A New Impetus

by Zykov

8. Three Diamonds

Another week, another thursday and still the same commission under the works, though the progress was going nicely. Soul took one last bite of his bun as he was trying to come up with some more ideas for the poster, even though he already had a plan, there was always room to improve. Though it was hard to concentrate in a full, fancy cafe filled with chatter, not to mention there was something else he had to pay attention to too.

The pool cue sent the white ball barreling forward, it ricocheted off the other side of the pool table and hit a red 4-ball, delivering it straight into the pocket at the upper right corner. The pocket was followed by a loud squeal.

“Oh my gosh, sis! Did you see that?” Mineral chimed with wide eyes that sparkled and a smile enveloping her face as she pulled back from the pool table. “That was a perfect hit, Soul! You have to admit it, a perfect hit!”

Some ponies in the cafe scowled toward the duo, giving Mineral deprecatory looks.

Soul put his cue down and clapped his hooves with his eyes widened too, “That was an awesome pocket, no doubt! Though I’m inevitably getting the feeling that you asked me to play just so you could beat a beginner,” he joked and laughed, taking a sip of his Wiener Melange.

Mineral rubbed a chalk cube on the tip of her cue and chuckled, walking over to the other side of the table. “Don’t worry, I have morals.” She gave Soul a friendly smile. “It’s a nice game though, don’t you agree?”

Soul gave her a nod turning his pool cue over and leaning on it. “Indeed. It’s a nice time killer.”

“Mmhmm!” Mineral was about to get ready for the next hit, but stopped as she spotted Ink entering the cafe, glancing around as if he were looking for somepony.

As Ink spotted the two, he immediately started approaching them, his eyebrow raised. “Now what is this? Shouldn’t you two be working instead of playing pool?”

Mineral immediately winced and puffed out her chest, placing her hoof on it. “Ink, I would never ever neglect my job. My client informed that she’ll be late, so I thought teaching Soul about pool would be a good way to spent time.”

“Alright then. So me checking up is not necessary yet.” Ink let out a laugh and then turned to look at the white stallion. “But what might Soul be doing here?”

“We share a camera,” Soul said immediately, lifting a small bag he had on a table and presented it to Ink. “You see, I had agreed to photograph some of the actors for the poster today and Mineral agreed to photograph this cafe.”

Mineral had already gotten back into the game and was targeting the white ball as he frowned. “But look at what a nice surprise was waiting for us. Only one camera left. Luckily the theater is just a couple blocks away.” She hit the ball and sent it flying but none of the colored balls went into the pockets which caused Mineral to let out a sigh. She stood up straight and placed the cue on her shoulder. “I really have to make an initiative to get more camera’s.”

“That’s a good idea.” Ink gave a nod as his lips curved upward while he sat down on a bench as he glanced at the two ponies. “I’ve noticed you two interact far more often lately. That’s good, it keeps the team spirit up.”

The two ponies turned to look at each other, Mineral narrowed her lips and looked from side to side as Soul took a step back putting on a small but awkward grin as both ponies just noticed the fact. The silence was followed by a light-hearted laugh.

Soul took the chalk and rubbed the tip of his cue with it as he grinned. “Mineral could even cause good team spirit among rocks.” He let out a little chuckle, turning to look at Mineral, but as he saw the mare’s raised eyebrow, he quickly added, “Compliment, Mineral. A compliment.”

Mineral closed her eyes as she pulled up and sat on a chair, chuckling. “Yes, yes, I know. Thank you, sis.”

Ink lifted his left hoof looking at his watch before twirling his hoof in the air to draw attention. “Well, everything seems to be delightful around here. But before I leave…” He turned to look at the white unicorn, tilting his head, his glasses lowering down his face as he peered over them. “Soul, how is the tutor searching proceeding?”

Soul had already started targeting the ball and made his hit, managing to pocket one striped ball. Even though his hit was pretty clumsy. As Ink’s question registered in Soul’s mind, a slight frown took over his face and he stood straight. “Manehattan is off limits now. Suri Polomer, Glimmer Fabric, Velvet Heaven, etcetera, none of them agreed to my proposal. Only a few even considered it.”

Ink immediately sat up straight and put his hooves together. “Don’t let that bring you down, kid! There is still the big city of Vanhoover and Baltimare, not to mention smaller towns, Dodge City, Apple Loosa and Ponyville.”

Mineral stretched her right foreleg out and put on a wide smile. “Naye, Vanhoover is a great place! I recommend!” she piped up, chanting.

Soul walked on the left side of the table, but kept his focus on Mineral. “Yes, I’ve contacted some of the Vanhoover’s designers too but, only one has replied so far with a denying answer. Of course I am going to contact a fashion designer in Ponyville as well, but I’m not very confident with that one.”

