The Last Human

by Crooked Djinn


The air changed from the dreaded scent of fire and sulfur, to a stagnant of dry heat. The sound of great lungs drawing breath swirled around the cavern. You stood, still out on the protrusion of rock with Celestia. Looking back at the camp, you could see many of the stallions scattering and readying their rifles and guns. Other than that there was hardly anything noteworthy. It confused you. There was no immediate threat, yet you felt as though there was something hunting you. Readying its claws to dig into you and pick you apart. It was like a sickness that knotted your stomach several times. Your skin began to crawl and the heat seemed to increase ten fold.

"We should head back.."

Celestia had already started off, not waiting for you to make the first move. And so you followed her as best you could. With each step you felt the sickness in your stomach slowly rise upward and into your throat. Celestia could feel it too, for she periodically wavered in her step and stopped often to regain her barrings. This was troubling.

"Anon, be on your guard."

"Aye. The air, its changed. I think you know what we can expect next."

It was routine at this point. There was a dealing with angels everyday, they pursued you like thirsty bloodhounds, never losing your scent.

"On the left! I-I saw something move!"

A middle aged stallion nervously aimed his gun at a random corner between the buildings. But others were present in the corner, he was aiming has gun straight at his comrades that ceased to move and were immobile like stone. The stallion was shaking, his rifle constantly wavering off target. His eyes nearly bulged out of his skull and his teeth applied ten pounds of pressure on one another.

"Listen Picket, put the gun down. There's nothing over there."

Another stallion slowly approached him cautiously. Picket hardly even glanced at him as he made his way closer. His gun stayed on the group of stallions against the wall.

"What's going on here?" You asked.

You and Celestia made your way to the center of the gathering where Picket was holding a rifle to his comrades' faces.

"It's Picket! He's gone mad!" One soldier shouted from the crowd.

You looked to the shaking stallion whose gun shook violently. His fur stood on end. The breath leaving his mouth was harsh and pained and he could barely keep his balance.

"Princess be careful!" A soldier shouted out.

You hadn't noticed but Celestia had slowly begun to draw closer, approaching him from the side so that he could keep her in his field of vision.

"Soldier, what is the matter?" She asked. Celestia stopped a good seven feet away from him. He hardly glanced at her.

"I've caught them Princess! You need not worry. E-everyone here can't see it! B-but they can't fool me haha!"

"What have you caught?" Celestia asked, not stepping any closer.

You looked around you and saw Spike approach with something in his claws. It was your rifle and gauntlet.

"Spike, what's happening."

You crouched down next to Spike as you took the items from his hands.

"I don't know. All of a sudden, he started yelling and threatening the others. Then he suddenly picked up his gun and started aiming it at the others. I thought it'd be a good idea to bring you your things before anything more happened."

"Thank you Spike. But I wonder what's causing this. If it is an angel, we'll have to be on guard. We've never faced one that could hold such a power over us."

You stood and turned back to Celestia and Picket. She was closer now, only a arm's reach away. Picket shot nervous glances from her and the others pinned against the wall.

"Lower your weapon. Come with me, and we'll get this all squared away nicely."

"Sorry Princess. Y-you can't take your eyes off them. Not for a second! I have to watch them, make sure they don't go anywhere, see?"

One of the stallions moved an inch, possibly thinking of making a run for it. But as soon as he did Picket snapped to attention and drew his aim with the speed of lightning.

"Don't try it! I'll blow a hole in your skull!" Picket screamed.

The crowd was now getting restless. A few more moments of this and someone would be killed. Celestia then began to reach for Picket but as soon as she did, Picket swerved to the side and as if all the devils of the underworld possessed him, he drew his rifle on the princess herself. Everyone in the crowd gasped and started to shift in their stances.

"Soldier. Are you aware that you're pointing a weapon at me?" Celestia said calmly. She tensed up a great amount as she stared down the barrel.

"I get it now.... You're the one controlling them! I see it! It has to be you!"

Pickets rifle was now inches away from Celestia's muzzle and the crowd now started to stomp. Shouting at Picket and calling him mad, delusional, and also cursing him. But Celestia remained unmoved. She merely stared at him.

"Do you wish to persist this mindless behavior?" Celestia said with the upturn of her nose. She was looking down on him and from the look of Picket's face, he knew and hated it.

"You're the one who dragged us out here! A lot of my friends have died fighting you monsters! I-I'll avenge their deaths right here and now!" Picket was now barking madness.

"He thinks the princess is one of those monsters!"

"That's impossible!"

"Then he really has gone mad!"

"Princess! Don't let him have his way! Take him down!"

The soldiers around you began the shout. Looking around you could see that they were all shaking and had their eyes locket on the duo in the center.

