//------------------------------// // Chapter 24 // Story: A New Beginning in a New Land // by REDACTED99999 //------------------------------// For the first time in a very long time, Jax woke up well rested. He didn’t remember having any dreams, but he was certain he didn’t have any nightmares. What’s better, he felt so god-damn safe and protected he could relax completely, where he for so long slept with the fear of something happening, since something always happened to him. In a way, three days of pain had been all worth it, just for that moment, that feeling of laying close to Luna, with her wing over him and just being able to relax. Alright, maybe that was exaggerating a bit, but it still felt good. Some of it might have been the fact that the bed was actually big enough for him, which was fucking great. He took a deep breath, releasing it as he buried himself further in Luna’s fur. Thank God she had been there for him. He shuddered at the thought of what a mess he would have been without her there for those three days. She had also taken his sudden addiction to her like a champ. Luna was a real hero in his eyes, no matter what she had done in the past under the influence of… He wasn’t quite certain. A magical parasite… that makes ponies evil? Limelight, that’s what it was called. Stupid Limelight, ruining Luna’s life. If he ever met that parasite he would punch its face, right in its stupid face. “14 hours. That’s quite a long time to sleep.” Luna said from beside him. No wonder he felt so great. It had been a while since he had slept for that long. He gave her a light squeeze while yawning. He didn’t want to open his eyes. He wanted to keep feeling like this forever. “Do you want to get some breakfast?” Luna asked him. She really did have a beautiful voice. It made him smile. He wondered how he could make her sing for him again. There was that word again. Beautiful. He quickly pushed the thought aside for later, tapping her on the shoulder instead. He wanted to stay like this for a little while. Then a thought occurred to him. What if she wanted breakfast, and he was just being selfish right now. He opened his eyes at the realization, finding Luna’s muzzle very close to his face, before making a hasty retreat and looking around like nothing happened. He blinked a couple of times, unsure of what she had been doing, before dismissing it as unimportant. He motioned for his communication tools, but Luna seemed a little reluctant to give them to him, even going so far as to feign ignorance. He was pointing at the desk, what else could he want? He even made the writing motion again, but she just tilted her head at him. She didn’t even say anything. Well he had done what he could, if she really wanted breakfast she would have to say something. He buried his face in her soft fur with a sigh, closing his eyes again. They lay like that for a while. Jax could feel that Luna was tense in his embrace, but he didn’t know why or what to do about it. She moved around restlessly, making it hard for him to relax, until he opened his eyes again and looked up at her. She sighed. “I am sorry Jax. I should not keep you away from your only way of communicating.” She admitted, levitating everything he needed over. “Before you ask… I was just studying your face. You seemed so at ease, I just wanted to…” She made circling motions with her hoof, looking for the right words. “Take a closer look.” She was looking down directly in front of herself. He honestly didn’t know what to ‘say’ to that. It didn’t really bother him that she was looking at him so he decided to let it go. He looked down at his parchment and noticed the list he had written the day before. He wrote numbers down beside them in the order he wanted to do them, with a giant question mark next to them. To do when we wake up: 3. Tell Luna what happened in the bathroom. 2. Ask Luna what the paper she has under the neck thingy is. 1. Eat lots of food. Then he put it in front of her so she could read it. She looked at it thoughtfully before looking back at him. “I thought you didn’t want breakfast?” She asked with a confused look on her face. I changed my mind. “Alright. Let us see if there is anypony present in the kitchen. Otherwise we can make something ourselves.” She smiled at him. He was glad the princesses were so chill here. Not only Luna, but also Celestia and Twilight. He didn’t know about Cadence yet, but he could imagine she was as well. Maybe it was a requirement for becoming a princess? Jax didn’t know but he was happy. He hadn’t called any of them ‘princess’ or ‘your highness’ or anything like that but none of them seemed to mind. He got up on Luna, she used a spell on her wings that corrected all her feathers, and they ventured out. Instant preening? Whatever. She was more graceful about getting off the bed this time, which he was happy for. He estimated it to be two in the night, which would explain the lack of life in the castle. Everybody was probably asleep. When they found the kitchen though, they discovered that they weren’t the only ones searching for food late at night. They found Spike, literally with a hand in the cookie jar. Well… claws in the gemstone jar. At least that’s what Jax thought it was, it had a shining gem as a label. “Hehe… Luna… Jax… funny meeting you here.” He quickly took his claw out, taking on a posture that reminded Jax of a business man. “Alright… I’m guessing you want some food?” Luna and Jax both nodded. “I’ll make you some sandwiches, and Twilight, Chef Crepe, or any other pony for that matter, don’t have to know that I’ve been sneaking in and… uhm… sampling gems at night. Deal?” Who else would it be though? Jax and Luna looked at each other. Jax gave her a light squeeze, and she gave him a light nod. “It is a deal, Spike. I would like a daffodil one please. I’m sure