Ink leaned against the table and scrunched his eyebrows. “What exactly makes you to say such a thing?”

Before Soul gave his answer, he struck the white ball without managing to pocket anything. He went over to his seat and sighed while looking outside, where it had started to rain. “Well, it’s not a very big town and this mare seems to be the only fashion designer around there. I doubt she has resources to tutor me.” He set his pool cue against the wall and started rubbing the top of his hoof while he frowned even more.“And maybe the fact that the place was in total mayhem just a couple days ago affects my mind too. What was it, black vines invading it?”

Mineral flipped her pool cue up and reached up catching it with a hoof as she looked from one stallion to the other, then she leaned over the pool table. “Not only that, the sun and moon were very and completely messed up too!” She sat up looking over the table, her lips moved about as she did. She glanced back up and spoke to the stallions again, “I mean, wow that day… night? Dayght, was causing total mayhem everywhere around here too. I was lucky enough to get more asthma medicine before the royal guard shut us to our homes.”

“Oh Soul, Soul, Soul…” Ink shook his head and let out a sigh. “Every patch of dirt could contain a diamond.”

Soul scrunched his eyebrows and tilted his head, lifting his leg. “And that means…?”

Ink took his eyeglasses off and pointed at Soul. “Miss Rarity is an extremely talented and very capable artisan. I've done some co-operations with her in the past and what I've noticed is resources are the last thing she seems to lack.” He put the glasses back on and pushed them higher as he raised his head a bit. “Since we have a history, my recommendation will be a very valuable advantage when you contact here. “

Soul sulked, frowning and sighed. As Mineral hit another solid ball in the hole he didn’t notice as he was focused solely on Ink. “And the vine invasion doesn’t have any weight at all?”

Ink instantly shook his head and gave Soul a rather overly serious look which was almost scary. “Kid, you can’t let anything stand between you and your goal. Not even unnatural vine invasions causing a mess.”

Drawing his neck back, the white unicorn started rubbing his neck as he looked away with a rather awkward look. “That’s… no offense, but an absurd way to look at it.”

“Where did you get the courage to move to Canterlot then? This place doesn’t exactly have a clean history either. I’m sure you know of the big invasion of those black, creepy creatures who could take other forms. Now that was the most unpleasant mayhem I’ve been a part of. And you started your job learning in Spectrum just a few months after it. So, I’m asking again. Where did you get your courage?”

There was a brief moment of silence which Soul spent just looking down at his hooves, and out of the windows of the cafe. Eventually, a single word came out of his mouth, “...Touche.” He raised his eyebrows as he spoke, admitting defeat.

Ink shrugged forward and rose from his seat, giving Soul a tame smile this time. “Just trust me, kid. You’ll find the place, and even if it’s Ponyville, it’s still a jackpot no matter which way you look at it.” He tilted his glasses up and checked the clock again. “I shall take my leave now. Work hard but have a good time.”

Soul gave a nod as Ink started walking away but Mineral gave a split second nod. Her mind seemed to be in another world entirely. She just kept staring out the window, up at the grey sky, cold shivers running through her body. The gloomy look on her face, along with her morose eyes told a story as if she was hoping her stare would reach the weather ponies and made them dissipate the clouds.

Soul placed his pool cue against a wall and he walked over to his saddleback, digging up a dark red, blocky laptop. He sat down one seat away from the yellow mare and opened the device while looking at Mineral with a straight face. “Sorry for the cliche statement and…” Soul paused for a moment as he looked upwards pausing and thinking before he spoke again. “Sorry for the cliche statement of saying sorry for a cliche statement, but did a cat steal your tongue or what’s so magical about those clouds?”

Mineral’s ears twitched as she turned to look at Soul, roughly clearing her throat. Her skin had gotten goosebumps, but of course it didn’t show under her coat nor was it long enough to notice. “N-No, I’m just irritated that bucking rain ruined my plans. I was going to swim outside today but it seems like I’ll just spend my day inside these four boring walls.” The reason why she was in a trance was a lie, but her plans to swim were not.

Soul leaned against the table and let out a little laugh. “That’s kinda our job too, though you being an event organizer lets you get around more.” He then turned back to his laptop and opened his n-mail while digging Ink’s list of the artisans from his saddlebag. “But anyway, swimming? I’ve heard cold can trigger asthma attack and the water hasn’t exactly been warm.”

Mineral nodded and placed her hooves onto each other. “Words of truth, but luckily I’ve been taught a spell that keeps my body temperature warm. It’s a deft trick to have, sis.” The smile she had slowly turned into a slight frown and she let out a sigh while looking down. “I still just have to swim very slowly or just float on the surface nowadays though.” A slight smile returned to her face while she rubbed her ankles together. “I used to be a real water beast as a foal.”

