Survive, adapt, evolve. The Swarm in Equestia.

by Krozairofequestria

Prologue: The first Evolution

'Adapt, improve, perfect.' This three words were the first ones that got trough the pain in my head. As the pains starts to fade I didn't dare try to move. Instead I tried to remember what has happened to me. I was on a gaming convention, I waited the whole year for this weekend. My friends and I were all cosplaying as our favorite characters from a game. Looking back going as Abathur was not my smartest idea. The whole costume was so damn heavy it was hard to move, and looking out of it even harder. But worst of all, the heat in this stupid thing. But it was worth it. We had a lot of fun and the convention was awesome. Until I saw the Merchant and his stall.


This was something I had never seen, I walked over, slowly so I wouldn't trip over the wheels of my costume, to a small stall that has a lot of things I could identify with just one glance. Dantes Blade, some Weapons from Monster Hunter and many others. But something else was drawing me to it. It was something in the shape of an oversized egg. Green, transparent and slimy looking and in it I could see the form of something that looks like a Zerg Larva.

“See something you like.” I was surprised by the sudden voice, luckily no one could see it under the costume. I moved the costume so I could see the person properly. The merchant also were in costume, he looked like the merchant out of Resident Evil, I couldn't remember the exact game of the series, I had never played it only watching a friend playing it. But this was not important at the moment. At first I nodded but then remembered that he couldn't see me, or shouldn't see me. But he acted as if he could see me nodding to his question and continued.

“So what picked your interest?” I ignored the fact that he apparently could see through my costume and pointed at the egg.

“How much for this thing?” He looked at the object and acted as if he was thinking of a price I could pay and he wanted me to pay. After two minutes he smiled.

“What would you say to Twenty?” I nearly lost my balance, was he insane? This was as if he said take it for free. Before I could answer he spoke again.

“I know I know, this is really to much for this old thing alone. So I put this encyclopedia of Star Craft Creatures and technology on top. What do you think? HEY!” This was to much, I lost my balance at his words. I begun to fall forward in the direction of the merchant and his goods.

“AAHH!” I thought this would be it, I would fall and burrow him under me. But luckily he bent over his desk and caught me. He pushed me back up and hold me until I could stand on my own again without risking to crush his goods.

“Thanks”, I said as he continued to smile.

“Don't worry, I know it is really a cheap offer, but I want to close soon and the more I can sell the less I need to carry bag home. So what is your answer? Twenty, yes or no?” Something in my inside said the logic behind this was right and wrong on the same time. But I reached out with one of my arms and hold the three finger hand out to seal the deal with a hand shake.

“Deal, just one moment, I need to get my money out of the costume.” With this said I pulled one of my arms out of the arm part in the inside of the main body. It is like taking of a glove, but with all the sweat on my arm it was really hard. As soon as I get my money out of one of the inner pockets I had put there I gave it to the merchant. The only way to get the it out was the mouth, some of my friends had said it looked funny when my hands got out of the mouth grab something and pull back in the costume, as if the costume would eat the thing. I placed the money in the hand of the merchant and he put the Egg in my other three finger hand. After pulling my hand back I worked my arm back in the costume and grabbed the book with my now again costumed hand.

“Thanks”, I said and he just smiled.

“Have a nice trip.” Not the oddest thing I heard today, but in the back of my head a voice was screaming that he means more with his words then I could understand. But happy with my new things I made my way back to my friends. Then darkness, nothing but darkness. I tried to scream to run or to do anything, but nothing happened. After some seconds that felt like an eternity the darkness was replaced by a green shell and liquid started to fill the thing I was in. And then there was nothing.

Flashback end

After remembering all of this the feeling of my body came back. No not my body, something was strange. The sensation of floating was the first thing I could make out clear, even if my body felt strange for all my life I couldn’t say what was wrong exactly. My head still hurts like hell, but I forced my eyes open. This was wrong, so very wrong. Not one, not two eyes opened, but four of them. Fear started to grow inside of me. I opened my mouth to scream, but the only think that happened was that some sort of liquid flow in my mouth and made me gagging. Big mistake, thanks to my gagging only more of the liquid found its way inside my mouth. The fear growing in me in asked myself will I drown here? I tried to swim up to reach the surface, but something was wrong, my arms felt strange. So I tried to kick around, I hit something like a wall or sack or something with something of my body. 'OK I was in some sort of tank, if I can break it maybe I wouldn't drown.' With the fear and despair giving me power I trashed around and finally broke the wall.