Jax would like something without flowers in it though.” Luna smiled at the young dragon, who smiled back. “Coming right up!” While Spike made their food, he started chatting with them. “So how are you two doing? I heard from Twilight that you have to stay together for a while.” “We are fine, thank you for asking. Yes, we still do not know for how long.” Luna answered for them. “Okay. I talked with Rarity the other day, she said that there are so many crazy rumors going around about the two of you that she can barely keep track of them.” Spike looked a little worried. “It’s the first time I’ve heard her say that about rumors.” He seemed to think about that for a moment, before smiling. “I’m sure it’ll be fine though. She said she wouldn’t let such rumors continue when she had something to say about it. She looked very determined and beauti- I mean, you don’t need to worry about a thing.” He ended with a smile, putting a plate in front of each of them. “Thank you very much Spike, I am sure miss Rarity will do a fine job.” Luna smiled at Spike. “Can I ask you what some of these rumors are about?” “Actually, I was curious about that too, so I went around, asked a few ponies. Rarity wasn’t kidding, I can tell you that. Some of them are pretty bad and not good for anything, like the ones that say that Nightmare Moon has returned because of Jax, different variations on how exactly that would happen.” Jax noticed that Luna flinched at the mention of Nightmare Moon. “Some of them are more positive and harmless, like the ones that say that you are simply star-crossed lovers, forbidden to be together by Celestia’s rule, but instead of going apart or hiding it, you decided to show the public.” Spike chuckled a little. “I liked that one.” Both Jax and Luna looked away from each other, hiding the slight embarrassment. “Of course some of them go completely nuts. I heard a couple of stallions talking about a conspiracy to gather all the villains the Elements of Harmony have defeated to take over the world. Of course it doesn’t make sense since Princess Luna isn’t Nightmare Moon, nopony even knows where Crysalis is, how would you even go about freeing Tirek from Tartarus, and Sombra is most likely dead, but rumors are rumors I suppose…” Jax quietly finished his sandwich. He was certain that what Spike mentioned was only a small scope of the real amount of rumors going around. He didn’t like that two of the rumors Spike mentioned dragged Luna down as well. Things were finally looking up for her, he didn’t like the idea that he was making things worse for her after everything she had done for him. He sighed. “Is something wrong Jax?” Luna asked him, clearly concerned. “They are just rumors, I do not think you should worry too much.” She gave him a little smile. He tried to smile back but Luna didn’t look convinced. At least he wasn’t expected to give an answer. “I agree. Rarity will take care of it.” Spike smiled, obviously convinced of the white mares capabilities. “Oh, by the way, Twilight forgot to give you the medicine for your throat yesterday, and when she went to your room you were already sleeping, remember to get it from her. She also made an appointment at a psychologist for you two.” Jax wasn’t surprised. If Twilight was anything, it was efficient. He finished his sandwich and smiled at Spike. Lettuce, tomatoes, cucumber… not very interesting, it could use some meat, but the vegetables were fresh and tasted good. He pushed the plate over to Spike with a pleading expression. “Alright big guy, one more, but only because I feel sorry for you. Even I haven’t gone through as much as you. Try not to get hurt anymore, everypony was really worried.” Jax rolled his eyes. It’s not like he tried to get hurt, it just sorta happened. He nodded anyway. He would do his best. *** After they had eaten and said their goodbyes to the purple-scaled dragon, Luna and Jax made their way back to their shared room, back to the bed. After Luna took a look at his to-do list, she took out the folded piece of paper from her collar and unfolded it. “Just before I traveled to Ponyville, one of my guards gave me this drawing. It was from his nephew, I believe his name was Tight Hug. I had helped him with a nightmare, and he must have asked his uncle to give this as a way of showing his appreciation. I put it under my collar and forgot about it for a long while, but when I take off my collar and see it, I get reminded of the good I have done. That I can still help some, even if most fear me. That is the reason I keep it there.” She looked at him with a small smile on her muzzle. The drawing was simple, a small pony next to a bigger pony that was probably Luna since it said ‘The best princess in the world’ over her. Jax couldn’t help but smile at the innocence of it. Such a simple way to show appreciation, yet it had been effective enough for Luna to keep the drawing with her at all times. Maybe he should draw something for her as well… “Now… I believe it is time for you to explain the whole episode from yesterday.” Luna said, reminding him of the last thing on the list. He quickly pulled the quill and some parchment over to him. I thought of something embarrassing and started to hyperventilate, and then when I had calmed down I almost let go of you by habit, which caused me to latch back on because of instincts or something. I’m sorry for worrying you with my stupidity. He was getting better at writing with a quill already. It wasn’t that hard after a couple of times. Except he would still leave some splotches here and there which was annoying. Luna giggled at what he had wrote. “I am relieved that it was only that. May I ask what made you hyperventilate?” ‘Your beauty made me hyperventilate’ Jax thought, but decided against writing that. You may ask, I’d rather not say though. “Alright, fair