“But asthma got in the way. I understand,” Soul said with a nod and then lifted his coffee cup that had been sitting on a nearby table with his magic, presenting it to Mineral. “Gotta love magic, though.” Soul stated with a friendly smile, and then opened his n-mail.

Mineral chuckled in a slightly awkward way, then laid back against the table, lifting her cue with her magic and spinned it in the air. “It has spoiled us unicorns, but I’m not complaining.” The mare stood up and took a deep breath, walking over to the pool table. “Anyway, I should finally make the game go on.”

Soul nodded and pointed his hoof at the mare. “You do that, and take your time. I’ll write this n-mail.” The stallion turned to look back at his screen and opened a new message. He didn’t type the address first, since there’s always the risk he might accidentally sent it when it’s not finished. He started the message with the obvious, `hello´.

The mare sized up the few balls she had left and chuckled at how fewer balls she had then Soul. As she let out the final chuckle she came back to the present conversation. “If you get an offer in Vanhoover and I’m pretty you will, I’m so going to make a list for you of all the places you must visit!” She smiled off giving a wiggle of excitement thinking about her hometown. “And remember, if you become like every other stereotypical fashion ponies, I’ll make sure you won’t sit for a month, sis.”

Soul stopped writing and turned to look at Mineral with his eyebrows furrowed, a little laugh escaping his mouth. “And I’ll make sure you’ll pay me the damages. A perfect deal.”

Mineral stretched her hoof out as far as she could, and brought the cue next to it with her magic still holding her hoof up to ensure the cue was at the proper, perfect angle while pointed at Soul. “It’ll be worth it. Totally worth it.”

Soul intentionally widened his eyes and slowly started burrowing his head against his shoulder, while Mineral looked at him like a teacher from a time when they still spanked foals with measuring sticks. The mare had a distinct glower come over her face as she stared Soul down; the two were unable to resist shaking their heads and allowing smiles to crack across their faces as well as crack the mood.

Mineral swiped her hoof and pulled her cue back. “Naw, just kidding. Keep the hooves on the ground though, sis and don’t lose your Soul to them.” It just took a split second until she winced slightly and let out a little laugh before she placed her hooves on the table. “Why does your name have to be so punny?”

Soul let out a small laugh too and shrugged. “Only Celestia knows,” he said as he continued writing, his eyes darting up for just a moment to reach Mineral before returning to his laptop. “I’m still surprised how supportive you actually are.”

“It’s not like my opinion is the thing that matters in the end. Friends are for supporting each other, right? Or keeping them on the right track at least,” she stated with a chuckle and finally took her shot. “Besides, bringing ponies down has never been my thing. Well, except if they have gotten too high and--- Oh my Celestia this can’t be!” Mineral’s eyes bulged wide open as she saw a horrible sight of 8-ball bouncing from the side of the table straight to a pocket.

Soul had turned to look at the table, and not seeing the 8-ball anywhere, he hummed the failure tone which caused Mineral to slightly frown, though she took her failure in stride, she shook her head but allowed her lips to curve upward.

Mineral put her cue down and rubbed her cheek with her hoof.“What a great mistake. I should’ve seen that coming but apparently not.” She took a deep breath, and placed her cue back to it’s original slot on the wall, she then walked over to Soul and peeked at the message. “So, how is the message coming along?”

Soul tapped his chin with a pencil he was holding with his magic as he typed rapidly with his hooves. “All I have to add is the part where it convinces her that Spectrum won’t be a threat and state all the things she will benefit from aaaaaaand…” Tapping a final enter key before he leaned back the stallion crossed his forehooves exclaiming, “Done.”

“Hmm…” The mare looked over Soul’s shoulder as she read the n-mail. “You should probably take that ‘Your business seems small’ part off completely. It most likely will seem offensive.”

Soul slammed a hoof against his forehead. “Oh, you are right. What was I thinking?” He shook his head and immediately deleted it. “Thanks.” The last thing he did was look up the address and added it; as soon as the address was added he hit the enter key, with a pleased, “And it’s sent”

Mineral nodded, she beamed as she watched the n-mail disappear. “Very good, Soul. Very good. I will still cheer for Vanhoover though.”

Soul nodded and closed his laptop, putting it back into his saddlebag. His eyes lowered but a small smile crossed his face as he realized how real this dream was becoming. “I’ll just wait and see how things will turn out.”

Mineral hopped onto a chair next to the stallion and smiled. “Indeedily.” She placed her forelegs on the table leaning forward toward the stallion. “By the way, that brought something to my mind. Have you told Noble that you most likely will have to leave Canterlot because of this?”

