//------------------------------// // Chapter 3: Release // Story: A New Reign // by Reddened Chaos //------------------------------// Nightmare and Twilight were in the Canterlot dungeons, along with Red, who was picking up Rarity, and Night Shade, who was supervising Rainbow Dash. Night Shade looked exactly like the female Shadowbolt form when Nightmare had tried to dissuade Rainbow. It was weird at first, but everypony got use to it. Red smiled offering his hand to Night Shade. "Nice to meet you, Night Shade. I'm Red." He said formally introducing himself to her. "Captain," she said impersonally, not looking at him. "Princess Nightmare informed of you, seeing as how I'd be the escort for you, your marefriend, Prisoner Dash, and possibly Prisoner Rarity in a few weeks to Prance." "No need to refer to them as Prisoners Nighty. As I know your coming with me and Fleur to Prance. Rarity may or may not come along...if she doesn't then if she proves enough I intend to have her possibly watch the house till we returned..." "The Princess ordered last night after she and her aide returned that your case go with you, and mine as well, and I'm not one to disobey royalty." "Fair enough...I guess Rarity and Dash would be coming with us then..." He said as he walked with her, looking her over a bit, finding her to look quite attractive. "Indeed they are," Nightmare said. "Just as Twilight and the others are staying here with their supervisors, me being Twilight's." "Fair enough Princess." Red said smiling as he followed them. They made it to the cells of Twilight's friends, all of whom looked bored. Night Shade stomped on the ground once and yelled, "ON YOUR HOOVES, PRISONERS! IT'S TIME FOR YOUR PAROLE!! "Nearly as loud as the Canterlot Royal Voice," Nightmare muttered to herself "Tch...I get she's trying to be professional but no need to be so rude..." He said muttering as well, as Nightmare was able to hear him, as he looked at Rarity. He walked over to her cell, which Nightmare unlocked with her magic as he got closer, and opened it. Red smiled offering his hand to Rarity. "Lady Rarity, My name's Red. Princess Nightmare has allowed my marefriend Fleur and I to supervise you, during this 'parole' as it were, you are to be staying with us at our home, we've already prepared a room for you. Infact due to the fact that we are going to Prance in a few weeks, you are to be coming with us as well." He said as he offered his hand. "So, shall we be going to get you some proper food and to get you settled for your new, possibly temporary home?" He asked her smiling. "Only so I can get out of this disgusting excuse for a room," she said in a high pitched voice. "That's because it's a prison cell, Rarity," Twilight said. "And how are you out so soon, Twilight? If that's your real name," Rainbow said, still in her cell. "Rainbow why are you acting like that?" Twilight asked, KNOWING that even Rainbow willingly agreed to relax and allow Nightmare to take over when they discovered they were unable to beat her. "Because I don't see why you'd want to walk around with her all day, the pegasus mare said, pointing to Nightmare. "Yeah, we all surrendered to her, but none of us though of becoming her personal assistant. How do we know you didn't just do that so we would surrender to, and you always supported her." "Rainbow Dash what in tarnation are ya trying to say? You were probably the first of us to surrender!" Applejack said clearly showing annoyance at Dash doing this. "But 'Twilight' was the first, and we don't know how skilled at magic she is. She could have used some kind of mind spell to make us surrender. Don't tell me that didn't cross your mind once!" "Rainbow Dash, Shut up. I'm not like that. I'm offended you'd even THINK that I would do such a thing to my friends! I spent part of yesterday asking her what she was going to do about you five because I was worried about you!" "Oh," was all the cyan mare said to that. "Well, seeing as how her supervisor is here as well, I suppose Rainbow should be released next," Nightmare said. "What do you think, Twilight?" "Agreed," Twilight said. "Night Shade?" "Yes, Ma'ams," Night Shade said before going to Dash's cell. Dash stood up to greet her "Hello, Night Shade." "Ms Dash, I'm your supervisor. Please follow any and all rules that I lay down for you, and we won't have an issue." "I got'cha I gotcha." She said smiling, as