At the Twilight of Harmony

by Rammy

A Dragon Graveyard

?? days since the Nameless One’s escape

?? days since the fall of Traxti City

Just before sunrise, ??

Discord blinked and yawned as the morning sun woke him. He carefully looked around him as he walked. He facepalmed. It looked like he had been walking in his sleep… again. He looked about to see that he was in a lightly forested area but he had no idea where. Hopefully, he stayed walking east the whole time and not gone in circles to only head east just long enough to be awoken with the rising sun.

“Hmm... I was expecting trees with holiday shaped doors... Eh. Oh, well.” Discord shrugged as he kept going. He saw no reason not to as he still needed to get back to Equestria or at minimum the Council of Harmony. The latter had not been attainable for the last two days, not since the cave fight.

That was the most concerning for him as his magic levels had recovered already. The only thing he could think was that something interrupted his ability to enter the Harmony plane just like whatever happened in the cave affected his magic. In a sudden fit of frustration at that, with a snap, he blew apart a tree into a miniature log cabin complete with log furniture.

Discord sighed and was about to take flight to speed his return something caught his senses. Something that caused his entire body to shiver like from the cold. Dark Magic… Discord cautiously made his way towards the source.

The dark magic permeating the air around him. The air was freezing cold more so than a fall morning should be and yet he pressed on. He needed to find why there was so much dark magic in the area. At least from what he could sense the dark magic was dissipating. The bad thing was it was similar to the dark magic from the diamond dog cave meaning it was dragon… But given he had only ran into one dark dragon magic example he had no idea if it was the Nameless One’s signature, the dragon from the cave, or somedragon else.

Discord grumbled and pinched his brow. It was times like this that he really wished he could consult Harmony now He of Hourglass… “I miss those days...”

Something caught his eyes through the trees. There was something odd looking in a clearing up ahead. Keeping his eyes peel for a possible ambush he made his way to the clearing.

What happened here!? Discord gasped in shock as he saw dragon body after dragon body. Each body was skinned, quartered, and headless. A bloody pile of mush was next to each body. Discord could only figure that the piles were probably what was left of the heads. He struggled not to lose his stomach, his entire body becoming green.

From the amount of decay of the magic and bodies Discord estimated that the last body was killed at least four days prior. He was not well versed on the decay of dragon bodies so that was as far as he was willing to guess. His only example of dragon body decay was the Dragon Migration Massacre as dragon bodies were generally not allowed to rot in the open like this. The exception would be dishonored dragon and even with his long life he only personally ran into two of those. Those, however were nothing but bleached bones. None of these bodies were that way yet, probably because of the dark magic… And there was no way all of these dragons had died in a dishonorable way...

So much senseless death… Discord sadly commented as he continued. He nearly broken down when he saw several smashed eggs near the center of the for lack of a better term graveyard. I know it’s the way of dragons to smash orphaned or abandoned eggs but this... but this…

“CHAOS BRINGER WHEN I FIND YOU I WILL TEACH YOU THE MEANING OF PAIN!!!” Discord screamed into the sky, tears flowing down his face, fists clenched in anger.

But what can I do? All I’m known for is being prankster nothing more then a powerful court jester… I’m no warrior like He of Hourglass formally Harmonious Knight...

“Oh right enough is enough! I AM DISCORD! I AM A KEEPER OF HARMONY!” He could feel the warmth of his harmony magic surging. It had been a long time since he used it last. So long in fact that he actually couldn’t remember the last time. He usually found his normal magic sufficient in most cases. Of course, most cases he couldn't get his Harmony magic to work when and the way he needed to… it was like trying to get his magic to be ‘under control.’

Discord snapped his claw, paw, and tail together releasing his Harmony magic. Out from those locations came strands of golden energy filled light. The strands of golden energy coalesced into various animals including, elephants, ostriches, crocodiles and oddly hippos wearing tutus.

Discord facepalmed as the animals starting dancing around. And this is why no Keeper before Harmonious Knight would have anything to do with me.