“Well… No... “ Soul paused, looking down at the table. His shoulders sulked and his lips drooped. “He’s been as down as it’s probably possible to be since he lost his job and that one evening we spent drinking only cheered him for a moment.” The white unicorn shook his head and rubbed his face, he left his mouth uncovered so he could speak. “Breaking the news to him that I will leave in a while like this, well… It sure won’t help his situation.”

Mineral extended a hoof, placing it on the table in front of her friend. Her smile had vanished and she brought the corners of her lips in as she looked away before opening her mouth. “That sure is an unpleasant situation… But the more you wait, the more it will hurt when you break the news. How would you feel if he told you that he would move away tomorrow?”

The stallion’s hooves dropped, he lifted his head and looked toward the mare. “Sudden. Yes, I get your point there.” He put his hooves together and looked down, a gloomy atmosphere absorbing them both. “I know that he has other good friends here, but still, we rely on each other the most.”

“Sis, it’s not like your friendship will vanish or anything. You two seem to have quite a strong bond there and I don’t think that you two living in different towns will affect it. I still have important friends I’ve been in touch with from Vanhoover and our bonds haven’t been weakened even a little bit.” She gave a smile as she tried to cheer up her friend.

Scratching the back of his head as he looked over toward the mare. “Yes, that’s what I thought too. Besides, who knows how long my search for a tutor will go on. These things take some time, so I have a feeling Noble would’ve gotten back on his hooves by the time I would have to move.”

Mineral’s head tilted to the side and her lips formed a frown. “You got a good point there too.” She sighed while in her seat, wiggling her hind legs under the table.. “My opinion still stands, you should tell him as soon as possible. The sooner you do, the more time he has to let it sink in.” The thick haired mare stopped fidgeting in her seat and instead relaxed clapping her hooves together to speak in a more cheerful town.“Besides, when the times comes, I can keep an eye on him and report his every move to you.”

Soul shook his head and extended a hoof toward her. “Thousands of thanks, but I don’t think that’s necessary. I.M. books still exist, you know.”

“Indeed.” She put her hooves together and looked down at the table, her smile dropping and only one small one remaining, her tone became slow and serious. “And well, Soul... You know Noble won’t be the only pony who will miss you being here.” She kept her eyes focused on the table before her, unwilling to give their eyes an opportunity to meet.

Frozen by the comment the pale stallion lowered his shoulders as his eyes became soft and he watched the mare as her hair fell, hiding her eyes. Although he wanted to speak he could not think of anything to say.

Turning back toward the stallion and blowing her hair to the side she brought her foreleg hooves in toward her body. “I mean, dang. I just got to know your social side and became friends with you, and the next thing I know is that you plan on leaving... Funny, eh?”

Rubbing his neck, Soul tried to think of what to say as he was nervously glancing back and forth around the cafe. After a short moment, a small smile crawled upon his face. “Well… I would be lying if I said i wouldn’t miss your attitude... And you know, our chit-chats and all that.”

That said, a soft but still somber smile fell over Mineral’s lips as she slowly raised her head to look at Soul. “Heh, well… You can be sure you won’t get rid of me sis. ” She reached down and rubbed her hind legs under the table and tapped the table with her hoof in a rhythmic pattern. “So yes all I wanted to say is that.. I really like your company and it’s sad that you are going after we’ve just befriended one another. I hope you can visit Canterlot from time to time.”

Soul nodded and rubbed his hooves together. “Likewise Mineral, and yes I will.”

As the air around them became quiet Mineral wiggled her hind legs under the table and before the moment could continue she quickly turned and looked up at the clock. “Gosh, my client sure is taking her time.”

Soul glanced at the counter and slightly furrowed his eyebrows, though he appreciated Mineral changing the subject but wished he could have said something more. He returned to the task at hand responding, still feeling a lump in his throat still unable to think up a proper response which lead him to utter, “I could get a drink if we weren’t working.”

Turning her ears back as she leaned back in her chair, noticeably confused about how Soul’s mind went to drinking with her last statement. She lifted a hoof pointing it at the stallion. “You are such a drunk,” she exclaimed and puffed out her cheeks with a glare for a few moments before she relaxed it so she could speak up again. “Though you could if I had an amethyst mug with me.”

“An amethyst mug?” Soul repeated and instantly raised an eyebrow, his body turned so he faced Mineral while lifting a hoof so it faced the ceiling. “What does that have to do with anything?”

Mineral fixed her posture and cleared her throat with a cough before speaking up, “Well you see, amethysts can actually protect against inebriation.”

Soul’s eyes grew wide, he sat up, slamming his hooves down on the table as he almost rose to his rear hooves. “What, seriously?”

