//------------------------------// // Town tour and meeting with Royalty...wait, what? (Part 2) Edited // Story: Desert Ranger of Equestria // by Alpha777 //------------------------------// Minutes later when Edward told Twilight about his entire past in both the Capital and the Mojave as well as some actual history about the nation that was known as "The United States of America" and how it was made..... "So let me get this straight, this 'nation' was born after a war against a kingdom you and your people tried to escape from?" Twilight asked. Edward responded, "Well... yeah if you put it that way, but the reason why is that the king who was ruling at the time was a tyrant. He raised up taxes that made a lot of people poor, forbid any exercise of any religion, including Christianity, since Christianity is a major religion like the others, and killing unarmed people who are just minding their own business. Later on, a rebellion known as the Continental Army, or shortly known as the 'Patriots', rose up and retaliated against the British army, even when the Patriots were under-trained, out-gunned, out-matched, and out-numbered." Twilight listened with interested look on her face as Edward continued. "But after those 19 or so years, the Patriots have defeated the British and won their independence by right, and that gave birth to our country, the United States of America, the land of the free, and home of the brave. Where Everyone has equal rights, as in everyone is no better than the other and it doesn't affect your race or gender, except that was later on, And having freedom to practice any religion, except that is mostly involve terrorism, partially. As well as the freedom of speech. And when France, America's sister country, helped us out with the War against the British, they later on gave us a large, metal statue known as the Statue of Liberty, or Lady Liberty, for short. And when immigrants arrive at New York City, they would have been greeted by Lady Liberty herself, holding up that torched to guide them to safety, and holding a text of sorts, but anyways, the thing is that we made a nation that does not discriminate, overly taxed, and everything else. We also separate power to a lot people known as the Congress. In-fact, I've been inside a place known as the Capital Building, where the Congressmen goes to discuss politics and the sort. But the one who supposedly holds the most power is the President, the leader of the nation. I can't go into details about it because, well, it's very complicated, but all I can say, is that the Congress put limits on giving power to an elected leader. We do that because , well, here's the thing, if you gave anyone, power, they would eventually misuse it, and that's how tyrants are made, and it wouldn't make sense if we tried to escape a tyrant just to become one ourselves. So basically, America was dedicated to protect the innocent, to stop corruption, and the sort." Edward concluded. Twilight was silent in surprise for a few moments until she asked, "Who was your first leader of your nation after the war?" "A man named George Washington and before you ask 'why him' or 'what evidence that made him the perfect leader', he was our main general during the war against the British." "Why a veteran general to lead a newborn nation?" Twilight ask. "Well he isn't your ordinary general, he was selfless and dedicated enough that he didn't just order his men to...say...dig a trench, he, literally, takes of his jacket and hat, even during the bitterest winters in history, grabs a shovel and pickax, jumps into the trench, and digs with his men, for that is what a nation needs, a leader who would bonds with his men and get his hands dirty to get the job done, no matter what it is." Edward answered. Twilight's face was an expression of surprise when Edward answered that. 'I guess not all humans are selfish, barbaric beings, for a general to that action, this may prove that humans had evolve more honorable than any pony knows about.' Twilight asks, "Okay, then how many countries were there in your entire world?" Edward sat there silently, then finally answered, "Uh, 196 in total." Twilight's eyes widened when she heard his answer. '196 countries!? how big is his world?!' She then regain herself and asked, "So what is America's national flag then?" "Well, the flag had changed a lot over the years, but the two I remembered before was the it had a blue square on the top left corner, and within it are 50 white stars, before it change to 13 stars right before the bombs, and is considered symbolizing that America has 50 states. Outside the blue square are these red and white stripes going side to side, horizantally, and there are 13 in total, which represent the original 13 colonies before America was born. We gave it nicknames like 'The Star Spangled Banner', 'Stars and Stripes', 'Old Glory', which is my favorite, and the 'Red, White, and Blue.' But mostly known as the American Flag." Edward answered. "Wow, so who made it, and when?" Twilight asks. "A woman named Betsy Ross and it was made in the spring of 1776. But that's uncertain, 'cause there was no recorded document about it, even way before the bombs of 2077." Edward responded. Spike then ran into the room where Twilight and Edward were at, exhausted, saying "Twilight, Princess Celestia heard about what happen in the Everfree and are heading here!" Twilight yelled, "WHAT!?" Edward asked, "Princess?" Twilight panicked as she and Spike clean up the mess in the library when Edward asked, "What do you mean 'Princess' are coming here?" Twilight answered frantically, " I'm Celestia's number one star pupil and she gets worried sometimes when things like recent events occur." Edward thought, 'Number one star pupil?' A voice out of the chaotic event spoke "Is everthing alright, Twilight?" Twilight, Spike, and Edward spun around just to see Princess Celestia standing there, concerned. Twilight gave a joyous cheer, " Princess Celestia!" Edward whispered a single word, "Wow." Princess Celestia turned toward Edward with a raised eyebrow "And who are you?" 'Shit.' ( continued in part 3)