The animals continue their dancing seemingly oblivious to the annoyance of Discord and the bodies of dragons. As the dancers neared the edge of the graveyard the light of their bodies began to fade into nothing. The air around suddenly warmed now that the area was no longer saturated dark magic and it’s chilling effects.

Discord slumped to the ground exhausted. I really need to practice Harmony magic more often… He thought before he fell into a deep dreamless sleep.

Discord awoke with a start. It was now nighttime and the moon had just risen above the tree line. Even though the area had been cleansed of dark magic the area around the graveyard was eerily quiet for nighttime.

Discord sighed heavily as he again gently caressed the shattered egg near his feet. A single tear fell and splashed on the ground. He slowly got up and stretched. His joints popped as he got all the tension out of his muscles. The need to do something weighed heavily on his mind as he snapped his claw. In a blinding flash Discord disappeared from the graveyard.

“FINALLY!” Discord’s yell echoed through the Council of Harmony chambers. “And now…” Discord snapped an Discord shaped alarm clock, wound it up, and placed it next the letter he quickly wrote. He would check back in an hour and would continue to do so until he got a hold of his fellow keepers. He just hoped he could warn them before it was too late...

38 days since the Nameless One’s escape  

12 days since the fall of Traxti City  

Early Morning, Somewhere near Chimney Arch Desert

“Morning sexy…”

“Legacy Chaser…” Eternal Beats absentmindedly grumbled before yawning loudly. “It’s a bit early morning for this...” He looked over to see that Legacy Chaser was still asleep. His scowl softened. Dreaming of a mate it seems. Wish I’d get dreams like that more often. He smiled as he walked outside of the cave they were using for the night.

As Eternal Beats didn’t want to wake up his clanmate just yet he took this time to study the map once again while munching on a diamond from his travel pouch. If he was reading the map correctly the Chimney Arch Desert was about an hours leisure flight south. This meant that they would need to bank to the right at the first sight of red.

Eternal Beats went wide eyed as he noticed a pink mass walked silently past him and towards the cliff just outside the cave entrance. How did she awaken without me knowing? I don’t think I was that engrossed… was I? Legacy Chaser slumped down at the edge of the cliff sending out a ring of pinkish smoke...

Ever since Golden DragonHeart called her out she had been quiet and her song had been subdued. It bothered him greatly to have a clanmate's song so. “Sister? What is troubling you?” He asked, already figuring that it had something to due with their Firstclaw telling her to keep her sexual teasing under control when guests were in Hourglass or at least it was the trigger for something deeper.

Legacy Chaser sighed heavily. “It’s nothing…”

Eternal Beats gave her a look. “I may not be as skilled as Soul Fire, but I know that is a lie. Tartarus, Metal Claws and MetalEtched Claws eggs could tell that you’re lying!”

“It’s just that I feel like I’m not wanted… I mean I’m a female dragon that Choose for Voice sake!”

“That's a lie! Everydragon wanted to you to join... and to be honest both Metal Claws and MetalEtched Claws were really wanting you to join…”

“Yeah, a glorify sex stimulator!” Legacy Chaser huffed.

“That’s is not what I meant…” Eternal Beats pinched his snout. Soul Fire makes this look so easy!

“And what of Soul Fire?!”

“What of him!!?”

“He wasn’t even there during my choosing!”

“Argh!” Eternal Beats facepalmed. “Because at the time no one knew he was the Secondclaw... He didn’t know… He was an alicorn at the time and was showing utmost respect by not being there. Yes, he should have been there… but again at the time he wasn’t aware of his position and wanted to respect the sacredness of the Choosing… Why are you focusing on him?” Eternal Beats pinched his snout. ”You already know all of this!!” In frustration he took off in flight.

“Twixt’d gave him the title Sentinel.” Eternal Beats answered Legacy Chaser pointed question.

“But Twixt’d was adopted by Metal Claws and MetalEtched Claws no way would Soul Fire interfere with that!” Legacy Chaser stammered out.

“You got it flipped. Twixt’d gave him the title then he was adopted.”