The unicorn mare raised a hoof to silence her friend. “I’m not even kidding, sis. I once crafted a mug out of amethyst and tried to make a prank for Meadow when we were having a little day off. She never drinks more than one glass of wine, so I tried to be sneaky and made her believe that she wouldn’t get all dizzy when drinking from an amethyst mug.” The thick maned unicorn held her bosom as she spoke, she held her head high to be heard clearly. “And oh Celestia I was flabbergasted when she remained one hundred percently lucid.”

Soul couldn’t help but laugh enthusiastically at Mineral’s story while scratching his head, tears almost poured out of his eyes. It took a bit for Soul to control his breathing before he could produce even one word. “Dang, well that’s a pretty interesting power for amethyst to have. Though what’s the point of drinking if you’re goal isn’t to become a little-” The stallion quickly cleared his throat - “not so lucid.” He let out one last laugh until his eyes grew wide and he locked his eyes on Mineral. “Wait... You drink?!” he said with an obviously joking tone and then placed a hoof over his head. “Oh my, I’ve always thought you were a decent, high society pony but apparently all that has just been an illusion that’s now shattered into thousands of pieces.”

After she scoffed at the comment, she flipped her ears back again and glared with a sly grin from cheek to cheek, while she pointed at Soul, very close to poking him in the chest as she glared while she leaned her head up, looking up at Soul. “I could beat you and Noble both in a drinking game without even breaking a sweat.”

Soul crossed his forelegs and put on a joking pouty face. “Now you’re just bragging.”

“Aww, well I’m deeply sorry.” Mineral opened her arms wide open. “Let’s hug. Hugging fixes everything.”

A cold shiver ran across Soul’s body and he immediately sprung up from his seat and took a few steps backwards with a big frown on his face. “Yeah no, no hugging or physical contact in general.”

“Oh yeah?” Mineral immediately stood up from her seat and locked her threatening eyes on Soul and slowly approached the still retreating unicorn. Soul’s ears folded down and they both slowly circled around the pool table.

Though their little scenario was quickly broken by a mare who downright slid into the cafe from the front door as she left a paper trail behind her. She quickly runs back to pick the fallen pieces up, gasping like a steam train.

“Miss Tint, miss Tint, miss Tint!” she yelled and ran straight for Mineral. “I am absolutely one hundred percent sorry I am this late!”

As soon as the client approached Mineral, she ran over to the hysteric mare and placed her hoof on the client’s scapula. “Calm down, miss. It’s perfectly fine. I kept myself entertained in this fine cafe.”

Soul sat down and watched Mineral calm down her client. Once the commotion was over he turned in his seat and dropped down onto all fours again. He walked over and leaned in to speak loud enough for the mares to hear him. “Well, I shall take my leave then. See you back at the Spectrum.”

Mineral quickly reached for the stallion before he turned to leave. “Soul Soul Soul Soul Soul Soul!” She called back to him and pointed at the bag he had. “Leave the camera”

Soul stopped and turned to look at Mineral with a blank face, though quickly flinched and took the camera bag off, carrying it over to his friend with his magic. “Oh, right…” he said with an awkward chuckle. After the stallion gave Mineral a wave and got one back in return, he exited the cafe and headed back to Canterlot Spectrum.

It arrived. The answer from Ponyville has arrived. Normally, Soul would hold his breath while opening the mail, but he’s got so many answers denying him so far that he had already become numb to them. Before he started to read, Soul threw a lemon pastille to his mouth and sat back.

“Hello, thank you very much for you interest, Wild Soul. Your offer is rather interesting and it most definitely caught my attention.”

The start seemed very promising and Soul’s ears twitched.

“I’m very familiar with Canterlot Spectrum and specifically with Ink and if Ink has granted you his recommendation, there is absolutely no doubt you have at least potential. All the benefits and co-operations that you listed sound very good and it would be my pleasure to discuss this more. Of course I took a look at the pieces of designs you sent in the mail, and I saw your potential myself.”

Now this is what Soul has been waiting for days. Not just a simple ‘Sorry, I don’t take pupils’ but a proper, positive answer. Soul’s heartbeat had increased, his lips parted upward and his mind began to prepare for the next step as his hope rose and he read on.

“If you are still interested by the time your read this message, I have added a number for my video relay and I.M. Please, message me as soon as possible so we can settle upon a time for a video meeting. Best and absolutely fabulous regards, Rarity.”

Finally; a proper downright answer. A proper positive answer and the only one too. But was Ponyville really the place fitting for a pony who has always lived in big cities? On the other hoof, it would just be a temporary living and studying place for a year. It indeed is close to Canterlot. Besides, there is no room to be picky after so many rejections. This could be the only accepting response Soul would get and as that thought passed through his mind, it became clear. The unicorn nodded and without further ado, dug a pen and copied Rarity’s I.M. address down.