"This isn't looking good.." Spike said.

From the look of things, Picket was more than prepared to shoot. And Celestia showed no sign of moving. If she were taken down here... You plunged your hand into the aegis, not caring for the consequences that would come from using this magic too soon. But before you could form the next thought, Celestia's booming voice shot through everyone.


A single word rang out from her mouth and fell on everyone's ears harshly. A single word ordered the death of Picket. None had noticed but Captain Howl had drew his own gun on Picket. Celestia had saw this and they both had silently agreed that if the situation worsened, he would take the shot. And he did. Everyone watched as Picket's skull was blown apart but the large burst of light that rushed through his head and exited between his eyes. The shot missing Celestia by a few inches. Picket's body fell to the ground in a lifeless plummet. Around you, everyone cheered as Howl approached.

"What on earth..." The words leave your shocked face like wind flowing through a hallowed tree.

Spike saw the entire thing go down in horror. He turned away as soon as he saw the soldier's body hit the ground. Celestia still looked down on Picket's absent minded body. The look in her eyes was something you had never seen before. And something you thought her to not be capable of. Disdain.

"What's happening to everyone..?"

The sickness from before worsened in your stomach and you tried to fight it off. You quickly approached Celestia before Howl could. You shot him a glare as you passed in front of him. He only stared back nonchalantly. The cheering continued as Celestia was consoling the soldiers who were hostages in that short time. You watched as the thanked her profusely and went off to rejoin the camp. She watched them go with a pleased smile.

"Celestia." You speak her name with such intensity it cause her to jump out of surprise.

"Oh Anon, I didn't see you there. Looks like the crisis has been avoided." She said with a smile.

"What the hell was that?"

You tried not to raise your voice too loudly, but the constant cheering made you strain your voice a little. Celestia looked at you confused, cocking her head to the side and raising and eyebrow.

"Whatever do you mean?" She asked.

"You killed him." You pointed at Picket's body.

"Correction. We saved the stallions being held hostage."

She said this pleasantly. As if what just happened was all in your imagination. She saw it as something you had overblown and treated it like an adult treats a child's misinterpretation of an event.

"Celestia, it was obvious that something was influencing him! He was under some sort of spell, this wasn't his own doing."

"Precisely. In addition to saving the hostages, we managed to save him as well."

Celestia then turned to walk away. But you followed her. It'd be a thousand years before you dropped this matter so easily.

"We are under attack Celestia. Don't you feel that aura around the camp? That sickness in the stomach? This is the work of an angel."

"Nonsense. I'm sure you're just imagining things. Now, I suggest you rest Anon. Perhaps the heat is getting to you."

She turned to you, smiling warmly. Then you saw it. Her eyes were no longer the smooth gentle color they were before. They held no light to them. Her eyes were lifeless and dull like rocks. Celestia then trotted away. Leaving you to soak in the realization. Something had to be done, and quickly. There was a poisonous miasma spreading through the camp, invading everyone's minds and draining them of reason. You'll be damned if you let this spread any further than it already has. They touched Celestia and that was something you couldn't forgive. You were very vengeful after all.

"Spike!" You called his name and wait. Soon enough he walking up to you with his pistol holstered to his side.

"Yeah? What is it?"

You squat in front of him and pull upward on his eyelid to reveal his shinning emerald eyes. No sign of any taint.

"Hey! What's with you?" He said, snapping your hand away.

"Listen to me Spike. You know how serious this is, right?"

He nodded, thinking back to the incident moments before.

"This is no doubt the work of angels. They are effecting everyone here. Look around."

You and Spike both trail the camp with your eyes. Sure enough, everyone seemed on edge. Ready to pop at a moment's notice. Two soldiers were already at each other's throats with the others cheering them on.

"They've gotten to the princess too. You're the only one I know of who hasn't been turned yet."

His eyes lit up at that. You saw that he was excited. Being the only one's capable of saving everyone and all.

"Oh, well what about Captain Howl? He doesn't look-"

"No. I'm sure they've gotten him as well. He shot a soldier, I don't know him well but that's one thing I know he'd never do."

Besides, you didn't like him the least bit. It'd be another million years before you worked with him willingly.

"Are you sure it's not because you just don't like him?" Spike asked.

You stood, folding your arms. And putting up a defensive front.

"Well...yes. But that's besides the point. We need to focus on-"

"Because it sounds like you're just being petty."

"What? Of course not. Now let's get moving."

"....If you say so. Where do we start?"

That was the problem though. You had absolutely no idea where to start. If this was the work of angels, you wagered that they had to be close by. But where? You had absolutely no way of finding them. You and Spike start off in a random direction and looking for any oddities in your surroundings. Everything still looked the same. The same dark high reaching cavern walls, and the same bubbling lake of magma.

