Chaos Theory

by Lucky Seven

Chapter 2

Chaos Theory

Chapter 2

It's been a few days since Twilight visited me and returned my sight. I almost escaped yesterday. An old married couple had been arguing over orange juice of all things, and right in front of me. While I agree with the stallion's stance that pulp free orange juice is better, that was a pretty stupid argument. Obviously, I didn't care though. All that mattered was that I was going to be free, but nope, destiny had other plans, and Celestia had shown up and basically told the two to sod off and stop acting like foals.

Then, no more than ten minutes afterwards, two guards had been walking by me when one mentioned that he had been promoted. It sparked a huge fight between the two, and my seal actually cracked a little. But alas, Celestia heard it and came back. She noticed the crack in my seal and berated the two for arguing in front of me, telling them that hell would break lose if they kept fighting. It was quite funny actually, seeing Celestia yell at her guards, and seeing them cower away in fear of being burned to a crisp.

After that nonsense had been taken care of, she had noticed my eyes were free. And do you know what she did? She poked them! What a complete jerk! I remember the rather one-sided conversation we had had.

"I see your eyes are free."

No, really?

"I'm honestly sorry, Discord."

Oh great, another pony lying about feeling bad for me.

"I'm not sorry you lost. I'm sorry you got turned back into this."

I'm not even going to pretend I heard that. In fact, I'm going to sing.

Uptown mare! She's been living in her uptown world!

I'll bet she never had a back-street colt! I bet her mama never told her why!

"I hear my student visited you a couple days ago."

Hmm, this is interesting. Maybe enough to make me stop singing.

"If she had something to do with your eyes being freed, it wouldn't surprise me."

Oh really? And why's that? You finally realize how defiant she is?

"She's been depressed over your condition for the entire week."

Wait, really?

"Nopony can snap her out of it. But she's scared to tell anypony else why she's sad."

I can't really blame her. Tell the town you feel bad for a villain. Go ahead, see how well that works out for you.

"I keep trying to tell her nopony will care, but she's too caught up in trying to help you to listen."

Once again, I can't blame her. I am quite the sight, so it is hard to focus on anything other than myself.

"She seems adamant that you can change, but I'm not too sure just yet."

I'm right there with you sister.

"I've considered freeing you myself, but if you truly change, your prison should break on its own."

We went over this over a thousand years ago Celestia, it's quite boring.

"But... you did change a little bit."

Huh? Come again?

"Your chaos was nowhere near as bad as it had been so many years ago."

Because I wanted you to have fun. But I guess the joke's on me, huh?

"I remember when it used to be frightening lightning, not chocolate rain. And when it was lava roads, not soap."

Well, I can't have too much fun if everypony is dead, can I?

"You did change Discord, just not enough."

I don't know how to respond to that...

"I'm not saying you have to give up chaos. Just... control it better, if you will."

No, I will not. Chaos is the lack of control, don't you knuckleheads get it?

"I know, I know, chaos and control are two different things, but hear me out."

Well what else can I do? Walk away perhaps?

"No matter how orderly things are, something is bound to go wrong at some point, and no matter how chaotic things are, something is bound to go right."

That may be true, but I'm the embodiment of chaos. I can't let order into my life, can I?

"I need to go, but there's one more thing I need to say."

Just hurry up and get out of my face, would you?

"I can see it in your eyes, Discord. You have feelings for Twilight. Not romantic, mind you, but you grew attached to her when you were spreading chaos, I can tell."

What?! How dare you! I do not have any compassion for that mare!

Celestia had flown off after that, presumably back to the throne room, but I can't be sure.

But she got me thinking. Maybe I do care for that little lavender pony, however corny it sounds. Even if she did put be back in here, Celestia did make her out to be hell-bent on saving me from the doomed existence that was being a garden decoration. And I have to admit, when she freed my eyes a few days ago, I felt bad for how I had doubted her so readily. I still don't fully trust either of them though. This could all be a plot to get on my good side and use me for their own purposes.

Then they'll probably stone me again and throw me in a dumpster somewhere in the lower-class part of Manehattan. No thank you, I'd rather stay in a place that at least smells nice. And where homeless ponies don't go to the bathroom. Yeah, I'd much rather stay here, the place I've called home for almost all of my life. It's kind of depressing when I think about it, but I may be stuck here for all of eternity, with nothing to look at but the other statues, and the grass.

But... no, I'm not going to change my mind so quickly. They'd better give me some hardcore evidence that they want me back, or I'll never believe them. I don't say this to be cruel, or because I hate them. But they've literally made my life as boring as it can possibly be, and that's unbearable for somepony like me.

But I digress. It's getting late, so I better try to go to sleep. Good night me.