And then the hardest part: form an instant message for a new person… Well there’s no way around it. Soul laid the book on his desk and like usually, took a moment to think before carving even one letter. The moment actually stretched out for fifteen minutes before Soul even placed a pen on the paper.

“Hello Rarity, it’s Wild Soul. Thank you very much for responding this quickly and especially thank you for your affirming answer. I’m available almost always, so just suggest a time and we can make video contact. Hope to hear from you soon.”

Yep, that’s all it needs. The text disappeared and now it was sent. Soul put the book down in his saddlebag and got up, he headed to get some coffee from a coffee machine. He also bumped into Mineral who had finished transferring her images and was now bringing the camera to Soul. Typically, they had short nice chit-chat, Mineral telling how the meeting went well and how the client treated her like some upper class leader. Soul, naturally, explained how he got his first acceptance answer, which of course lead Mineral to congratulate him and threw a joke about how she demanded to rant about her old home city. Eventually they both go their separate ways and headed back to their own offices.

Putting the camera bag on his desk, Soul sat down and was about to open his laptop, but didn’t have a chance to do so, when he felt his I.M. book vibrating. He dug it up, the message being a response from Rarity.

“Hello Soul, splendid news! I am willing to proceed with this affair as soon as possible, with a delightful mind of course. Do you happen to have a moment right now? My boutique is very quiet at the moment, so I’m able to spare a moment if you are available too.”

"This quickly?!" Soul thought to himself as his steady heartbeat escalated rapidly. "Like right now?" Of course he could just lie and tell her he is busy at the moment, but that would be very unprofessional. Soul fell back on his chair and spend a few moments just feeling his increased heartbeat and thinking about what to answer. It should be simple, Soul has time, so there’s nothing stopping him; but should he wait and think of some questions she would possibly ask and contact her later? No, he just had to brace up and pick up the pencil, before he could have a second thought he levitated the pencil and wrote that he was available.

Soul opened his laptop and prepared everything, adding Rarity’s address. “Rarity is available,” it said. Now just to wait till she contacted him and in no time, a simple loop started playing and a text appeared. “Rarity wants to have a video conversation with you,”

Soul cleared his throat and pressed a green icon, he saw his reflection as the screen became black and reflective, he quickly turned his head checking his hair and nudged his collar ‘perfecting’ his appearance.

"Loading, loading… Connection was formed,”

On the screen appeared a mare with quite the elegant look. Lavender mane, blue eyes and white coat, presenting a gentle smile upon her lips. “Hello, Soul!” she spoke, clearly being excited, but still under control. “My, it is a true pleasure to literally see you. How are you?”

´How are you?´ That’s not a question Soul exactly expected. No time to wonder about it though; he quickly snapped out of the slight confusion and answered with a smile, “Likewise, Rarity. I’m good, thank you for asking. Starting to work on a poster soon.”

“A poster?” Rarity repeated and lifted a hoof on her chin, her eyebrows raising along with it. “Do you mind if I ask what is it for?”

‘Another small talk question?’ Though confusion was still not acceptable now. Soul held the smile and shook his head. “Not at all. It’s a poster for an upcoming theater act here in Canterlot.”

Rarity immediately put her hooves together “Oh, interesting! What a grand project,” she said with a smile and put a hoof on her cheek, looking somewhere off the screen. “I’ve worked in theater myself as a costumier. It’s such a lovely job to do,” she chanted and gave a small smirk thinking of her theater projects, though she quickly snapped out of it as she realized she was zoning off and started searching for something. “Ah, pardon me! I wandered off point before I even began.”

Soul’s lips grew long and curved down as he scratched one of his temples with his hoof. “Excuse me, Rarity. I thought, those weren’t exactly the questions you would ask considering this subject.” After he spoke he closed his muzzle and clenched his teeth together, shrinking down waiting for the mare’s rebuttal.

On the screen Rarity placed her hooves together and rested her head on top of them, looking down to ensure her entire head was still in the video. “Oh those were intentional and sincere, because of curiosity and politeness.” The smile still firmly cemented on her face.

“I see…” Soul dropped his hooves and blinked rapidly, he thought through what he just heard and exhaled slightly.

“So, I want to ask you three simple yet important questions which will help me to evaluate and come to a conclusion on if you will get a honor of becoming my pupil. And of course if I will get the honor to become your tutor,” Rarity spoke with a mix of confidence and friendliness that was rare among any pony. “Just be natural, please.”

The stallion sat upright and tilted his head forward ever so slightly giving a nod and lifting a hoof to signify that he was going to speak. “Well it’s like art, nothing good comes out of forced effort.”