"So, do you have any idea on what were looking for?" Spike asked.

Naturally you had no idea. But you figured that if you kept looking around you'd eventually find something. And by the looks of things, it won't belong until the next stallion is killed.

"No, I do not. If only we had a way of detecting them. I dislike how they lurk in the shadows.."

"Shadows... You think that's why we have to use light to fight them?"

"That is most likely the case. From what we've seen so far, they are beings of complete darkness. Which is strange to me, the word angel has something to do with holiness if I recall correctly."

"Holiness? Pfft, so much for that."

The both of you were now on the edges of the camp, facing the stairs you had to climb to reach this plateau. You look down the winding stairs, your eyes tracing every shadow and every nook and cranny. You waited for a very short time, trying to detect any movement in the darkness down below. There was nothing. You stared longer into the dark, but found your patience wearing thin. You sighed and turned back toward the camp once you grew tired of staring.

"Maybe we can check the buildings. What about that one up there?" Spike pointed a claw to a platform just above you along the cavern wall.

There was a single building with extremely steep stairs leading up to it. It seemed to overlook the outer ring of the city, almost like an observatory of sorts.

"I suppose that's a place to start."

And so you both made your way through the camp, extremely careful not to tick anyone off. It was the last thing you needed. This entire journey was causing a great deal of stress for you, but it was exciting. The trials you endured each day were enough to give you a slight sense of accomplishment and keep going. But who knew what it was like for the others. Especially Spike. You look back at the dragon to see him still following you. He looked different somehow from the day you first met him. Which was only a few days before. He seemed...older. He probably aged a few years from the stress.

"Say Spike. Do you regret coming on this journey?"

You ask the young dragon. Initially you shot the question for small talk without thinking. But as you waited for him to reply, you grew curious.

"Regret? Why should I? It was my choice to come along. I knew what I was up for."

You never looked back at him, but Spike wore a proud smile on his face. He was proud to be there by your side, helping you in anyway he could. And he was proud of himself.

"I made it this far. So why not go even further? I was thinking, that maybe after this.... I could go out and have my own adventures you know?"

"Oh? What kind of adventures?"

You began to climb the stairs, finding it harder and harder to progress due to the steepness. It felt as if you were climbing a ladder.

"I don't know actually. Maybe just go out and see all of Equestria. Sure I sometimes get to go with Twilight and the others to far away places. But never on my own you know?"

"I like the sound of that. But I doubt Princess Twilight would allow it. Considering how she threw such a bit fit when she found you stowed away."

"Well, that was because I didn't tell her. Believe me, if it's one thing Twilight hates, it's things she didn't plan for."

"Isn't there a saying about expecting the unexpected? In her line of work I'd imagine she'd be used to it."

You laugh to yourself and Spike laughs with you. He couldn't count the times something out of the ordinary or unplanned had caused them all to go on their own wild adventures.

"What about you Anon? What are you going to do?" He ask.

You almost stopped your ascent, the question hanging over you like a cloud. The prior conversation you had with Celestia on the rock played out in your head.

"Who knows. I'd like to say that I'd stay here in Agartha. But there is nothing for me here now. Staying in Equestria doesn't sound so bad though. But I am unsure. The idea of adventuring sounds far more appealing."

Spike's eye grew to the size of plates after that.

"Really? Well, I think I'd have an easier time convincing Twilight if you were with me!" He said excitedly.

"Sorry Spike. As nice as that sounds, I'm afraid I'd just be getting in your way. We are on different paths, Spike. Paths that must not intersect."

The path you were on was very obscure to you. You had no idea where it'd lead you in the end. But in the back of your mind, you knew you were headed someplace dark and cold and you wouldn't want to drag anyone else along with you. You'd like to stay in Equestria. Maybe teach ponies new technologies and different ideas once you regained your memories like Talmon said. But you'd much rather see the world than settle down, get a job and stay stationary long enough for time to catch up with you and age you fifty or so years. It sounded like a boring life. At least it would be without her.

You and Spike reach the top of the stairs, slightly out of breath and hunched over. The building was larger than it looked from the bottom. It stood on a platform, the walls not reaching very high and almost no windows. Atop the building was a very large domed window however. It reflected the light given off by the lava below, creating colorful patterns of light on the cave wall.

"Come Spike, let's look around."

He followed you as you approached the building, walking up the small steps and pushing on the iron door. At first it didn't give in inch, but as you pounded your shoulder into it, it began to give way little by little. With one final push the door flew open revealing the dark space inside. Spike stepped in first, noticing the shifting light patterns on the floor. Above him was the glass dome, the light outside being magnified through the lenses. It was dark and it took a moment for your eyes to adjust. But even then, it was still a great effort to see. Glancing down at your left hand you can make out the bulky outline of the aegis. It was as good of a time as ever to test how much you've recovered in the past hour. Spike continued to gaze at the floor before he noticed a very dim blue light radiate from behind him. You stood in the doorway with your hand outstretched, your face was illuminated by a faint azure glow that made you look as if you were made of a sort of crystal.

