To dare or not to mare?

by Lime Overtime

I thought you were taller...

As the blue - maned mare regains her consciousness, she finds herself in a complete silence. The cave seems to be so quiet, that she is able to hear her own breath. Not only that, she can hear her heartbeat. Not being used to such quiet surroundings, she tries to break the silence up with her thoughts.

“Good, hearing the sound of my heart beat means that I’m still alive”

As she tries to open her eyes, the pain above her left eye hits her like a whip, so she unwillingly gasps in pain.

"The glass cuts are known to lead to that special kind of disturbing pain..."

She lets out a deep breath and opens her eyes. To her surprise, she finds herself laying not on her chest like she passed out, but on her back. Well, almost. She’s leaned on her back in a half-laying, half-sitting pose. What’s more, she is able to see in the once pitch dark cave.

“ What the… ” she thinks to herself as she tries to look around
“ A torch? The hell is a torch doinn here?”

As she reaches for the torch with her left hoof, she gets another surprise

“ Bandage? ”

Indeed her hoof seems to be carefully bandaged. Not only that, her chest is bandaged as well, her sunglasses are laying right next to her right hoof. The lenses from the glasses are shattered, but it seems like all the pieces are carefully collected into a pile. The mare decides to take a piece into her hoof.

“hmmm… They’re cleaned…”

The unicorn also notices that the lenses aren’t the only thing that seems to be cleaner. Her own fur should look a lot worse after such a fall, but it doesn’t look half as bad. Surely, there are some bruises, some dirt stains and blood drops here and there, but apart from all that and a few fur hairs sticking out here and there, she looks fine.
She suddenly notices a turquoise blanket, on which she is laying and she randomly decides to stroke it.

“ Oooh, so soft… Kind of reminds me of Octavia’s mane, her double conditioned, silky mane…”

As the white unicorn strokes the blanket, all focused, she keeps on trying to make out what happened to her. In that deep moment of concentration she, all of a sudden, hears a knock, continued by another one, and unexpectedly memories hit her like a thunderbolt.


The mare quickly turns her gaze in the direction of the continuous knocks. Her glance locks up with HIM.

Not too far from her, on a rock, that sticks out of the cave’s wall, she saw…

A pony.

The sound of knocks was made by the pony’s back hoofs, which were dangled by him. He was sitting on a rock, that was sticking out from a cave’s wall. The rock was a few feet higher than the white mare. This stranger had black fur, a green-ish / yellow-ish medium length mane. The manedo was really similar to Rainbow Dash’s, however his was crazier, messier. His legs were black, but his hoof tips and mouth were again in a green-ish / yellow-ish color, a bit darker than his mane. He was wearing a hoodie and hiding his eyes under pegasus goggles. The hoodie was as black as his fur, but the inside of the hood was red. The goggles were also in deep red shade.

Having noticed, that the injured mare regained her consciousness, the black pony jumped down from the wall and started walking towards the DJ. As he moved closer, the white mare noticed, that she had made a mistake in defining the pony’s gender, for it seemed like the black pony was also a female.

The black mare sat down right in front of the white one, facing her. With no expression on her face, with no words or movements, she just stared at the white pony’s face.

In the next few minutes, both mares did nothing accept staring at each other. No movements. No words. Just exchanging odd glares. At last, the silence was broken by the unicorn.

-Well, this certainly is awkward…
-Oh, good, you can talk

Raising her eyebrows, blue maned mare asked

-Why wouldn’t I be able to talk?

-Nah, you know, I just thought that after polishing up the rocky ground with your head, you would be… Well… Dead-er.

The red goggled mare gave her new friend a sneer. Hearing those words the other mare closed her eyes and snickered

- Ain’t no cave that would beat Vinyl Scratch that easily! – Shouted out the mare while opening one eye and pulling out her tongue.

-And ain’t no cave that would escape the wrath of her face... – quietly added the mare in a hoodie while covering her mouth with her hoof. Although she said it quietly, she said it loudly enough for Vinyl to hear. The two mares then exchanged their “I see what you did there” looks and started to laugh.

-Sooooo… Do ya, by any chance, know what time it is?
- Mmmmmm… I think It’s about 11, maybe 12 AM…
- You mean I was out for 1-2 hours?? – Asked the unicorn without hiding the alarmed expression from her face
- Try days…
- I was out a day?!
- Nope.
- Phewww…
- Two.
- ?!?!?!

As Vinyl’s jaw dropped, the black pony’s face got decorated with a simper

-Anyway… After I scrubbed you off of the ground and walls and patched you up, I heard some freakish tunes outside. I went out and found your amplifier, so you needn't worry about it. It’s right there next to the barrels of cider.

Saying that, the mare twitched her head in a direction where the huge, black amplifier, some wooden barrels filled with cider and about a dozen of apple pies were standing.

-Oh man, dude, you saved it!

- As for those barrels… Want me to crack them open while you go and put up some tunes?
- I’m right ahead of ya!

The DJ Jumped up on her hooves as if she was never hurt. However the expression on her face killed that sensation, as it reflected both satisfaction and pain. As she was dragging herself to her electronic wonder, she got an idea.

- Dude, you a dare-mare?
- How about I drag this barrel to ya, and we find out?

And once again the devilish smiles appeared on both of the faces.