Rarity’s lips crawled slightly further upwards. “That is a very good first impression,” she expressed with a deep, professional tone and picked up her paper and pen, and slid on her reading glasses. “Also, I’m not very experienced with these interviews, so if there is something important you want to tell me but I don’t ask about, please tell me.” As she saw Soul nod, she cleared her throat. “Now, let us begin. First, something quite simple, why are you willing to become a fashion designer?”

“Ah.” Soul let out a sigh of relief as that was finally a question he was prepared for, but never dropped his smile. He fixed his posture and cleared his throat before speaking, “Because I’m willing to expand my skills as a designer further and want to experience something entirely different when it comes to execution. Fashion has… well, always been at least a small part of my life, because I’ve always carefully picked my clothes when I wear something. Recently, it’s become an even bigger interest to me, and when I heard there’s a chance I could become an artisan, I knew I wanted to take it.” Of course there was some hesitation, but Soul knew saying that wouldn’t do much good.

Rarity was nodding throughout Soul’s speech while her smile never dissipated. “Great attitude Soul,” she noted, which had that sincere tone to it. She looked at the paper she had out of frame again and asked the next question, “Next, what does fashion mean to you?”

Soul scrunched his eyebrows together and pouted his lips. That again wasn’t a question he had thought of. “What does fashion mean to me?” he repeated and started thinking, as he tried to gain some time. He knew couldn’t wait too long without saying a word. “Well…” He eventually spoke up and leaned against the table. “My view isn’t that different from designing other things, except I see it as a bigger thing than logo’s or posters. To me, clothes and fashion are kind of a way to show others what kind of style and things one likes, like favorite colors, shapes, accessories, music, lifestyle, societal views etcetera. But by no means should ponies be judged by clothes.”

Rarity put her hooves together and smiled brightly. “My, you certainly have the right perspective about this. This is very pleasant, a breath of fresh air,” she said, her voice was filled with excitement and there was a noticeable glimmer in her eyes.

“Oh thank you. Glad you think so.” Soul’s posture tightened, he sat up straight putting his hooves flat in his lap to look professional and presentable while hoping he looked open enough for the artisan’s taste.

“I do.” Rarity batted her eyes and fluffed her mane. “Now, I shall ask you the last and most important question. What is your dream? Your absolute goal? And how would becoming an artisan help you achieve it?” Rarity tensed up, leaning toward the screen as her forelegs crossed on the table as she awaited the reply.

Soul’s eyes grew wide and his heart started beating faster. “My goal?” he repeated again and rested his chin on his hooves. Another question he really should’ve thought of how to answer earlier, though he did know the answer, but just needed to put it into words. There wasn’t time to think, just improvise. He once again cleared his throat and spoke up, “My goal is... my goal is to one day become one of the most recognized Art Directors among designers and learn in as many area’s of designing as possible, and artisan is one of them. With artisan training, I would take a huge step to reaching that goal and of course, expand my knowledge of different areas... I’m confident I have a potential to reach my goal.” That was all he could think of, simply stated for his possible teacher.

Tres magnifique!” The mare clapped her hooves together while displaying an open mouth smile. “That’s all now and I can happily say that you’ve passed the interview as whole!”

Soul jolted his head back, a bit surprised. “Is that so?” He lifted and placed his hooves on the table, crossing them and grinning while slightly tense, a bit nervous from her quick, maybe even rushed decision. “Wow, that was… quick”

Rarity put the tips of her hooves together and rested her head on them looking at the stallion. “Well you see, behind all these questions there was only one trait I wanted to see if you had, and that is determination. You answered all my questions confidently and clearly. There was no hesitation in your responses, you stated that you wanted, you have strong views of this subject and you said you have potential, not that you may have some potential.”

“So… this means you are willing to take me as your apprentice?” He raised an eyebrow and narrowed his mouth, not taking his eyes off the screen as he held his breath awaiting a response.

Giving a nod and smile while removing her glasses she replied, “Yes. That is if a Canterlot citizen like yourself is willing to choose a humble, little town like Ponyville as a place to study.” She looked up and way bringing a hoof to her lips. “Though, I do suppose you wouldn’t even have contacted me if that were the case.”

Soul’s lips turned up and his hooves quickly on the table as he slightly sat up. “Oh, absolutely! You are actually the first one who has actually agreed to even consider this.”

“Oh really?” Her ears twitched and her eyebrows rose as she heard this.

While his face turned red Soul continued to speak, scratching his neck and drooping his ears. “Well to be honest, I was kinda on the edge on if I should contact you, especially after that little… invasion thing there.”

“Oh yes, that.” The mare drew her ears back and lowered her eyes. “Such an…” She looked about, holding off as she struggled to find the right words, her eyes darting around her room. “...unfortunate event.” After stating that, she quickly cleared her throat and put on a big smile again. “But Ponyville has risen from that and it thrives just as glamorously as before!”

