//------------------------------// // Prologue // Story: Beyond the Forest // by SparkofLightning //------------------------------// "What was that?" "I didn't know unicorns could do that." "I didn't either. Nothing like this has ever happened before. But I know it couldn't have been just me. It came from all three of us, joined together, in friendship." The tribal leaders and their second-in-commands all filed out of the cave with Commander Hurricane, the leader of the pegasus tribe, grumbling in the back with Private Pansy trying to cheer him up. They all made their way to the center of the field when Princess Platinum spoke up. "My word, that sure was something! In order to prevent this fiasco from happening ever again, we should unite our tribes in the name of friendship! Let's work together to keep those...those horrid creatures from appearing ever again!" Everyone except for Commander Hurricane and Private Pansy -who looked slightly nervous- nodded, but the others didn't notice. "Equestria!" Chancellor Pudding Head suddenly exclaimed. Everyone looked at her in surprise, but then they looked in various directions thoughtfully. "Equestria!" Smart Cookie eventually shouted. "Equestria!" both Clover the Clever and Princess Platinum chant at the same time. Everyone looked at the two remaining people standing there. Commander Hurricane seemed to be deep in thought, and Private Pansy hid behind her hair skittishly. Finally, the commander gave his answer. "I think I'll pass." The others' jaws dropped to the ground. "E-Excuse me?" Princess Platinum asked, turning a bit red. "You heard me." Commander Hurricane stomped closer to the angered princess. "I said 'I'll pass.'" "What?! Well, I'll have you know that you are making the dumbest, most insane choice of your life! We could finally be at peace, but you still insist on fighting? What is wrong with you?!" Clover the Clever put a hand on the princess's shoulder. "She's right! Why is it that you don't want us tribes to live in harmony? It's the best path to take if you want this rivalry to finally end!" Smart Cookie explained. Chancellor Pudding Head simply nodded. "If you really want to know, fine. I'll tell you. I believe that, unlike you, pegasi are soldiers. We are born weapons, we live as weapons, and we die as weapons. We are able to manipulate weather and defy gravity for what? Just so you could have a sunny day? Or maybe a stormy day? No! We deserve to do more! We can summon lightning, create tornadoes, and can travel at speeds you couldn't even dream to reach! You go ahead and live your pointless lives. Pegasi are going to live life as we should. We will remain powerful weapons that stop at nothing to expand our great kingdom and rule over everyone!" With that, the Commander flew off. Private Pansy, hesitantly looked at the remaining girls one last time, and said, "I'm sorry, but he's right. He always is." Before anyone could respond, the private took off to catch up with her commander, but they weren't out of the princess's magical reach. Her horn glowed light pink and slowly became darker. "Princess! Don't-" Clover the Clever started. "They deserve this!" Princess Platinum yelled as she shot the very thin beam of magic at both pegasi without their noticing. "That curse will spread like a terrible virus. Whichever pegasus they meet with will catch it, and soon it will spread all over their tribe. Hmph!" Princess Platinum stuck up her nose and crossed her arms. "Uh...What exactly does this spell of yours do?" asked Smart Cookie. "I simply gave them what they wanted." "Which is...?" Chancellor Pudding Head asked. "Well, they think that they're war ponies, so I cast a high level spell that made them what the commander described them as. They're now 'powerful beings who stop at nothing to expand their great kingdom and rule over everyone.' I interpreted that as them wanting to take over the world and constantly be at war, which is an evil that only a monster- a demon could think of! So, they're all cursed to be demons, and don't try to tell me to revoke the curse; it's irreversible." Chancellor Pudding Head, Smart Cookie, and Clover the Clever all were unsure of Princess Platinum's decision, but there was no use in arguing. The deed was done. ~Many centuries later~ A peach skinned, pastel green, pink, and blue haired unicorn walked to the throne room as she greeted many guards. Her tail never touched the floor as she walked through the long hallway, and her white horn extended passed the average unicorn's horn. After a few moments, she