"You sure you should be using that so soon?" Spike asked as he walked over to you.

"It's fine. There's only a slight pain. It'll subside eventually."

Spike stared at you. You stared back, cocking an eyebrow. The both of you stood there petrified as you competed in a staring contest. Eventually he sighed and shook his head.

"Just be careful. We don't want a repeat of last time."


You began to search the strange building up on the plateau. The room you had stepped into was circular, complimenting the dome shape above. Tables were scattered everywhere, some flipped over and bookshelves toppled over each other. There were other doors that lead into various rooms, but this room seemed to hold the main purpose of the building. What that purpose was however was unknown to you. But you found yourself growing more and more curious. As you look along the many tables you can spot various strange instruments and devices. Towards to walls of the room you catch something out of the corner of you eye. You raise your hand and hit it directly with the light. It was a statue. You gasped and stepped back slightly. Drawing Spike's attention.

"What? Did you find something?" He said as he ran over to you.

He stopped half-way when his eyes found what you were staring at. The statue stood on two legs, just as you did. It stood upright and in its cold stone hands clutched tightly a strange orb and a magnificent sword. The statue appeared to be of a man. But of an impossibly beautiful man. You would have thought it to be a work of art sculpted by master of masters. But then you noticed the small crystal-like horns that protruded from its forehead. You noticed how its eyes seemed to follow you, though they were unmoving. You notice the strange marking on its chest and leaned in closer to try and decipher it. It looked to be a capital 'M' with a bar hovering over it. You didn't know what to make of it.

"Hey Anon, is this an angel?" Spike tugged at your waist.

"I'm almost certain. Though I don't know its name. This is the first time that's happened.."

"Maybe its just a statue then?" Spike said, moving closer to study it more.

"It would appear to be.."

You stood, once again looking the statue in the eyes. It unnerved you, its stoic face staring forward into oblivion. Its eyes seemed to burrow through you and stare infinitely into the distance.

"We should keep searching."

Spike nodded and went off in a different direction.

"Spike? Are you going to be alright without any light?"

"Yeah, it's fine."

You look over your shoulder and could here Spike exhale deeply. The corners of his mouth began to glow with a green light. Then you saw small flames spring up from the corners of his snout, lighting the room slightly. Resourceful. You continued to the center of the room where a smaller table sat under the dome. There was a strange apparatus that sat idly on the table. It a gun of sorts. And now that you notice it, it was facing the same way the statue of the angel stood. You look for Spike, who had already started into the back rooms, leaving you alone.

The gun didn't seem to be portable. Either it was too heavy to lift or it was bolted to the table. You tried to lift it and found that it was indeed very heavy and you could only hold it for a few seconds before gently placing it back down. You looked it over once more. Looking for any kind of trigger. The barrel was very large and wide, giving it the resemblance of a small cannon. As you went along the hilt you saw odd vials injected into the chamber, two on each side. Finally you found what seemed to be the trigger. The handle was placed on top. The trigger, rather, what seemed to be the trigger was on the same handle. There was still something in the four vials. Liquids of different colors. You then looked to the angel statue. It watched you, you could feel its gaze. It felt very much alive and it forced you to think. If it was alive, why was it in stone? Who put it there? And did this device have something to do with it?

"Spike, come here for a moment."

You call to Spike and here rustling in the back room. Soon you see the glow of green fire fill the hall as he approaches.

"What is it?"

"Spike, did you notice anything strange about that statue?"

You ask, never taking your eyes off it. Spike only stared at you a bit, and then turned to the statue.

"No? Should I?"

"I don't know. But I have an idea Spike."

"Really? What kind?"

"You'll see, come. We don't have much time."

You immediately start off towards the door leading out of the room and into the blazing heat. Spike followed you, eager to know your plan but waited patiently for the answer. The both of you made the steep climb back down the stairs and headed back into the camp. Everyone's conditions seemed to be getting worse and now many more of the soldiers were fighting. For a moment you searched for Celestia, but she was nowhere to be found. It was worrying, but you knew better than to worry about someone like her.

"So whats the plan Anon?" Spike asked.

You stopped, reaching your destination. You leaned down and began to hoist Picket's lifeless body over your shoulder.

"Spike, grab the other end."

Spike only stood there with his mouth wide open.

"What are you doing!?"

"Be calm. I'm going to need his body for what I have in mind."

"But...but that's-"

"Will you help me or not?"

