The First Unicorn on Earth

by Baileyjrob

August 5, 2015

Dear Journal,

Yep, something's definitely off about Sheila. She's far too amazed by everything, and keeps saying she's amazed we figured all this out in so little time. She said she's only had her body for about a week, so how could we know all this stuff?

I don't understand. Calling this body "new" is debatable, but I suppose I could understand her saying that. However, there is no denying that the meaning of "about a week" isn't up for debate. Could she have been human up until this time? It's not like she traveled through time.

One possibility I've entertained, but will not pursue until a later date is that somehow she disappeared with most other people on Earth, and somehow returned with no memory of what lays beyond (or doesn't lay beyond.) If that's the case, why her, and how did she get back? You can see why I haven't accepted this as a legitimate reason. One to keep in mind I suppose, as in reality I have no better reasoning.

I haven't yet had the chance to check in with Jamie, but I think I'll do that in the next couple of days. By week's end without a doubt. Speaking of Jamie though, I don't think that kid understands that I just want to be left alone most of the time. He keeps asking me if I want to do something, or if I want to take a break. I always tell him no: why would I? That kid needs to back off. Though admittedly, it is kind of nice to be important to someone.

Leon and I talked about it while he was conscious (a while ago) and we both decided we don't care why this happens. We'd like to know why, but we aren't gonna go seeking answers. The most important thing is survival. Leon is very lucky that there's someone still sweet in this wasteland to help him. Does she think we'll help her in return, or is there still a vain soul who believes that kindness prevails? Honestly... I think it's the latter.

I envy her.

– Martha.