After I broke the wall just a little bit the whole thing ripped open as if a hammer had hit it, spilling all the liquid and myself over the ground. After a few minutes of taking deep breaths I tried to lift myself up. Opening my eyes and feeling the headache slowly dying down. 'Ok making a mental list of everything wrong with me. Point one. Four eyes, strange, but not the worst that could have happen. Yea smart way to word it this way. The list will only grow worse now.' Looking down on my hands a groan escaped my lips. 'Great point two, four arms with two three finger hands. Could it go...... NO I will not think about it. It is bad enough as it is!' I shouted at myself in my head. My Eyes traveled further down my body.

“AAHHHH!” The scream was loud and in a strange voice.

'I have become Abathur.'

Four Month later.

Life was a strange thing the last four month, first getting used to this new body and finding out I got the habit to speak like the real Abathur if I don't concentrate to speak normal, the egg that the merchant has sold me is now a Hatchery and I found out that building something takes a lot more time in real life than in game. A pair of Zerglings for an example would take 24 hours. This will take some time getting used to. Patience was never one of my virtues. But what has blown my mind was the first time something come to live in the Hivemind. It was just a small Larva, but for me it was like a new light in my situation. The feeling of someone, something that is there with you, in this strange new situation. It was strange but it felt so good. And with the birth of the Larva I found out I had the control. I could control it, I could command it to die or to life. It was scary at first but soon I got myself together. I recalled everything I know about the Zerg and begun to create my own swarm.

And know four month later I was here and looked out of the cave in the dark forest where the cave was located in. The swarm was growing steady, just this morning a new batch of Drones has hatched and Overlords were flying around helping me to make a mental map of the forest. 'Ah yes life is good. Wait what?' One of my Overlords has found something and has send a pulse through the Hivemind. I concentrated and my vision started to change. I could see a small clearing not to far away from my cave. 'This was not good, something has come this close to our home and we just saw it now.' But this would have to wait. What I could see in front of me was more interesting.

Third person clearing in the forest.

“We need to go faster!” A black equine creature shouted. Its whole body was covered with wounds and green blood. Following him were four others like him, they all were in a similar state, wounds all over their bodys and green blood flowing out.

“We can't run any faster! We need to fight!” One of the others screamed from behind, the fear was dripping from his words. The leader looked back with a stern look in his face.

“We can't risk our lives at this place! We need to go back, our Queen and hive needs the food!” He wiped his head around and jumped just in time to not run in to some bushes, landing on the other side in a clearing. They tried to make it to the other side, but came to a sudden halt as they heard the growling in front of them and two gleaming green eyes.

“DAMIT! I WONT DIE HERE!” The equine from before shouted as his horn started to glow green. A bold of something like green fire shoot out from the glowing horn and hit the creature that was still hidden in the shadows of the forest.

The attack did nothing, only making the attacker jump out of its hiding spot and growling more. The creature looked like a wolf, but its Body was out of wood, like it was a piece of art of sticking many twigs and branches. One of the Changelings tried again to attack the Timberwolf, and again it did nothing. The changelings draw closer together as the more and more of the aggressive plant animals came out of the forest on the clearing.

“What should we do?” One of the slimmer Changelings asked the leader.

“Ok listen, I will by you time, and you try to reach the end of the forest. Bring the love to the hive.” The others wanted to say no but it was to late. The Timberwolves attacked.

The battle was more like a slaughter, the Changelings never had a chance of winning and their leader had known. it. So he closed his eyes and waited for death.

“I am at least happy to die by your side. You all were great on the mission.” He thought this would make great last words and after saying it he waited for the pain to come. But instead of the pain another scream filled the air.

“RAAWW!” The eyes of the Changelings snapped open as big creatures charged trough the undergrowth and changed the situation completely. The Changelings never had seen someone dealing with a pack of Timberwolves so fast and brutal. But the battle ended to fast for them to run away. And then the creatures formed a circle around them. And they were trapped again.