And I Thought Dragons Loved Krystals!

by trahzo

Ch.4: Krystal Saves Spike!

"Find him! I want Humdrum's head on a plate! Then his arms as a side dish! Then his blood as what I'll use to wash my hooves!"

"Yes Mane-iac!"

As the minions ran by, Spike emerged from behind a curtain.

"(Alright, you're doing fine Spike, the comic book should be a few more floors!)" He thought to himself.

Meanwhile Krystal found the Castle of the 2 Sisters.

"*Gasp!* (Suspicious ponies! I betcha they have my Spike!)"

She hid behind a rock and eavesdropped on them.

"Mane-iac just got here! She refuses to let Humdrum impede her evil duties again! She says she wants that dragon's head, arms, and blood!"

"Quick, I think I saw him this way!"

"(No! Spike's in trouble! Guess I gotta save him again!)"

Since the 5 years Krystal's been chasing Spike,she's managed to rescue him on multiple occasions. Beating the day lights out of all of Spike's enemies! Sombra, Garble, the Diamond Dogs, Etc.! She had the freaking strength of Pucca whenever someone came along to threaten Spike's safety! And now, it's time to save him once again with that kind of power! Krystal sneaked behind a guard, then took him down silently. And then, she sneaked around to take down even more guards.


"Hey, how come you have apple juice? Not fair!" Said a guard.

"What? I don't have any apple juice."

"(Oh-no, they must be smelling the apple juice that Applejack spilled all over me!)"

Spike then redirected their attention by blowing a flame behind them.

"*Sniff!* Oh, now you're eating barbecue?"

"What? That isn't me!"

Then they turned around and saw the fire.

"Aaaah!" Then they ran until they ran into the wall and went out cold.


Then one of them pulled out a bottle of ketchup.

"Wait...what's he doing?"

Then the minion squirt ketchup on himself.

"(Pulling off the illusion of a murder? Moron!)"

Spike then hopped out of his hiding spot & then into the room where he left the comic book.

"Alright, if I burn the comic book, then they'll go back to Maretropolis!"

He then found the comic book, he was about to burn it until...


"Ha ha! Nice try Humdrum, but as always you'll never win!"

Spike was about to breathe fire until Mane-iac closed his mouth shut with her tendril like hair.

"I'm not really impressed on how you managed to defeat my minions. Thought, it's impressive how you came so far to die!"

That's when Krystal appeared as Mane-iac sharpened her tendrils to skewer Spike.


"Aww, your girlfriend has arrived to witness your defea..." That's when Mane-iac high 5'd a fist with her face! "*gasp!* Why you..." That's when Mane-iac dropped Spike and then tried to slap Krystal with her hair!

"(Now I'm gonna owe her a kiss after this, dang it! Oh well, better get to the Power Ponies comic book and burn it down!)" Spike crawled away as Krystal & Mane-iac fought!

"Give-up! You're out ma..." Then Krystal grabbed Mane-iac by the tail and slammed her onto the ground, causing the room to shake!

Spike made it to the comic book & burnt it down! Mane-iac turned around and saw what Spike had done.

"No...YOU DIDN'T!"

"Yeah, so what if I did? Come at me bro!" Spike referenced.

Mane-iac charged at Spike only to completely disappear!

"Phew! Now that that disaster is over with...(dang it.)" Spike then walked towards Krystal. "Guess I owe yah for saving me."

"*Giggle* Yes you do Spikey-Wikey!"

"(That's Rarity's nickname!) *Sigh*" Spike then closed his eyes and puckered his lips as he moved in to kiss Krystal's cheek.

That's when Krystal grabbed his head with both of her claws and kissed him on the lips!

"(*Sigh* She deserves this, if it weren't for her, I'd be dead.)"

"Now then, time for you to give me my juice."

"Oh snap no!"

That's when Krystal stuck out her reptilian tongue .

"Ah no! That's just wierd plus shouldn't we be getting back to the castle? I think our friends are all ready to celebrate when your sisters reunited!"

"Oh, right!"

Then after Spike dodged that bullet, they went back to the castle for the party.

"Race yah Spike, the anniversary cake, celebrating the day we began dating is waiting for us!" Krystal said as she began flying.

"I told you, I'm not your boyfriend!" Spike called out as he ran after Krystal.

The party was fun, Rarity meeting her human counterpart & trading secrets, Human Fluttershy hugging Pony Fluttershy tightly, Pinkie Pie wait, don't let those 2 meet! Oh-no, the 2 Pinkies are about to touch!

"That's when the entire universe blew-up and we all died!" Adult Spike told his children.

"Dad, you lied! We're still alive." Said a 5 year old dragon.

"No! It was true." Krystal replied.

"Yeah, whatever." The child said while giggling.

"Okay, get some sleep, you got school tomorrow."

"Okay mom & dad, good night."

Then as the 2 parents left their kid to sleep. They went to the exit of their cave to be met with a bright full moon.

"So...tomorrow marks the 10 year anniversary of our marriage...anything you wanna do?" Krystal asked.

"As long as I know you're here, with me...I don't care what we do, my hero."

Then they sat down next to each other, gazing at the stars. That's when the stars formed the words: The End, now get lost or I'll shoot you!