reached the doors to the throne room where a light blue and dark blue haired unicorn with an average sized white horn had stood guard in front of. His tail was very much shorter than hers, being the length of most other people's. "Good morning, Shining Armor. Any news?" she greeted. "Good morning, Princess Celestia. We've received reports on the flood that happened in Fillydelphia and everyone is okay, but they might need more money for repairs, Manehatten accepted the request to be the host of this year's Summer Sun Celebration, and the creatures of Everfree Forest seemed to have moved further away from Ponyville, which makes it easier for us to expand the nation into the abandoned parts of the Everfree Forest," Shining Armor listed and he followed Princess Celestia into the throne room. "Alright, then. We'll host a fundraiser for Fillydelphia next week, so we'll need to find the best party planners, bakers, clothes designers, and vendors out there. As for the expansion into the forest, I'll have Twilight and her friends to make sure the area's all clear so that we can begin as soon as possible. You can be the one to tell them if you want to." Shining Armor smiled, bowed, and headed off to the train station. Knock, knock "I'll be right there!" A unicorn with a purple horn, purple hair, and an average length purple tail walked over to the entrance of the currently closed library. She ran her hand through her hair, rubbed the tiredness out of her eyes, and opened the door. "Hey, Twilight!" a fluffy pink haired girl greeted her. The fluff of her hair made it seem like it stood up on its own, and her tail was about an inch from the ground. "Hey, Pinkie Pie. What's up?" Twilight motioned for Pinkie to go inside. "Well, I filled out all of the orders for today, and the bakery doesn't open until 9:30, so I had an hour and a half to spend hanging out with you guys! Do you want to go see what Applejack's up to? Oh! Oh! Or, we can see if Rarity's working on a new dress or something. Or-" "Pinkie. I'd love to hang out today, but I have a lot of reading to catch up on. Princess Celestia sent me new books imported from Saddlerabia! Isn't it exciting? Squee!" Pinkie listened as Twilight fantasized about what new things she could learn from the books until there was another knock on the door. "I'll be right there!" Twilight said as she made her way to the door. "Twilie!" "Shining Armor!" Twilight and Shining Armor shared a quick hug and then entered the library. "Hey, Shining Armor! How's Canterlot? Is it as fun as I think it is to live there everyday? How's Princess Celestia? How's Princess Luna? Also,-" "Pinkie! You're rambling again," Twilight said as Pinkie blushed and smiled apologetically. "Anyway," Twilight turned to Shining Armor, "what brings you here? Come for a visit?" "Unfortunately, I can't really stay for too long. I've just come to tell you that Princess Celestia requested that you and your friends check out a part of the Everfree Forest. Apparently, the animals have migrated from a large chunk of the front of the forest, so we're going to expand into the abandoned parts. Your job is simply to make sure that there are absolutely no animals living in the parts that a guard there will show you." "Yay! That sounds like fun! It's a harmless mission and we can all hang out!" Pinkie Pie excitedly stated. "Ugh! That means I need to put off reading those books," Twilight complained. Shining Armor chuckled. "Well, I'll be going back to Canterlot to take care of some calls. Oh, and Pinkie? Do you mind helping with a fundraiser for Fillydelphia?" "Sure, I'll help!" "Great! I'll send a list of all of the requirements in a day or two. Bye guys!" Shining Armor walked off to the train station after Twilight and Pinkie Pie said their goodbyes. "I guess we should go get the others," Twilight suggested. "Yep!" Pinkie agreed. Pinkie Pie and Twilight had informed their other two friends -a dark purple curly haired unicorn who's tail was slightly shorter than Pinkie's and a freckled blond girl who wore a Stetson and had a red ribbon tied to her tail- of what their mission was. They all grabbed their elements and headed for the forest. When they reached the Everfree Forest, they saw one of the royal guards waiting for them. "Good morning, Bearers of the Elements of Harmony. All of you are here, I presume," the guard said. "Yep. All four of us," Twilight confirmed. "Alright, then. Follow me, but try not to stray away from the group for your own safety." They nodded and followed the guard into the forest.