Trixies of the Trade

by StarkyShy

Chapter 4-Illusions and Imbeciles

“...Do I honestly have to wear this?” You asked, trying your best to ignore the lingerie Trixie was waving in front of your face.

“Yes, you do. This outfit is essential for the show.”

“But that’s for...” you began to protest, but Trixie interrupted.

“Do you want to be fired?” You cringed, sweat already forming on your forehead.

“No ma’am!” She smiled.

“Good. Now stay still.” You closed your eyes and prepared for the worst.

You know, I bet my brothers didn’t have to wear mare’s clothing...

You opened up your eyes and saw the outfit adorning your body. “Uughh...” I’m probably going to hate this. You took a quick peek out the caravan, and out in front, you saw the familiar face of your best friend, eagerly waiting for the show to start. Nope, I’m definitely going to hate this... “Trixie, is the show ready to start?” You sighed.

“Just about, Trixie will start it right now. Stay there and don’t go on stage until Trixie calls you out.”

The unicorn lifted a microphone to her mouth, cleared her throat, and began to shout in a loud booming voice.

“Behold, as The Great and Powerful Trixie performs the most powerful prestidigitation ever witnessed by pony eyes!”

It was the same thing she said yesterday, you assumed that she had rehearsed most of the show. You wonder how well it’s going to go with an assistant, you wondered what trick she was planning to have you assist with, and you also wondered if you looked pretty with the lingerie that was tight on your body. You watched Trixie appear in a puff of smoke on stage while you waited patiently from afar.

“Now, watch, as The Great and Powerful Trixie once again performs her awe-inspiring magic for this town!”

You watched from the back as she performed. Some of her tricks were basic, but the way she presented it was truly professional. After 10 minutes, you wondered if she was even going to call you.

“Now, Trixie will get her lovely assistant to demonstrate this next trick!” Did she just say ‘lovely’? That may have been a ‘lowly’...Yeah, definitely ‘lowly’.

Regardless, you rushed onto stage, nearly tripping in front of the crowd in nervousness. You weren’t exactly deathly afraid of public performances, but the fact that you were in mare’s clothing really wasn’t helping to calm your nerves. You could hear the laughter of the audience invading your ears.

“Now, Trixie’s assistant will get into the box and shall be sliced clean in half!” The mare said, dragging in the box she used earlier today, with the red stain still on there, and for some reason, there were even more crimson splatters on it.

...It’s not blood, it’s not blood, it’s not blood...

“Now, Trixie will open up the box, so that Trixie’s assistant can get in.” The opening on the top opened with a clunk and you were lifted up and dropped into the box. Landing with a loud thud, you stuck your head and hind hooves through the holes. As the lid closed, you curiously tried to break free, but to no avail. You looked up to the top of the stage, the giant sawblade magically spinning slowly.

“Observe, as Trixie cuts this stallion clean in half!”

You tried to keep a good poker face as the saw lowered, but your eyes kept trying to find your best friend, but you couldn’t find him in the position you were in. As the hum of the blade started to get louder, you actually paid attention to the magic Trixie was using on you. As the blade got closer, you felt your waist experiencing a warm tingle, you assumed it was your body separating. As your body split in two, it felt like your body was slowly being peeled apart, like a bandage being removed from your skin, minus the agonizing pain. As you were being ‘sliced’, you wondered about the condition of your innards.

Are they being held by magic, too? If the magic stopped, would I just stay like that or would I just pop back together? I-Oh hey, it’s done.

The silver blade had sliced clean through the block and your midsection. You turned your head to the audience, most of them had their jaws dropped in shock and awe. As you turned your head back, you noticed that your lower half was getting farther away from you.

“Now, is there anypony out there who doubts The Great and Powerful’s Trixie’s magic?”

You stretched your hooves, until you heard a voice from the audience.

“I do.”

Oh for-

Your best friend flew onto the stage, strutting a cocky and mischievous grin. “I think this is fake, these hooves clearly do not belong to your assistant.” This made Trixie raise an eyebrow. “Is that so? Well, I assure you that all of it is this stallion. You can prove it yourself.”

Your friend extended his feather-covered wings, and put one of them at the base of your hooves.

“No. No no no. Nononononononono.” You pleaded, shaking around in a desperate attempt to escape. You saw your friend get the biggest of smiles as he dragged his wings down your vulnerable hooves.

You bit your lip to stifle your laughter. You tried to kick your hooves away, but it only made the ticklish situation much more worse. As much as you tried to resist laughing, it only delayed the inevitable, as you felt his soft, light wings slowly trace down your hooves, making you burst out in an uproar of laughter.

“Bwahahahaha! Nohohohohohohoho! Stahahahahahahahap!” You burst out, but it only made him up the tickling pace. “Make him stahahahahahap! Gahahahahahahahahaha!” You could see him smile as he continued tickling. “Nyahahahahahahahahahaha! Heeheeheeheehahahaha!”

If he wasn’t your best friend, you’d kill him.

You thrashed your head around in ticklish agony as your friend mercilessly attacked your hind hooves, the torture continued for a full minute before Trixie finally did something.

“As you can see,” The unicorn interjected, “this stallion is cut clean in half. Now watch as Trixie put him back together!” Her horn began to glow, and you felt your body slowly reattach itself. Within seconds, you felt an electric tingle on your waist, and you soon felt your body become one again.

“And now..” She opened the box, and you gradually climbed out, stretching your body and glaring at your friend. As the audience applauded, there were fireworks going off the stage behind you.

It took all the willpower in your body not to rightfully punch him square in the face.

“And now, Trixie shall continue with her next trick!” She announced, blinking you backstage and your friend to his place in the audience. You sat down, sighing, waiting for your next appearance on stage.

You’ve assisted her in a few other magic acts, like being put in a barrel and getting stabbed repeatedly, having her pass completely through you, and even shrinking you. Each one you were happy to oblige. You did get the occasional 'lovely' or 'handsome' from her, but you assumed that it was just part of her showmareship act. But your feelings of affection to her still stood. If only you could tell her.

As the show ended, you eagerly waited to hear your performance result...