she stood with the Shadowbolt. "As for the rest of you, you'll be under the supervision of guards I chose personally," Nightmare said as she opened the rest of the cell doors, allowing the three remaining mare to walk out. "Now, if you would follow me," the alicorn said, turning to the exit to the dungeons. "Princess, if you don't mind, I'd like to watch over the animals in the garden here...Please." Said Fluttershy, as the group began to follow her. "I expected that, which is why your supervisor is a guard that seems to like animals a lot. As for you, Applejack, the guard supervising you is the one that seems to enjoy talking about farming, and always works out." She nodded "Sounds good t' me. Maybe we can swap some tricks." She said smiling "And as for you, pink one, your supervisor is the most energetic guard I could find, seeing as how you're always jumping around," Nightmare said before another guard came in, out of breath. "Your Majesty," he said once he caught his breath, there's a pony requesting to see you." "Who?" "A Princess Mi Amore Cadenza, your Highness." "Cadence?" Red asked, as he went with them to go and see what Cadence wanted. "You know her," Nightmare asked him. Red nodded as he began to explain. "Well, Cadence is an old friend of ours, my little sister and I you see...She used to baby sit her, and that's how I met her, she would come by to babysit my little sister Moon Dancer." He explained smiling as they went to see Cadence. "I haven't seen that mare in a while...I wonder how she's been..." He said genuinely curious to see his old friend. Red smiled in anticipation. "Wait, Moon Dancer," Twilight asked. "She's an old friend of mine. How come I never saw you before?" Red went silent "I was trying to get into guard training....it's been a while since I saw my sister.....I can only hope that she even remembers me....much less can forgive me.....for missing that first party of hers." He said showing great shame for said subject. "Not to mention that I was always looking up more and researching more about Nightmare Moon here...As I explained to you guys last night." He said softly. "When was that," Twilight asked, a little fearful of the answer. ".....A few days ago....." He said, as he knew it was just the other day. This made Twilight blush in embarrassment, as she knew that party, as it was the one that Minuette, Lemon Drops, and Twinkle Shine had talked about when she was on her way to her home. "Why do you ask Twilight?" He asked looking at her. "Because she invited me to the party, and I went into over drive, trying to tell Celestia about Nightmares return," Twilight said as the group reached the throne room. Red nodded "I see." They entered the Throne Room to find the noble pink Alicorn standing waiting, with a white stallion that was very familiar to Twilight, and a young filly who was half the height of Red, next to Cadence, who had a beige coat, along with a Red and purple mane, she also had glasses.. "Moon Dancer," both Red and Twilight said in surprise. This got the attention of the three ponies in the throne room. "Hey, Bro/Twily," Moon Dancer and Shining armor said at the same time. "Red," Cadence said, "what are you doing here?" Red ran over and happily hugged Moon Dancer, lifting her up spinning her around. "Well, I work here Cadence." He said as he stopped, holding Moon Dancer in his arms, now sitting on his shoulder. "Infact, I'm the Captain of the Night Guard!" He explained as Moon Dancer now shown very clear excitement due to finding out now, when he pulls her back down to look in his eyes "Moon Dancer, my little sister, I'm so sorry for missing your party...will you ever forgive your stupid big brother? I'll make it up to you, I promise..." He said. "Of course, Bro. You were in the guard. You couldn't help that," Moon Dancer said with a smile. "Night Guard Captain," Cadence and Shining both said with a raised eyebrow. "There isn't a night guard captain," Shining said, "only captain of the entire guard." "That was under my sisters rule, Captain Armor," Nightmare said. "I decided it would be best if there were two captains, one for each guard." "And why are you the one making decisions in my aunt's stead," Cadence asked angrily. "Because she's Missing..." Red explained. "Plus Cadence, Nightmare's good, she wants what's best for Equestria, so please try to calm down." He said approaching Cadence, gently