You stood with Picket's blown open head hanging over your shoulder. He wasn't too heavy so you may not need his help after all.

"At least tell me what you have in mind! You don't just go a take someone's dead body you know?" Spike said.

"I'll explain on the way."

You began to walk away, dragging Picket's hind hooves on the ground. Spike trailed behind you, watching you in case his body began to slip from your grasp. Once again you made the struggling climb up the steep stairs to the domed building.

"Now if I am correct. That device we found, along with the angel are related to each other. And in extension, so am I."

You begin to explain to Spike exactly what you had in mind and he listened intently.

"What do you mean? You think the gun has something to do with you turning to stone?"

"Exactly. You may not have noticed, but that statue is definitely alive.."

"Alive? How?"

"I don't know. But I think the statue is whats influencing this strange behavior in everyone."

"Well, if you know that. Why do you need Picket's body?"

"I want to know if the stone and that device are related. I'm going to test it with Picket's body."

Spike was then quiet. You looked back to see if he was still following. He had stopped on one of the steps, looking down with his thumbs rubbing each other.

"Spike?" You call to him.

"Anon, don't you think this is a little....disrespectful?" He said without looking you in the eye.

"Disrespectful? In what way?"

Spike was again silent. You set Picket's body aside and sit on the steps, facing Spike.

"Spike? What do you mean?"

He then looked to you, a mixture of sadness and conflict on his face.

"He just died, Anon. And you're treating him like a science experiment. Not....not even Twilight would do something like this. Even in her most desperate times."

Now it was your turn to keep quiet. You hardly had a response to begin with.

"I've never really been around death before...but, aren't you supposed to treat the dead with respect?"

You rub the back of your neck as you try to think a response. Spike was just a kid, but he was already venturing into dark territory. At this point, ethics weren't really a concern for you. What mattered is defeating the current problem and saving everyone. And it was not like you were doing anything unforgivable.

"Listen Spike. Sometimes, you must take certain actions that many may not agree with in times of need. Captain Howl, as much as I hate to say it, knows this. Celestia knows it. And in time you will grow to understand. Many of our soldiers have already died Spike. They all knew how dangerous this journey would be, yet the came along anyway. Do you think they'd care what happens to the body they leave behind?"

Spike broke eye contact and stared at the steps again.

"If I die, will you leave my body here?" Spike asked. His voice was very hushed and it was hard to hear.

The question rattled you on the inside and you felt the tug of sadness on your heart. So you pretended not to hear him, avoiding giving him an answer.

"Come Spike, we have to hurry."

You stood and hoisted Picket over your shoulder and continued. Spike following slower than before. Before long you reached the top of the steps again and you hauled Picket's body inside. Spike's breath lit the room in a green glow as he followed you to the center of the dome. Gently you lower the soldier's body to the floor. His head still open from the executing shot. You thought about what Spike said. About how this whole idea disrespected him in someway. For a moment you began to understand how he felt. But you brushed it aside for now. You needed answers.

You then moved to the gun that sat on the table. Picket's body was just below the table so you would have to lift it slightly in order to make a direct hit. You told Spike to stand back as you carefully took the device by the handle and lifted it, putting your hand on the trigger. It was heavy. Seemingly heavier than that beam you had to lift back in Tzipuur. Within moments you lift it high enough to properly aim at the body laying on the floor. You sigh, struggling to steady yourself. There was no telling how much power this thin had. It could probably throw you back a good few yards.

Your finger then pulls the trigger and you hear the sound equivalent to a hundred man chorus humming softly. Spike looked away as the sound grew louder and louder. You began to feel it shutter, the vibrations traveling into your hands and throughout your body. A light began to glow at the operational end of the device. It was a strange light the glowed a mixture of colors. A combination of the four vials that stuck out from the chamber. Then the humming stopped suddenly. But just before you began to think that the device was broken, a beam of light shot from its barrel with the power of a charging bull elephant.

The sound sent out a shock wave and made the entire building shake. You fell, the device falling with you and crashing on the stone floor beside you. Spike rushed over to you to help you up, but you stood without taking his hand. Instead you rushed around to table over to Picket's body. There was no change. Not even the slightest. You were sure that you hit his body. There was no mistaking it. Was the device not what you thought it was? You sighed and began to turn away.

"Look!" Spike shouted. His claw pointing at Picket.

You turned round again and saw what looked like stone beginning to form at his hooves. You stepped closer, watching as his fur began to harden and turn gray. You felt your heart leap for joy. You were right. There was a connection. You continued to watch closely as the stone rapidly grew around Picket's body. Eventually it spread to his chest, then all the way to his tail and then up his neck to his head. Soon after, he was completely covered in stone. Then a light began to shine on his chest. You then got on your hands and knees to look under his body to view his chest. The light subsided and you could see the same marking that was on the angel. The letter 'M' with a bar hovering over it.

