Starlight's Remark

by Bonk6

The Three Faces of Sunlight Glitter

Chapter Five: The Three Faces of Sunlight Glitter

"Graaaah-!!" The darkness is all around Discord as he tries to get it away, but he was taken by surprise. He falls face first to the floor, Sombra rising from the shadows and into his physical form. Discord lays there, unmoving.

Chrysalis cackles with delight. "You killed him! And I thought I was cruel~"

"He's not dead," Sombra mutters, now somewhat disappointed he got all that praise for nothing. "He's unconscious. When he wakes, he will be under my command."

"That sounds even better to me, mrahaha!" The Queen can barely contain her excitement; not only have they stopped the possible threat to each other, but they have just taken over in his place too! And she didn't even need to do her elaborate plan to takeover. "Of course, I'm assuming you don't plan to betray me right now, but you wouldn't do that hmm?"

Sombra's grumbling intensifies. "You can be useful.. Your changelings can have Canterlot, just leave me my empire."

"As you wish~"

"Nrrg.." Discord stirs, climbing slowly to his feet, eyes closed.

The King clears his throat, shifting his hooves to stand tall. "Discord, come with me. You will be my entertainment in the Crystal Empire."

Now standing tall himself, Discord breathes in. He appears to be more calm, his hands in loose fists. Then his eyes open, misty just as Sombra's are. "No." His paw swiftly points to the floor, the other two villains falling through it. The princesses nervously watch as he retakes his seat, arms on the armrests, shoulders broad. He raps his fingers against the ends, and when he cricks his neck, the princesses follow the others down below the ground.

Starlight sneaks through the newly installed Canterlot dungeons, past the various rowdy residents. "Shhh, quiet! I'll get you all out if you just shut up!" She has no intention of getting them all out. Chrysalis hisses at her from behind the bars. 'They're putting hideous monsters in here too?' The mare thinks to herself, going down the winding path until she finds her; Twilight Sparkle.

"You!" Starlight rushes to the pony, looking over the gate for a way of unlocking it. "We're leaving here, you better be ready to run if we're seen!"

The mare with the book cutie mark blinks, sitting upright. "Me? Why me? I'm just a regular old unicorn.. And anyways, the cells are magic proof, and I don't even know you!"

"It's you!" The new voice makes Starlight forget about Twilight for a moment, looking in the cell next to her at Sunset Shimmer. "What are you doing here? Celestia already decided that you weren't worthy, you can give up this pathetic hero act!"

A smug grin crosses Starlight's face, running her hoof over the bars. "Is that so? Isn't it strange how you were not only judged to be the same, but banished to another world? Why aaaare you back, anyways? Couldn't listen to her rules again, you little rebel you? I suppose some of us mature faster than others, Shimmer."

Sunset grits her teeth in anger. "I had a plan when I came back! I was going to rule all of Equestria, but I couldn't account for someone getting it before me, now could I?"

"Such a high expectation to have! A completely misguided one, but admirable, truly! I'll tell you what, after I fix the world, we'll see how far you get, alright? Now take it easy, I know how bad your hormones get, always throwing hissy fits like some teenage beasty."

That sets Shimmer off. Yelling insult after insult, she tries to dig away at Starlight's mocking smile. Though the Marxist mare ignores her ramblings, pulling a bobby pin from her mane to pick the lock on Twilight's door, swinging it open. "Hurry, Twilight. She's as loud as a siren, we may be heard and chased."

Hesitantly, the purple pony stands and nods, running with her back the way she came in.

Sombra runs at full force into the bars, releasing his animalistic roars of dismay.

"Calm yourself, Sombra dear. A tantrum won't help any." Chrysalis lays on her hooves casually, watching him struggle. "Can you not just shadow out the door?"

"Can you not just turn into a small animal and escape?" The King snarls back, banging some more.

"Our magic tricks may be countered by Discord's prison, but he does not know about the card up my sleeve. Patience, Sombra. I have already reached out through the hive link, my children will come."