The stallion let out a sigh of relief and let his hooves fall into his lap once more. “Good. Getting choked by a vine isn’t exactly my ideal way to get educated.”

Rarity let out a light laugh. “Certainly not.” Her horn glowed as she moved a curtain blind allowing a little more natural light in her room, out of Wild Soul’s sight. “But yes, I’m sure that with your determination and potential, you are a pony worthy of becoming a fashion designer and my apprentice.”

Soul rubbed his hooves together under the table and smiled up at the ceiling. “Rarity, that’s the best news of my day.” His eyes opened quickly and he looked down turning his head and pointed at the screen with his hoof. “Or, do you prefer just miss?”

The white mare immediately raised her hoof and slightly lifted her head higher with a smile. “You may use whichever you would like.”

Soul nodded. “Alright. I just wanted to make sure.”

“Yes, I understand mon ami.” She pulled over a notepad and quill with her magic, she dipped the quill in the ink before inquiring, “Oh, and may I ask your working hours tomorrow?”

“Working hours?” Soul once again repeated and drew his neck back, pulling his head back and his eyes opening a bit wider. “From seven to three. Why?”

Rarity wrote the times down on the parchment. “From seven to three,” she repeated and nodded. “Excellent, I’ll come to visit Canterlot Spectrum tomorrow at two o’clock?”

Soul stomach turned upside down, he felt as if his heart rose into his throat. “Wait, what?”

Rarity sat up straight and nodded, putting a hoof on her chest and closing her eyes. “I have planned to go to Canterlot to gather some new fabrics for my latest fashion line, so your time of contacting me was quite fitting.” Rarity crossed her hooves on the table and lifted her gaze with a smile. “I’ll get to discuss the details more with Ink and get to know my future apprentice better. The process will be much quicker that way too.”

He stretched his chin and looking away, Soul’s heart was still beating like a drum. “Huh… Well this was sudden.”

“Hmm?” Rarity tilted her head with a blank look on her face. “Is there a problem? I thought you wanted to proceed quickly with this too? Besides, I’m willing to meet you in person before I can be absolutely certain in my decision.”

Soul immediately turned to look back at Rarity and nodded a few times. “Absolutely, but there are a lot of arrangements I have to do. I haven’t even decided if I will move to Ponyville or stay in Canterlot and if I move to Ponyville, I obviously have to find an apartment and give up my recent one. Bits are also a problem; and well… There are other things I also have to think about....” Soul said with rather dull voice and looked outside his window in the distance.

The mare nodded again and placed her hooves folded her hooves over one another, as she leaned in and spoke softly. “That’s why I’ll come and meet you and Ink so we can discuss the arrangements. My botique wouldn’t last a day if I couldn’t think ahead.”

Soul slapped his head with his hoof and shook a little. “Ah, yes you are right.” Rubbing his head, he sighed. “I feel stupid now.”

“Don’t worry about it, I admit my pace might be...” She tapped her lips with her hoof again as she thought about her words. “ a bit quicker than most ponies. But regardless, is it fine by you if I visit tomorrow?”

“Well There definitely can’t be any harm for that.” The steed nodded, closing his eyes and lifting a hoof out to his side. “So, we will meet tomorrow, Rarity.”

Rarity straightened the papers on her desk and moved them to the side. “Excellent! We shall indeed. I’ll inform Ink and see if I can set up a meeting with him too.”

Soul nodded as a smile crept over his lips. “Sounds like a plan.”

Rarity nodded. “Perfect.” Last time she ficed her posture and smiled at the stallion whle waggling her hoof to him. “Ta ta, I shall see you tomorrow, Wild Soul.”

As the call ended, Soul took a deep breath in and waited for a moment before letting it out, sinking into his chair. Finally, there was a real chance for him, not to mention how quickly things were coming together. In one day’s time he’d know if he would get the position as an apprentice or not. Just thinking about it gave him goosebumps and a small lump formed in his throat, it didn’t take long before his excitement turned into slight anxiety when the image of Noble appeared in his mind. Soul never thought it would take this little time before he would get his first confirmation at the first possible place.

Of course, nothing was confirmed, she may still deny him as an apprentice. But if he gets approval from her, what is he supposed to tell Noble? “Hey buddy, yea um… I got a place and I’m moving out of town soon. Sorry to announce this out of blue, you know.”
But… since Ponyville isn’t a place that far away, it means that he could go there every day by train. Though... Soul knew that the possibility for that was very low but he was desperate and was looking for any possible solutions he could come up with. One thing was sure, when the time comes to break it to Noble it would be anything else but pleasant. The only thing he could do is to wait and hope for the best.