"It worked!" Spike said in disbelief.

"It did! This gives me a lot to think about. But for now, I know that the statue over there, is alive."

You stood, almost stumbling from how fast you had moved. The statue on the far side of the room was now 'looking' at you. You stared back, confident that you had figured everything out.

"Spike, we have to destroy this statue. We can't let it-"

A single shot rang out from down below. It sounded like a crack of lightning streaking through the sky with rolling thunder. Silence followed. You stood motionless, along with Spike who only looked at you. The both of you exchange brief glances before more shots began to fill the air along with screaming. You didn't have control of your feet as they rushed out the building and outside to stop just a few feet away from the edge. Down below, a battle had broke out. A miniature civil war. Streaks of light arched through the air like streamers.

"Damnation!" You curse aloud, stomping your feet.

They had already started to kill each other. All thanks to that monster in the stone. Through the thunderous fighting down below, you march back inside. Brushing past Spike and heading straight for the statue.

"Spike! I need this statue outside, help me!"

The young dragon is still for a long while. In shock at the sudden turn of events.

"Hurry!" You shouted.

That seemed to snap him out of it and he rushed over to you, taking his place on the other side of the statue. Placing both hands on the statue, you push and topple it over. It fell on the stone floor with a loud crash but you ignored it. The fighting outside was already ten times as loud. You round the statue and join Spike, reaching down and pulling at the statue's head.

"Let's go Spike!"


With all your collected strength the both of you pull. At first, the large piece of stone doesn't budge. Then, with a bit more effort it begins to slowly slide against the floor. The sound resembling chalk on concrete.

"What's going on outside?" Spike asked.

"They've begun to fight amongst themselves. We have to destroy this statue as soon as possible. We'll through it over the edge."

You tugged harder, your arms feeling like they'll tear from you at any moment. Spike pulled with all his weight, but you were still only able to move it so fast. The shouting outside was beginning to grow more erratic and loudly. It was practically a war-zone. All because of this one statue. How powerful were these beings you wondered. Lately, their power had become so absurd and impossible to comprehend. You think back to the darkness you were trapped in. The Virtue could only play on certain emotions an individual was already feeling. But this new could directly influence the mind. It was like mind control.

You and Spike inch closer and closer to the door. Once you break the threshold, you feel the familiar and stifling heat on your neck as you pull the lump of stone outside. Your right hand began to chafe on the stone as you pulled. The stone was jagged and rough, digging into your palm and cutting it slightly. But you could hardly focus on the pain. Pain was secondary. What mattered was the many lives that were in danger down below. You had to save them, no matter what.


Spike's cry snapped you out of your attention. Had you been looking you would have noticed that the angel's eyes now moved rapidly in circles. It was waking up. Its eyes shinned the reddest ruby red and the orb it held in it's hand began to shine white. Very quickly, as if it were a bull bursting from its pin, the angel began to shatter the stone around its limbs and flailed intensely. Throwing you both off of it and falling to the ground. Very quickly it began to stand on its legs, hunched over and gasping for air. It coughed up chunks of stone from its insides and began to rip the remaining stone off of its body. Then it looked at you, and you felt that familiar feeling sink into your chest. Fear.

Second Sphere:

"Anon! Get up!" Spike tugged at your collar.

But you continued to stare at the angel's crimson eyes. Then it met your gaze and it was like a fire being poured into your eyes.


The name came without you knowing you had spoken it. At the utterance of its name, the angel began to shriek, clutching the orb and the sword in both hands. Spike continued to tug on your collar as he reached for the pistol strapped to his waist.

"Get up! We have to fight it!" Spike cried.

His shaking hand drew the small pistol on the angel and without warning, he fired. Missing the Dominion by a few feet. Spike was now in a slight panic. You sling your rifle off of your shoulder and immediately begin to take aim at the Dominion. It stood perfectly still, patiently waiting for you to draw your weapon. And once you did, it accepted the challenge and vanished. You blink, not sure what just happened. Now you began to panic. Your head darted from left to right like a frightened animal searching for it's predator. This was new. None of them had ever teleported before.

"Spike, stay on your guard! There's no telling where it might have gone."

You lower your rifle, clutching it tightly. You really didn't have time for this. The longer this took the more ponies would die down below. It was imperative that you finished this as quickly as possible. You look to the left. Then to the right. Looking back, you see nothing but Spike, clutching his pistol and smoke rising from his nostrils, ready to light up the Dominion whenever it appeared again. You turn back in front of you. But this time, you're met with the terrifying realization that the Dominion was now charging at you. The sight stole your breath away and for a moment you froze in place. It wasn't until Spike pushed you out of the way that you snapped out of it.