“But why would Soul Fire give up something like that… having a hatchmate…”

“What is with you? You never jumped to conclusions like this?!” Eternal Beats exclaimed in amazement at her unusual jumping to conclusions. True, she was one to theorize but it was as if she couldn’t see or accept the truth right in front of her. The truth she already knew. “Soul Fire was the one that basically told him to adopt Twixt’d.”


“I really don’t know…” Eternal Beats admitted. “His name has such a deep and complex meaning… and he’s a mature hoarder…”

For a while neither spoke. Eternal Beats was getting desperate trying to find a way to help his sister. He strained to listen harder to see if there was something underlying it. Golden DragonHeart was gentle with her and he stressed to her that he liked her teasing so why was she still troubled after three days? A sense of longing, of loneliness, and hopelessness seemed to be the answer. This told him exactly what he needed to say. “Ask him…”

“What?” Legacy Chaser looked up at Eternal Beats who kept his gaze on the horizon.

After a moment of silence Eternal Beats repeated. “Ask him.”

“Eternal Beats I need more than that! Ask who!? And what for that matter!?” Legacy Chaser snapped, her flight path becoming a bit erratic in her irritation.

“If Soul Fire is willing to give up his hatchmate so Twixt’d could have parents what makes you think he wouldn't do everything in his power to find you a mate even if it means he must lose the chance for the perfect mate to be yours.”

“I… uh... that...” Legacy Chaser became so shocked from Eternal Beats assertion that her wings locked to her sides and she fell from the skies.

“Legacy Chaser!” Eternal Beats screamed as dived after her. He struggled to reach her. “You have to open your wings Legacy Chaser!”

“I can’t!” Legacy Chaser panicked.

“You MUST!” Eternal Beats commanded as he eyed the rapidly approaching ground.

‘Oh… okay..” Legacy Chaser took a deep breath and finally forced her wings open. She managed to right herself. Her eyes went wide as the ground was nearly upon her and there was no time to climb out of it. The best she could hope for was a rough landing.

Both dragons gouged a long trench in the hard ground as they landed roughly. Both of them panted and gulped trying to get their respective heart rates and breathing down. Once Legacy Chaser had calmed down from the near death experience she laid down crying.

“When this trip is over promise me you will ask him.” Eternal Beats put a claw under Legacy Chaser chin to lift up her head so that she could see his tear filled eyes. “I miss my sister... I miss the teasing… Please go back to being the sister, the clanmate that we all love and not the brooding one that you are now…and I don’t particularly care for sad songs...”

Eternal Beats smiled when he saw his clanmate sniff then nod her promise. He turned away to prepare to take off. “We’d best be heading out again if the map that Golden DragonHeart provided is correct we are still three to four days away from the Southern Crystal City. The sooner we finish the sooner we can return to our hoards.”

“That only because Soul Fire is getting you more instruments…” Legacy Chaser rolled her eyes and she took off right after Eternal Beats. “Personally I think you have enough instruments to woo a lady cause a lady only needs one.”

Eternal Beats wanted to groan at the lameness but to get her going again was a relief. “Now that is the Legacy Chaser I love.”

“Speaking of love I could ease a certain itch for you… you know... the one only a dragoness…”

“Okay, okay, enough!” Eternal Beats chuckled flicking his tail at her. Maybe I should have kept her brooding… oh who am I kidding!? I love every tease… Eternal Beats grinned wickedly as another thought came to him. Now if I can manage to find a mate half as good at it as her… I could really sing then.

A few minutes later Eternal Beats saw the telltale signs of the Chimney Arch Desert ahead and banked to the right and away from the desert.

“Do you know why our Firstclaw doesn’t want us to go through there?” Legacy Chaser asked as she followed her clanmate's lead.

“Not completely… but what I do know is that if our Secondclaw finds out we went there…” Eternal Beats whole body shuddered.

Legacy Chaser gulped the tales of the Secondclaw’s rage were the things of legend among the older members... She had yet to see one and wasn’t willing to find out firsthand. “What is in the Chimney Arch Desert that would occur Soul Fire’s wrath?”

Eternal Beats increased his speed to get the desert as far behind him as possible as quickly as possible. “A dragon graveyard…”