enough. Do you mind if I go into the realm of dreams for some time? I have not done that very much lately, and I wish to help some foals with their nightmares.” Luna asked. Jax gave her a squeeze and a smile. She settled down and closed her eyes, before casting a spell. Jax experienced a moment of panic when he thought the spell might somehow touch him, but nothing happened, and Luna just lay there afterwards. … What was he supposed to do now? He wasn’t very sleepy, but he had nothing to do. He looked down at the parchment. Maybe draw Luna that drawing? Write her a haiku of gratitude? A poem? He wasn’t really an artist, but he wanted to somehow show her how much he appreciated what she did for him. He had a feeling she didn’t quite get it, not really. So he picked up the quill again and started writing. *** Luna was happy. She had spent the night going from nightmare to nightmare, helping five young foals with them, and only one had started crying upon seeing her, though she had been quick to reassure her that she was not Nightmare Moon. After that they had had a long talk about the young foal’s fears. Yet what made her even happier than that was what she found when she woke. Jax hugging her she had expected, but the myriad of crumbled up parchment, and the letter he had written for her, she had not. Dear Luna. I was a bit uncertain what to do with my time, so I decided to do something I have had in mind for some time now: Show my appreciation. The next question was how to do that. I tried both drawing and writing a poem, but I am neither a painter nor a poet. So I decided to write you a friendship report. Celestia has gotten plenty of those, and I think it’s only fair that you should get at least one as well, and since you are an important friend, I think it coincides with my goal rather well. So… Since I came to this world some weeks ago, I have been through so much bu hardship. I had to survive in a forest of monsters, and when I finally get out of there I have to deal with, among other things, being incinerated, and being in pain for three days straight. Yet the beauty of it is that I don’t feel bad about it. It sounds weird when I write it down… Let me try to explain a bit more. As you know, I’ve been alone for a long time, since before I came here. Being thrown into this world was like a second chance for me, a new beginning. I was still alone, but now that I had to work all day for my survival, I barely had time to reflect on my loneliness. Then something amazing happened. I almost died. It had happened before in the forest, but this time I was really on the edge. I couldn’t move, I was out of improvised bandages, there was nothing to do but accept that it was the end. (this is the amazing part) Then Fluttershy found me, and the next thing I know, I’m waking up in a small bed. Looking back now, I was acting rather silly, wanting to run back into that accursed forest because of a party. Well, people do weird things sometimes. Then I made friends. First Rainbow, then you, Pinkie, Twilight, and lastly Beating, and I’m sure more will come. Each of my friends taught me something. Rainbow Dash taught me that with a friend by your side, you can face what you wanted to run away from. Pinkie and Twilight both taught me that I shouldn’t be afraid of making friends, whether I’m being affected by positive magic or not. Beating taught me… Alright, Beating didn’t really teach me anything, I just like how she stood up for me. Wait, okay, Beating taught me that it’s important to stand up for your friends, even if it’s to people you introduced yourself. And then there’s you. You taught me the importance of forgiving others. You showed me how good it feels to help others. Most importantly, you were there for me when I needed someone the most. You don’t realize how happy I am to have you here by my side. I know it’s not easy, us having to stay so close at all times, it’s embarrassing for all parties, and I’m sorry for the rumors that are starting to surface because of this, I swear I will make it up to you someday. Still… thank you. Thank you for everything you have done for me without a single complaint. I’ll work hard to be able to let go of you as soon as possible. I think you should know that the reason I bury myself in your fur without constraint is because, for the first time since I got here, I found a place where I feel safe; in your embrace. That is something I will be sad to give up, but I know we can’t go on like this. Until then, forgive me for enjoying every single moment buried in your fur. Kind regards Jax She couldn’t help smile hugely at the end. She made him feel safe. The only place in the entire world he felt safe was by her side. She quickly scooped him up in a tight hug with wings and everything, feeling him hug her back, and even sighing happily. “Thank you for that Jax. It made my night.” She said as she distanced herself a bit, so she could look him in eyes, tough still keeping him in her embrace. He smiled happily at her. She did not mind having him hug her all the time. Sure, it was embarrassing, ponies were making weird rumors about them, and she missed having some privacy, but other than that… it was actually nice. It beat being alone all the time, that much was for certain, and being hugged by Jax… it made her a little happy when he buried himself in her fur without a second thought. To him she was just like every other pony, somepony he could call his friend without worrying about titles and customs. She was happy that she had decided to come after him, even if their start was a bit… less than optimal. She was happy that they had helped each other. She was just so happy. She carefully folded the friendship report and put it under her collar with the drawing. It made Jax chuckle silently. For a while they just laid there, enjoying the peace.