken free, so why would anypony want to risk that again? But that's just it. If nopony visits me, then there's no risk of me breaking out again, problem solved. But that was when I heard a noise I hadn't heard in so long. Hoof-steps. Had somepony finally worked up the courage to face me, or is it just my mind playing tricks on me? I still couldn't see, though I could hear, and I was certain I heard somepony clearing their throat. "I'm sorry." Come again? I swear I recognize that voice. "I'm so sorry, Discord..." Yes, I'm certain now. It's the pony who defeated me so easily. Twilight Sparkle. I couldn't see it, but I was sure she had jumped as I said her name. But I'm unable to talk, so how could she have heard me? Um, hello? She hasn't responded yet, so maybe it was my imagination again. I still don't understand why she's here though. Why should she of all ponies be sorry? If anypony should be sorry, it should be me! I was the one who tried to take control of Equestria, and I paid for it. "I thought the Elements would help you like they did with Luna. But this..." So she was actually trying to help me the whole time? "I didn't think they would turn you to stone again, honest." I mentally scoffed at that. Her mentor had clearly told her what they would do, so I find it hard to believe she's truly sorry. "The other girls didn't believe me when I said you could change." Yeah? Well, neither do I. "But I know you can if you put your mind to it. You truly are a mastermind." Finally, somepony recognizes my brilliance! "I'm so, so sorry." Perhaps she truly was sorry. She had, after all, been taught by Celestia to forgive and forget, and to make friends wherever she could. But... no, I can't let her sway my mind with her lies. "I don't know if you can actually hear me, but if you can, I would understand if you hate me." This is shocking. First, she throws me back in my prison, and tries to act like it was an accident. Now she says she's understanding of me. I know what this is. She's trying to weaken me. Trying to butter me up, and then when I think she's chummy with me, she'll stab me in the back. Just like that grim mentor of hers. "But, I thought I'd do something to prove to you that I'm sorry." I still couldn't see, but she was clearly putting something on my eye. I heard a noise, and then... Light! What exactly is she doing though? I can feel something whacking against my other eye now, and I strain to open them both. As soon as they open, I'm assaulted by the brightness of Celestia's sun. It's almost too bright, but I leave my eyes open, and eventually they adjust to the new setting. Looking around, I take in my surroundings. I'm still in my prison, but the stone over my eyes has been chipped away. My eyes finally catch sight of her. The little lavender pony is still as cute as ever. I try to call out to her, but remember that I still couldn't talk. I look at her with pleading eyes, and I can swear I see tears forming in those big, purple eyes. She started to break down upon seeing me gaze at her, and let out little laughs of joy. "Oh, I'm so happy to see you're okay, Discord!" Why? Why was Twilight so enamored with helping me all of a sudden. I took her friends from her, turned her against herself, and yet she wanted to help me feel better? I had made her life miserable, even if it had been for a short time, yet she was hell-bent on making me feel better. As she looks up at me and lets out little sobs of joy, I can't help but feel happy myself. After so long, somepony had finally shown me some compassion in an otherwise cruel world. But I was still skeptical about the whole thing, and let her know it by glaring down at her. She quickly caught on and cleared her throat once more. "I'm sure you don't want me taking up your vision, so I'll leave you be..." As the lavender pony picks up her tools and starts to walk away, I can't help but feel angry. I'm certain there's something fishy going on here. But still, it's nice to be able to see again. As she finally exits my vision, I let out a mental sigh, not sure how I should be feeling right now.