Before you could gain your barrings, the Dominion had already disappeared again. This was by far the most dangerous foe you've faced. At any moment it could do you in as easy as braking a twig. You listened to the quiet air for any signs of its location. But then you realized something. The air had been quiet all of a sudden. Rushing over to the ledge, you peer down into the small village below. And as you do, a single streak of light shoots past your cheek. Everyone below was staring up at you, guns pointed upward at you. Then as if by command, they all opened fire. The shots rang out throughout the entire cavern as they all break from the barrels of their guns and rocket towards the ledge.

You quickly move back, the streaks of lightning streaking past you like fireflies at bullet speed. Then you see the Dominion plummeting towards you from above, its sword pointing directly at your skull. You manage to dodge to the side just in time as its sword impales the ground on your left. You ready your rifle, but your speed is outmatched. With the swift stroke of its other hand, the Dominion knocks you away with its other hand. Sending you flying a good ten feet. At the point, Spike opened fire, his bullets hitting nothing as the angel vanished yet again.

"You alright!? Nothing broke, did it?" Spike asked.

"No. At least not yet.."

Not only was this angel able to teleport at will, but it was also insanely fast and powerful. You did your best to stand, using the butt of your rifle as a crutch. Right now you needed a plan. From the look of things, the soldiers down below would be making their way up the stairs at this very moment to come and kill you. A way to see through the Dominion's power. For some reason, its mind control failed to work on you and Spike. Or at least it seemed that way. But luck had been with you thus far, maybe it would carry you a bit further. You started off toward Spike. He watched the area around you, guarding you from afar.

"Any ideas?" He asked.

"Not the slightest.."

The air around the both of you was now beginning to thin. But was it just your imagination? You exhale, but feel the carbon be forced back into you as you inhale. You cough. Your body fighting the poison that had reentered your system.

" you feel that?"

"Yeah. Almost like, the air around us had been cut short...It's like we're standing on top of a mountain."

The Dominion then appeared before you in a crackle of thunder. Before you could even lift your rifle, it lunged at you, its claws reaching for your neck. The feeling of its shadowy claws around your neck was so cold , it burned. You could feel your throat begin to turn to ice. Staring into its eyes, you could see your reflection. You were tugging at its arm and gasping for air. Then Spike shot a round directly into the Dominions chest and it dropped you. You fell on your backside as the angel began to shriek and clutch its chest.

"Spike! Another shot!"

But before Spike could even line his shot up, the Dominion vanished again in an instant. From the stairs, you could hear the many stallions climbing closer and closer. With in a few moments they would be there. You had to finish this the next time it appeared. There would be no way you would be able to fight all of them at once. Especially Celestia, assuming she too was among them.

"Hey Anon..." Spike said.

"What is it?"

"Did you notice the air where it disappeared?"

What? The air? What about the air? As far as you could tell, there was nothing. What was Spike getting at? He was losing it. The angel had gotten to him too. That must be it.

"What are you on about? I don't see-"

You stopped. There was something. The air was distilled. It swirled slightly, like it was wrapping around something. A body. You're speechless. Without saying a word you slowly rise to your feet, again using your rifle as a crutch. Your eyes never leave the space the Dominion disappeared from. It wasn't teleporting at all. Rather, it was wrapping the air around itself and using it as a sort of camouflage. Then it began to move. Slowly, almost like it was gliding. Spike began to take aim but you stopped him by lowering his gun. If it saw that you knew where it was, it would probably make a mad dash somewhere and you'd loose track of it for sure. It probably wouldn't get close to you once it moved to attack. So far it relied on lunge attacks, meaning that there was a gimmick to its power. Perhaps it couldn't dispel the wind too close to the enemy, for it'd be detected. Your next move would be to shoot it the moment it moved to attack.

"Spike.." You whispered. "We're going to have to wait. Don't let it know that you see it. We'll have take it down the moment it lunges at us so I want you to be on guard."

"Attack when it attacks us? Then it's really just a game of who can draw faster, right?" He whispered back. "It's like a western."

"A western?"

"Never mind. "

You left Spike's comment alone for now and continued to focus on the angel. The distortion in the air moved about the ground, searching for a good spot to attack from. Using your rifle, you stood up straight. It acted like a cane now. You watched it, but keeping your eyes slightly off, so that you weren't staring directly at it. Then you felt it. An instinct in your gut that told you to get ready. It was as if the air around you had changed. You found it easier to breath, the air no longer being influenced in its domain. The air around the Dominion then dropped and it lunged at you with its sword. Now was the time. You wouldn't get another chance like this. With speed you never thought yourself capable of, you kick the butt of your rifle and give it a twirl, tucking the butt into your shoulder as you aim down the sights.