placing a hand on her shoulder. as Moon Dancer was sat back on her feet when Twilight approached her. "I'm sorry Moon Dancer...I was on overdrive at the time and I was thinking Nightmae was evil and that I had been called to stop her...I definitely would have come if I had been free....I'm sorry." She said hugging the younger mare. "It's okay, Twilight, but I was hoping you could've made it," Moon Dancer said as Cadence and Red continued to speak. "How do you know she's missing?" Cadence said, "How do you know she just didn't kidnap her?" "Because if I had kidnapped her, I would have released her by now, considering the fact that my captain is right. I'm a good mare. If I had kidnapped her, it would have only been to keep her from interfering in my return...I'm worried about my sister, Cadence." Nightmare explained. Twilight smiled "Thanks Moon Dancer...I'll make it up to you, I promise you that." She said smiling. "Maybe I could help you with your studies sometime?" She asked. "Really," Moon Dancer said, to which Twilight nodded. "Thanks." Back with Red and Cadence, which also involved Nightmare now, they were still trying to convince Cadence. "How can anypony know if you're telling the truth. I read the stories, and they all say that you're an evil that ponies were happy that Celestia defeated, and she never said she had a sister. You're lying." "No, I'm not," Nightmare said. "I'm putting as many guards as possible to finding her." "Only to make sure she doesn't come back and defeat you again," Shining said. "Like heck she is doing that Shining Armor!" Red said as he soon butted heads with him. "She's sending me and Fleur, along with Rarity, Night Shade, and Rainbow Dash to Prance in a few weeks to help with relations with the country. Nightmare's doing a good job. You need to calm down. She's not evil." He said, as he looked at Cadence "I read those stories too. Infact, you were there when I read them remember? With how you babysat Moon Dancer....Not all the stories peg her as evil. Celestia was adamant about making sure she wasn't Demonized!" He countered facing down the Alicorn of Love. "Just give her a chance, please." "Only a few stories did that, Red. I'll wait to see it for my self," Cadence said. "Same here," Shining said. "Look, just give her a chance, Cadence. Please? If not for her then for me. You are an old friend of mine, so please just...trust me and give her a chance...." He said practically begging Cadence to do so. "Fine, but only for you, Red," Cadence said. "So will I, but I don't trust her," Shining said. Red smiled and hugged Cadence. "Thank you Cadence, I'm positive you won't regret it." "I'd bhetter not," Cadence said before going over to Twilight, and they did their usual greeting. "Sunshine, Sunshine. Ladybugs awake. Clap your hooves and do a little shake" they said, doing the motions. "It's to see you again Twilight." "You too, Cadence." Red smiled chuckling a bit, finding the little motions and dance adorable, as he stands by Nightmare. "It's still great to see you again as well Cadence...tell me, other than to see what Nightmare's doing here, what brings you here?" "We actually to tell you congrats on going to Prance." "Well, thanks Cadence." He said hugging her now. "You know, Fleur told me that she'd just love it if you proposed to her there," Cadence said. Red began to laugh as he practically twirled Cadence around, dipping her as though for a romantic kiss, just to play with the mare "What did you think I had planned? She was born there as I recall, and hadn't been there for about ten years. Where better to propose, than at her home country? Much less, when we're there to help for that mission right?" He asked laughing whole heartedly as he pulled Cadence up from the dipped position, though still in a position to dance ala a Tango, or Waltz. "And why are you here, BBBFF," Twilight asked Shining Armor. "OH, Well I'm mainly here escorting my marefriend." He said taking Cadence's hand as Red stopped the faux dance, and gave Shining Armor a knowing smirk. Twilight's mouth dropped, and she couldn't say anything for near a minute. The first thing she said was, "Your dating Cadence?" Both blushed, and spoke at the same time. "................Maybe............" "Well," Nightmare said, "Best of luck." They looked at each other and smiled. "Thanks." They said as they turned to leave to go and have themselves a little date.