The Dominion's face was placed neatly in your crosshairs. Its sword was only a few inches away from your heart when you pulled the trigger. Sending the bullet of light spiraling through the small space between you both and blasting a clean hole between its eyes. Another shriek erupted from its mouth as it flew backwards, dropping its sword. You did it! But the soldiers had now begun to spill out onto the platform. Quickly they surrounded you and began to take aim. Their eyes lifeless and absent. The Dominion squirmed around on the floor, holding its hands up to its face and howling. Kicking its feet in any random direction. Spike immediately fired the second shot, hitting it somewhere in side. That seemed to do it for the angel began to melt into a shadow, tendrils of black smoke rising from its expired body.

Just to be safe you fired off another shot, hitting it in the chest. Then it stopped squirming as it completely melted into the rock. Around you, the sound of a dozen ponies coming to their senses multiplied. They all responded with "Where am I?" or "What just happened?" It pissed you off a bit, how they didn't have any recollection on what had just transpired. But on the bright side, you saved everyone. Eventually, they all settled their curiosity and began to head back down the stairs confused and tired.

"Anon, we should probably find Celestia. She'll want to know about this."

You sigh. After what just happened you wanted nothing more than to just sleep the entire ordeal off. But your curiosity was getting the better of you. You had to know what Celestia thought of what she did, now that she was no longer influenced by the Dominion.

"I expect a full thank you." You mutter as you start towards the stairs, falling en route with the stallions as they made their way back down.

"And you say it was the Dominion who caused all of this?"

"I am certain. You may ask Spike as well, he saw the entire thing."

The three of you sat in one of the many houses in the village. You all were alone and gathered around a small wooden table. You told Celestia everything. About Picket, about how he died, about how you used his body in an experiment, and your encounter with the Dominion. She had been mostly quiet through it all. Most likely severely unnerved by the incident with Picket. Celestia looked tired, almost like she regretted ever coming on this journey. Then she sighed, closing her eyes and rubbing her temples with her hooves.

"Poor Picket.. He was a very good friend of Shinning Armor.."

"Who?" You ask.

Celestia then look at you surprised, like she had forgotten you were even in the room.

"Never mind that. You said you used his body in an experiment. You turned his body to stone, correct?"

"Yes. And I believe that's how I originally became stone. Through a similar device."

"Oh, and there was a marking on both the angel's and Picket's chest once they were in stone."

Spike said, grabbing a sheet of paper from his bag and a quill. He placed the paper on the table and began to draw the symbol. The letter 'M' with a line over it. This reminded you of a question you wanted to ask.

"Celestia, do you remember this symbol? Did you ever notice it on my chest when you found me?" You ask, circling a finger around your chest for emphasis.

Celestia silent for a moment, turning her head down in thought.

"Now that you mention it, yes. It is a number. But I had assumed it was nothing in particular. But I did find it interesting that it was an older form of the Equestrian number system that is no longer in use."

"A number?" You ask suddenly.

She looks at you curiously, like you knew something she didn't.


"What is the number?" You asked, leaning in.

She raised an eyebrow, not seeing where you were going.

"Well, precisely, it is the number one million. Why? Is it important?" She asked.

One million. One million what? Years? Was it possible that the stone had a timer? Was yours a million years? The angel had the same date so it was viable that it was sealed the same time you were. And that would mean Picket's body would remain stone for a million years.

"It's a date. A timer. It means that I was turned to stone and it was known that I'd awake in the far future. And it also makes me...a million years old.."

You say this as you lean back in your chair, exhaling. You were older than the oldest being on the planet. She was pushing what? Two? Three thousand years? But here you were, a million years and some change.

"So you were turned to stone with a purpose. But what for?" Celestia asked.

"I do not know. But we'll find our answers eventually. There are still a lot more questions I need answered before I can give a sound explanation."

You knew who would give you answers. The Voice. It was waiting in the city. It said it would meet you there and it would tell you all you wanted to know. But it was up to you to survive the journey.

"We have a long walk tomorrow. I suggest we get plenty of rest. Besides, my back is extremely sore."

You stand, but not too quickly. You didn't want to cause yourself any more pain. Celestia and Spike also stood, the meeting being adjourned for now. The three of you exited the house and headed off towards the rest of the camp where you would spend the Agarthan night. As you readied your sleeping bag, you wondered if you'd even be able to sleep in this sort of heat. You guessed you'd find out when you tried. The last thought you had was the conversation you had with Celestia. Where would you go after this was all over? Who knew. It was a question that didn't need an answer. And so you drifted off to sleep, Celestia's gentle breathing rocking you asleep as she lay beside you.